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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Koch Fractal Shape Microstrip Bandpass Filters on High Resistivity Silicon for the Suppression of the 2<SUP>nd</SUP> Harmonic

        Manos M. Tentzeris,Joy Laskar,Jong-Gwan Yook,Il Kwon Kim,Nickolas Kingsley,Matthew A. Morton,Stephane Pinel,John Papapolymerou 한국전자파학회JEES 2006 Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science Vol.6 No.4

        In this paper, the fractal shape is applied to microstrip band pass filters and integrated on a high-resistivity Si substrate to solve conventional 2<SUP>nd</SUP> harmonic problem. Conventional microstrip coupled line filters are popular in RF front ends, because they can be easily fabricated and integrated with other RF components. However, they typically have large second harmonics that can cause unwanted interference in interested frequency bands. Without any additional filters, the proposed Koch shape filters have suppressed the 2<SUP>nd</SUP> harmonics by about ?40㏈, so they can be used in systems such as direct conversion receiver with stringent harmonic suppression requirements.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Competitor density and food concentration: an empirical approach to elucidate the mechanism of seasonal succession of two coexisting Bosmina

        Mano, Hiroyuki,Sakamoto, Masaki The Ecological Society of Korea 2013 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.36 No.4

        To examine the density effect and food concentration in the competitive output of two Bosmina species, the population growths of Bosmina fatalis were investigated by manipulating the density of B. longirostris and the concentration of algae. The B. fatalis density did not increase in conditions with abundant B. longirostris regardless of the food concentrations. The B. fatalis increased only at low densities of B. longirostris with high food concentrations. Based on the current results, a possible mechanism underlying the seasonal shift from B. longirostris to B. fatalis in Japanese eutrophic lakes will be explored below.

      • KCI등재

        Share Liquidity and Market Microstructure Reform: The Case of Screen-based Trading in Mumbai

        Ronny Manos,Christopher J. Green,Victor Murinde,Nathridee Suppakitjarak 한국증권학회 2010 Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies Vol.39 No.3

        We investigate the impact of the March 1995 move to screen-based trading on the Mumbai Stock Exchange, using separate samples of more liquid (A) and less liquid (B) shares. Following the move, the average cumulative abnormal return for A shares was 4.5%, whereas that for B shares was over 12%; market liquidity and efficiency increased but the effect on volatility was more ambiguous. We identify a significant cross-sectional relationship between the size of cumulative abnormal returns and firm-specific improvements in liquidity, efficiency, and volatility, with differences in the effects of reform on A and B shares.

      • KCI등재

        Competitor density and food concentration: an empirical approach to elucidate the mechanism of seasonal succession of two coexisting Bosmina

        Hiroyuki Mano,Masaki Sakamoto 한국생태학회 2013 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.36 No.4

        To examine the density effect and food concentration in the competitive output of two Bosmina species, the population growths of Bosmina fatalis were investigated by manipulating the density of B. longirostris and the concentration of algae. The B. fatalis density did not increase in conditions with abundant B. longirostris regardless of the food concentrations. The B. fatalis increased only at low densities of B. longirostris with high food concentrations. Based on the current results,a possible mechanism underlying the seasonal shift from B. longirostris to B. fatalis in Japanese eutrophic lakes will be explored below.

      • KCI등재

        "가이후소(懷風藻)" 이누카미노오키미의 실태 -고토(湖東)의 고대호족 이누카미 씨족의 변천을 통하여-

        마노토모에 ( Mano Tomoe ) 한국일어일문학회 2015 日語日文學硏究 Vol.95 No.2

        “가이후소” 작자 중에는 ‘미코, 오키미’의 칭호가 붙어 있는 작자가 보인다. 황족으로 분류된 작자는 오토모노미코, 가와시마노미코, 가도노오키미, 오츠노미코, 몬무천황, 야마쿠마노오키미, 사카이베노오키미, 나가야노아키미, 이누카미노오키미, 오이시노오키미, 오토모노오키미등 총 11명이다. 이들을 정리해보면 텐지천황계 황족은 오토모노미코, 가와시마노미코, 가도노오키미이며, 텐무천황계 황족은 오츠노미코, 몬무천황, 야마쿠마노오키미, 사카이베노오키미,나가야노아키미이고 나머지 이누카미노오키미, 오이시노오키미, 오토모노오키미는 출신 이 분명하지 않은 작자이다. 이름에 ‘오키미’라는 칭호가 보이지만 그 출신은 확실하지 않다. 이들은 여러자료 및 사전을조사, 분석해 보아도 “쇼쿠니혼기”의 기록과 같은 기록 들 뿐이다. 또한, 천황 계보 자료에도 전혀 보이지 않아서실태를 확실하게 알 수가 없다. 때문에 본 논문에 있어서는 이누카미노오키미에 초첨을 두어 그 실태를 살펴본 것이다. 이누카미는 게이코 천황의 첫번째 황자의 야마토타케루노미코토의 아들인 이나요리와케노오키미를 시조로한다. 그는 이누카미키미와 타케베의 양쪽 시조이기도하고, 오미노국 비파호동쪽에 있는 이누카미군에 정착했었다. 이누카미군의 특징을들으보면, 우선 도래인이 많이 살고 있었던 곳이라는 것을 알 수 있다. 사실, 고분군들이나 부장품의 출토품에 도래인 들의 특징이 많이 보인다. 그리고 이 땅이 ‘진신의 난’의장소였던 것은 7세기 오미노국에 있어서는 정말 큰 사건이었다.“쇼쿠니혼기”에는 쇼무천황의행차경로에 대해 쓰여 있어 이누카미돈궁(頓宮)을 확인할 수 있다. 이 행차는 난의 유적에 따른 경로라고 하는데, 역으로 말하면 천황 행차의 코스였기 때문에 난의 전쟁 루트가 되었다고 생각할 수 있다. 같은 시조인 타케베키미의 씨족은 군사력을 자랑하며 오미노국에서 남쪽으로 확산해서 텐표기가 되자 절의 필사를 하는 사람, 그림을 그리는 사람등 등 기술과 기예를 갖은특징 등이 나타내면서 발전해 갔다. 반면, 이누카미 씨족은 8세기 이후에 자료에서는 보이지 않는다. 그렇기 때문에 이누카미노오키미에 대해서도 잘 알 수가 없는 것이다. 이누카미노오키미에 대한 논문이나 자료가 없는것도 이런 이유에서 부터이며, 기록이 남아있지 않아서 그 씨족의 변천을 통해서 접근해본 것이본 논문이다. "Kaifuso" of the author of the title of "Prince, King" is subjected, the author to be the class to the so-called royal family isOhtomo-no-miko, Kawashimano- ohkimi, Kadono-ohkimi, Ohtsu-no-miko, Emperor Monmu, Yamakuma-noohkimi, Sakaibe-no-ohkimi, Nagaya-no-ohkimi, Inukami-no-ohkimi, Ohishi-noohkimi, Ohtomo-no-ohkimi, a total 11 people. Among them there are Inukami -no-ohkimi, Oishi-no-ohkimi, Otomo-no-ohkimi as origin unknown. They haveremained on the description to follow a Try also "Shoku nihongi" record of pullingin the dictionary. In addition, reality does not grasp not missing at all in the historicalrecords of the emperor lineage. Therefore, in this paper, I think I want to look at the actual situation focuses on particularly Inukami-no-ohkimi. Inukami is the father of Inayoriwake-no-ohkimi a Yamatotakerunomikoto child of the first son of Emperor Keiko, were indigenous to Inukami District in Koto of Omi countries. In addition, there are Takebenokimi to homoeologous. If the mentioned characteristics of Inukami District about two points, first Nara and many of the ``trijin`` by column in Osaka it would be lived. Then, it is that this land was a place of "jinshin war", is an event that can not be forgotten for Ohmi country of the 7th century. Clan Takebe, while proud of the military force to diffuse south from Ohmi country, also went to further prosperity appear artful nature when it comes to life Tenpyo. On the other hand, Inukami clans had dissipated also from the 8th century after historical materials. Perhaps, then Inukami clans it seems to have declined in the form that has been integrated into the clan Takebe. For do not see a single papers and historical materials regarding Inukami-no-ohkimi, it was examined following the transition of their families.

      • KCI등재


        마노토모에(Mano Tomoe)(眞野友惠) 포은학회 2014 포은학연구 Vol.13 No.-

        본 논문은 다자이후(大宰府) 관세음사의 건립이 지연된 이유와, 정몽주와 이마가와료슌(今川了俊)의 관계를 배경으로 정몽주가 다자이후에서 읊은 시에 대하여 논하고자 한다. 다자이후는 외교의 창구로서 고래부터 활약해 왔다. 게다가 일본 고대 최대의 내란인 「임신의 난(壬申の乱)」도 크게 영향을 미쳤다. 부(府)의 고찰(古寺)인 관세음사(観世音寺) 건립은 무려 약 86년에 걸쳐 계속되었다. 몇 번이나 재해에 휩쓸려 부흥을 거듭했지만, 관청(大宰府)의 쇠퇴에 따라 관세음사도 쇠미하며 갔다. 특히 남북조 시대는 황위가 분열해 정치적으로도 왜구(倭寇)나 무역 등 외교적으로도 혼란했던 시대였다고 말할 수 있다. 무로마치(室町) 막부 시대에 고려의 정몽주는 외교 문제를 해결하기 위해 일본을 방문했다. 정몽주는 큐슈탄다이(探題)였던 이마가와료슌을 비롯한 승려나 막부의 관계자 등에게 외교대책의 화친의 일환으로서 시를 읊었다. 결과적으로 정몽주의 외교는 성공했다. 본 논문은 정몽주의 정신세계와 문학적 감성을 분명히 하는 것을 목적으로 한다. In this report backed by Dazaifu the reason of the erection delay of Kanzeonji. Furthermore, I discussed it about the poetry that Jeong Mong-ju and relations and Jeong Mong-ju of ImagawaRyoshun wrote in Dazaifu. The Dazaifu was the place that played an active part as a diplomatic teller from ancient times. The Emperor Tenji dynasty was carried on its back for foreign enemy defense measures from the Korean Peninsula. I greatly received the influence of "the revolt of Jinshin" that was the ancient biggest internal disturbance in Japan. The completion of the erection of Kanzeonji entered approximately 86 years how. I repeated revival in accord with a disaster many times, but Kanzeonji declined with the decline of the Dazaifu, too. As for the Nanbokutyo-Era, the Emperor was divided in particular. It was the confused times politically diplomatically. Because it became the MuromachiBakuhu, and Jeong Mong-ju solved a diplomatic issue from Korai, I visited Japan. Jeong Mong-ju wrote poetry for ImagawaRyoshun and a priest, a harmony among people concerned parent of the Shogunate. As a result, the diplomacy of the Jeong Mong-ju succeeded. Poetry and feelings show his moral merit and think that I changed a heart of ImagawaRyoshun. The splendor of the poetry of course. I think that Jeong Mong-ju and a common point of ImagawaRyoshun came to a mutual understanding. It was a purpose in this report to clarify the inner space of the Jeong Mong-ju and literal sensitivity. I am sorry without poetry remaining in Kanzeonjiin Japan. I think that the scarcity value of these poetry was conveyed.

      • Analytical Loss Modeling for MOSFET-based Modular High Frequency Converters

        K. Manos,A. Antonopoulos 전력전자학회 2023 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.2023 No.-

        In high switching frequency inverter applications besides conduction and switching losses, the contribution of incomplete soft-switching events to the total losses of the power converter can be significant. This paper presents an analytical loss model for Modular High-Frequency Converters (MHFC) that accounts for this kind of transitions as well. This is accomplished by taking into consideration the charging dynamics of the MOSFET output capacitance. Only parameters that are readily available in the datasheets of the devices are used. The derived equations are employed to evaluate several power MOSFETS for a 3-submodule 1 kW prototype MHFC, switching at 100 kHz. The proposed model confirms the key role of partial hard turn-on events, as well as it reveals the importance of proper dead-time selection, in terms of total converter losses. Experimental results are in agreement with the proposed model.

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