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      • Hematopoietic and reproductive hazards of Korean electronic workers exposed to solvents containing 2-bromopropane

        Park,Joosung,Park,Dongwook,Park,Seunghyun,Jung,Kapyull,Park,Jungsun,Hwang,Taiyoung,Jung,Gyungwoo,Choi,Kyeongsook,Kim,Yangho,Kim,Hyojin,Moon,Younghahn,Kim,Joonyoun 동아대학교 부설 산업의학연구소 1997 산업의학연구소 논총 Vol.- No.3

        Objectives The purpose of this study was to describe hematopoietic and reproductive hazards of Korean electronic workers exposed to solvents containing 2-bromopropane. Methods Detailed medical and occupational histories were taken and thorough physical examinations with clinical laboratory tests were done for 33 workers (8 men and 25 women). Previous and present exposure was investigated in detail by industrial hygienists. Results Of the 25 female workers, 16 were shown to have secondary amenorrhea with high follicle-stimulating hormone levels, normal prolactin levels, and hot flashes. A total of eight workers with amenorrhea concurrently showed findings of pancytopenia. Among eight male workers, two showed azoospermia and another four showed some degree of oligospermia (normal >20 million·??) or reduced sperm motility (normal >50%). The bone marrow effects and the testis or ovarian failure was shown to be the main health hazards in this workplace. Except for the cleaning solution containing 97.4% 2-bromopropane, no other known physical or chemical agents could be identified as responsible for the gonadal and bone marrow effects, including ionizing radiation, lead, ethylene glycol ether and its acetates, benzene, and dibromochloropropane. Conclusions No previous studies have reported human toxicity for 2-bromopropane, but the results of this study lead to the tentative conclusion that the causal agent for the gonadal and bone marrow effects among the workers might be 2-bromopropane.


        SNP@Ethnos: a database of ethnically variant single-nucleotide polymorphisms

        Park, Jungsun,Hwang, Sohyun,Lee, Yong Seok,Kim, Sang-Cheol,Lee, Doheon Oxford University Press 2007 Nucleic acids research Vol.35//SUP1 No.-

        <P>Inherited genetic variation plays a critical but largely uncharacterized role in human differentiation. The completion of the International HapMap Project makes it possible to identify loci that may cause human differentiation. We have devised an approach to find such ethnically variant single-nucleotide polymorphisms (ESNPs) from the genotype profile of the populations included in the International HapMap database. We selected ESNPs using the nearest shrunken centroid method (NSCM), and performed multiple tests for genetic heterogeneity and frequency spectrum on genes having ESNPs. The function and disease association of the selected SNPs were also annotated. This resulted in the identification of 100 736 SNPs that appeared uniquely in each ethnic group. Of these SNPs, 1009 were within disease-associated genes, and 85 were predicted as damaging using the Sorting Intolerant From Tolerant system. This study resulted in the creation of the SNP@Ethnos database, which is designed to make this type of detailed genetic variation approach available to a wider range of researchers. SNP@Ethnos is a public database of ESNPs with annotation information that currently contains 100 736 ESNPs from 10 138 genes, and can be accessed at and or directly at .</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Health care strategy for ensuring work ability in an aging Korea

        Jungsun Park,Jong-tae Park,Soo Geun Kim,Cheol-In Yoo,Junseok Son,Jun Yim,Dae-seong Kim,Kyung Young Rhee,Yangho Kim 대한직업환경의학회 2016 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.28 No.-

        The rapid aging trend in South Korea will cause a growing shortage of labor and decreasing quality of the labor force. The purpose of this commentary is to recommend a health care strategy to maintain and promote the work ability of employees in an aging Korea. Strategies to promote the work ability require the collaboration of governmental agencies at the central and local levels. First, the common goal should be the reinforcement of follow-up measure in general medical examinations and the promotion of healthy lifestyles for workers. Second, collaborating activities should be performed among the Worker’s Health Center, the Health Promotion Center, and community health centers. In conclusion, health care strategies for ensuring the work ability in an aging Korea require the collaboration of governmental agencies at the central and local levels.


        Occupational Reproductive Function Abnormalities and Bladder Cancer in Korea

        Jungsun Park,Kyong-Sok Shin,Yangho Kim Korean Academy of Medical Science 2010 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.25 No.S

        The purpose of this study was to review occupational reproductive abnormalities and occupational bladder cancer in Korea and to discuss their toxicological implications. Reproductive dysfunction as a result of 2-bromopropane poisoning was first reported in Korean workers. In 1995, 23 of the 33 workers (25 female and 8 male workers) who were exposed to 2-bromopropane during the assembly of tactile switch parts developed reproductive and/or hematopoietic disorders. A total of 17 (68%) workers were diagnosed with ovarian failure. Two of the eight male workers experienced azoospermia and four workers experienced some degree of oligospermia or reduced sperm motility. In summary, 2-bromopropane poisoning caused severe reproductive effects in Korean workers. The prognosis was poor for reproductive dysfunction. A few cases of occupational bladder cancer have been reported in Korea, whereas other cancers of the urinary tract have not been reported after occupational exposure. A few cases of benzidine-induced cancer have been reported in Korea and 592 workers in Japan have received compensation for benzidine and β-naphthylamine-induced cancer. In conclusion, a few cases of benzidine-induced occupational bladder cancer have been reported in Korea. However, benzidine-induced bladder cancer will likely be an important occupational health issue in Korea in the coming years.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SLC45A2: A Melanoma Antigen with High Tumor Selectivity and Reduced Potential for Autoimmune Toxicity

        Park, Jungsun,Talukder, Amjad H.,Lim, Seon A.,Kim, Kwanghee,Pan, Ke,Melendez, Brenda,Bradley, Sherille D.,Jackson, Kyle R.,Khalili, Jahan S.,Wang, Junmei,Creasy, Caitlin,Pan, Bih-Fang,Woodman, Scott E AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH 2017 Cancer Immunology Research Vol.5 No.8

        <P>T cell–based immunotherapy against melanoma-associated antigens can result in on-target/off-tumor cytotoxicity. SLC45A2, a protein overexpressed in melanoma compared with normal melanocytes, was identified as a T-cell target that may be less prone to inducing autoimmune side effects.</P><P>Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)–based immunotherapies have had remarkable success at generating objective clinical responses in patients with advanced metastatic melanoma. Although the melanocyte differentiation antigens (MDA) MART-1, PMEL, and tyrosinase were among the first melanoma tumor-associated antigens identified and targeted with immunotherapy, expression within normal melanocytes of the eye and inner ear can elicit serious autoimmune side effects, thus limiting their clinical potential as CTL targets. Using a tandem mass spectrometry (MS) approach to analyze the immunopeptidomes of 55 melanoma patient–derived cell lines, we identified a number of shared HLA class I–bound peptides derived from the melanocyte-specific transporter protein SLC45A2. Antigen-specific CTLs generated against HLA-A*0201- and HLA-A*2402–restricted SLC45A2 peptides effectively killed a majority of HLA-matched cutaneous, uveal, and mucosal melanoma cell lines tested (18/25). CTLs specific for SLC45A2 showed significantly reduced recognition of HLA-matched primary melanocytes that were, conversely, robustly killed by MART1- and PMEL-specific T cells. Transcriptome analysis revealed that SLC45A2 mRNA expression in normal melanocytes was less than 2% that of other MDAs, therefore providing a more favorable melanoma-to-melanocyte expression ratio. Expression of SLC45A2 and CTL sensitivity could be further upregulated in BRAF(V600E)-mutant melanoma cells upon treatment with BRAF or MEK inhibitors, similarly to other MDAs. Taken together, our study demonstrates the feasibility of using tandem MS as a means of discovering shared immunogenic tumor-associated epitopes and identifies SLC45A2 as a promising immunotherapeutic target for melanoma with high tumor selectivity and reduced potential for autoimmune toxicity. <I>Cancer Immunol Res; 5(8); 618–29. ©2017 AACR</I>.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Factors affecting heat-related diseases in outdoor workers exposed to extreme heat

        Jungsun Park,Yangho Kim,Inbo Oh 대한직업환경의학회 2017 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.29 No.-

        Background: The objectives of the present study are to: (i) evaluate the effect of environmental and metabolic heat on heat-related illnesses in outdoor workers; and (ii) evaluate the effect of personal factors, including heat acclimation, on the risk of heat-related illnesses in outdoor workers. Methods: We identified 47 cases of illnesses from exposure to environmental heat in outdoor workers in Korea from 2010 to 2014, based on review of workers’ compensation data. We also obtained the information on location, time, and work environment of each heat-related illness. Results: Our major results are that 29 cases (61.7%) occurred during a heat wave. Forty five cases (95.7%) occurred when the maximum estimated WBGT (WBGTmax) was equal to or greater than the case specific threshold value which was determined by acclimatization and metabolic rate. Twenty two cases (46.8%) were not acclimated to the heat. Thirty-seven cases (78.7%) occurred after tropical night (temperature above 25 °C), during which many people may find it hard to sleep. Conclusion: Personal risk factors such as heat acclimation as well as environmental factors and high metabolic rate during work are the major determinants of heat-related illnesses.

      • KCI등재

        Crying Sea, The Sound Installation: Artistic Considerations for Coexistence between Human and Technology

        Jungsun Park,Hyeongseok Wi,박성우 한국멀티미디어학회 2022 The journal of multimedia information system Vol.9 No.1

        As the discourse on Anthropocene grows, this exploratory research investigates the interrelationship and interconnectivity between humanity and technology by analyzing a sound art installation created by the author. Crying Sea is a sound installation that uses plastic wastes collected from the shore to create symbolic narratives and artistic experience connecting humans, objects, and nature through interactive digital technology. In this installation, the audiences are guided to walk over the wastes, and the sounds created by the footsteps are recorded in real-time, which then are distorted and amplified into disturbing sounds through speakers filling up the room. In analyzing this artwork, three theories from technological, philosophical, and ecological backgrounds were used; specifically, Bernard Stiegler's pharmakon theory, Dona Haraway's cyborg manifesto, and Timothy Morton's dark ecology theory. A common factor revealed from all three theories by analyzing the Crying Sea is that humans, technologies, and all other entities within nature are interconnected and resonated. The awareness of this recursive relationship allows us to consider sustainable balancing.

      • KCI등재

        Optimal Design of Truss Structures by Rescaled Simulated Annealing

        Jungsun Park,Miran Ryu 대한기계학회 2004 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.18 No.9

        Rescaled Simulated Annealing (RSA) has been adapted to solve combinatorial optimization problems in which the available computational resources are limited. Simulated Annealing (SA) is one of the most popular combinatorial optimization algorithms because of its convenience of use and because of the good asymptotic results of convergence to optimal solutions. However, SA is too slow to converge in many problems. RSA was introduced by extending the Metropolis procedure in SA. The extension rescales the state's energy candidate for a transition before applying the Metropolis criterion. The rescaling process accelerates convergence to the optimal solutions by reducing transitions from high energy local minima. In this paper, structural optimization examples using RSA are provided. Truss structures of which design variables are discrete or continuous are optimized with stress and displacement constraints. The optimization results by RSA are compared with the results from classical SA. The comparison shows that the numbers of optimization iterations can be effectively reduced using RSA.

      • KCI등재

        Optimization of a Composite Laminated Structure by Network-Based Genetic Algorithm

        Jungsun Park,Seokbong Song 대한기계학회 2002 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.16 No.8

        Genetic algorithm (GA), compared to the gradient-based optimization, has advantages of convergence to a global optimized solution. The genetic algorithm requires so many number of analyses that may cause high computational cost for genetic search. This paper proposes a personal computer network programming based on TCP/IP protocol and client-server model using socket, to improve processing speed of the genetic algorithm for optimization of composite laminated structures. By distributed processing for the generated population, improvement in processing speed has been obtained. Consequently, usage of network-based genetic algorithm with the faster network communication speed will be a very valuable tool for the discrete optimization of large scale and complex structures requiring high computational cost.<br/>

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