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        Statistical Analysis on the Emotion Effects of Academic Achievement

        Heung Kou, Young Chun Ko 조선대학교 기초과학연구원 2016 조선자연과학논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the emotion effects on academic achievement for university students. The results are as follows. Resulting on the each emotions difference by the statistical variables, anxiety scores by gender showed a significant difference in the p<.01 level(F=7.685). The males anxiety(2.478, standard deviation: 0.180) had significantly lower scores than females(3.076, standard deviation: 0.168). But fear, anger, activity, and sociability scores were not significantly different respectively between male and female students. To see the emotions effect of academic achievement, the analysis method of the linear regression line was used. As the result, anxiety, fear, anger, activity, and sociability did not significantly influence academic achievement. And so unlike previous methods, the analysis method of the quadratic regression curve was used. As the result, anxiety, fear, anger, activity, and sociability showed did significantly influence academic achievement respectively within 5% of statistical significance level, to more than F=3.06. Therefore, the values on academic achievement of the each anxiety, fear, anger, activity, and sociability showed a quadratic regression curve. That is, [Academic achievement]=-0.9685×[Anxiety]2+5.1342× [Anxiety]+8.2679,[Academic achievement]= -1.0638×[Fear]2+5.5694×[Fear]+7.5635,[Academic achievement]=-1.3497×[Anger]2+9.1284× [Anger]+0.6720,[Academic achievement]=-1.0589×[Activity]2+7.4386×[Activity]+1.8272,[Academic achievement]=-1.6830× [Sociability]2+11.2325× [Sociability]-3.8258. Therefore, we were able to determine the following conclusions. First, we were able to predict the degree of academic achievement by the each emotions scale. Second, when the each emotion scores of students was a moderate, the academic achievement was most excellent. So, in order for the students to become higher academic achievement, the maintenance of medium degree of the each emotions scores is required.

      • KCI등재후보

        Statistical Analysis on the Emotion Effects of Academic Achievement

        Kou, Heung,Ko, Young Chun The Basic Science Institute Chosun University 2016 조선자연과학논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the emotion effects on academic achievement for university students. The results are as follows. Resulting on the each emotions difference by the statistical variables, anxiety scores by gender showed a significant difference in the p<.01 level(F=7.685). The males anxiety(2.478, standard deviation: 0.180) had significantly lower scores than females(3.076, standard deviation: 0.168). But fear, anger, activity, and sociability scores were not significantly different respectively between male and female students. To see the emotions effect of academic achievement, the analysis method of the linear regression line was used. As the result, anxiety, fear, anger, activity, and sociability did not significantly influence academic achievement. And so unlike previous methods, the analysis method of the quadratic regression curve was used. As the result, anxiety, fear, anger, activity, and sociability showed did significantly influence academic achievement respectively within 5% of statistical significance level, to more than F=3.06. Therefore, the values on academic achievement of the each anxiety, fear, anger, activity, and sociability showed a quadratic regression curve. That is, [Academic achievement]=$-0.9685{\times}[Anxiety]^2+5.1342{\times}[Anxiety]+8.2679$,[Academic achievement]=$-1.0638{\times}[Fear]^2+5.5694{\times}[Fear]+7.5635$,[Academic achievement]=$-1.3497{\times}[Anger]^2+9.1284{\times}[Anger]+0.6720$,[Academic achievement]=$-1.0589{\times}[Activity]^2+7.4386{\times}[Activity]+1.8272$,[Academic achievement]=$-1.6830{\times}[Sociability]^2+11.2325{\times}[Sociability]-3.8258$. Therefore, we were able to determine the following conclusions. First, we were able to predict the degree of academic achievement by the each emotions scale. Second, when the each emotion scores of students was a moderate, the academic achievement was most excellent. So, in order for the students to become higher academic achievement, the maintenance of medium degree of the each emotions scores is required.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        잠수공(潛水孔) 수로를 가진 유회수기 개발

        고흥(Heung Kou) 대한기계학회 2010 大韓機械學會論文集B Vol.34 No.5

        사고로 해양에 유입된 기름을 제거하는 대표적인 방법은 기계적 회수, 화학적인 처리, 수면소각, 미생물에 의한 분해 등이 있으나, 2차오염의 가능성을 방지할 수 있는 기계적인 회수법이 최상으로 생각된다. 기계적 유회수 형태는 벨트, 디스크, Weir, Vortex, 흡입, 드럼, 브러쉬 방식 등이 있다. 저자는 합목적적인 방법으로 회수능력을 개선할 수 있는 실험을 위한 잠수공 모델을 만들었다. 본 스키머의 원리는 외부 액체(물과 기름)를 스키머에 유입시키면, 비중 차에 의해 기름은 뜨고 물은 가라앉는 것이다. 본 스키머는 탱크 바닥의 잠수공으로 물은 빠져나가 스키머 내에 물은 최소로 남고 기름은 모아 회수하는 위어타입의 혁신적인 것이다. 유회수량과 유회수율을 결과로 보였다. 유회수율은 1차 집유탱크의 기름층이 두꺼워지면 증가한다. Representative methods for removing spilled oil include mechanical skimming, chemical treatment, burning at the surface of the spilled oil, and microbiological degradation. Among these methods, mechanical skimmer is the most efficient. Mechanical skimming can be classified into the following categories: belt-type, disk-type, weir-type, drum-type. We designed models with a submerged orifice for use in our experiments, for an objective and systematic evaluation of the recovery efficiency of mechanical skimming. Basically, oil is lighter than seawater and hence tends to float on the surface of the latter if there is sufficient time for floating. The present skimmer is kind of wear-type with the submerged orifice for seawater to be squeezed through, minimizing water content in the tank. From the experimental results, we identify the parameters that influence the oil recovery rate and recovery efficiency. The recovery efficiency can be enhanced by increasing the thickness of the oil layer in the first oil accumulative tank.

      • 잠수공(潛水孔) 수로를 가진 유회수기 개발

        고흥(Kou Heung) 대한기계학회 2009 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2009 No.5

        Representative ways of control in eradicating the spilled oil are mechanical skimming, chemical treatment, burning in the surface, and microbiological breakup. However, we think that mechanical skimming ways are the best. Those are Belt type, Disk type, Weir type, Vorex type, Inhalation type, Drum type and etc. And we have made models for experimentations so that we could prove recovery abilities in objective and systematic ways. The basic principle is light oil float to surface in heavier sea water if time is given sufficient for floating. The present skimmer is kind of weer type with the bottom-submerged orifice for water to be squeezed through, minimizing water content in the tank. Cascading two tanks of the same weir type in series is what makes the design innovation. Experimental results show which parameters given the oil recovery rate and efficiency. The recovery efficiency can be raised as much as desired by simply thickening the oil layer in the first tank.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        从先秦士人审美观看当下中国书法美学建构的 得失与反思

        상정(Zheng Chang),고흥(Heung KOU) 한국서예학회 2023 서예학연구 Vol.42 No.-

        중국 고대 학자들은 서예 미학의 주체로 한자를 매개로 이 독특한 동양 미학적 특성을 지닌 서예의 지속적인 발전을 촉진했다. 고대 학자들은 선진철학의 변증법적 사고에 대해 깊이 알고 있으며, 명작의 문예사상(文藝思想)과 역대문론(歷代文論)은 그들의 서예 미적 개념을 직간접적으로 형성했다. 중국 고대 선진 서적의 철학 개념과 철학 범주는 현재 중국 서예 미학의 구성에 대한 높은 옥건힐의 사상적 지도 역할을 했으며, 선진 학자들의 심미관은 모든 예술의 메타 범주라고 할 수 있으며, 현재의 서예 학자들은 충분히 흡수하고 참고해야 한다. 따라서 중국 서예 미학의 학문적 시스템 구축은 고대 학자 전통에서 서예 미학의 개념을 배우는 데 특히 중요하다. 현재 서예 미학은 서양의 강력한 과학적 인식 체계와 달리 중국 서예 미학의 구축에는 여전히 많은 문제가 있다. 현재 서예 미학의 정확한 구축은 명확한 인식이 있어야 할 뿐만 아니라 중국 고대 지식 시스템과 학자 전통 미학에 대한 깊은 이해 하에 발전해야 하며, 혼탁한 인문 지식 시스템을 위주로 해야 한다. 이것이 오늘날 서예 미학의 구성을 진정으로 확립하여 학리화(學理化)로 나아가는 길이다. 최근 몇 년 동안 중국 서예 학자들은 서양 학문의 틀로 중국 서예 예술을 해석하는 경향이 있으며 선진 철학의 미적 개념의 깊이와 의미적 함의가 상대적으로 부족하고 깊이와 폭이 부족하다. 이 기사는 중국 서예 미학 분야의 건설에 중점을 두고 중국 서예 미학의 학문적 경향의 득실을 충분히 분석하는데 큰 의미가 있다. As the main representatives of calligraphy aesthetic activities, ancient Chinese intellectuals used Chinese characters as the medium to promote the continuous development of this unique oriental aesthetic characteristic of calligraphy. Ancient intellectuals understood the dialectical thinking of philosophy in the Qin Dynasty, and the literary and artistic thoughts in many famous works and the literary theories of the past dynasties even indirectly or directly shaped their aesthetic concepts of calligraphy. The philosophical concepts and philosophical categories in ancient Chinese classics have played a leading role in the construction of contemporary Chinese calligraphy aesthetics. It can be said that the aesthetics of ancient intellectuals is the original category of all art, and current calligraphy scholars should fully absorb and learn from it. Therefore, the construction of the discipline system of Chinese calligraphy aesthetics is particularly important for learning from ancient calligraphy aesthetics. The current aesthetics of calligraphy is different from the powerful scientific cognition system in the West. There are still many problems in the construction of aesthetics of Chinese calligraphy. The accurate construction of aesthetics of calligraphy requires not only a clear understanding, but also a deep understanding of ancient Chinese knowledge systems and literati traditions. Developed under the aesthetic consideration of calligraphy, and based on the integrated humanistic knowledge system, this is the only way to truly establish the current calligraphy aesthetics construction towards discipline and theory. In recent years, Chinese calligraphy scholars tend to interpret Chinese calligraphy art within the framework of Western culture, and are relatively lacking in understanding the depth of aesthetic concepts and artistic conception of Qin Dynasty philosophy, lacking in depth and breadth. This paper focuses on the construction of the discipline of Chinese calligraphy aesthetics, and analyzes the “gain and loss” of the academic tendency of Chinese calligraphy aesthetics, which is of great significance. 中国古代士人作为书法审美活动的主体,他们以汉字为媒介,推动着这一独具东方美学特色的书法艺术不断向前发展。古代士人深谙先秦哲学的辩证思维,诸思想名著中的文艺思想和历代文论更是间接或直接的塑造了他们的书法审美观念。中国古代先秦典籍中的哲学观念和哲学范畴更是对当下中国书法美学的建构起到了高屋建瓴的思想引领,可以说先秦士人审美观是一切艺术的元范畴,当下的书法学者应当充分的吸收、借鉴。因此,中国书法美学的学科体系建构对于借鉴古代士人传统下的书法审美观尤为重要。当下书法美学不同于西方强大的科学认知体系,中国书法美学建构仍存在着诸多问题,对当下书法美学的准确建构不仅要有清醒的认知,而且必须在深入了解中国古代知识系统和士人传统的审美观照下开展,并以浑融一体的人文知识系统为主,这才是真正确立当下书法美学建构走向学理化的必经之路。近年来,中国的书法学者倾向于以西方学问的框架诠释中国书法艺术,对于领悟先秦哲学的审美观念深度和意境内涵相对匮乏,缺少深度和广度。本文围绕中国书法美学学科的建设问题,充分分析了中国书法美学学术性倾向的“得失”,具有重要意义。

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study on Kindergarten Teachers Job Stress between China and South Korea

        이영희(Li Yingji),고흥(Kou Heung) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2020 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.20 No.11

        중국과 한국 유치원 교사의 직무에 관한 스트레스를 비교 연구하기 위해 2019년 3월 12일부터 4월 28일까지 중국 유치원 교사 205명과 한국 유치원 교사 169명에게 설문조사를 실시했다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 22.0을 사용하여 분석결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 중국과 한국 유치원 교사의 직무 스트레스에 대한 비교를 통해 한국 유치원 교사는 중국 유치원 교사에 비해 직무 스트레스가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 중국 유치원 교사와 한국 유치원 교사의 직무 스트레스에 대한 공통점은 직무 피드백에서 가장 두드러지게 스트레스를 받는 것으로 나타났으며, 이어서 워크로드, 인간관계, 그리고 수업 자율성(teaching autonomy) 순으로 스트레스를 받는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 워크로드와 인간관계 면에서는 기혼 유치원 교사보다 미혼 유치원 교사가 더 많이 직무 스트레스를 받는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고, 직무 피드백에 대한 스트레스는 사립 유치원 교사가 공립 유치원 교사 보다 더 많이 스트레스를 받는 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구의 결과는 유치원 교사의 직무스트레스 연구를 위한 기본적 정보를 제공하며, 또한, 유치원 교사의 직무 스트레스를 국제적으로 개선하고자 할 때, 기본적 자료를 제공하고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to make a comparative analysis on the job stress of kindergarten teachers in China and South Korea. A survey was performed on 205 kindergarten teachers in China and 169 in South Korea from 2019. 3. 12. to 2019. 4. 28. The data was analyzed by SPSS 22.0 software and the results showed that: First, there was difference in job stress of kindergarten teachers in both country. South Korea kindergarten teachers were experiencing higher job stress. Second, the job stress of kindergarten teachers in both country showed similarity which the highest stress came from work feedback, followed by workload, interpersonal relationship and teaching autonomy. Single kindergarten teachers in both countries had higher job stress than married kindergarten teachers according to the interpersonal relationships and workload. Private kindergarten teachers had higher job stress than public kindergarten teachers according to the work feedback. This research provides basic information for job stress research of kindergarten teachers and provides international experience and early practice for improving the job stress confronted by kindergarten teachers.

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