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      • KCI등재

        외상후 스트레스 장애의 다면적 인성검사 특성

        은헌정,이선미,장광철 大韓神經精神醫學會 1994 신경정신의학 Vol.33 No.2

        본 연구는 외상후 스트레스 장애와 정상인을 의미있게 구별하여 주는 다면적 인성검사 반응 특성을 확인하고, 외상후 스트레스 장애군 내의 다면적 인성검사 프로화일 특성을 분류하고자 시도하였다. 연수 대상은 1991년 1월부터 1993년 3월까지 전주 예수병원에 입원 또는 외래로 내원한 외상후 스트레서 장애 환자 45명과 정상인 55명을 대상으로 하였다. 결과는 다음과 같다: 1) 외상후 스트레스 장애군이 L척도를 제외한 모든 척도에서 정상집단보다 의미있게 더 높은 점수를 보였다. 2) 판별 분석에서 두 집단을 잘 판별해주는 척도는 D, Mf, Pt,Si척도이고, 이 척도들은 외상후 스트레스 장애군을 88.9% 정확헤게 판별해 주었으며, 정상 대조군은 94.5% 정확하게 판별해주었다. 3) 외상후 스트레스 장애군의 다면적 인성검사 반응을 군집 분석한 결과 3개의 하위 집단이 추출되었다. a. 첫번째 집단은(54.3%) L, F, K척도의 프로화일이 역전된 'V' 형태이고 Hs, D, Hy, Pd , Pt, Sc척도의 점수가 60년에서 71점 사이의 점수를 보이고 있다. b. 두번째 집단은(36%) L, F, K척도의 점수가 47점에서 56점 사이의 범위를 보이고 있고, 모든 임상 척도가 42점에서 59점 사이의 점수를 보이고 있는 정상 프로화일이었다. c. 세번째 집단은 (11.1%) L, F, K척도가 56점에서 70점의 점수에 속하고, Mf척도를 제외한 모든 임상척도들이 60점에서 80점의 점수를 보이고 있다. 이러한 결과들은 다면적 인성검사가 외상후 스트레스 장애군을 구별하는데 신뢰할만한 판별력을 가진다는 것을 시사해 준다. This study was attempted to identify MMPI responses which significantly discriminate between the PTSD and the normal on the basis of MMPI scores. And it was designed to classify the types of MMPI profiles in the PTSD. Subjects were 55 healthy control and 45 PTSD who were inpatient or outpatient in Presbyterian Medical Center from January, 1991 to March, 1993. The results were as follows : 1) In MMPI subscales, except L scale, PTSD had significantly higher score than the normal group. 2) In discriminant analysis, it was D, Mf, Pt, ans Si that discriminate these two groups. Also, it classified 88.9% of PTSD group and 94.5% of normal group correctly. 3) Three subgroups were extracted from the PTSD by cluster analysis of MMPI. a. The first subgroups(54.3%) showed a profile which T score of L, F scale configured a reverted "V" pattern, and T scores of Hs, D, Hy, Pd, Pt, and Sc scale belonged to the range of 60 to 71 point. b. The second subgroup(36%) showed a normal profile which had L, F, and K scale with normal range of 47 to 56 T score and all clinical scales with 42 to 59 T score. c. The third subgroup(11.1%) showed a profile which had L, F, and K scale belonged to the range of 56 to 70 T score and all clinical scales belonged to the range of 60 to 80 T score except Mf scale. These findings suggest MMPI has a remarkable discriminant power in PTSD group.

      • 슈프락스 캅셀 (세픽심 100 mg)에 대한 세피린 캅셀의 생물학적 동등성

        정은주,강원구,권광일 충남대학교 약학대학 의약품개발연구소 1999 藥學論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Bioequivalence of two cefixime capsules, test drug (Cepirin^R capsule: Cheiljedang Corp.) and reference drug (Suprax^R capsule: Dong A Pharm. Com.), was evaluated according to the guidelines of Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). Sixteen healthy volunteers were divided randomly into two groups and administered the drug orally at the dose of 400mg as cefixime in a 2×2 crossover study. There was a 1-week washout period between the administrations. Blood samples were taken at predetermined time intervals for 12 hour and the plasma concentration of cefixime was determined with a HPLC method. AUC_0-12hr (area under the plasma concentration-time curve form time zero to 12 hour), C_max(maximum plasma drug concentration) and T_max (time to reach C_max) were estimated from the plasma drug concentration-time data. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed no difference in AUC1-12hr, C_max and T_max between the formulations. The apparent differences of these parameters between the formulations were less than 20% (i.e., 8.62, 11.10 and 0.00% for AUC_0-12hr C_max and T_max, respectively). The powers (1-β) for AUC_0-12hr C_max and T_max. Were over 0.9. Minimal detectable difference (Δ) at α=0.05, 1-β=0.8 were less than 20% (i.e., 12.84, 11.05 and 17.99% for AUC_0-12hr C_max and T_max, respectively). The 90% confidence intervals(delta) for these parameters were also within ±20% (i.e., -0.53≤δ≤17.76. 3.23≤δ 18.97 and -12.81≤δ≤12.81 for ACU_0-12hr C_max and T_max, respectively). These results satisfied the criteria of KFDA guideline for bioequivalence, indicating the two formulations of cefixime were bioequivlent.

      • KCI등재

        분만 전·후 사료급여 형태가 젖소의 생산성에 미치는 영향

        기광석,김현섭,이왕식,이현준,김상범,정하연,은정식,김용국 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2007 농업과학연구 Vol.34 No.2

        This experiment was carried out to protect drops of feed intake should be plural prepartum and postpartum to reduce metabolic diseases after calving to know how feeding systems, which is divided as a low quility, a high quility and total mixed rations(TMR), affects on postpartum productivity of Holistein cows. Three diets (low or high quality forage separately fed with concentrate and TMR containing high quality roughage) were fed to 21 cows from 3 weeks prepartum to 8 weeks postpartum to examine their effects on the productivity of cows. DM intakes was noticed significantly higher with TMR (17.11kg/day) than low- quality (13.48 kg/day) and high-quality forage (13.10kg/day). TDN and CP intakes were also higher with TMR compared to other experimental diets. Mean daily milk yield was non-significant among the cows fed different diets. Blood non-esterified fatty acids(NEFA) content was higher in cows fed low-quality or high-quality forage separately with concentrate compared with those fed TMR. The results concluded that TMR feeding to transitional cows is better than feeding the low or high quality forage separately for their health and productivity. 본 시험은 분만 전 3주부터 분만 후 3주까지 전환기라고 지칭되는 시기의 젖소들에 대한 대사적 변화를 최소화하기 위한 방법으로 사료 섭취량 저하를 방지하고 분만 후 대사성 질병의 발생을 줄이기 위한 목적으로 수행되어졌다. 대사성 질병에 관여하는 주요 요인으로는 건물섭취량, 혈중 glucose 함량, NEFA 함량, 반추위 환경, 면역 등인데, 분만 전·후 Holstein 젖소에 사료급여 형태를 조·농분리(저질 조사료와 양질 조사료 급여구) 및 TMR로 다르게 하였을 때 사료섭취량 변화와 혈중 NEFA 및 glucose 함량 변화를 측정하고 분만 후 젖소의 생산성에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 수행하였다. 처리별 사료건물 섭취량은 저질 조사료 조·농 분리, 양질조사료 조·농 분리, TMR 급여구에서 각각 13.48, 13.10, 17.11kg으로 TMR 급여구에서 유의성 있게 높았으며(P〈0.05), TDN 섭취량은 처리구별 각각 7.35, 7.19, 5.66kg으로 처리간에 차이가 없었다(P〉0.05). 신체충실지수(BCS)는 저질조사료구에서는 3.03이였으며, 양질 조사료구와 TMR 급여구에서는 각각 3.19, 3.16이었다. 분만후 1주부터 5주까지 측정한 평균 산유량은 저질조사료 조·농 분리, 양질 조사료 조·농 분리, TMR 급여구에서 각각 34.1, 35.1, 35.6kg 였으며, 분만 후 4∼5주에 최고 비유기에 달했다. 처리별 평균 유지율은 저질 조사료 조·농 분리, 양질 조사료 조·농 분리, TMR 급여구에서 각각 3.74, 3.68, 3.95%였다. 혈청내 NEFA 함량은 저질 조사료 조·농 분리, 양질 조사료 조·농 분리, TMR 급여구에서 각각 744.4, 381.8,266.7μEq/L로 처리간에 큰 차이를 보여 양질 조사료 급여와 TMR 급여시 혈중 NEFA 함량이 저질 조사료 급여에 이해 유의성 있게 낮았다(P〈0.05). 혈청내 glucose함량은 저질조사료 및 양질 조사료 조·농 분리, TMR 급여구에서 각각 39.3, 56.3, 62.4mg/dl로 양질 조사료 급여와 TMR 급여시 혈중 glucose 함량이 저질 조사료급여에 비해 유의성 있게 높았다(P〈0.05). 이상의 결과들을 종합해 볼 때, 분만 전 3주부터 분만 후 3주까지의 전환기 동안 사료섭취량 증가와 대사성 질병의 지표로서 혈중 NEFA 및glucose 함량 변화를 살펴 본 결과 분만 전 3주부터는 양질의 조사료나 TMR 형태로 급여하는 것이 사료섭취량 증가와 대사성 질병의 발생을 감소시킬 수 있을 것으로 사료되었다.

      • 위암세포에 의한 종양침윤 림프구의 면역반응 억제기전에 관한 연구

        박정규,송규상,서광선,최정목,배진선,장일성,윤완희,노승무,조은경,백태현 大韓免疫學會 1995 大韓免疫學會誌 Vol.17 No.3

        Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes ('1°ILs) interact most closely with tumor cells and thus are more likely to reflect tumor host interactions accurately. But it is unknown whether such T cells are nonspecific inflammatory cells or a subset of specific host immune responses. In this study, there was no clear correlation between the infiltration of T lymphocytes in stomach cancer and the overexpression of c-ErbB-2 or increasing class I MHC expression on tumor cells. A positive correlation was seen between the presence of TILs in the tumor and tumors with diploidy by flow cytometric DNA analysis. The proliferative responses of Ills stimulated with IL-2, anti-CD3 mAb, or both were examined. When compared to normal mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue lymphocytes, the proliferative response of TILs to high dose IL-2 was minimal. A similarly poor response to anti-CD3 mAb plus IL-2 was also observed. The freshly isolated TILs exhibit reduced ability to proliferate in response to IL-2, anti-CD3 mAb or both. The microenvironment of the tumor suppresses the proliferative capacity of the TILs. The mechanism of this suppression remains unknown. It could be mediated by suppressor cells, by soluble substances within the tumor, or both. To examine this question, supernatants of stomach cancer cells (SNSNU-1) were tested for the presence of immunosuppressive factors. Human peripheral blood T-cells and tumor-draining lymph node lymphocytes (TDLNL) were incubated for 3 days with SNSNU-1 and then assessed for proliferative responses to PMA, anti-CD28 mAb, or both and for the inducibility to express IFN- r or IL-4 mRNA to PMA. Peripheral blood T-cells pretreated with SNSNU-1 were unable to proliferate in response to PMA, anti-CD28 mAb or both. SNSNU-1 also produces inhibitory activities of TDLNL proliferative response to PMA or anti-CD28 mAb and PMA (49%, 52%, respectively). In contrast, culture supernatants obtained from HEp-2, K562 or Daudi showed normal proliferative responsiveness of peripheral blood T-cells and TDLNL by PMA, anti-CD28 mAb or both.

      • 공기 제습용 무기막의 제조 및 특성

        김정은,김병문,송근호,장화익,이광래 강원대학교 산업기술연구소 2006 産業技術硏究 Vol.26 No.B

        Recently, the humidity adjustment of indoor air is of great importance in air conditioning system as a applied, in buildings, vehicles, and containers for storage and transport of perishable products. Membrane dehumidification or air is potentially attractive because it offers low capital and operating costs, along with low energy consumption. And membrane dehumidification process attracted the attention of the public instead of the other dehumidification processes, such as adsorption, absorption, and refrigeration cycles and so on. In this study, the prepared hydrophilic inorganic membrane-based dehumidifiers (membrane air dehumidification) examined the performance of dehumidification. The surface-modified inorganic membrane prepared in this study showed high dehumidification efficiency (over 80%). Thc membrane might be very useful for dehumidification industries.

      • 결핵균 30 kDa 항원과 Triton X-100 Solubilized Protein 항원에 의한 대장암 주변 림프절 단핵구의 활성화

        박정규,김광호,조은경,임재현,민들레,송영자,김화중,백태현 忠南大學校 癌共同硏究所 1998 癌共同硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.2 No.1

        Tumor-draining lymph node mononuclear (TDLMN) cells are specifically sensitized to the growing tumor but such cells are deficient for mediating an antitumor response. In this study, we examined the feasibility of using mycobacterial 30 kDa or Triton X-100 solubilized protein (TSP) antigen to stimulate mononuclear cells of colon cancer-draining lymph node for the generation of cell mediated immune effector cells. The proliferative response of TDLMN cells stimulated with mycobacterial 30 kDa or TSP antigen was determined by ^(3)H-thymidine incorporation assay. The proliferation of TDLMN cells to mycobacterial 30 kDa or TSP antigen was significantly increased in PPD (+) patients, but a poor response to the 30 kDa or TSP antigen was observed in PPD (-). The expression on γδ T cells to mycobacterial 30 kDa or TSP antigen was assessed by flow cytometry. The γδ T cells from PPD ( + ) patient responded only to 30 kDa antigen but to TSP antigen. An investigation of cytokine mRNA expression was undertaken using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to follow TDLMN cells stimulated with the 30 kDa or TSP antigens for 5 days. The IFN-γ and TNF-α mRNA expression was only induced in TDLMN cells of PPD ( + ) patient in response to the 30 kDa or TSP antigen. The IL-2 mRNA expression was induced in both PPD (+) and PPD (-) in response to the 30 kDa or TSP antigen. But the IL-4 mRNA expression was not induced in response to the 30 kDa or TSP antigen. These results suggest that the 30 kDa and TSP antigens may serve as biologic response modifier for the generation of cell mediated immune effector cells.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        제1형 당뇨병 환자에서 췌도세포 동종이식의 반복시행

        양태영,정인경,서인아,오은영,조건영,오승훈,김성주,정재훈,민용기,이명식,이문규,김광원,도영수,주성욱 대한당뇨병학회 2002 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.24 No.4

        연구배경:췌도세포 이식은 시술이 간편하고 안전하기 때문에 반복이식이 가능하여 그 동안 여러 센터에서 반복이식의 성공을 보고한 바 있다. 국내에서도 본 병원을 비롯하여 몇몇 센터에서 췌도세포 이식이 활발히 시도되고 있으나 사람에서의 동종이식 및 동종 이식의 반복시행은 보고된 바 없는 실정이다. 저자 등은 국내 최초로 췌도세포 동종이식을 시행하여, 혈청 C­펩타이드가 증가하고 인슐린 요구량이 감소하였으며, 혈당농도와 당화혈색소의 안정을 보였다. 그러나 이식 70일 후 다시 인슐린 요구량이 증가하고 C­펩타이드가 감소하여 췌도세포 이식을 다시 시행한 바 있다. 2차 이식 후 70여일이 지난 현재 다시 혈청 C­펩타이드가 증가하고, 인슐린 요구량이 더 감소되어 췌도세포 이식에서 반복 시행의 유용성을 보고하는 바이다. 방법:환자는 32세 남자로 17년전 당뇨병 진단 후 인슐린 치료 중이었으며, 3년전 부터는 만성신부전증으로 혈액툭석을 하고있었다. 1999년 12월 25일 신장이식을 하였고 3일 후 췌도이식을 하였으며, 두번째 이식은 70일 후 시행하였다. 췌도분리는 변형된 Recordi방법과 비연속성 자당 농도차(discontinuous density gradient)를 이용하였으며 분리한 췌도는 배양 후 환자의 신장기능이 정상화되고 미생물학 검사에서 음성을 확인한 후 경피경간으로 간문맥을 접근하여 16G 폴리 에틸렌 카테터를 이용하여 간실질에 이식하였다. 결과:1차 췌도이식시 순수분리전 췌도수는 210,000개, 순수분리후 획득한 췌도수는 90,000개, 순도 95%, 세포양 1.0mL 이었고, 2차 췌도이식시 순수분리전 췌도수는 420,000개, 순수분리후 획득한 췌도수는 370,000개, 순도 95%, 세포양 1.5mL 이었다. 1,2차 모두 간문맥을 통해 약 20분에 걸쳐 간실질에 주입하였다. 췌도이식전 인슐린요구량은 75∼75U/일, HbA1e 8∼10%, C­펩타이드 0.6ng/mL 였으며, 1차 췌도이식수 7일째 인슐린 요구량은 40U/일, C­펩타이드 1.5ng/mL, FPS 109mg/mL 였고, 40일 추적관찰 후 인슐린 요구량이 36U/일, C­펩타이드 1.8ng/mL, HbA1e 6.5∼7.0%로 안정되었다. 그러나 이식 50일째부터 인슐린 요구량이 50∼56U/일, C­펩타이드 0.6ng/mL, FPS 130∼200mg/dL로 혈당 조절이 불안정하여 다시 췌도이식을 시행하였다. 2차 이식후 50일이 경과한 현재, 인슐린 요구량은 26U/일, C­펩타이드 1.8ng/mL, FPS 90∼120mg/dL로 다시 안정되었다. 결론:췌도이식은 반복이식이 가능하며, 본 환자의 경우 인슐린요구량 감소, 혈당의 안정화 및 C­펩타이드가 상승하여 이식한 췌도의 기능을 확인할 수 있었고, 향후 스테로이드 등 면역억제가 유지 용량으로 감량되면 인슐린 요구량은 더 감소될 것으로 기대된다. Over the past 20 years, significant advances have been made in human islet transplantation. However, cases of prolonged insulin independence after islet allotransplantation have rarely been reported and over time, a slight, gradual decrease in insulin secretion appears to occur, as suggested by the lower C-peptide. Although preliminary clinical success achieved over the past few years has been considerably higher with whole pancreatic transplant than with isolated islet grafts, both approaches remain experimental. Islet grafts might gain, over time, increasing credibility and might eventually provide an easier alternative in terms of grafting procedures and patient management, as compared with the more "traumatizing" whole-pancreas transplantation. Also, using islet, re-transplantation is possible. But it is not known whether re-transplantation of islet could be suitable for those patients who lost grafted islet function. The aim of the present study was to investigate the benefits of re-transplantation of islet in previously simultaneous islets-kidney transplant (SIK) patient who have lost graft function. Methods : The recipient was a 32 year old male. First islet transplantation was underwent at December 25, 1999. However, the grafted islets lost function after 70 days. So we performed re-transplantation of islets. The isolation of islet was conducted sterilely on a laminarflow hood and isolated by a modified Recordimethod. The islet was injected slowly into the liver via a cannular placed in the potalvein for 20 minutes. Results : Transplanted islets were 90,000 IEq at first islet transplantation, 370,000 IEq at second islet transplantation. The insulin requirement was reduced from 75-85 to 35-40 U/day, the basal C-peptide level was 1.5 ng/mL at 7 days posttransplant Unfortunately, the grafted islets lost function after 70 days. After second transplantation, the insulin requirement was reduced to 26 U/day. Conclusions : Despite the continuous need for exogenous insulin therapy, islet transplantation can prevent wide glucose fluctuations, thus resulting in normalization of glycemic control and improvement in HbAlc, and also, show that islets can be successfully and safely re-transplanted intraportally in patients who have lost previously grafted islet function (J Kor Diabetes Asso 457~466, 2000).

      • 菜蔬類의 原形質體融合에 관한 硏究

        李炳基,殷鍾旋,高正愛,韓光洙 전북대학교 유전공학연구소 1988 遺傳工學硏究所報 Vol.1 No.1

        This study was carried out to investigate the optimal conditions for producing somatic cell hybrids of vegetables. The conditions investigated are enzyme concentrations and duration of treatment for isolation of protoplast, concentration of PEG 4000 for fusion of isolated protoplasts, and viability of isolated protoplasts and fused protoplasts. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The size of onion protoplasts which are isolated from white mesophyll tissue is 52.6μm. The size of welsh onion and nanking shallot protoplasts is almost uniform (about 45μm) but the size of tomato and potato protoplasts isolated from callus tissue is various(21 to 86μm). 2. The optimal conc. of enzyme for isolation of protoplasts in the mesophyll tissue of radish, chinese cabbage, welsh onionm, and nanking ahallot are 0.5% macerozyme and 1.0% cellulase. While the onion is 0.5% macerozyme and 1.5% cellulase. 3. The optimal duration of enzyme treatment for produced intact protoplasts were 4hr in chinese cabbage, 5hr in radish, 3hr in welsh onion, and 2hr in nanking shallot and onion respectively. 4. Isolated protoplasts from mesophyll tissus were fused easily and produced the hetero-karyon with 25-35% PEG 4000 in inter-or intraspecies, while protoplasts of tomato and potato derived from cell were not fused easily. 5. The isolated protoplasts were viable until 1-2 days duration of culture, after 3-4 days they were died. The fused protoplasts regenerate cell wall in 1-2 days, while cell division and morphological changes were not observed.

      • KCI등재

        배·급수 시스템에서 부식방지제의 적용 평가 연구

        우달식,문정기,구성은,최종헌,김주환,문광순 대한상하수도학회 2003 상하수도학회지 Vol.17 No.5

        This study evaluated the effect of the corrosion inhibitors on the corrosion control performance in drinking water distribution system. A phosphate-zinc based inhibitor formulated was for the efficient corrosion control in drinking water distribution system. In a continuous-circulation test, 99% reduction in corrosion rate was achieved. The optimum concentration of the corrosion inhibitor was found to be 2.2㎎ PO₄/L. The effect of the corrosion inhibitor was significant for the pipes of carbon steel, galvanized steel and copper, but less for that of stainless steel. The corrosion inhibitor can be an effective cure for corrosion and red water problems by prevention the old pipes from further corrosion. Tap water in Mokpo and Kwangyang were more corrosive than the water in the rest of 4 other regions(Seoul, Pohang, Pusan, Puyeo). Tap water in Pusan was high in various ionic concentrations in general. The corrosion inhibitor reduced the corrosion rate by 76-94%, depending on the origin of the tap water.

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