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      • KCI등재

        Nonlinear Increase of Spatial Noise for Ultrashort Pulses with Different Temporal Widths

        Lifu Zhang,Xiquan Fu,Jianqin Deng,Hua Yang,Youwen Wang,Shuangchun Wen,Huiwen Xu,Jinggui Zhang,Jin Zhang,Dianyuan Fan 한국물리학회 2009 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.55 No.2

        In this paper, the dynamic evolution of the spatial noise modulation of ultrashort laser pulses in carbon disulfide (CS2) is investigated experimentally, and different temporal widths of the stretched pulse are analyzed for spatial noise gain. The spatial noise evolution (i.e., small-scale self-focusing) of ultrashort laser pulses with different temporal widths as a function of the length of the CS2 has been observed. If the spectral bandwidth is invariant, the experimental results show that a stretched pulse with a broader temporal width can postpone the small-scale self-focusing of spatial noise for longer medium length with constant input power or for greater input power with the same medium length. In this paper, the dynamic evolution of the spatial noise modulation of ultrashort laser pulses in carbon disulfide (CS2) is investigated experimentally, and different temporal widths of the stretched pulse are analyzed for spatial noise gain. The spatial noise evolution (i.e., small-scale self-focusing) of ultrashort laser pulses with different temporal widths as a function of the length of the CS2 has been observed. If the spectral bandwidth is invariant, the experimental results show that a stretched pulse with a broader temporal width can postpone the small-scale self-focusing of spatial noise for longer medium length with constant input power or for greater input power with the same medium length.

      • KCI등재

        Preferential water uptake and differences in the anatomical structure of the distal end of grape berry may jointly lead to cracking in vitro soaking

        Chuan Zhang,Liwen Cui,Chonghuai Liu,Xiucai Fan,Jinggui Fang 한국원예학회 2021 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.62 No.3

        The distal end of grape berries preferentially cracks during the soaking process in vitro, which may be related to preferentialwater uptake and cell anatomy. Thus, the relationship between water uptake and cell anatomical structure was assessed using49 grape varieties. In vitro immersion experiments were performed on mature berries to measure the diff erences in berrycrackingproperties. A whole-berry in vitro staining method was used to trace the water uptake of the vascular bundles, andparaffi n sections were used to observe and analyze the structural parameters of the diff erent tissues. The results showed thatthe berry-cracking rate and water uptake of the distal end of berries prone to cracking were signifi cantly higher than that ofthe resistant berries. Compared with the berries that were resistant to cracking, the berries that were prone to cracking possesseda thin cuticle, epidermis and sub-epidermis. Dye accumulated in the distal end of the cracking-prone berries, whicheven exhibited cracking during the dyeing process. However, less dye accumulated on the surface of the cracking-resistantvarieties and was only sporadically distributed on the surface. In addition, cracking of the distal end of the berry may alsobe related to other shape and size parameters of the cells in cell layer. Analysis of vascular bundle water transport and thediff erences in the cell structure characteristics of the diff erent varieties, off ered a preliminary explanation for why the distalend of the berry is prone to cracking, providing theoretical support for further research on the mechanisms of berry cracking.

      • KCI등재

        Integrated metatranscriptome and transcriptome reveals the microbial community composition and physiological function of xylem sap on grapevine during bleeding period

        Zheng Ting,Zhang Kekun,Zhu Xudong,Guan Le,Jiu Songtao,Li Xiaopeng,Mazzullah Nasim,Jia Haifeng,Fang Jinggui 한국유전학회 2019 Genes & Genomics Vol.41 No.9

        Background The xylem sap of fruit trees ensures the survival during the dormant period, and its flow during the bleeding period is correlated with the start of a new life cycle. Though the simple exploration on ingredients in the sap was carried out in the early years, the specific life activities and physiology functions of the sap during bleeding period have not been reported yet and the bleeding period is still a fruit tree development period worthy of attention. Objectives In this study, the microbial community composition during bleeding period were revealed by metatranscriptome and transcriptomic data. For the first time, the microorganism genome and grape genome in xylem sap were analyzed on transcriptional level, based on which the main physiological functions of the sap were also determined. Methods The genomic RNA in the sap was isolated and sequenced. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Gene and Genome (KEGG), Evolutionary genealogy of genes: Non-supervised Orthologous Groups (eggNOG) and Carbohydrate-Active enzymes Database (CAZy) functional annotation were used to analysis the function of micro-organisms in xylem sap. DEGs were analyzed by gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG). The genes responsive to biotic and abiotic stresses were finally screened by transcriptome screening, stress data analysis and vitro validation experiments. Results The analysis exhibited 36,144,564 micro-related clean reads and 244,213 unigene. KEGG, eggNOG and CAZy functional annotation analysis indicated that signal transduction and material metabolism were the most important function of xylem sap. DEGs analysis were mainly about disease resistance, carbon source metabolism and hormone signal transduction, especially in P3 vs P1, enriched in the plant-pathogen interaction pathway. Analysis on grape genome information revealed xylem sap had little RNA with weak life activity. Metabolic pathways, biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, plant hormone signal transduction and plant-pathogen interaction were the four pathways with the largest number of enriched genes. Moreover, 16 genes responsive to biotic and abiotic stresses were screened out. Conclusion Promoting plant growth and resisting pathogens were the most important function of xylem sap during the bleeding period, and the function of microbial community were closely related to microorganisms growth and disease resistance. The 16 stress-related genes might be used for the future grape resistance research.

      • KCI등재

        In silico identification and computational characterization of endogenous small interfering RNAs from diverse grapevine tissues and stages

        Xudong Zhu,Songtao Jiu,Xiaopeng Li,Kekun Zhang,Mengqi Wang,Chen Wang,Jinggui Fang 한국유전학회 2018 Genes & Genomics Vol.40 No.8

        Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are effectors of regulatory pathways underlying plant development, metabolism, and stress- and nutrient-signaling regulatory networks. The endogenous siRNAs are generally not conserved between plants; consequently, it is necessary and important to identify and characterize siRNAs from various plants. To address the nature and functions of siRNAs, and understand the biological roles of the huge siRNA population in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). The high-throughput sequencing technology was used to identify a large set of putative endogenous siRNAs from six grapevine tissues/organs. Subsequently, Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analysis was performed to classify the target genes of siRNA. In total, 520,519 candidate siRNAs were identified and their expression profiles exhibited typical temporal characters during grapevine development. In addition, we identified two grapevine trans-acting siRNA (TAS) gene homologs (VvTAS3 and VvTAS4) and the derived trans-acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) that could target grapevine auxin response factor (ARF) and myeloblastosis (MYB) genes. Furthermore, the GO and KEGG analysis of target genes showed that most of them covered a broad range of functional categories, especially involving in disease-resistance process. The large-scale and completely genome-wide level identification and characterization of grapevine endogenous siRNAs from the diverse tissues by high throughput technology revealed the nature and functions of siRNAs in grapevine.

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