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하기철,정문현,이진수,조래정,이혜경,김은실 대한감염학회 2007 감염과 화학요법 Vol.39 No.1
Background:Upper respiratory infections (URIs) are the most common infections in developed countries and are the major reasons for the consumption of medicines including antibiotics. In Korea, antibiotics and glucocorticoids were dispensed by pharmacies without prescriptions before July 2000, when the dispensation of antibiotics without doctor's prescriptions was prohibited. The objective of this study is to investigate the rate of antibiotic dispensation by pharmacies for the treatment of common cold and to identify the dispensing pattern for URI management in 2005, i.e., 5 years after the establishment of the prohibition policy. Materials and Methods:In August 2005, medical students visited 90 drugstores in three cities (Seoul, Chonan, and Chunchun) and received medications for the treatment of illnesses that simulate the common cold, i.e., rhinorrhea and nasal stuffiness that had lasted for one day and were not accompanied by fever. The components of the dispensed medicines were identified by pharmacists at a university hospital. Results:All the components of the dispensed medicines were identifiable in 85 cases (94.4%), and the mean number of medicines was 1.36 (S.D.±0.724); no difference was observed among the three cities. The antibiotics ampicillin and chloramphenicol were identified in two pharmacies in Seoul and Chunchun, respectively. Glucocorticoids were not dispensed in any case, and a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug was dispensed in only one case. Compound medicines are increasingly used as cold remedies; the components of the most frequently dispensed medicine were acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, and pseudoephedrine. Herbal medicines were also frequently included in cold remedies (38.9%); licorice (30%) and ginger (26%) were the two most frequently used medicinal herbs. Conclusion:There was a marked decrease in the dispensation of antimicrobials, glucocorticoids, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs without doctor's prescriptions. Chloramphenicol continued to be dispensed as a URI medication. Increased use of compound and herbal medicines as cold remedies suggests a need for the evaluation of the additional benefits of herbal medicines, their adverse effects, and the drug interactions between herbal and conventional medicines. 배경 : 상기도 감염은 선진국에서 발생하는 가장 흔한 감염증이어서 이를 치료하기 위해 투여되는 약제는 전체약제 소모의 중요한 원인이며, 약제 부작용, 경제적 손실, 항균제 내성 유발에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 한국에서는 의약분업이 시행된 2000년 이전에는 항균제나 부신피질호르몬의 처방이 약국에서 자유롭게 되었지만, 의약분업이 시행되면서 감소하였을 것으로 추정되나 이에 대한 연구는 없었다. 이에 약국에서 판매되는 감기약에 항균제가 얼마나 포함되는지를 조사하고 판매되는 감기약의 실정을 알기 위해 이번 조사를 하였다. 재료 및 방법 : 2005년 8월 11일과 12일에 걸쳐 서울, 춘천, 천안의 개원 약국을 대상으로 의과대학 학생이 직접 방문하여 조사하였다. 비염(발열이 동반되지 않은 1일간의 콧물과 코막힘)을 주소로 하여 감기약을 받았으며, 이를 대학병원의 약품정보실 근무 전문 약사가 동정하였다. 결과 : 판매한 모든 약을 확인할 수 있는 경우가 85건(94.4%)이었다. 약의 종류는 1.36(S.D.±0.724)종이였으며, 지역별 차이는 없었다. 2개(2.2%) 약국에서 판매한 감기약에 항균제가 포함되었고, 서울과 천안에서 각각 1개 약국이었다. 서울 약국에서는 ampicillin이, 춘천에서는 chloramphenicol이 포함되었다. 부신피질호르몬이 포함된 경우는 없었으며, 비스테로이성 항염증제로는 이부프로펜 1건(1.1%)만이 있었다. 복합 감기약의 사용이 늘었으며, 3가지 성분을 포함한 경우가 제일 흔해 acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, pseudoephedrine의 조합이었다. 한약제가 감기약에 포함된 경우는 35건(38.9%)이었고, 흔한 성분은 감초와 생강 또는 건강(ginger)이었다. 결론 : 의약분업 이후 약국에서 처방된 감기약에는 항균제, 부신피질호르몬, 비스테로이드 항염제의 판매는 급격히 감소하였다. Chloramphenicol이 아직도 감기 치료제로 판매되고 있으며, 복합 감기약의 사용이 늘었고, 생약이 흔히 포함되어 이의 효과 판정, 부작용, 약물 상호작용에 대한 조사가 필요하다.
蓄熱用 TMA 包接化合物의 熱物性에 關한 實驗硏究(II)
홍경한,한영옥,하옥남,김진흥 조선대학교 에너지.자원신기술연구소 1997 에너지·자원신기술연구소 논문지 Vol.19 No.2
This paper presents the test-tube experimental results of thermal properties of TMA clathrate compounds for latent heat storage applications. The results are ; TMA 25wt% clathrate compounds among the clathrate for various concentration, was found to have the most superior thermal property and when the heat source was -5℃, regarding the COP of refrigerator, 1) Phase change temperature was 5.3%. 2) Subcooling was 6.3℃. The subcooling of TMA clathrate decreased according to the temperature of decreasing heat source 3) Specific heat was 4.5kJ/kgK. 4) The latent heat of TMA 25wt% clathrate was the maximum 252.8kJ/kg. As subcooling can be lowered to 0.3℃, when the heat source is -15℃, continual study is needed to reduce the subcooling.
정해경,양연미,김재곤,백병주,정진우,김하나,김미아 大韓小兒齒科學會 2009 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.36 No.2
The congenital missing of teeth is common, which takes place since the proliferation and differentiation are not allowed in that tooth bud fail to start development. The purpose of this study is to research incidence rate, number, and missing part of congenital missing teeth, and to study whether a person who has missing teeth has other abnormality of teeth or not. For this study, 1,520 subjects(aged 2.9~17) who had visited pediatric dentist department of Chonbuk national university dental hospital within 2 years were examined with an panoramic radiograph ; exempting third molar missing state. The obtained results are as follows. 1. 8.88% among total subjects show missing teeth ; male 9.05%, female 8.64% 2. The most frequently missing permanent teeth were the mandibular second premolars(22.3%). The most frequently missing primary teeth are mandibular lateral incisors(50%). 3. 43.3% patients have one permanent missing tooth, 34.3% have two, and 10.4% have more than six, respectively. In primary teeth, 86.7% patients have one missing tooth, and 13.3% have two missing teeth. 4. 18 patients(13.3%) have missing teeth as well as hyperdontia, while some patients have microdont, ectopic eruption, and fusion teeth. 치아의 선천성 결손은 치배의 발육이 시작되지 못하여 치아의 증식, 분화가 일어나지 못함으로서 발생하는 흔한 치아의 발육 이상이다. 이 연구의 목적은 선천성 결손치의 발생률, 결손치의 수, 발생부위와 결손치 환자에게서 나타난 다른 치아이상의 발생여부를 조사하는 것이다. 본 연구는 2006년 7월부터 2008년 6월까지 전북대학교 소아치과에 내원하여 파노라마를 촬영한 1,520명의 환자(2.9~17세)를 대상으로 제 3 대구치를 제외한 선천성 결손치의 분포를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 전체 1,520명 중 총 8.88%에서 결손치가 관찰되었으며, 남자가 9.05%, 여자가 8.64%에서 결손치가 관찰되었다. 2. 총 350개의 영구 결손치 중 하악 제 2 소구치가 22.3%로 가장 발생률이 높았고, 하악 측절치, 상악 제 2 소구치, 하악 중절치, 상악 측절치 순이었다. 또한 총 18개의 유치 결손치 중 하악 유측절치가 가장 높은 발생률(50%)을 보였다. 3. 1개의 영구치 결손치를 가지는 환자는 43.3%, 2개는 34.3%, 3개는 6,7%, 4개는 1.5%, 5개는 3.7%, 6개 이상은 10.4%이었다. 또한 유치 결손치의 수는 1개는 86.7%, 2개는 13.3%이었다. 4. 결손치가 있는 환자 중 과잉치를 가지는 환자는 18명(13.3%)이 있었으며, 왜소치, 이소맹출, 융합치 등의 치아이상을 지닌 환자도 관찰되었다.
함봉진,심은정,김하경,김종흔 大韓神經精神醫學會 2007 신경정신의학 Vol.46 No.5
Cancer statistics shows a high risk and increasing incidence of cancer among Koreans. Considerable burdens related to cancer and its treatment causes significant psychosocial distress among cancer patients and their family. Due to early detection and progress in cancer treatments, cancer is becoming a chronic illness and the quality of life and long-term impact of cancer is receiving increasing attention. Psycho-oncology is a subspecialty of oncology that addresses a psychosocial dimension of cancer throughout 'the continuum of cancer care', viz. from prevention and early detection to palliative and end-of-life care. This paper reviews the development of psycho-oncology and its current status in international and national context so as to promote efforts toward an integrative cancer care in Korea.
이우철,이기의,서옥하,조현길,백원기,김경진 江原大學校 森林科學硏究所 1997 Journal of Forest Science Vol.13 No.-
본 조사 연구는 江原道 橫成郡 甲川面과 橫成邑 일부를 포함하는 지역에 횡성댐이 건설됨에 따라 수몰되어질 自然生態系의 復元과 保存計劃의 일부로 수행되어졌다. 移植對象區域인 7개소를 중심으로 綠地自然度, 植生現存量 및 생산량 種組成과 植生에 관해 조사하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 綠地自然度를 등급별로 사정한 결과 등급 0(3.01%), 1(5.3%), 2(28.2%), 3(0.1%), 5(0.2%), 7(4.6%), 7(44.7%), 및 8(13.8%)의 8개 등급으로 구분되었다. 2. 전체조사지역의 現存量과 生産量은 각각 88,436.3 ton/year 과 12,960.3 ton/year 이었다. 3. 조사지역의 陸上植物의 種組成은 86科, 221屬, 306種, 1變種, 3品種의 총 310種으로 조사되었다. 4. 선정된 7개의 植生調査地點에서는 소나무군락이 憂占하며, 그밖에 신갈나무군락, 떡갈나무군락, 상수리나무군락으로 나타났다. This study was carried out in a part of conservative plans recovering natural ecosystem which will be submerged, as Hoengseong dam is being constructed around Hoengseong-Eup and Gabcheon-Myun. The submerged area was divided into 7 small areas to figure out what kinds of species of plants are and will be according to detailed geographic characteristics. In the center of the subdivided areas. Degree of Green Naturality, standing biomass, net 36production per year, and composition of plant species were investigated. The results are as following; 1. The surveyed area was classified into 8 degree by Degree of Green Naturality, and the appeared degree and the rate of occupation were 0(3.01%), 1(5.3%), 2(28.2%), 3(0.1%), 5(0.2%), 7(4.6%), 7(44.7%), 및 8(13.8%). 2. Standing biomass was 88,436.3 ton/year and net production per year was 12,960.3 ton/year. 3. The list of vascular plants identified in this study consisted of 86 families, 221genera, 1 variety, 3 formae and 306 species, totally summiting upto 310 species. 4. The 7 surveyed areas were largely occupied by Pinus community. In addition, there were Quercus mongolica, Quercus dentata, and Quercus acutissima communities.
Kyoung-Jin Lee,Eun-Soo Ha,Min-Kyoung Kim,Sang-Hoon Lee,Jae Sung Suh,이선희,Kyeong Han Park,박정현,Dae Joong Kim,Dongmin Kang,김병철,정두일,Young-Kyoun Kim,김호덕,한장희 생화학분자생물학회 2008 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.40 No.6
Oxidized LDL (OxLDL), a causal factor in atherosclerosis, induces the expression of heat shock proteins (Hsp) in a variety of cells. In this study, we investigated the role of CD36, an OxLDL receptor, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) in OxLDL-induced Hsp70 expression. Overexpression of dominant-negative forms of CD36 or knockdown of CD36 by siRNA transfection increased OxLDL-induced Hsp70 protein expression in human monocytic U937 cells, suggesting that CD36 signaling inhibits Hsp70 expression. Similar results were obtained by the inhibition of PPARγ activity or knockdown of PPARγ expression. In contrast, overexpression of CD36, which is induced by treatment of MCF-7 cells with troglitazone, decreased Hsp70 protein expression inducedby OxLDL. Interestingly, activation of PPARγ through a synthetic ligand, ciglitazone or troglitazone, decreased the expression levels of Hsp70 protein in OxLDL-treated U937 cells. However, major changes in Hsp70 mRNA levels were not observed. Cycloheximide studies demonstrate that troglitazone attenuates Hsp70 translation but not Hsp70 protein stability. PPARγ siRNA transfection reversed the inhibitory effects of troglitazone on Hsp70 translation. These results suggest that CD36 signaling may inhibit stressinduced gene expression by suppressing translation via activation of PPARγ in monocytes. These findings reveal a new molecular basis for the anti-inflammatoryeffects of PPARγ.