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        Effects of ASEAN Trade Liberalization on the Philippine Manufacturing Sector: A Gravity Model Approach

        John Christian P,Ocba,Yolanda T,Garcia,Emmanuel Genesis T,Andal 한국APEC학회 2017 Journal of APEC Studies Vol.9 No.2

        ASEAN Trade liberalization promotes intra-regional trade through gradual elimination of tariff across various manufactured products as well as reduction of non-tariff barriers to facilitate the flow of tradable goods within the region. Covering the period of 1993 to 2014, this study analyzed the effects of both tariff and non-tariff barriers on the level of trade in the Philippine manufacturing sector and its components with other ASEAN member nations. Using an augmented gravity model, the results showed that GDP and population of the Philippines and its ASEAN trading partners exhibited significant effects on the country’s imports and exports of manufactured goods, respectively. Moreover, the results showed that both tariff and non-tariff barriers have negative effects on the trade of these goods in general and were found to be significant in many manufacturing sub-sectors. On the whole, the study showed that the ASEAN trade liberalization through tariff reduction have some but not wide ranging effect on the level of trade in the Philippine manufacturing sub-sectors as expected. This result can be attributed to the increasing incidence of non-tariff barriers (NTBs), which proved to dampen the free flow of trade in the ASEAN community.

      • Perceived Relevance of Grade 9 Mathematics Topics to Everyday Life : Inputs to Context-based Enrichment Activities

        John Patrick S. Alcantara,John Christian E. Isip,Gerardo R. Sison, Jr.,Allan A. Yutoc,Butch Stephen C. Duay,Rexella M. Umoquit ASCONS 2020 IJASC Vol.2 No.2

        Background/Objectives: This research aspires to develop context-based enrichment activities that will make an interrelation between the concepts taught in Grade 9 Mathematics in Angat National High School at Taboc, Angat, Bulacan to the lives of the students. Methods/Statistical analysis: The sample of the study included 35 students. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach can be used to address this study. Using the survey questionnaires, results revealed the topics that has perceived low relevance to the students were, law of sine, law of cosine, angle of elevation and depression, quadratic inequalities, applications on quadratic function, equations transformable into quadratic equation, oblique triangles, trigonometric ratios and special angle, solving quadratic equations by completing the square and graphs of quadratic function, and these are the topics contained in the enrichment activities. Findings: The students also replied that there is a need to come up with an instructional material that will connect these concepts to their lives and to improve their knowledge, abilities and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development and upbringing. Improvements/Applications: The evaluation of the instructors to the enrichment activities scored an admissible mark and was complimented as useful and applicable.

      • From an international to a transnational history of European integration: some stages on the journey

        John Christian Bailey 서강대학교 유로메나연구소 2011 통합유럽연구 Vol.- No.2

        2004년 동유럽10개국을 새롭게 회원국으로 받아들여 그 규모가 확대 된유럽연합의 지도자 중 독일의 헬무트 콜 수상은 유럽통합의 역사적 의미에대해 대규모전쟁이 재현되지 않고, 그러기 위해 서로가 군대를 보유하지 않기 위한 노력이 결실을 맺은 것이며, 이것이 통합된 유럽의 가장 중 요한 존재이유라고 언급 하였다. 또한 이탈리아 수상인 로마노 프로디도 통합유럽을 위한 움직임이 유럽이 전쟁으로부터 평화로 옮겨가기 위해 분열에서 통합으로 나아가고 있는 것이라고 묘사하였다. 유럽통합의 정신은 평화를 추구하기 위한 노력의 소산이며, 전쟁과 이에 상응하는 갈등이 해소된 평화로운 유럽의 지향한다. 통합된 유럽은 2차대전 이후 분열된 유럽의 이상적인모델이며, 특히 동유럽 국가들에게 있어서 통합유럽의 일원이 된다는 것은그들의 ‘잃어버린’ 정체성을 회복시켜주는 ‘역사적 정상화’의 의미이다. 따라서 통합 된 유럽은 그 의미에 있어 분열과 대립, 국민국가, 민족주의라는기존의 개념을 타파한다. 오랫동안 유럽 통합의 역사에서 국민국가가 그 출발점으로 간주되어왔다. 이러한 관점은 개별 단위의 국가사에는 유효할 지모르나, 통합된 유럽의 정신, 혹은 역사성을 규정 하는 데는 적합하지 못하다. 따라서 이러한 단위사의 한계를 넘어가는 초국가적 역사로 이러한 현상을 바라봐야 하는 필요성과 당위성이 제기된다. 유럽의 통합을 위한 가장 영향력 있는 초기의 역사가들은 20세기 중반부터 강력하게 대두된 초국가적역사학자 그룹의 중요성을 강조한다. 특히 발터 립겐스는 초국가적 역사서술의 뛰어난 대가로서 여러 나라의 국경을 안전하게 넘나들며 생활하기를바라는 이민자들이 하나의 동맹체를 이루고자 하는 열망이 강하다는 것에초점을 맞추어 통합의 초국가적 역사성을 조명하고 있다. 이러한 연구는 밀워드, 프레버트, 겔러, 카이저 등에 의해 계승되어 초국가주의 혹은 초민족주의라는 개념으로 등장하기도하였다. 이러한 연구는 통합유럽연구에 있어초국가주의의 유효성과 적실성을 드러내고 있으며, 방법론상로도 옳은 방식이라 할 수 있다. 초국가적 접근방식은 유럽통합의 방향에 대한 새로운 가능성을 제공해 줄 수 있다. 그것은 국가중심의 역사에서 찾아내지 못하는 보다 유연한 분석과 전망을 제공할 것이다. 또 이러한 초국가적 분석은 유럽과유럽 이외의 지역, 유럽인과 비유럽인이 함께 대화를 할 수 있는 연결고리를만들어 준다.

      • China’s One Belt One Road and Debt Trap Diplomacy : Exploring the Cases of Sri Lanka and Djibouti

        ABABAN, John Christian S.,GREGORIO, Julio Enrique C.,PISTIS, Ma. Rita Roberta D. 동덕여자대학교 한중미래연구소 2018 한중미래연구 Vol.10 No.-

        국제무대에서 부상하는 중국의 영향력이 갈수록 증가하고 있다. 대 표적인 사례로 지역협력과 무역을 통해 자국의 이익을 극대화시키려 는 일대일로 정책을 들 수 있다. 하지만 주변국의 교역 비용을 감소 시켜 이들의 성장을 도울 수 있다는 일대일로 프로젝트는 많은 전문 가들의 회의적인 비판에 직면해 있다. 이는 참여국들이 실질적으로 무역과 인프라건설에 들어가는 비용을 제공할 수 있느냐와 관련되어 있다. 특히 중국의 일대일로가 주변국에 불러일으킬 수 있는 부채외 교의 덫이 이와 관련된 논쟁의 핵심으로 대두하고 있다. 부채외교는 관련 부채 제공 국가가 강제적인 방법으로 부채를 활용해 자국의 전 략적 자산과 정치적 영향력을 향상시키는 것을 의미한다. 이 논문은 스리랑카와 지부티의 사례를 통해 부채외교의 함정을 비판적으로 분 석하는 목표를 지니고 있다. Recent events in international politics show a China that is eager to increase its power and influence on the world stage. China aims to do this through the launch of its One Belt, One Road (OBOR) Initiative. OBOR is considered by international observers to be an ambitious project with the purpose of increasing regional cooperation and trade as part of Chinese national interests. China’s economic initiative could reinvigorate partner states’ economic policies with regard to transportation infrastructure. This would, therefore, significantly reduce trade costs and increase regional growth. However, many international experts raise questions about the true motivations behind OBOR. This is about whether the partner states can actually afford the costs for trade and infrastructure projects or not. In particular, debt trap diplomacy has been associated with OBOR as an economic cost to China’s partner state. Debt trap diplomacy is considered to be a form of predatory economics. It is utilized as a means of achieving economic ends on the regional and global levels. This type of diplomacy involves a state acquiring strategic assets or political influence over debtor states through coercive leveraging of debt. This article would take into account the economic failure of the projects that are born out of the One Belt, One Road Initiative. In particular, this paper would focus on Sri Lanka and Djibouti. As the capability of the two countries in paying back the monetary loans no longer seems possible, China took the decision to request for equity returns.

      • Modification of Linksys WRT54GL for Customizable Digital System Applications

        Christian V. Maderazo,Linda E. Saavedra,Mohammed Jamal S. Albaidani,Ma. Ellen Jane L. Guirnela,John B. Irizari,Rey Vincent M. Letigio,Cherry V. Manulat 대한전자공학회 2010 ICEIC:International Conference on Electronics, Inf Vol.1 No.1

        This study centers on the modification of Linksys WRT54G router to create customizable platform for digital applications. As proof that the router has been successfully modified ? firmware and hardware ? features like button pressing, input interrupts, URL parameters and an application called “Linksys router navigater” were created. Button pressing simply outputs what the client wants to output to the LEDs. Input interrupts outputs what the client defines as output according to the input and URL parameters lets the client output the desired predefined function. The application Linksys router navigator on the other hand, moves forward, backward, left and right, depending on the button that the client press. Linksys router navigator is like a car that can be controlled not via RC frequencies but via Wi-Fi.

      • KCI등재

        Open ureteroplasty with buccal mucosa graft for long proximal strictures: A good option for a rare problem

        Lukas John Hefermehl,Stefan Tritschler,Alexander Kretschmer,Vincent Beck,Christian G. Stief,Boris Schlenker,Frank Strittmatter 대한비뇨의학회 2020 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.61 No.3

        Purpose: To report a single surgeon experience with one year follow-up after open ureteroplasty with buccal mucosa graft (OUBMG) in the rare situation of long segment proximal ureteral strictures. Materials and Methods: Four patients with long segment proximal ureteral stricture underwent OU-BMG between February and July 2017. Functional outcome was assessed by pre- and postoperative serum creatinine, ultrasound and renal scintigraphy as well as patient reported outcomes. Results: Four patients with an average stricture length of 4 cm underwent OU-BMG between February and July 2017. No major postoperative complications occurred. Retrograde uretero-pyelography 6 weeks postoperatively revealed a watertight anastomosis followed by immediate emptying of the renal pelvis and ureter in all four patients. Ureteroscopy at this time showed a wide lumen with well-vascularized pink mucosa. After a mean follow-up time of 12.5 (12–14) months, postoperative serum creatinine was unimpaired. Renal scintigraphy revealed no signs of renal obstruction. With regard to intraoral surgery, no difficulties with mouth opening or intraoral dryness or numbness were reported. Conclusions: For patients with long segment ureteral strictures OU-BMG is a safe technique with excellent surgical and functional outcomes. Hence, the application of this technique should be encouraged and regarded as one of the standard options in case of this rare problem.

      • Session 4 : A Project for Dealing with the Missing Character Problem

        ( C C Hsieh ),( Christian Wittern ),( John Lehman ) 동국대학교 전자불전문화콘텐츠연구소 2001 전자불전 Vol.3 No.-

        The project described in this paper takes advantage of the 7 year experience of the Academia Sinica Institute of Information Science Document Processing Laboratory in Studying the missing character problem. It is intended to develop a packaging and processing system which is compatible with international standards for use in an internet or Windows environment. The initial design constraints were to use XML markup as part of a system to allow the viewing and processing of documents containing missing characters by any personal computer capable of running Windows 98, and using standard software such as Microsoft Word. It requires no modification of the user`s system or software, and provides facilities for sharing data between users. The project was funded by a grant from the Republic of China (Taiwan) Ministry of Education, and is expected to be further developed to run on a larger variety of systems.


        Adrielle Theresa Cusi,John Christian Nacpil,Lizbeth Joy Tan 국제과학영재학회 2014 APEC Youth Scientist Journal Vol.6 No.2

        The range of motion is the maximum degree and direction a joint can move. It is measured during diagnosis and physical therapy in order to assess physiological gain or loss. Conventionally, orthopedic doctors measure the range of motion using a mechanical instrument called a goniometer. With this method, the joints are measured one by one, making it a tedious task. A program utilizing the Leap Motion Controller, an infrared-based motion detector able to detect hands and fingers, was developed to allow simultaneous and instantaneous measurement of the range of motion for the distal and proximal interphalangeal joints of both hands. Thus, the purpose of this research is to develop an alternative method for measuring the range of motion (flexion and hyperextension) of the distal and proximal interphalangeal joints of the human finger. The program can compute for the angle by calculating the distance between the joint positions in 3D space and applying a derived form of the Law of Cosine. The program is currently able to fulfill the project’s goals, however its measurements must still be compared to a manual goniometer measurement. If its measurements prove to be accurate, the program will benefit orthopedic doctors and patients alike with a faster and more convenient way of range of motion measurement.

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