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      • KCI등재

        현 정부의 대북한 정책의 내용과 방향

        정대규 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 1999 한국민족문화 Vol.14 No.-

        Present South Korean government has pursued the engagement policy toward North Korea. In his inaugural address on February 25, 1991, the President Kim Dae-Jung set the improvement of inter-Korean relations through peace, reconciliation and cooperation as the goals of the North Korea policy for his government. Instead of waiting collapse or pursuing absorption unification of North Korea, the government prefer a peaceful coexistence with North Korea. As a result of the engagement policy, there have been many desirable changes on the Korean Peninsula for last nineteen months. As examples, over 7,000 South and North Korean people visited other sides. After the historic tourism began on August 1998, about 111,800 South Korean tourists visited Mt. Kumgang crossing the militarized border. The trade has increased to reach 190 million dollars for seven months this year. For two years, South Korea has provided 74 million dollars of humanitarian assistance to North Korea. Besides, the cases of meeting between separated families have been rapidly increased. In accordance with the engagement policy, the government proposed a comprehensive approach aiming at dismantling the Cold War structure on the Korean Peninsula. All related countries including the United States, Japan, China and Russia, need to discuss political, economical, diplomatic and military issues on the negotiation table to reach an agreement. The Perry report can be said as the result of close consultations between South Korea, U.S. and Japan by South Korean government's initiative. Seeing recent improvement in the U.S.-North Korea negotiations and North Korea's more practical attitudes, I have a prospect that the two Korean relations also will develop into positive directions. The development of the U.S.-North Korea relations will ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula and make a favorable atmosphere for reopening of the South-North Dialogue. To achieve its goals such as changing the North Korea's policy, dissolving security threats and building the basis of peaceful unification, the government should maintain the engagement policy with consistency and firmness. First of all, it should focus on reopening direct talks with North Korea and implementing the South-North Basic Agreement of 1992. It should promote the diverse exchanges and cooperations between two Korean people. And it should make every efforts to relieve the pains of the separated families. The engagement policy and the comprehensive approach can be said to be two wheels of the government's North Korea policy. Whether it will succeed or not depends on North Korea's policy choice, desirable international environment and the domestic supports in South Korea. Coordinated efforts among South Korea, the U.S. and Japan are essential for the success of the comprehensive approach. The government should pay more attentions to obtain international and domestic supports toward its policy.

      • 징거미새우, Macrobrachium nipponense의 Androgenic Gland 미세구조

        한창희,김대중,강정하,김대현 동의대학교 기초과학연구소 2000 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        The androgenic gland secretes a hormone, androgenic gland hormone, which is believed to act the differentiation of the primary, secondary, and behavioral sex characteristics in most malacostracan crustaceans. This report presents the ultrastructural morphology of the androgenic gland in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium nipponense. This gland, located in the coxopodite of the last pair of walking legs, was attached to the subterminal region of the sperm duct. The gland was composed of simple cellular strands, encased by a fibrous sheath. Microvilli were situated in the fibrous sheath, especially at the edge of each cellular strand. The androgenic gland cells had the large and round nucleus and rough endoplasmic arranged either in spirals or in concentric circles throughout the cytoplasm of the cell. They also had the well-developed Golgi complex and long mitochondria with flat and transverse cristae. The Golgi complex was similar to microvesicular cluster, but usually in the shape of typical dictyosomes. These features of androgenic gland cells coincides well with the protein/peptide secretion in their function. However, despite the apparent ultrastructural equipment for protein/peptide secretion, no accumulation of materials secreted were noticed in the cytoplasm. Therefore it is strongly suggested that the transportation of the materials into the hemocoel has occurred just after synthesis.

      • KCI등재후보

        사립유치원 원감의 애환과 보람 그리고 희망

        정서영(Jung Seo-Young),이대균(Lee Dae-Kyun) 한국어린이미디어학회 2010 어린이미디어연구 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 사립유치원 원감들이 유치원에서 중간자적 위치의 삶을 살아가면서, 아픔으로 느끼는 다양한 애환과 다시 힘을 내게 하는 보람된 요소들, 그리고 미래에 대한 희망 등을 질적 연구방법을 통해 밝히고자 하였다. 2009년 9월부터 11월까지 총 11주 동안, 11명의 사립유치원 원감들을 연구 참여자로 하여 심층면담과 관련문서, 연구자의 반성적 저널쓰기를 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 수집한 자료를 분석한 결과 사립유치원 원감들은 애환의 요소로 원장과 교사와의 사이에서 매개체 역할, 모든 오류와 민원의 해결사 역할, 유아의 안전 문제로 인한 학부형 관계, 원감 자격 연수 과정 없이 업무를 시작함과 과도한 원아 모집 경쟁, 그리고 육아를 겸하는 데서 오는 어려움을 호소하였으며 보람의 요소로는 원장으로부터 인정 받음과 학부모의 격려 및 업무 수행에서 오는 성취감, 그리고 교사의 성장과 유치원의 발전을 보며 보람된 마음을 가질 수 있다고 하였다. 또한 앞으로 원장 연수를 받고 본인의 원을 경영하면서 자신의 교육철학이 반영된 좋은 프로그램을 마음껏 실천해 보기를 희망하고 있었다. The purpose of this research is to understand the position and life of the vice-principals who carry out their duties as a mediator and to clarify the meaning of it. The eleven participants for this research are selected out of the vice-principals serving in Gyung-gi and Cheon-an, Dae-jeon province considering various careers and characteristics. The duration of the research lasted for eleven weeks. To collect the data we used in-depth interview, phone interview, and e-mail interview with each participant and wrote a journal to record the flow and characteristics of the research. First of all, the private kindergarten vice-principals had so much difficulties in carrying out their duties. The first element can be the difficulties in playing a role as a mediator between the president who substantially runs the kindergarten and the teachers who educate the children near by. The second element of difficulties is the confusion caused by dealing with all the errors and public grievance whether anytime or anywhere. The third element is the safety issue of the children that can takes place any time and dealing with the parents with that issue. The forth element is to choose the vice-principals out of the president's authority unlike the public kindergartens that hire through systematical steps to be a vice-principals. The fifth element is the excessive competition in recruiting new students leads to overaction that ruins the principle and fundamental rule. The last element is the difficulty of maintaining both teaching and raising their own kids at the same time. Secondly, they felt worthwhile, having the motive power that enables the vice-principals's to move forward when they get the recognition from the president, which turned out as the best factor. Other factors also can be an encouragement from parents, a feeling of the satisfaction and achievement after an event. Besides, when the teachers are cooperative and new students keep signing up they find it worthwhile. Thirdly, the participants found the biggest hope in the systematically legitimate way of children educator that became most considerable meaning and they could get the feeling of the pride. After that, they talked about getting a training to be a president that can be the next goal for them to run their own kindergarten adapting good philosophy and programs.

      • Historical Development of Korean Judo through the Life of Kim, Jung-Haeng

        Yun-Dae Jung,Hyun-Duck Kim 국제무예학회 2020 International Journal of Martial Arts Vol.6 No.-

        This study examines how South Korean physical education has been evolved through the life of a great contributor. Kim, Jung-Haeng made great contributions as both an educator and administrator in modern Korean sports history. The research method chosen to best serve this study was the recorded in-depth interview qualitative in nature. To be more specific, the authors took a closer look at the entire life of a participant through in-depth interviews and participatory observation process to see how his influenced the movement and development of Korean physical education and sports society. From a sports-based anthropological point of view, the authors intended to secure data by mobilizing in-depth interviews and of participating officials and enhance the completion of research based on various media and literary materials. The analysis of this study was based on James P. Spraddley’s (2016) theory using taxonomic analysis and domain analysis to guide the entire research process. Through these procedures, Kim, Jung-Haeng’s life was analyzed regarding two significant facets (i.e., academic circumstances and athletic field/industry). For this study, efforts were made to preserve the records of clubs dedicated to the development of Korean sports. More detailed findings from this in-depth interview are presented throughout this study.

      • KCI등재

        도시공원 조성에 따른 미기후환경의 변화 분석

        김대욱(Kim, Dae-Wuk),김중권(Kim, Jung-Kwon),정응호(Jung, Eung-Ho) 한국도시설계학회 2010 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        본 연구에서는 대구광역시 중구의 국채보상운동기념공원과 2.28기념중앙공원을 대상으로 도시공원의 조성 후 열섬 영향 정도와 미기후환경 변화를 정량적으로 분석하여 과거대비 미기후 측면의 효율성 검증과 도시내 공원의 중요성 및 필요성에 대해 살펴보고 이를 바탕으로 미기후개선을 위한 친환경적 도시공원 계획 및 도시계획 방안 제시를 목적으로 한다. 본 연구에서는 대구광역시 중구에 위치하는 2.28기념중앙공원과 국채보상운동기념공원을 대상으로 3차원 미기후분석프로그램인 ENVI-met을 이용하여 미기후환경(온도, 습도, 바람)의 변화를 분석ㆍ고찰하였다. 2.28공원 및 국채보상기념공원 조성으로 인한 미기후환경 변화를 요약하면, 지점별로 차이가 있지만 기존대비 각각 2.27%, 1.50%의 온도저감효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 습도는 기존대비 각각 5.52%, 2.83%의 상승효과가 나타났다. 본 연구는 과거의 미기후환경을 예측하여 공원 조성을 통한 미기후환경의 변화를 정량적으로 분석하였다는데 가장 큰 의의가 있다. 향후 도시계획 이전에 미기후의 변화를 모의하여 계획에 반영한다면 보다 쾌적한 도시조성에 효과를 줄 것이라 판단된다. This study examined the effect of Gukchae-bosang Memorial Park(GBM park) and 2.28 Jung-ang Memorial Park(JAM park) located at Jung-gu, Daegu on heat island phenomenon. The changes in micro-climate environment after the development of urban parks were analyzed quantitatively to evaluate the efficiency of the parks in terms of micro-climate control. The importance and necessity of urban parks are reviewed based on the analysis, and the guidelines for eco-friendly park and town planning are suggested. In this study, the microclimate environment factors of the urban parks, such as temperature, humidity, and wind, were analyzed and examined by ENVI-met -- a three dimensional micro-climate analysis program. The micro-climate environmental changes caused by the urban parks are as follows. The temperature decreasing effects by the parks were 2.27%(JAM park) and 1.50%(GBM park), and the humidity increasing effects were 5.52%(JAM park) and 2.83%(GBM park) respectively. The significance of this study is that the changes of micro-climate environment by urban parks were analyzed quantitatively on the assumption of the past micro-climate environment. It is expected that the simulation of micro-climate changes from the results of this study helps planners develop a better plan to create more pleasant urban environment.

      • KCI우수등재

        일제강점기 철도부설에 따른 읍성도시의 변화에 관한 연구

        김대중(Kim, Dae-Jung),조재모(Cho, Jae-mo) 대한건축학회 2017 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.33 No.10

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the construction of railroads with historic tracing method and examine closely urban responsiveness of Eupseong relative to the construction of railroads. The process of change of urban spatial structure that occurred by the construction of railroads, city improvements and state of a period has become important concern to researcher. The Change of Urban spatial structures of three Cities(Nam-Won, Dae-Gu and Cheong-Ju) by the construction of railroads in the period of Japanese Occupation can be classified such as the first case that is change caused by railroad, the second case that is formation of twofold urban structure, the third case that is expension of urban region. In this way, Clear understanding of change process of urban structure that demonstrated with three cities would have a great meaning as a basic data through which urbanization processes of Korea modern cities under the Colonial Policy could be understood.

      • 한국인에서 혈소판 당단백 Ⅱb/Ⅲa 유전자 다형성과 관동맥 성형술 후 재 협착과의 관계

        이민수,이정우,김보영,임대승,강정아,김정희,김윤철,성보영,최성준,성인환,전은석 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 2000 충남의대잡지 Vol.27 No.2

        Platelet aggregation is the final pathway of acute coronary syndrome such as acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina. Platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa is a membrane receptor for fibrinogen and yon Willebrand factor and it plays an important role in platelet aggregation and in the pathogenesis of acute coronary syndrome. It is known that polymorphism of the gene that encoding platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa(PI^A1/A2) is strongly related to acute coronary syndrome in Caucasian, but not in Koreans. We investigated relationship between platelet glycoprotein llb/Illa gene polymorphism and restenosis of coronary artery after angioplasty in Koreans. Total 371 patients(M=251. F=120) were enrolled. Angioplasty group comprised 143 patients who underwent coronary angioplasty, and in the angioplasty group, restenosis group comprised with the 65 patients who had restenotic lesion over 50% of luminal diameter in follow-up coronary angiography. Normal group comprised 153 patients who had no significant angiographic lesion and variant angina group comprised 75 patients who were positive in ergonovine test. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral arterial blood. To determine the frequency of P1^A1/A2 genotype, polymerase chain reaction(PCR) was done and the product was restricted with Mspl. 3%. agarrose gel electrophoresis showed restriction fragment length polymorphism. Clinical profile and risk factor were also reviewed. Among all 371 patients of study group, genotype of only one patients in restenosis group if is proven to be PI^A1/A2 heterozygote. All patients of normal study group, no restenosis group, and the other patients in restenosis group have an PI^A1 homozygote genotype. In our study, platelet glycoprotein IIb/Illa polymorphism has no relationship with restenosis of the coronary artery after angioplasty in Koreans. But the genotypic frequency of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa gene polymorphism in Koreans is concordant with that of previous studies.

      • 복발효 감식초의 품질

        김미경,김미정,김소연,정대성,정용진,김순동 대구효성가톨릭대학교 식품과학연구소 1994 식품과학지 Vol.6 No.-

        고품질의 감식초를 농가에서 자가생산하기 위한 기초적 자료를 마련할 목적으로 자연발효시킨 경우와 복발효시킨 경우의 품질을 비교하였다. 그 결과 복발효시킨 식초는 자연발효 식초에 비하여 초산농도가 1/2인 3%정도였다. 그리고 HPLC 법으로 측정한 유리당의 총함량은 자연발효 식초는 6%, 복발효시킨 것은 5%였다. 감식초내에 함유된 유기산류로는 oxalic acid, malic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, succinic acid, glutaric acid 등 이었으며 자연발효시킨 경우가 전반적으로 함량이 높았다. 특히 자연 발효시킨 경우 lactic acid함량이 높았다. 그러나 감과실의 flavour와 과실의 고유색상과 맛은 복발효시킨 경우가 강하게 나타났다. To prepare the basic information for the fermentation of high quality persimmon vinegar in the farm, the quality of the complex fermented persimmon vinegar(CFPV) was compared to that of naturally fermented persimmon vinegar(NFPV). The titratable acidity of the CFPV was 3% which was the half concentration of the NFPV. The content of total free sugar by HPLC was 6% in CFPV and NFPV was 5%. Organic acid compositions in persimmon vinegar were oxalic acid, malic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, succinic acid and glutaric acid in addition to acetic acid. Total content of the organic acids in NFPV was higer than that in CFPV. Especially, the content of latic acid in NFPV was very higher than that of CFPV. The flavour, color and taste of persimmon fruit itself in CFPV were stronger than those in NFPV.

      • 위암 환자의 복강내 투여를 위한 Activated Charcoal-Alginate Bead 제형으로부터 Mitomycin C의 용출 거동

        이진호,최선웅,서중기,김동민,정경수,오정연,김진향,노승무,민병무,김용백,김창식,박근성,강대영,송규상,양준묵,조준식,정현용,김학용,인현빈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        Locoregional recurrence is the most common type of recurrence in surgical operation of gastric adenocarcinoma, and peritoneal dissemination is one of the most difficult problems in advanced gastric adenocarcinoma treatment. Because the peritoneal cavity is the most common site of the first recurrence after gastric cancer resection, intraperitoneal chemotherapy seems a logical choice for cancer chemotherapy. In this study, Mitomycin C (MMC)-activated charcoal (CH)-alginate (ALG) beads were prepared by the mixtures of CH particles adsorbed with MMC as an anti-cancer drug and aqueous alginate solution. The alginate is recognized as biodegradable, nontoxic, and biocompatible. The release of MMC from the beads in 0.1 M Tris buffer was stable and continuous until about 1 week. The MMC-CH-ALG beads can be applied in the peritoneal cavity for intraperitoneal chemotherapy since they provide a good adhesiveness on the tissue and controlled release pattern of the drugs.

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