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      • 이대생의 체력 및 건강도에 관한 조사 연구

        강지용,김종선,윤남식,이희순,한성일 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1975 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.15 No.-

        The following results were obtained from the survey of health status and the measurements of physical fitness of 914 students of Ewha Womans University by means of CMI, which were conducted from October 7 to October 27 for three weeks. The purpose of the research mainly consists in the improvement of university health adiministration and of physical education. A. Survey of Health Status 1. The average Number of Complaints are 26.8 for items A-L, 15.3 for items M-R, and 42.1 for items A-R. In terms of classes, the Numbers of Complaints are revealed on a decreasing scale as follows: sophomores, 44.0, the highest; seniors, 42.6; freshmen, 42.1; and juniors, 40.5. 2. Among all the items, the following figures of average Numbers of complaints per person are conspicuous: the seniors have shown 5.3 for item D, which is the highest; and the sophomores, 0,7, which is the lowest. Among the physiological item, D, which corresponds to the ailments of digestion system, shows the highest rate; and among the items for mental diseases, item M, which corresponds to non­adjustment, is 5.2, the highest. 3. The percentiles on the lower echelons of the Number of Complaints are the following: 26.1% for freshmen is the highest; 22.2% for sophomores, the lowest. The sophomores have shown 27.1%, the highest figure, of students who have Number of Complaints of four or above. 4. The percentile figures of 10 or above of Number of Complaints are displayed by seniors with 2.4% and by sophomores with 1.5%. On the other hand, the percentile figures of 80 or above are revealed by seniors with 5.4% and by sophomores with 5.3%. B. Physical Fitness Measurements The figures for the physical fitness measurements are found as given below: 1. Pull­up Freshmen 18.4 seconds Juniors 9.3 seconds Sophomores 7.5 seconds Seniors 7.0 seconds 2. 100 Meters Dash An approximation of 19 seconds is recorded by freshmen, and the tendency is to be slower as the years go up. 3. Sit­ups The freshmen recorded 13 sit­ups, and the tendency is to be fewer as the years go up. 4. Throwing An approximation of 19 meters is marked by freshmen, and the tendency is to be shorter as the years go up. 5. Long Jump The freshmen marked 249.5 centimeters, and the tendency decreases as the years go up. 6. 800 Meters Run 4'1"8"'(4 minutes 1 seconds 8 points) is obtained for freshmen, and the tendency is to be slower as the years go up. 7. Shuttle Run 12.5 seconds is recorded for freshmen, and the tendency is to be slower as the years go up. 8. Trunk Flexion 18 centimeters is marked by freshmen, and the tendency is to be decreasing as the years go up.

      • 관해유도 항암요법을 받는 백혈병 환자에서 진균 감염증의 예방 : 무작위 배정법과 이중 눈가림법에 의한 Fluconazole과 Nystain의 효과에 관한 다기관 공동연구 A Randomized, Double-blind, Multicenter Trial to Compare Fluconazole with Nystatin

        최강원,오명돈,배현주,백경란,박선양,김병국,신완식,강문원,진종률,박종원,김춘추,김동집,한지숙,민유홍,이선주,고윤웅 대한화학요법학회 1993 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        Fluconazole의 진균 감염증 예방 효과와 안전성에 관하여 3개 대학병원에서 관해유도화학요법을 받는 급성 백혈병환자를 대상으로 무작위 배정법과 너도나도 누가림법에 의하여 연구하였다. 모두 62명의 환자에게 fluconazole(100㎎ bid) 또는 nystatin(1,000,000IU/day)을 무작위로 투여하였다. 투약은 관해유도화학요법과 같은 날짜에 시작하여 호중구수가 1,000㎣이상으로 회복되거나 진균 감염증이 확인되거나 의심되어 Amphotericin-B를 시작하거나, 약과 관련된 부작용이 나타날 때까지 계속하였다. 진균 colonization은 fluconazole군에서 감소하였으나 nystqatin군에서는 증가하였다, 표재성 진균감염증으로 nystatin군에서 C. albicans 진균혈증 1례와 C.parasilosis 진균혈중 1례가 발생하였다. 경험적 항진균요법으로 Amphotericin-B를 투여한 경우는 fluconazolerns 34명중 7례(21%), nystatinrns 28명중 10례(36%)였다(p<0.05). Fluconazole군과 nystatin군 사이에 부작용이나 사망률에 차이는 없었다. 결론적으로, fluconazole은 관해유도화학요법을 받는 급성 백혈병환자에서 진균의 colonization을 줄이는데 효과적이고 안전한 항진균제이다. We made a randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial to compare the efficacy and safety of fluconazole with nystatin for prevention of fungal infections in patients with acute leukemia. Sixty-two adult undergoing remission induction chemotherapy for cute leukemia were enrolled. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either fluconazole (100㎎ bid) or nystatin(1,000,000IU×6/day) with corresponding placebo. The study drug was started in initiation of chemotherapy and continued until recovery of neutrophil counts(>1,000/㎣), development of proven or suspected invasive fungal infection, or the occurrence of drug-related toxicity. Fungal colonization decreased in fluconazole(F) group, however increased in nystain(n) group. Superficial fungal infection occurred in 1 of 34 F group, whereas invasive fungal infection developed in 3 of 28 N group. Empirical amphotericin-B therapy was given in 7 of 34(21%) F group and 10 of 28(36%) N group(p>0.05). The incidence of drug-related side effects and overall moratlity were similar in both study groups.

      • K이 흡착된 Si(111)7×7표면에 대한 RHEED 연구

        박종윤,이순보,이경원,안기석,신익조,강건아 성균관대학교 1990 論文集 Vol.41 No.2

        상온 및 200℃∼600℃의 Si(111) 7×7 표면에 칼륨(K)을 증착하였을 때의 표면격자구조 변화를 RHEED로 관측하였다. K 증착시 Si(111)7×7 기판의 온도가 상온인 경우, 어느 일정한 증착시간(포화덮임률에 도달했다고 추정되는 증착시간)이 지난 후에는 원래의 깨끗한 Si(111)7×7 패턴과 유사한 Si(111) 7×7-K 패턴이 관측되었고, 증착시간을 증가시켜도 RHEED 패턴은 변화하지 않았다. 이것을 annealing하면 350℃까지는 RHEED 패턴에 변화가 없다가 그 이상의 온도가 되면 서서히 원래의 7×7 패턴으로 되돌아가기 시작한다. Si(111) 7×7기판의 온도를 200℃∼600℃로 유지하면서 K을 일정시간(450℃에서 3×1이 형성되는 증착시간)이상 증착시킨 경우에 250℃까지는 상온의 경우와 비슷한 형태의 변형된 7×7 패턴이 관측되고, 300℃∼550℃일때는 3×1, 550℃ 이상에서는 1×1 구조가 관측되었다. 이때 300℃∼550℃에서 형성된 Si(111) 3×1-K 구조는 450℃에서 1분 정도 annealing 하면 항상 Si(111) 1×1-K 구조로 상전이가 일어남을 관측하였다. Potassium adsorbed surface structures of Si(111) 7×7 surface at room and high temperatures(200℃∼600℃) were investigated by RHEED. Potassium adsorption on the Si(111) 7×7 surface to saturated coverage at room temperature changed the RHEED pattern of Si(111) 7×7 to Si(111) 7×7-K. Subsequent heating of the Si(111) 7×7-K surface above 350℃ results in a Si(111) 7×7 with desorbing K. The RHEED pattern of the K-adsorbed on the Si(111) 7×7 surface up to the adsorption temperature of 250℃ was the modified 7×7 pattern, quite similar to that of the Si(111) 7×7-K, observed at room temperature. The 3×1 structure was observed in the temperature of adsorption between 300℃ and 550℃. Regardless of the adsorption temperature, a phase transition always took place from the Si(111) 3×1-K structure to Si(111) 1×1-K after annealing at 450℃ over 1 minute.

      • Cs이 흡착된 Si(111)7×7표면에 대한 RHEED연구

        박종윤,이순보,이경원,안기석,강건아 성균관대학교 1991 論文集 Vol.42 No.1

        Cesium-adsorbed surface structures on Si(111)7×7 were investigated at room and high temperatures(200∼700℃) by RHEED. The RHEED patterns of Si(111) 7×7 was changed to the modified 7×7 and the 1×1 patterns with increasing the deposition times of Cs at RT. It was observed that the structure of the Cs-adsorbed Si (111) 7×7 surface at saturation coverage is the 1×1 structure at RT. The ◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 1 and 1×1 structures appeared successively at the adsorption temperature of 300℃, 350∼400℃ and 450℃, respectively. After subsequent heating of 1×1 surface above 550℃ and of ◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) surface above 600℃, each RHEED pattern gradually returned to the original Si(111)7×7 pattern. 상온 및 200∼700℃의 Si(111)7×7 표면에 Cs(Cesium)을 증착하였을 때 표면격자구조의 변화를 RHEED로 관측하였다. Cs 증착시 Si(111)7×7 기판의 온도가 상온인 경우, 포화 덮임률에 도달했다고 추정되는 일정 증착시간 전에는 원래의 깨끗한 Si(111)7×7 패턴과 거의 유사한 변형된(modified) Si(111)7×7-Cs 패턴이 관측되었다. 그후 포화 덮임률에서는 1×1패턴이 관측되고 증착량을 증가시켜도 패턴의 변화는 관측되지 않았다. 이 구조를 다시 annealing시키면 약 550℃부터 서서히 원래의 7×7구조로 되돌아가기 시작한다. Si(111)7×7기판의 온도를 220∼700℃로 유지하면서 Cs을 증착시킨 경우에 약 250℃까지는 상온에서와 비슷한 변형된(modified) 7×7이 관측되고 약 300℃에서는 ◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 350∼400℃ 정도에서는 ◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요)과 3×1이 겹쳐셔 관측되었다. 그리고 450℃ 이상에서는 1×1구조가 관측되었다. 이때 약 300℃에서 형성된 ◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 350℃에서 형성된 ◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 3+3×1 구조는 약 500℃ 정도까지 다시 annealing함에 따라 다리 1×1구조로 상전이가 일어난후, 약 600℃부터 원래의 7×7의 초격자점들이 나타나기 시작했다. 이들 결과로부터 Si(111)7×7 표면에 Cs을 증착하는 경우에는 일정한 포화 덮임률(saturation coverage)이 있는 것으로 추정되고, 이 덮임률에서 관측된 고온에서의 상전이는 증착량(증착시간)에는 무관하고 온도에만 의존함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 1×1 구조와 ◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 구조에 대하여 Cs의 탈착은 각각 약 550℃와 600℃에서 일어나기 시작하여 700℃에서 완전히 탈착됨을 알 수 있었다.

      • 임산유지수종의 이용에 관한 연구 (Ⅴ) : 장기저장에 따른 때죽나무 종실의 성분 변화 Variation of Components in Sapium japonica Seed Following Long Terms Storge

        조종수,강병국,양재경,박종열,김윤근 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2000 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.13 No.-

        This paper was carried out to analyze the variation of composition of seed oil with storage periods. Difference of content of crude fat in fresh-cut seed and one year storage seed is not detected but in pentadecanoic acid, acid value, iodine value and peroxide value in one year storage seed have lower than those of the fresh-cut seed. Linoleic acid and oleic acid were high among of total fatty acid in fresh-cut seed but moiety of linolenic acid and icosanoic acid was low otherwise that of palmitic acid and oleic acid is increased in one year storge. In neutral lipid, capric and mytistic acid were high in fresh-cut, oleic acid, palmitic acid and linoleic acid were increased after one year storge. In glycolipid, the lauric acid and linoleic acid were high in fresh-cut seed, the palmitic acid was increased, otherwise, linolenic acid was decreased after one year storge. In phospholipid, palmitic acid and unknown part were high in fresh-cut seed, palmitic acid, oleic acid and linolenic acid were increased after one year storge.

      • 열탈착 분석법에 의한 Pt(111) 표면위의 NO와 CO의 흡착

        이순보,박종윤,곽현태,부진효,강용철 성균관대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.42 No.2

        The adsorptions of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide on Pt(111) surfaces have been studied by using LEED, AES, and TDS(Thermal Desorption spectroscopy). The adsorbed species of NO is predominantly molecular on the Pt(111) surface at room temperature. A main desorption peak of TDS is attributed to the molecular adsorption at 360K. With increasing No exposures, a shoulder peak at 480K which may be attributed to the defect site adsorption is appeared. The desorption rate order for No desorption is 1st order and the desorption energy for NO calculated by Redhead equation assuming pre-exponential factor v_1=10^13 sec^-1 is 21.7Kcal/mol. The adsorption of carbon monoxide is also molecular on Pt(111) surface at room temperature. The TDS results showed only a single broad peak at 460K, which is attributed to molecular adsorption. The desorption order for CO desorption is 1st order as well as NO and the desorption energy for CO is 28Kcal/mol.

      • 초소형 압전 선형 모터의 설계

        강종윤(Chong-Yun Kang),정대용(DeaYong Jeong),이원희(Won-Hee Lee),윤석진(Seok-Jin Yoon) 대한기계학회 2006 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2006 No.11

        A novel low profile piezoelectric linear motor has been presented. The motor consists of the piezoelectric actuator and moving element. The piezoelectric actuator includes the piezoelectric transducers and connecting tip. The transducer has been design to have a flexural vibration mode, which is generated by the piezoelectric ceramic and metal joint plate. The ultrasonic electrical signals with 90 degree phase difference are applied to the transducer, and the connecting tip moves with an elliptical motion from the combination of the individual transducer's deformation. A linear movement can be easily obtained using the elliptical motion. In this paper, the piezoelectric actuator has been intensively simulated using ATILA to achieve an optimized elliptical motion of it.

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