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        복지권으로서 교육권 보장을 위한 『장애인 등에 대한 특수교육법』

        황정보,이선재,안병주,강경희,김청아 국립특수교육원 2007 특수교육연구 Vol.14 No.2

        결핍에서 오는 필요의 개념은 장애인에게 복지권으로서 교육받을 권리를 가장 잘 말해주고 있다. 장애인은 신체적·인지적 손상으로 발생하는 기본적인 생존적 필요의 충족뿐만 아니라 동시에 교육기회 균등이나 개인차의 고려 등을 통해 무지로부터 벗어날 수 있는 보편적 필요가 충족되어야 함을 논의하였다. 장애인들에게 이러한 결핍에 따른 필요를 충족시켜 줄 이론적 근거가 롤즈(J. Rawls)의 정의론이라 할 수 있다. 정의론의 '차등의 원칙'에 따르면, 교육에 있어 비장애인과 장애인 중 먼저 최소 수혜자인 장애인의 교육복지를 우선하여 극대화할 필요성을 제시함으로써, 그들의 교육권 보장을 위한 이론적 근거에 대한 정당화를 논의하였다. 기존의 특수교육진흥법은 '국가가 교육할 권리'를 가지는 국가 주도적 교육이었다면, 「장애인 등에 대한 특수교육법」 제정은 수년간 장애인의 교육권 확보를 위해 애쓴 장애인 교육 주체들이 노력 끝에 '교육받을 권리'를 찾게 된 의미 있는 결실로 평가되어 진다. The concept of need which comes from lack represents well the right to education as welfare rights to individuals with disabilities. It is necessary to meet the universal need of individuals with disabilities such as an equal opportunity for education and the consideration for individual difference as well as their substantial need. The rationale which may satisfy the need associated with the lack can be J. Rawls's a Theory of Justice. The difference principle by Rawls presents the need of the educational welfare of individuals with disabilities(the least advantaged) to take precedence over that of the non-disabled and be maximized, it is considered that he created the rationale that makes secure their right to education. While established Special Education Promotion Law was national-driven education that state had to the education right, the enactment of 'the Special Education Law for the Individuals with Disabilities, etc.' can be a significant fruit which takes back 'the right to education by citizens' by the educational subjects of the individuals with disability who have taken pains to secure their right to education for years.

      • 영어 교과서에 기술된 문법구조 유형 비교 연구 : 중학교 3학년 교과서를 중심으로

        황보근,김정연 大邱大學校 師範大學 附設 敎育硏究所 2010 學校敎育硏究 Vol.5 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyse the grammatical contents in middle school English textbooks for finding an effective way of grammar instruction to improve communicative ability. For this purpose, five sets of middle school English textbooks, which are authorized by the Ministry of Education according to the 7th Curriculum, were analysed. The results of this analysis are as follows : First, grammar items were presented in separate parts in three sets of textbooks and in the other textbooks, they were presented in various activities to improve communicative competence such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening skill. Second, three sets of textbooks, which grammar items were presented systematically, did not show them in situations or contexts but in simple pattern practices. So, this may lead the learners to concentrate upon mechanical learning of grammatical rules. In two sets of textbooks, grammar items were not presented systematically but, grammar learning can be made meaningful by language form being embedded in contexts. Third, the presentational method of these textbook's language forms is deductive. Currently, the inductive method, which gives students a chance to discover within a context, is preferred, and has proven to be more successful. The fundamental purpose of language is communication and, English education also aims to this. If what we said is ungrammatical, though we can speak English fluently, it's not sufficient to accurate communication. Communicative competence means the ability to speak in target language both fluently and accurately. Grammar is important, if not absolutely essential for improving communicative competence. Therefore, as one competent of communicative competence, grammar is no longer taught in isolation but in relation to reading, listening, writing in one lesson. Communicative activities suitable for a Korean classroom environment should be developed and teachers should provide students with an effective and meaningful grammar instruction. 진정한 의미의 의사소통 능력이란 정확성과 유창성을 겸하는 것이어야 한다. 따라서 언어 교육은 유 창성과 정확성 중 어느 하나만을 선택하여 획득하는 것이 아니라 둘 다를 목표로 하여야 한다. 유창성 과 정확성을 동시에 겸한 진정한 의미의 의사소통 능력을 위해서 문법 능력은 필수라는 것이 많은 연구를 통해 증명되면서 의사소통 능력 향상을 위한 효과적인 문법 교육이 영어 교육의 중요한 이슈가 되었다. 이제는 문법을 가르쳐야 하는가 아닌가 하는 문제가 아니라 의사소통 중심 영어 수업에서 문법 의 역할은 무엇인가, 좀 더 구체적으로 우리나라 교육 현실에 맞추어 어떻게 무엇을 얼마나 가르쳐야 하는가가 논의의 대상이 된 것이다. 이에 본 연구는 의사소통 능력을 향상시키기 위한 효과적인 문법 교육의 방향을 알아보기 위하여 영어 교육의 가장 기본적인 언어 자료인 영어 교과서에서 문법이 차지하는 비중과 문법 내용, 그리고 문법내용의 제시 방법에 대해 연구하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        플래쉬 카드를 활용한 단어 읽기 반복 학습이 정신지체아의 단어 재인 능력에 미치는 효과

        황정보 국립특수교육원 2003 특수교육연구 Vol.10 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 플래쉬 카드를 활용한 단어 읽기 반복 학습이 정신지체아의 단어 재인 능력에 미치는 효과를 알아보기 위해 목표 단어 읽기 과제와 단어 목록 읽기 자동화 속도 및 정확도를 측정하였다. 연구 대상은 중학부 특수학교(급)에 재학중인 정신연령 8세인 정신지체아 10명과 동일한 정신연령을 가진 초등학교에 재학중인 일반아동 10명을 선정하였다. 플래쉬 카드를 활용한 단어 읽기 지도가 정신지체아의 목표 단어 읽기 과제에 대한 성취 능력을 향상시킨 것으로 나타났으며, 플래쉬 카드를 활용한 목표 단어 읽기 지도를 받은 정신지체아 집단과 일반아동 집단의 단어 읽기 자동화 속도를 재는 단어 목록 읽기 과제에서 전체 단어를 읽는데 걸리는 시간을 비교하였는데 통계적으로 의미 있는 차이가 없었으며, 글자의 오류 수에서도 통계적으로 의미 있는 차이가 없었다. This study was designed to examine the effects of flashcard-used, word-reading teaching on mentally retarded children’s word recognition ability. We measured the degree of word recognition of the normal children(NC) and mentally retarded children(MR) in the same mental age, 8. The 10 subjects for each groups selected. They all were in the same mental age, 8. The following studys were conducted for these purpose. 1. Tasks assessing word-reading ability was examined through 10 MR. 2. Automatization speed and syllables-reading of ‘word list reading-task’ was examined through 10 MR and NC. The obtained data were analyzed through frequencies and t-test. The data processing was made using spss/windows 11.0 to insure precision. The results of these analysis are as follow. 1.According to tasks assessing word-reading, mentally retarded children’s word recognition ability was improved from 65.9% to 99.6% in the levelⅠ, from 30.7% to 98% in the levelⅡ, from 18.5% to 95% in the leve Ⅲ, 2.MR spent more time conducting ‘word list reading-task’ and made more errors in syllables-reading than NC. But, no significant difference was found between MR and NC in the test of automatization speed and syllables-reading of ‘word list reading-task’

      • 보행훈련방법이 편마비 환자의 보행요소와 족저압에 미치는 영향

        김은정,황보각,권혁철 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2009 再活科學硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        이 연구는 뇌졸중으로 인한 편마비 환자에게 보행훈련방법을 달리하였을 때, 일반적인 지면과 트레드밀, 불안정면을 이용한 보행훈련이 보행요소와 족저압에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 편마비 환자 30명을 지면과 트레드밀, 불안정면 보행훈련군으로 무작위 배정하고 각 치료군들은 주 5회, 8주 간의 보행훈련을 실시하였다. 실험 전과 후, 보행요소를 알아보기 위하여 보행속도, 보장, 보각과 족저압을 측정하여 수집된 자료를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 이 연구의 결과를 종합해 보면 보행훈련방법에 따라 지면 보행훈련은 보행속도와 족저압 전족부, 트레드밀 보행훈련군은 보행속도와 보각, 족저압 중족부, 불안정면 보행훈련군은 보행속도와 보장, 보각에서 유의한 증가를 보였다. 이러한 결과는 뇌졸중으로 인한 편마비 환자에게 보행훈련방법을 달리함에 따라 많은 영향을 끼치어, 환경의 변화와 다양한 과제에 대한 적절한 반응을 만들어 낼 수 있음을 의미하며, 기능 회복의 임상적 접근에서 치료 중재의 시점과 기간, 제공되는 환경, 과제의 선택에 대한 광범위한 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각되어진다. Purpose : This study was performed for effects of gait component and plantar foot pressure on gait training way needed in gait with hemiplegic patients caused by cerebrovascular accident. Methods : Three groups of adult hemiplegia(n=30) were allocated randomly in this study : group I(TGT : treadmill gait training), group II(USGT : unstable surface gait training) and group III(SGT : surface gait training). The gait training was provided to experimental groups for 8 weeks(5 times a week). Measurements of pre and post experiment were gait velocity, step length, toe out angle, foot plantar pressure which demonstrate temporal-spatial parameter of gait component. Results : The results of this study showed that in comparison of pre and post changes of gait training, SGT group has statistically significant differences in gait velocity, metatarsal area of foot plantar pressure, TGT group has statistically significant differences in gait velocity, toe out angle, midfoot of foot plantar pressure. USGT group has statistically significant differences in gait velocity, step length, toe out angle. Conclusion : These results mean gait training resulted by gait training way provides effective gait, with stroke, and therefore proper response about environmental changes and various tasks could be made.

      • KCI등재

        우울장애 환자에서 자살 시도와 트립토판 수산화 효소(Tryptophan Hydroxylase) A218C 유전자 다형성과의 관련성

        심세훈,황보영,권영준,정희연,이분희,김용구 대한신경정신의학회 2008 신경정신의학 Vol.47 No.2

        Objectives : Several lines of evidence suggest the serotonergic dysfunction involved in the biological susceptibility of suicide. Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of serotonin, Plays a vital role in serotonin metabolism. In a case-control study, we investigated whether the TPH gene was a susceptible factor for suicidal behavior in depressive patients. Methods : The subjects were 218 depressed patients who attempted suicide and visited emergency rooms in multi-medical centers. One hundred thirty hospitalized non-suicidal depressed patients and the 161 normal controls were matched with the suicidal group. Individuals in all 3 groups were evaluated independently by a Structured Clinical Interview for the purpose of establishing a DSM-IV criteria diagnosis (SCID). The severity of depressive symptoms was evaluated using Hamilton depression rating scale (HDRS). Results : There was no significant difference in genotype distributions and allele frequencies of TPH intron 7 A218C polymorphisms among 3 groups. Furthermore, no significant difference in genotype counts and allele frequencies of the polymorphisms was found among lethal suicidal depressed patients, non-suicidal depressed patients and the normal controls. Conclusion : This study suggests that the A218C polymorphism of the TPH gene is unlikely to have a major effect on the susceptibility of suicidal behaviors in depressive patients.

      • KCI등재후보

        What we learned from difficult hepatectomies in patients with advanced hepatic malignancy

        Bo Hyun Jung,Jae Hoon Lee,Sang Yeup Lee,Dae Keun Song,Ji Woong Hwang,Dae Wook Hwang,Young-Joo Lee,Kwang-Min Park 한국간담췌외과학회 2011 한국간담췌외과학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        Backgrounds/Aims: By reviewing difficult resections for advanced hepatic malignancies, we discuss the effectiveness and extended indications for hepatectomy in such patients. Methods: We reviewed 7 patients who underwent extensive surgery between July 2008 and March 2011 for advanced hepatic malignancies. They had stage IV disease, except for in one case that was a stage IIIC (T4N0M0) hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Results: Patient 1 with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (IHCC) underwent right hemihepatectomy and resection of the bile duct and left portal vein. At 39 months after surgery, she had no recurrence or metastasis. Patient 2 with HCC underwent palliative right trisectionectomy. At 38 months after surgery, he is alive despite residual pulmonary metastases. Patient 3 with HCC invading the hepatic vein and diaphragm underwent right trisectionectomy and caval venoplasty. At 12 months after surgery, he had no recurrence or metastasis. Patient 4, who had 2 large HCCs and pulmonary thromboembolism, underwent a right trisectionectomy. At 7 months after surgery, he had no evidence of recurred HCC. Patient 5, who had IHCC invading her inferior vena cava and main portal vein, underwent preoperative radiotherapy, left hemihepatectomy, and caval resection. At 20 months after surgery, she is well despite a caval thrombus. Patient 6 and 7 underwent repeated surgery due to a recurred IHCC and metastatic colon cancer, respectively. In addition, they are alive during each 20 and 17 months after surgery. Conclusions: Despite macroscopic extrahepatic metastases or major vessel involvement, extensive surgery for advanced hepatic malignancy may result in relatively favorable outcomes and be important modality for improving of survival in such patients. (Korean J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2011;15:218-224)


        Decursin inhibits UVB-induced MMP expression in human dermal fibroblasts via regulation of nuclear factor-κB.

        Hwang, Bo-Mi,Noh, Eun-Mi,Kim, Jong-Suk,Kim, Jeong-Mi,Hwang, Jin-Ki,Kim, Hye-Kyung,Kang, Jae-Seon,Kim, Do-Sung,Chae, Han-Jung,You, Yong-Ouk,Kwon, Kang-Beom,Lee, Young-Rae D.A. Spandidos 2013 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE Vol.31 No.2

        <P>Decursin, a coumarin compound, was originally isolated from the roots of Angelica gigas almost four decades ago, and it was found to exhibit cytotoxicity against various types of human cancer cells and anti-amnesic activity in vivo through the inhibition of AChE activity. However, the anti-skin photoaging effects of decursin have not been reported to date. In the present study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of decursin on the expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 and MMP-3 in human dermal fibroblast (HDF) cells. Western blot analysis and real-time PCR revealed that decursin inhibited the ultraviolet (UV)B-induced expression of MMP-1 and MMP-3 in a dose-dependent manner. Decursin significantly blocked the UVB-induced activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB). However, decursin showed no effect on MAPK or AP-1 activity. In this study, decursin prevented the UVB-induced expression of MMPs via the inhibition of NF-κB activation. In conclusion, decursin may be a potential agent for the prevention and treatment of skin photoaging.</P>

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