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      • KCI등재

        근대 한국 민주주의 문화의 전통 수립과 특질

        김정인(Kim, Jeong-in) 한국역사연구회 2013 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.87

        In this article, reconstruction of the historical nature of the Korean modern democracy will be attempted. But it will not view democracy as something foreign that was transplanted upon Korean soil. Democracy will be analyzed as a network of values, convictions, and action. It will be perceived as a culture. Democratic values supporting horizontal relationships among people, such as freedom, equality and independence, replaced traditional Confucian values which supported vertical relationships, such as loyalty or filial piety. Democratic values prompted not only individuals but also groups and institutions to change, and established themselves as a culture in Korea. First, we shall remember that it was the people who inherited the Korean traditions of democratic nature, and connected them to the democratic reforms. The Dong"hak Peasantry movement, the Gabo-year reform which was a democratic effort performed under a despotic kingdom, the Parliamentary Foundation movement which was staged by the Independence Club and Man"min Gongdong-hwe and strived for a Legal Kingdom and the realization of democracy, and the March 1st movement in 1919 which demanded freedom and equality for the Korean people, and the foundation of the Dae"han Min"guk Provisional Government as a Republic. All the turning points in Korean history of democracy were triggered by the people themselves. Second, the characteristic nature of Korean modern democracy should be examined from two directions. Modern historical studies have concentrated their focus upon nationalism. Instead of maintaining such trend, the concept of "Group Democracy" should be examined. The logic of independence argued by modern nationalism can be interpreted in democratic terms, and judging from that angle, another argument that "freedom and equality for all the Korean people, in other words democracy for all the Korean people, is the same with independence, also works. And another characteristic of the Korean modern democratic culture is that the concept of equality established itself in the Korean history rather quickly, since the appearance of social demands in the 19th century for the abolishment of the social class system, through the Equality argument in the "Dae"han Min"guk Provisional Constitution" in 1919. In the process, discriminative Confucianism lost its ground, and lowborn and female population became part of the people.

      • KCI등재

        분단의 비극서사, 간첩‘들’의 탄생

        김정인(Kim Jeong-In) 한국사학회 2020 史學硏究 Vol.0 No.138

        간첩은 그냥 간첩이어야 한다. 하지만 분단이라는 현실, 반공이라는 이념에 의해 우리 사회에서는 간첩에 붙은 수식어가 여럿 존재한다. 우리가 알고 있는 정석으로서의 간첩은 북한에서 남한으로 내려온 남파간첩이다. 간첩은 곧 남파간첩을 의미하는 줄만 알았는데 북파간첩도 있다는 사실이 널리 알려진 것은 1990년대 후반의 일이었다. 남파간첩이든, 북파간첩이든 그들은 실제로 간첩이었다. 하지만 간첩이 아닌데 간첩이라는 올가미에 걸려 삶이 무너지고 혹은 죽음에까지 이른 이들이 있으니, 바로 ‘조작간첩’들이다. 법 위에 선 권력으로서 간첩을 조작해온 독재권력은 간첩의 생각도 개조할 수 있다며 남파간첩에게는 전향을 강요했다. 독재 권력이 무너지고 1987년 6월 항쟁으로 민주화 시대가 열린 이후에도 간첩이라는 주홍글씨의 힘은 쉽사리 사라지지 않았다. 정보기관이 간첩을 조작하는 악습도 박근혜 정부까지 이어졌다. 그리고 지금 여기, 서울의 광화문 광장에서 극우세력들은 대통령마저 ‘간첩’이라며 자신들과 생각이 다른 세력을 종북좌파이자 간첩이라고 주장하고 있다. 이처럼 분단국가인 한국에서는 보편 개념으로서의 간첩을 포함해 다양한 형태의 간첩‘들’이 존재한다. 나와 다르면 ‘간첩’이라는 배제 논리가 지금도 극우세력에 의해 작동되고 있다. Even though spies are just spies, there are many types of spies in South Korea due to the reality of the peninsula split in half, and the existence of powerful anti-Communist sentiments. The most common type of spies we often talk and hear have been spies from North Korea infiltrating the South Korean society. On the other hand, spies of nature the other way around was only made known in the latter half of the 1990s. In the end, either North Korean spies or South, they were all real spies. At the same time, there have also been people who were not spies yet were accused to be, and were consequently deprived of their normal life and even their own lives. These were the so-called ‘Framed as spies.’ Dictatorial powers of South Korea, which considered themselves to be above the law, have created spies out of innocent people and at the same time tried to ‘convert’ real spies infiltrating South as well. Even after the dictatorship ended and a new era of Democracy kicked in following the Struggle of June in 1987, the intelligence bodies’ practice of framing people as spies did not go away and continued even during the Park Geun-hye administration. The power of the reference itself also firmly remained as a Scarlet letter. Right now, there are far-right activists calling no other than the President of South Korea to be a spy at the Gwang’hwa-mun Square. They also call out any person who differs in opinion from them and label them as NK-following Leftists as well as treacherous spies. We can see that a divided region like the Korean peninsula can have a lot of types of spies. Most regretfully, a powerful logic of hatred which sees anyone different as a spy still prevails amongst ultra rightists.

      • KCI등재

        점토광물 함유량을 고려한 땅밀림 산사태 지역의 전기비저항 자료의 해석

        김정인 ( Jeong-in Kim ),지수 ( Ji-soo Kim ),이선중 ( Sun-joong Lee ),조경서 ( Kyoung-seo Cho ),종우 ( Jong-woo Kim ) 대한지질공학회 2021 지질공학 Vol.31 No.2

        산사태 연구에서 풍화대 안에 분포하는 점토광물의 함유량은 매우 중요한 요소이다. 산사태 발생과 관련된 지하 구조를 파악하고 미끌림 면을 확인하기 위해 일반적으로 지구물리탐사를 수행하는데 특히 전기비저항 단면이 많이 사용된다. 이 연구에서는 풍화대에 분포하는 카올리나이트와 몬모릴로나이트와 같은 점토광물에 의한 전기전도도의 증가효과(전기비저항의 감소효과)를 해석하기 위해 병렬모델 아치의 방정식을 이용하였다. 점토의 전기전도도는 광물의 종류 및 그 비표면적과 양이온 교환능력에 따라 달라진다. 간극수의 전기비저항이 증가함에 따라 매질의 전체 비저항과 지층인자는 작아지는데 카올리나이트에 비해 몬모릴로나이트가 훨씬 작게 나타난다. 또한 공극률이 커지고, 고결인자가 작아질수록 지층인자가 감소하는 것으로 나타난다. 점토광물에 대한 병렬모델 아치의 방정식을 현장자료에 적용하기 위해 2014년 땅밀림 산사태가 일어난 충남 태안 신진도리에서 수집되어 처리ㆍ해석된 전기비저항자료를 사용하였다. 기존의 실험식에서 카올리나이트의 함유량에 따라 결정되는 계수들을 활용하여 풍화대의 전기비저항 값들을 계산하고 이들을 전기비저항 수치모델링에 포함시켰다. 점토 함유량을 변화시켜 만든 여러 개의 이론자료들 중에서 현장자료와 가장 근접하는 모델자료를 선택하여 이에 입력된 점토 함유량 10%를 이 지역의 풍화대에 대한 점토 함유량으로 추정하였다. 땅밀림 연구에서 처음 시도된 전기비저항 자료를 이용한 점토 함유량의 추정기법은 차후 점토함유량 외에 전기비저항에 영향을 미치는 다른 인자(공극률, 포화도, 간극수의 전기비저항)들에 대한 자료를 확보하고 이들을 수치모델링에 먼저 포함시켜 수행할 때 더욱 그 신뢰성은 더욱 높아질 것으로 기대된다. Clay mineral content of weathered zone is a key parameter for landslide studies. Electrical resistivity tomography is usually performed to delineate the geometry of complex landslides and to identify the sliding surface. In clay-bearing weathered zone, parallel resistivity Archie equation is employed to investigate the effect of conductivity added (resistivity reduced) by clay minerals of kaolinite and montmorillonite, which is dependent on their specific surface area and cation exchange capacities (CEC). A decrease of overall resistivity and apparent formation factor is observed with increasing pore-water resistivity, significantly in montmorillonite. Formation factor is found decreased with increasing porosity and decreasing cementation factor. Parallel Archie equation was applied to the electrical resistivity data from the test area (Sinjindo-ri, Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea) which experienced land creeping in the year of 2014. A panel test with varying clay-mineral contents provides the best fit section when the theoretical section constructed with the assumed contents approaches the field section, from which the clay-mineral content of the weathered zone is estimated to be approximately 10%. Resistivity interpretation schemes including the clay mineral contents for land creeping studies explored in this paper can be challenged more when porosity, saturation, and pore-water resistivity are provided and they are included in the numerical resistivity modeling.

      • KCI등재

        아프리카 자원 확보를 통한 한국 경제의 경쟁력

        김정인(Kim Jeong In),최종석(Choi Jong Seok),정래광(Jung Rae Kwang) 한국아프리카학회 2010 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.31 No.-

        As the age of resources war has come, all the nations around the world have already turn towards Africa as a promising market along with other well-knownnations which are rich in natural resources such as Brazil and Russia in order to secure the sound supply of resources. Although Korea also realizes the importance of exploiting and securing the resources and is attempting to enter into the African market, it is extremely difficult due to distinctive regional characteristics. In view of those unique circumstances in Africa position, this study investigates the world powers' strategies for securing resources and analyzes how we could hold the dominant position in securing African resources. The Strategies that each powerful nation uses to secure resources differ in the means and the agent. Above all, we should seek ways of keeping a favorable relations with the leaders and local nobables in 53 nations. Besides, the government should encourage companies to expand their business by providing substantial support as well as enableing information sharing by establishing DB of corporate successes in an effort to minimize the risk of market foray. Sharing imfomation through D/B Construction will also help to minimize the risk. In the long term, through the combination of environment and IT in the domestic energy industry, the complex diplomacy including resources, hospitals, schools and education and constant charity work of civilian groups will enable us to secure resources in Africa

      • KCI등재

        수도권 대기정책의 최근 동향과 기대효과

        김정인(Jeong-in Kim),조승국(Seung-kuk Cho),호석(Ho-seok Kim) 연세대학교 동서문제연구원 2006 동서연구 Vol.18 No.1

        그동안 인구 집중과 급속한 경제발전으로 인해 수도권의 대기질이 OECD 국가 중 최하위 수준을 나타내고 있었다. 이로 인해 직간접적으로 유발되는 사회적 비용이 10조 육박하고 있으며 이러한 추세는 경제성장에 따라 더욱 악화될 것으로 전망되고 있다. 수도권 대기질 악화는 정부의 다양한 노력에도 불구하고 크게 개선되는 기미를 보이지 않고 있다. 가장 큰 원인으로 지적되는 것은그 동안 대기오염 조절정책의 기조를 차지 하고 있던 ‘배출허용기준’으로는 대기오염 총량 및 대기질 관리에 한계가 있다는 것이 었다. 이에 정부는 2003년과 2004년에 수도권 대기환경 개선에 관한 특별법과 시행 령/시행규칙을 공포하고 서울, 인천, 경기도등 수도권 지역 대기오염 배출을 선진국 수준으로 감축하는 대기질 개선 계획을 수립 하였다. 대기오염의 총량 제한을 기본 골격으로 하는 ‘수도권 대기환경 개선 특별법’의 시행은 수도권 지역의 대기환경 관리와 대기질 악화로 인한 사회경제적 피해를 줄이는데큰 기여를 할 것으로 기대되고 있다. 특별법에 의거하여 2005년에서 수립된 「수도권 대기환경관리 기본계획」은 2005년부턴 2014 년까지 서울, 인천, 경기도(일부 지역 제외) 를 대상지역으로 미세먼지와 이산화질소 오염도를 선진국 수준으로 개선하는 것을 목적으로 수립되었다. 본 연구는 수도권 1-3종 사업장 중에서약 80%를 차지하는 448개 제조업 사업장을 대상으로 특별법의 도입으로 인한 지역별, 오염물질별 배출량 변화와 이로 인한 사회적 비용의 변화를 분석하였다. The deterioration of urban air quality resulting from rapid urbanisation, increased vehicular transport, and industrial production is the most serious challenges for sustainable development in Korea. Air related risks such as particulate air pollution in major cities and others causing serious health concerns, including respiratory and cardiovascular problems, have called for immediate and strong corrective actions to be taken. The Ministry of Environment has introduced practical measures to achieving clean air to protect the public’s health and the environment in Seoul Metropolitan area. The Special Measures for Metropolitan Air Quality Improvement has launched an ambitious policy program that aims to maintain healthy air quality by controlling total regional emissions. This paper provides an in-depth assessment of the measures in industrial sector emissions of NOx, SOx and PM10. The assessment result shows that the Measures will reduce social damages by $770 million during 2002-14.

      • KCI등재

        제강슬래그에서 인의 침출 거동에 대한 pH의 영향

        김정인,선중,Kim, Jeong-In,Kim, Sun-Joong 한국자원리싸이클링학회 2016 資源 리싸이클링 Vol.25 No.6

        본 연구는 제강슬래그로부터 인성분을 추출하여 농업용 비료의 자원으로서 사용하기 위한 침출공정을 연구하였다. 일반적으로 제강 슬래그에 함유되어 있는 인성분은 $C_2S-C_3P$상에 고용되어 있고, 이 고용체는 슬래그 내의 free-CaO 다음으로, 다른 상들보다 수용해성이 크다. 본 실험에서는 다원계 슬래그를 이용하여, 다양한 원소들의 용해거동에 미치는 pH의 영향을 알아보았다. 낮은 pH에서 제강슬래그로부터 수용액 중 Ca, Si, P, Fe의 농도는 증가되었다. pH가 3인 경우, 수용액 중 P 이온의 농도는 시간에 따라 감소하였고, P이온과 Fe이온과의 침전 반응을 감소 원인으로 고찰하였다. In this study, leaching process to extract phosphorus from the steelmaking slag was investigated for using the fertilizer resources of agriculture. In general, the phosphorus of steelmaking slag is formed as $C_2S-C_3P$ solid solution, and also, this solid solution is soluble in water more than the other phase in slag, and less than free CaO phase. In the present experiment, the influence of pH on the leaching behavior of various elements from the steelmaking slag was investigated by using multi-component steelmaking slag. When the pH was decreased, the concentration of Ca, Si, P and Fe in solution from the steelmaking slag was increased. Furthermore, at a pH of 3, the concentration of P ion in solution was decreased as leaching time increased. It is considered that the decrement of P was caused from the precipitation reaction between P ion and Fe ion in solution.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        복수가 동반된 간경변증을 가진 말기 신부전 환자에서 복막투석의 안정성

        김정인 ( Jung In Kim ),이정은 ( Jung Eun Lee ),백현정 ( Hyun Jeong Baek ),최성철 ( Sung Chul Choi ),도정호 ( Jung Ho Do ),허우성 ( Woo Seong Huh ),윤구 ( Yoon Goo Kim ),대중 ( Dae Joong Kim ),오하영 ( Ha Young Oh ) 대한신장학회 2007 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.26 No.3

        Purpose : When liver cirrhosis patients accompanying ascites need renal replacement therapy because of chronic renal failure (CRF), peritoneal dialysis (PD) can allow direct removal of ascites and prevent anticoagulants use. However, since PD might aggravate hypoalbuminemia and increase chances of peritonitis, clinicians tend to hesitate to apply it to those patients. The aim of the present study is to assess the outcome and stability of PD for the treatment of CRF patient with cirrhosis accompanying ascites. Methods : A retrospective study based on the clinical records was performed in cirrhotic patients with ascites in whom PD was performed for the treatment of CRF and who were followed up at Samsung Medical Center unit, between January 1995 and July 2005. Results : In our study, 15 patients were enrolled. Child-pugh class was worse in non-survival group than survival group (p<0.01). One-year patient survival was 40% in Class C and 75% in Class B, and patient survival differed between Class C and Class B (p=0.0014). Causes of death were terminal liver failure (n=6) and sepsis due to pneumonia (n=1). Total 27 episodes of peritonitis occurred, and the peritonitis rates were 0.91 episodes/patients-year. Conclusion : Although the peritonitis rates turned out somewhat high, the use of PD for the treatment of CRF in patients with liver cirrhosis accompanying ascites seems to be safe and effective. Main cause of death in our study seems to be related to liver disease.

      • KCI등재

        해방 전후 민주주의 들의 변주

        김정인 ( Jeong In Kim ) 한림과학원 2013 개념과 소통 Vol.0 No.12

        At the time of liberation, ‘Democracy’ was a living, breathing concept encompassing a wide variety of subtle interpretations which were subject to vigorous debate. Whatever their political stance, whether left or right or anywhere in-between, all who were interested in joining the grand task of creating a new country for the Korean people had to embrace some form of purportedly democratic ideology. All political identities were based around this concept, and all factions had to be ready to defend their democratic credentials. The left wing proclaimed ‘People`s Democracy’ and ‘Progressive Democracy’ in support of their own philosophy of unification, but in order to distance themselves from the right, they presented these ideas within a frame of democracy vs. anti-democracy. Meanwhile, the right wing never considered democracy as a unifying value, and instead used it to attack the left by trying to propagate a frame of democracy vs. communism, and aligning themselves with the U.S. military government. It was only the moderates who proposed democracy as a genuinely unifying principle: witnessing the deep divisions within Korean society, both moderate leftists and moderate rightists suggested a variety of neo-democratic forms, all seeking to present a concept which had not obviously been inspired by the U.S. or the U.S.S.R. The evolution of the concept of democracy ran in parallel with the changing political realities confronting the Korean people: from the liberation of the country through to the division of the Korean peninsula. In fact it was suggested as a value symbolizing unification immediately after the liberation. But when the peninsula was being divided, it came to be used as a weapon in the hands of both the left and the right, taking on the role of an ideology of separation.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 역사의 기억전시교육 한국사 연구와 교육의 시민화 경로로서의 동아시아사

        김정인 ( Jeong In Kim ) 수선사학회 2014 史林 Vol.0 No.47

        The history of East Asia became an issue in the process of scholars` pursuit of historical studies for ‘Citizens,’ as well as ‘historical education for citizens.’ Historical studies continued to evolve ever since, and what is becoming increasingly apparent is that studies of the history of Korea as well as general education of it both trapped in the confines of Nationalism would most likely cause unintended distortion of historical facts and the truth behind them. Only by trying to figure out the history of Korea in the context of East Asian history, and expanding our perspective for us to be able to view the history of Korea as a part of a bigger world, we would be able to pursue and find out what really happened throughout the history of this country. The identity of the people of East Asia today is determined (at least in appearance) by their status as part of individual nationalized countries and not their status as part of the East Asian community. The former is their identity today, and the latter might be the one that should be pursued in the future. In this age of global history, the history of Korea should be examined and studied in the context of the East Asian history as well as the history of the entire world. The Korean historical studies and historical education of it should contribute to the Korean people`s development of an identity of their own as East Asian citizens.

      • KCI등재

        나이브 베이즈 기반 소셜 미디어 상의 신조어 감성 판별 기법

        김정인(Jeong In Kim),박상진(Sang Jin Park),형주(Hyoung Ju Kim),최준호(Jun Ho Choi),한일(Han Il Kim),판구(Pan Koo Kim) 한국스마트미디어학회 2020 스마트미디어저널 Vol.9 No.1

        인터넷의 발달과 스마트폰의 보급으로 인하여 그에 따른 소셜 미디어 문화가 형성됨에 따라 PC통신부터 지금까지 소셜 미디어 신조어가 그 문화로 자리 잡아가고 있다. 소셜 미디어의 등장과 사람들의 가교역할을 해주는 스마트폰의 보급화로 신조어가 생기고 빈번하게 사용되고 있는 추세이다. 신조어의 사용은 다양한 문자 제한 메신저의 문제점을 해결하고 짧은 문장을 사용하여 데이터를 줄이는 등 많은 장점을 가지고 있다. 그러나 신조어에는 사전적인 의미가 없으므로 데이터 마이닝 기술이나 빅데이터와 같은 연구에서 사용되는 알고리즘의 성능 저하와 연구에 제약사항이 발생한다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 웹 크롤링을 통해 텍스트 데이터를 추출하고, 텍스트 마이닝과 오피니언 마이닝을 통해 의미부여 및 단어들에 대한 감정적 분류를 통한 문장의 오피니언 파악을 진행하고자 한다. 실험은 다음과 같이 3단계로 진행하였다. 첫째, 소셜 미디어에서 새로운 단어를 수집하여 수집된 단어는 긍정적이고 부정적인 학습을 받게 하였다. 둘째, 표준 문서를 사용하여 감정적 가치를 도출하고 검증하기 위해 TF-IDF를 사용하여 데이터의 감정적 가치를 측정하기 위해 명사 빈도수를 측정한다. 신조어와 마찬가지로 분류된 감정적 가치가 적용되어 감정이 표준 언어 문서로 분류되는지 확인하였다. 마지막으로, 새로 합성된 단어와 표준 감정적 가치의 조합을 사용하여 장비 기술의 비교분석을 수행하였다. From PC communication to the development of the internet, a new term has been coined on the social media, and the social media culture has been formed due to the spread of smart phones, and the newly coined word is becoming a culture. With the advent of social networking sites and smart phones serving as a bridge, the number of data has increased in real time. The use of new words can have many advantages, including the use of short sentences to solve the problems of various letter-limited messengers and reduce data. However, new words do not have a dictionary meaning and there are limitations and degradation of algorithms such as data mining. Therefore, in this paper, the opinion of the document is confirmed by collecting data through web crawling and extracting new words contained within the text data and establishing an emotional classification. The progress of the experiment is divided into three categories. First, a word collected by collecting a new word on the social media is subjected to learned of affirmative and negative. Next, to derive and verify emotional values using standard documents, TF-IDF is used to score noun sensibilities to enter the emotional values of the data. As with the new words, the classified emotional values are applied to verify that the emotions are classified in standard language documents. Finally, a combination of the newly coined words and standard emotional values is used to perform a comparative analysis of the technology of the instrument.

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