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      • KCI등재

        쉬운 뉴스 nachrichtenleicht의 외국어 교육적 활용 방안 - 독일어 번역 및 문화 교육을 중심으로

        김경 ( Kim¸ Kyong ) 한국독일어문학회 2021 독일어문학 Vol.94 No.-

        독일에서는 기본법, 공공 기관 문서, 뉴스 등을 ‘쉬운 언어, 단순한 언어’로 표기하도록 권장한다. 이를 통해 시민들의 알 권리를 보장하고, 시민들이 사회 문제에 자신의 의견을 피력할 수 있도록 장려하고 있다. 이 논문의 목적은 '단순한 언어'의 언어적 특징을 살펴보고, 이 언어로 제작한 뉴스 nachrichtenleicht의 기사와 용어사전을 독일어 교육에 적용하는 방법을 모색하는 것이다. 또한 구글 번역기와 자신의 번역을 비교함으로써 학생들이 번역 작업에 용기를 갖도록 하고, 번역 수정본을 공유하여 학생들의 오류를 확인시킨다. 마지막으로 번역 결과물을 먼저 < PNU 독일어 학습사전 >에 탑재하고 궁극적으로는 네이버 독일어사전의 용례 및 백과사전 정보의 보강에 활용한다. 학생들의 nachrichtenleicht 뉴스 기사 및 용어사전 번역 과제를 분석하고, 번역 오류의 구체적인 유형에 대해서도 숙고한다. 두 가지의 번역 결과물 중에서 특히 용어사전의 번역은 독일 문화 및 지역학 관련 교육자료로 활용할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 네이버 독일어사전에서 이미 제공 중인 <라이프니츠-독일어연구소 신조어사전>의 백과사전 정보가 전문적, 체계적인 반면 nachrichtenleicht의 용어사전은 훨씬 평이한 수준으로 기존 자료의 쉬운 대안이 될 것이다. In Deutschland wird empfohlen, das Grundgesetz, Dokumente öffentlicher Einrichtungen, Nachrichten etc. in ‘leichter, einfacher Sprache’ abzufassen. Dadurch wird das Recht der Bürger auf Information gewährleistet und die Bürger werden ermutigt, ihre Meinung zu sozialen Fragen zu äußern. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die sprachlichen Eigenschaften der ‘einfachen Sprache’ zu betrachten und die in dieser Sprache erstellten Artikel und das Glossar von nachrichtenleicht auf den Deutschunterricht anzuwenden. Außerdem werden die Studenten durch den Vergleich ihrer eigenen Übersetzungen mit dem Google Übersetzer ermutigt, an ihren Übersetzungen zu arbeiten. Durch das Teilen von Übersetzungskorrekturen können die Studenten Fehler feststellen. Schließlich wird das Übersetzungsergebnis zunächst in das < PNU Deutsches Lernerwörterbuch > geladen und schließlich verwendet, um die Verwendungsbeispiele und enzyklopädischen Angaben des Naver Deutschen Wörterbuches zu verstärken. Die Übersetzungsaufgaben von Studenten, d.h. die Übersetzungen der Nachrichtenartikel und Glossare von nachrichtenleicht, werden analysiert und konkrete Typen von Übersetzungsfehlern ermittelt. Anhand der beiden Übersetzungsergebnissen wurde bestätigt, dass insbesondere die Übersetzung des Glossars als Unterrichtsmaterial zur deutschen Kultur und Landeskunde verwendet werden kann. Während die enzyklopädischen Angaben des Neologismuswörterbuchs des Leibniz-Deutschen Instituts, die bereits von Naver Deutsches Wörterbuch bereitgestellt werden, professionell und systematisch sind, hat das Glossar von nachrichtenleicht ein viel einfacheres Niveau und kann eine einfache Alternative zu bestehenden Daten sein.

      • KCI등재

        Perceptions and Functions of Korean Mianhada : Comparison with American English Sorry

        Yu. Kyong-Ae 한국사회언어학회 2017 사회언어학 Vol.25 No.2

        Yu, Kyong-Ae. 2017. “Perceptions and Functions of Korean Mianhada : Comparison with American English Sorry ”. The Sociolingusitc Journal of Korea 25(2), 197~224. Sociopragmatic and pragmalinguistic conventions for apology vary from culture to culture. While the illocutionary purpose of apologizing in English is “the speaker s sense of social obligation” (Wierzbicka 1987: 215~217) and Japanese sumimasen involves “social-self with a social alter” (Ide 1998: 524), this study argues that Korean mianhada is an apology from the speaker s moral perspective linked with collective-self. Employing Wierzbicka s (1987) Natural Semantic Metalanguage, this study discusses that sorry is a separate concept but mianhada is a nebulous concept mixed with other emotions, e.g., thank and love . In addition, presenting the examples from corpus-based dictionaries, COCA, and the Sejong 21 st Century Corpus, this study discusses that sorry is authentically used as indirect and ritualistic apologies while mianhada is used as direct, indirect, ritualistic and substantive apologies. Finally, distinguishing main functions of mianhada into a sincere apology, a pseudo-apology, gratitude, a request initiator, a preclosing signal, and a territory invasion signal to strangers, this study provides cultural and ethnographical explanations.

      • 폐주불사를 혼입한 콘크리트의 내구성에 관한 연구

        김태경,박정호,이정호,이주형,박제선,김연경,윤경구 강원대학교 석재복합신소재제품연구센터 1998 석재연 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        콘크리트 구조물은 자연적인 혹은 인위적인 온도의 상승, 강하로 인하여 동결-융해 작용을 받게 되어 구조물의 성능저하를 야기시킨다. 현대에 들어서면서 콘크리트의 내구특성을 파악하기 위한 연구적 요구가 증가되고 있다. 따라서 폐주물사 콘크리트를 실제 구조물에 적용하기 위해서는 내구특성에 대한 연구가 반드시 이루어져야 한다. 폐주물사를 혼입한 콘크리트의 내구특성을 파악하기 위한 동결-융해 실험은 폐주물사의 잔골재 치환율, 물-시멘트비, AE제 사용 여부를 주요 변수로 하여 실시하였다. 원형공시체를 제작하여, 동결-융해 시험기에 넣어 -18∼4℃로 급속 동결-융해를 진행시키면서 매 23싸이클마다 동탄성계수를 측정하였다. 실험결과 AE제를 첨가했을 때 물-시멘트비가 적을수록, 폐주물사의 치환율이 클수록 전반적으로 강도가 증가하는 것으로 나타났으며, 물-시멘트비가 증가함에 따라, AE제를 사용한 콘크리트가 동결-융해 저항성이 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 폐주물사 치환율이 50%일 때가 동결-융해 저항성이 가장 좋은 것으로 나타났으며 그 다음으로 25, 0% 순으로 저항성이 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 폐주물사 콘크리트가 내구성이 우수한 것으로 나타나 폐주물사를 콘크리트에 재활용 할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. Concrete structures has been deteriorated by the freezing and thawing due to temperature gap. This study was conducted to evaluate durability of concrete which are increasingly demanded recently. Therefore the research of durability must be executed for application of waste foundry sand concrete real structures. Concrete durability properties incorporating waste foundry sand was performed with the variable of W/C ratio, Sand/Waste foundry sand ratio and Air entrainment-Non air entrainment. Cylinder specimens were made and subjected to freezing and thawing cycle at -18℃ and 4℃. Dynamic modulus of elasticity were evaluated as F/T cycle increase. The results show that strength of concrete is increased the W/C ratio decrease, the Sand/Waste foundry sand ratio increase when the concrete contains AE agent and decreasing W/C ratio and AE concrete makes improved resistance of freezing and thawing improved. Especially, resistance of freezing and thawing is improved by Fine aggregate/Waste foundry sand ratio which is 50%, 25%, 0% in a row. Therefore it is turn out the waste foundry sand could be applied to concrete from the experiment.

      • Gene cloning and utility phophorylation assay of a protein-fused substrate for a highly sensitive detection of cdc2 protein kinase using a radioisotope detection technique for the development of a protein biochip

        Ko, Kyong-Cheol,Choi, Mi Hee,Park, Sang Hyun John Wiley Sons, Ltd. 2009 Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceutica Vol.52 No.4

        <P>The prototype of the cdc2 protein kinase in mammalian cells regulates its entry into mitosis by phosphorylating a group of key proteins in the major cell cycle transitions. In this study, using the mep45 gene encoding the 45 kDa major envelope protein (Mep45) of Selenomonas ruminantium, a rumen bacteria, a Mep45-fused substrate (PKTPKKAKKL-Mep45, MFS-cdc2) was cloned to detect the activity of cdc2 protein kinase. We report here on a strategy for the detection of a phosphorylation of a substrate catalyzed by cdc2 protein kinase by using a radioisotope detection technique. It is possible to constantly obtain a reasonable quantity of MFS-cdc2 for the cdc2 protein kinase assay and its cost can be as low as a synthesized peptide. Results of the study indicate that the Mep45-fused protein can be used effectively as a substrate for detecting the activity of cdc2 protein kinase and it can be used in developing a protein biochip for a high-throughput screening and also for studying protein–protein interactions. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.</P> <B>Graphic Abstract</B> <P>Gene cloning and utility phophorylation assay of a protein-fused substrate for a highly sensitive detection of cdc2 protein kinase using a radioisotope detection technique for the development of a protein biochip Kyong-Cheol Ko, Mi Hee Choi, Sang Hyun Park<SUP>*</SUP>Using the mep45 gene encoding the 45 kDa major envelope protein (Mep45) of Selenomonas ruminantium, a rumen bacteria, a Mep45-fused substrate (PKTPKKAKKL-Mep45, MFS-cdc2) was cloned to detect the activity of cdc2 protein kinase. We report here on a strategy for the detection of a phosphorylation of a substrate catalyzed by cdc2 protein kinase by using a radioisotope detection technique. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. <img src='wiley_img/03624803-2009-52-4-JLCR1579-gra001.gif' alt='wiley_img/03624803-2009-52-4-JLCR1579-gra001'> </P>

      • 초속경 LMC의 시험시공을 위한 시방배합 및 현장배합 연구

        윤경구,김성환,정원경,최성욱 강원대학교 부설 석재복합신소재 제품연구센터 2002 석재연 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        본 논문은 콘크리트 배합시 발생하는 과도한 기포 발생 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 최적의 소포제 종류 및 혼입률 범위를 산정하여 초속경 라텍스 개질 콘크리트 성능을 개선하는 것이다. 초속경 라텍스 개질 모르타르 실험은 4종류의 소포제 A, B, C, D와 혼입률 0, 1, 2, 3%을 주요 변수로 하여 실험을 수행하였으며, 초속경 라텍스 개질 모르타르 및 콘크리트의 특성을 분석하기 위하여 공기량 시험, 압축강도 및 휨강도 시험을 수행하였으며, 투수특성을 분석하기 위해서 염화이온 투과시험을 수행하였다. 초속경 라텍스 개질 모르타르의 공기량시험 결과 소포제 종류에 상관없이 소포제 혼입률 1%이상 첨가시 공기량은 50%이상 감소하였다. 또한, 소포제 첨가에 의한 기포발생량 감소에 의해서 압축강도의 증진을 이루었다. 초속경 라텍스 개질 콘크리트 실험은 모르타르 실험에서 우수한 특성을 나타낸 A, C 소포제로 선정하여 실험을 수행하였다. 초속경 라텍스 개질 콘크리트의 강도 특성에서는 A 소포제 혼입률 1%에서 압축강도 235 kgf/㎠, 휨강도는 조기 교통개방에 요구되는 휨강도 기준 45kgf/㎠를 초과하는 49kgf/㎠를 나타내었다. 초속경 라텍스 개질 콘크리트의 투수성을 분석하기 위한 염화이온투과시험에서 A 소포제는 각각 혼입률 1%, 2%에서 가장 우수한 투수저항성을 나타내어 재령 28일에서는 통과전하량이 100쿨롱 이하를 나타내어 불투수성을 나타내었다. The purpose of this study was to remove the excessive air foaming which was produced in mixing the RSLMC(latex-modified concrete with rapid-setting cement) by choosing the best antifoam agent type and the optimized quantity for performance improved RSLMC. A series of RSLMM(latex-modified mortar with rapid-setting cement) experiments were carried out as the basic for RSLMC with the main experimental variables such as antifiamer types (A, B, C, D), antifoamer contents (0, 1, 2, 3%), and latex contents (15%). A series of RSLMC experiments, also, were carried out with the similar main experimental variables but with the selected antifoamer types (A, C). Air content test and compressive, flexural tests were carried out to measure the improved properties of RSLMM and RSLMC. Chloride ion permeability test was carried out to estimate water permeability resistance. The results of RSLMM showed that the decrease of 50% air content was obtained by admixturing a antifoam agent by 1%. Two kinds and the optimized quantities of antifoam agent were selected for using in RSLMC. The results of RELMC were obtained at a latex content of 15% and an antifoam agent quantity of 1% with antifoamer A type. The compressive strength and flexural strength at 3 hours after RSLMC placement were 235 kgf/㎠ and 49kgf/㎠, respectively, which exceeded the flexural strength criterion of 45 kgf/㎠ in order to open the RSLMC placed to traffic. The rapid chloride permeability test was used to evaluate the permeability of RSLMC. The optimited quantity of antifoamer A and C type were 1% and 2% for the permeability test, respectively. The chloride permeability using A and C antifoamer at 28 days were below 100 coulombs, which was the permeability rating of negligible according to ASTM.

      • 淸潭 李重煥의 歷史認識과 國防地理論

        芮庚熙,金在漢 청주대학교 학술연구소 2007 淸大學術論集 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the historical consciousness and military geography of Yi Chung-Hwan's Taengniji. To achieve the purpose, the historical consciousness and national defense geography of Yi Chung-Hwan in Taengniji is analysed. The results of research are as below: 1. Yi Chung-Hwan had the historical consciousness, considering Chosun dynasty as a barbarian country in east Asian periphery and adhering toadyism to the Ming dynasty. Many gentlemen, including Yi Chung-Hwan, had such consciousness at that time of Chosun dynasty. Nevertheless Yi Chung-Hwan can be regarded as a scholar of military geography as well as a great thinker of the Chosun and Chinese dynasty. 2. Yi Chung-Hwan had considered the following places/regions as strategically significant for the national defense: (1) The Chul-Rung in Pyong An Province, Javi-Rung and Guwall Mountain in Hwang Hae Province. (2) The mountain fortresses from Oh-Kwan Mountain to Sung-Gue Mountain, and the long valley of Chun-Suk in Gae-Sung. (3) The chain fortresses along Sa-Hun, Nok-Bun and Buk-Jae and Mun-Su mountain; maritime strategic places such as Im-Jin river port, sea ports of Sung-Chun, Gap-Hwan and Sondol-Mok, Young-Jong island and Dae-Bu island. (4) as well as Chil-Gok mountain fortress and Jo-Rung ridge in Kyong-Sang Province. (5) The Wan-Do island and Bukpajung in Jin-Do island are considered also as strategic points to protect the southern region in Jeul-Ra Province.

      • 신규간호사의 역할개념 양상

        안은경,오경옥 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1996 충남의대잡지 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of the this study was to analyze nursing role conceptions and test the relationships between nursing role conceptions and general characteristics among selected new nurses. The subjects of this study were consisted of 106 practising new nurses. The data was collected from August 7 to 31, 1995. Subscale of Nursing Role Conceptions (Pieta, 1976) were used to measure bureaucratic, professional, and service role conceptions. Data were analyzed by SPSS/PC+ program. The result of this study were summarized as follows: 1. Score of normative role conception is higher than that of categorial role conception in three role conceptions (p<.01). In the normative&categorial role conceptions, three role conception score is high in sequence of service, professional, bureaucratic role conceptions (p<.01). 2. Baccalaureate graduates had significantly higher professional normative role conception scores (p<.05) and professional and service role discrepancies (p<.01); associate nurses had significantly higher professional categorial (p<.05) and service categorial role conception scores (p<.Ol) 3. There was no relationship between experiences and bureaucratic and service role conception. Professional normative role conception scores were gradually increased as experiences were increased but decreased after 10 months (p<.01). 4. There was a statistically significant increase in the categorial service role conception in the intensive care unit nurses (p<.05).There was a statistically increase in the service role discrepancy in the operating room nurses (p<.05). The findings indicates that degree of the discrepancy between normative and categorial role should be minimized. Therefore, further studies are necessary to repeat the longitudinal&qualitative research for exploring new nurses' role conceptions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일부농촌지역의 농약사용실태 및 농약중독 요인 조사

        이경민,송주희,장재혁,심수정,강양화,안재경,이숭호,박미영,정문호 대한보건협회 2002 대한보건연구 Vol.28 No.4

        Object The usage of agricultural chemical is on the increasing. Use of pesticides has increased agricultural production. However, negative externalities from such use have increased too. Pesticide poisoning is a major public problem. The purpose if this study is to find out the relationship between keeping the safety rules or protective equipments or attending safety education or dose of pesticides use , and poisoning experience. Methods For Gu, H.M. and Pack, S.G. study , we obtained questionnaire data concerning pesticides poisoming. A person interviews on 203 were conducted in two villages in Sinmeari and woulbonri Chunchun , Kangwon province, July 2002. Result 1. 144 people(70.9%) have sprayed pesticides and the rata of experiences of pesticide poisoning was 26% among 144. Spraying time of pesticides was 1-2 hours in 63.9% of farmers. Rate of using the protective equipment was 25.7% (protective clothes), 49.3% (Mask), 48.6 (Gloves), 7.0 (Protective glasses), 64.6% (boots) respectively. 2. Chi-square and multiple logistic regression analysis showed that Duration of spraying per day (<2hr) and using of mask(protective equipment)are significantly association with poisoning experience.(x^2=5.2684 p=0.0217, CI=0.140-0.5853 OR=0.346 p=0.0211 respectively). But no association between poisoning experience and keeping safety rule, attending of safety education. 3. Spraying pesticides. Duration of spraying pesticides, reading manuals and no spraying at fatigue (keeping safety rule) are significantly association with symptom experience(x^2=14.0621 p=0.0002, x^2=7.0639 p=0.0079, CI01.395-10.950 OR=3.908 p=0.0095, CI=0.101-0.726 OR=0.271 0.0094 respectively). But no association between symptom experience and protective equipments, attending of safety education.

      • 라덱스 혼입률에 따른 철근콘크리트의 휨파괴 거동특성

        정원경,김동호,이주형,임홍범,윤경구 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2002 産業技術硏究 Vol.22 No.A

        Reinforced concrete(R/C) is commonly used to structures because they have many merits that compressive strength, economy and so on. However, reinforced concrete has a crack at the tensile section which is due to the relatively lower tensile strength than its compressive strength. Latex modified concrete(LMC) has higher tensile and flexural strength than the ordinary portland cement, due to the interconnections of hydrated cement and aggregates by a film of latex particles. The purpose of this study was to investigate the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beam with latex modified concrete, having the main experimental variables such as concrete types(ordinary portland cement concrete, latex modified concrete), latex contents(0%, 15%), flexural steel ratios(0.012, 0.0235), and with/without shear reinforcement. The beam of LMC showed considerably higher initial cracking loads and ductility than that of OPC, but, similar to ultimate strength and deflection. This might be attributed to the interlocking of hydrated cement and aggregates by a film of latex particles, water retention due to hydrophobic, and colloidal properties of the latexes resulting in reduced water evaporation. The beam with latex modified concrete could be adopted at field for controlling and reducing the tensile crack due to its higher tensile strength.

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