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      • KCI등재

        노백헌(老柏軒) 정재규(鄭載圭)의 「두류록(頭流錄)」에 나타난 일생의 한 국면

        강정화 ( Kang Jeong-hwa ) 한국한문학회 2018 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.0 No.71

        이 글은 19세기 江右地域에서 활동했던 蘆沙學派의 首長인 老柏軒 鄭載圭가 1887년 8월의 지리산행에서 남긴 「두류록」을 통해 그의 ‘일생’에서 이 유람이 갖는 의의를 살폈다. 당시 강우지역은 노사학파 외에도 性齋學派와 寒洲學派가 활발하게 활동하였고, 강우학자의 지리산 유람은 이들 학파 간 교유의 場이었다. 그러나 노사학파는 두 학파에 비해 출발이 늦었고, 문인의 숫자도 월등히 적었다. 따라서 정재규는 강우지역에 노사학파를 확산시키는 것이 일생의 과업이었다. 1887년의 지리산 유람은 그의 학문적 여정에서 분명한 分岐가 될 만큼 다분히 의도된 것이었다. 정재규는 기정진의 문하에 든 지 10년 만에 노사학의 핵심을 전수받았다. 스승이 세상을 떠난 후에는 문집 간행과 문인 간의 강학을 통해 강우지역 내 노사학의 심화와 확산에 전력하였다. 특히 지리산행이 있기 1년 전에 강우지역을 풍미했던 두 학파의 首長이 세상을 떠나면서, 그들 학파 내에서도 스승의 문집을 간행하고 강학을 통해 학문을 확산하는 등의 활동이 성대히 전개되고 있었다. 이러한 분위기 속에서 정재규는 강우지역 노사학파를 아우르는 지리산행을 감행하였다. 그의 지리산행은 동시대 여타산행과 달리 오로지 노사학파 인물만으로 이루어졌고, 코스를 에둘러서라도 동문이나 문인의 집을 방문해 우의를 다지는 행보를 보였다. 그의 지리산행은 처음부터 끝까지 ‘스승 기정진’으로 이루어졌다. 「두류록」은 1887년 봄 꿈에서 ‘孔子가 泰山에 오르지 않았다면 후학들은 어찌 했을까?’라며 자신을 꾸짖는 스승의 질문에서 시작하고, 하산 후 그 답을 얻는 것으로 끝맺는다. 강우지역에서 노사학파를 결속시키고 학문적 심화를 위한 산행이었으므로 스승을 중심에 둘 수밖에 없었다. 또한 당시 강우지역은 서세동점의 급박한 정세 속에서 지역의 師表로서 南冥 曺植의 학문과 정신을 추숭하는 사업이 활발히 이루어지고 있었다. 지리산 유람에서 남명의 유적지 덕산을 필수 코스로 넣어 진행한 것이 이에 해당하며, 남명 관련 기행시가 쏟아져 나오는 현상도 이러한 흐름을 방증하였다. 정재규 일행은 유람 내내 남명을 스승보다 더 많이 언급하고, 일화나 작품 등을 인용하여 관련 유적에서 남명을 회고하였다. 이는 노사학파가 강우지역 내의 이러한 변화를 적극 수용함으로써 지역 내에서 학파의 위상을 강화하는 한 방법이었다. This study set out to examine the significance of excursion in the life of Nobaekheon Jeong Jae-gyu, who was the head of the Nosa Gi Jeong-jin school that was active in the Gangwoo region in the 19th century, by looking into Duryurok that he wrote after his trip to Mt. Jiri in August, 1887. Those days, the Seongjae and Hanju schools were active in the Gangwoo region along with the Nosa school. Gangwoo scholars' excursion to Mt. Jiri provided a venue of social intercourse among these schools, but the Nosa school made a late start compared with the other schools and had much fewer literary figures as its members than the others. Jeong Jae-gyu found his lifetime task in the spread of the Nosa school across the Gangwoo region. His full intention was reflected in his excursion to Mt. Jiri in 1887 as it became a clear source of divergence in his academic life. It took only ten years for him to inherit the core of Nosahak once he started study under Gi Jeong-jin. After the death of his teacher, he devoted himself to the intensification and spread of Nosahak within the Gangwoo region by publishing collections of literary works and promoting the pursuit of study among literary figures. The heads of two schools that dominated the Gangwoo region passed away one year before his trip to Mt. Jiri, and the schools engaged in grand activities to publish the collections of their teachers' literary works and intensify their learning through pursuit of study. In this atmosphere, Jeong decided to take a trip to Mt. Jiri encompassing the entire Nosa school within the region, which was why only the members of the Nosa school accompanied him on the trip unlike other trips those days. Those who were not able to accompany him on the trip went around the excursion course and made a visit to their alumni and literary peers to solidify their friendship. His excursion to Mt. Jiri happened on August 18~28, 1887, starting in Samga, Hapcheon and returning home after Danseong, Sancheong, Daewonsa, Cheonwangbong, Deoksan, and Sinan. One theme that penetrated his trip to Mt. Jiri from the beginning to the end was "his teacher Gi Jeong-jin." His Duryurok was conceived in his dream that he dreamt in Spring of 1887. In the dream, his teacher scolded him, asking "What would the pupils of Confucius have done if he had not climb the Great Mountain?" Believing that his teacher appeared in his dream to make him realize that he had not been working hard on his study, he climbed Mt. Jiri in August of the same year. Even standing on the highest peak Cheonwangbong, however, he was not able to find an answer to his teacher's question. Only after climbing down the mountain did he find an answer through twists and turns. The answer he found was that "a progressive process of study through excursion to mountains and its benefits." It was his personal opinion of study and also his perception of the Nosa school's situation in the Gangwoo region those days. It also represented the lesson that his teacher tried to make him realize even by scolding him in his dream and the realization that he had through the process of excursion to the mountain.

      • KCI등재

        典庵 姜鼎煥의 시 세계 고찰

        강정화(Kang, Jeong-hwa) 동양한문학회(구 부산한문학회) 2021 동양한문학연구 Vol.58 No.-

        典庵 姜鼎煥(1741~1816)은 현 경상남도 함안군 漆原 舞沂里에서 태어나 만년에 거창으로 옮겨가 살았던 강우지식인이다. 주지하듯 인조반정으로 세력을 상실한 강우지역의 남명학파 문중은 18세기에 들어와 문중적 전향이 이루어지는데, 전암의 가문은 洛學 계열의 老論을 지지하였다. 그의 스승은 당시 朝野에 지대한 영향력을 끼치던 渼湖 金元行(1702~1772)이다. 그 때문인지 典庵集에는 강우지역과 연계시킬 만한 기록이 많지 않다. 합천 함벽루나 진주 촉석루를 비롯해 만년의 거주지 거창 일대를 읊은 한시가 더러 보이는 정도이다. 8권 4책의 분량임에도 江右學者의 이름은 전혀 보이지 않았다. 전암은 스승이 내려준 ‘옳음 찾고[尋是] 실질에 힘쓰는[務實]’ 삶을 살기 위해 부단히 노력하였다. 이는 일상에서 한순간도 소홀히 하거나 느슨해지지 않도록 敬으로써 마음을 붙드는 것을 일컫는다. 天理는 高遠한 데에 있지 않고 일상생활의 자잘한 것에 모두 깃들어 있으니, 공부하는 士는 일상의 아주 작은 것에서부터 이 ‘옳음’을 찾고 이의 실천에 힘써야 한다는 간명한 이치를 담고 있다. 그리고 이러한 성향과 인식은 그의 작품에 그대로 드러났는데, 대표적인 것이 한시이다. 전암의 한시는 내용면에서나 형식면에서 풍부한 다양성을 지니고 있었다. 내용면에서는 재야지식인으로서의 士意識이 깊게 스며 있었고, 중국과 자국의 역사에도 관심이 많아 역사 속 인물 및 사건을 매개로 한 懷古詩가 많았다. 형식면에서도 首尾吟詩나 擬作詩 등 다양한 표현기법을 활용해 상상력을 발휘하였다. 특히 병자호란을 전후한 역사적 상황과 이를 기록한 여러 저술을 접하면서 현세에 대한 심오한 통찰력을 표출하였다. 이는 평생 강우지역에 살았던 전암이 서울과 경기지역의 스승 및 동문과의 교유를 통해 습득된 영향이라 할 수 있다. 이는 강우지역 여느 재야 지식인과 차별되는 전암의 성향이라 하겠다. Joenam Kang Jeong-hwan(1741~1816) was a Gangwoo intellectual that was born in current Mugi-ri, Chilwon, Haman-kun, Gyeongsangnam-do and moved to Geochang in his latter days. As everyone knows, the clan of Nammyeong School in the Gangwoo area underwent clan-wide conversion in the 18th century after losing their power following King Injo s enthronement. Jeonam s family supported the Noron in the Nakhak line. His teacher was Miho Kim Won-haeng(1702~1772) that had enormous influence on the government and the people those days, which maybe explains the lack of records in his Jeonamjip to connect him with the Gangwoo area. It only contains some Chinese poems he wrote to depict the Geochang area where he moved in his latter days including Hambyeokru of Hapcheon and Chokseokru of Jinju. Even though the collection consists of eight books and four volumes, it mentions no names of Gangwoo scholars. Jeonam made constant efforts to lead a life of finding rightness and devoting to practice according to instructions of his teacher. This life attitude meant that he kept his mind in the right state based on respect so that he would not neglect or go easy on any moment in daily life. The logic behind it is simple and clear; the natural law is not far and high away but dwells in trivial things of daily life, asking any learning scholars to find this rightness in very small things of daily life and devote themselves to its practice. This tendency and awareness was revealed in Jeonam s works. Good examples are found in his Chinese poems. Jeonam s Chinese poems boast rich diversity both in content and form. In terms of content, many of his Chinese poems are reminiscent poems involving historical figures and events as he had the consciousness of a classical scholar deep inside him as an intellectual out of office and showed much interest in the history of China and Joseon. In terms of form, he made use of various expressive techniques including Sumieum and Uijak to exert his imagination. Learning about the historical situations before and after Byeongjahoran and reading many different books about them, in particular, he exercised his profound insight into this world under the influence of his social intercourse with his teachers and alumni in Seoul and Gyeonggi from his lifelong residence in Gangwoo. This is his tendency differentiating him from any other intellectuals out of office in the Gangwoo region.

      • KCI등재후보

        東洲 成悌元의 學問性向과 處世觀

        姜貞和 慶尙大學校 南冥學硏究所 2004 남명학연구 Vol.17 No.-

        15-16세기에 걸쳐 계속된 몇 차례의 사화로 많은 지식인들은 은거의 길을 선택하였다. 이들은 물러나 있지만 현실에 대한 끊임없는 관심을 기울였고, 사회의 부조리에 대해서는 서슴없이 비판하였다. 그들은 '隱逸'·'處士'·逸士'·徵士'·'居士'등의 영예로운 호칭으로 불리었으며, 국가에서는 遺逸薦擧制라는 독특한 천거 방식을 통해 그들을 예우하였다. 동주 성제원(1506-1559) 또한 기묘사화의 참혹한 피해 상을 직접 보고 은거하였다가 후에 遺逸로 천거되었던 인물이다. 그는 당시 退處型 사림들의 보편적 학문 성향, 곧 이론적이고 성리학 일변도의 학문 추구보다는 실천적이고 현실적이며, 어디까지나 성리학에 근본을 두되 성리학 외의 불교·노장은 물론 천문·복서·의학에 이르는 잡학까지 두루 섭렵하는 탄력적인 학문성향을 나타내었다. 士의 출처에 대해서는 그 시대가 왕도를 실행할 만한가, 士 자신이 그 소임을 감당할 충분한 능력과 자질을 갖추고 있는가 하는 두 가지 조건이 충족될 때라야만 출사가 가능하다고 강조하였다. 그리하여 그는 평생 출사하지 않다가 말년에 遺逸薦擧로 보은현감에 제수되었는데, 이를 그 동안 자신이 축적한 능력을 발휘할 계기로 삼았다. 이는 3년 간이 치세를 마치자 곧바로 은거의 삶으로 돌아간 그의 결단을 통해 확인할 수 있다. 동주를 비롯한 이 시기 遺逸之士들의 이 같은 처세는 후세 여러 학자들에 의해 칭송을 받았으며, 출처의 자세와 방향에 準據가 되었다. In the middles of the Cho-seon, representing the purge of Confucian scholar, there were many sequestered scholars who have an absolute power of influence like the people who rise in the world with social gravity and reputaion. Hence, the government call a royal summons of 'Yu-il(遺逸)'·'Eun-il(隱逸)'·'Gyeong-myeing-haeng-su(經明行修)' receiving them courteously or confer upon an exceptional official rank. However, became most of them did not respond to the summons in spite of their absolute power of influence, they did not produced the social and political acheivements. The interests to them were not concerned more and more because their junior scholars suceeded the tendency of secluded life style. Instead, m y scholars do research in the extrovert who have the sense for the real. This paper is a researching report on the distinguished out of office scholar - Dong-ju(東洲) Seong, Je-won(成悌元) who showed the tendecy of mentioned above.

      • KCI등재후보

        일부 소방공무원의 음주와 직무스트레스와의 관련성

        강경화,이강숙,김석일,맹광호,홍현숙,정춘화 大韓産業醫學會 2001 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        목적 : 소방공무원의 음주량과 직종별 직무 스트레스에 대해 알아보고 보다 나은 스트레스 관리방안과 문제성 음주예방을 위한 프로그램을 모색하기 위해 시도되었다. 대상 : 2000년 7월부터 8월까지 소방공무원 중 구조대원 97명, 구급대원 97명, 화재진압대원 179명,행정대원 116명, 기타대원 49명을 대상으로 설문지를 이용하여 수집된 자료를 분석하였다. 결과 : 소방공무원은 모든 직종에서 승진 및 임금제도의 스트레스 요인 점수가 가장 높았다. 직종별로 직무 내적 요인, 조직에서의 역할, 대인관계, 조직과 풍토, 직장환경과 스트레스 결과 점수에 있어 유의한 차이를 보였다 과음 주자인 경우 직무 내적요인, 직무 스트레스 수준, 개인적 특성, 대처방식의 점수가 높았으나 유의하지 알았다. 음주량은 직무내적 요인 중 업무 피드백과 음의 관련성을, 직무 스트레스 요인 중 역할 갈등은 음주량을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 소방공무원의 가장 높은 직무 스트레스 요인으로는 승진 및 임금제도인 것으로 나타났다. 음주량은 역할 갈등과 같은 직무 스트레스 요인과 관련이 있었으며, 향후 전향적인 음주행태조사를 통해 직무 스트레스 요인이 음주에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위한 연구가 필요하다고 생각된다. 따라서 본 연구결과를 기초로 소방공무원의 직무 스트레스 요인에 대한 적절한 관리와 정책이 필요한 것으로 사료된다. Objectives : To establish the relationship between alcohol use and job stress among firemen, and to develop a comprehensive health promotion program including stress management and the prevention of problem drinking. Methods : Data was collected from July to August, 2000. Study subjects included 97 rescue workers, 97 emergency medical personnel, 179 fire extinguishers, 116 administrators and 49 others. Results : The firemen displayed higher scores of stress due to promotion-related pres-sures and salary. We found significant differences in job internal factors, job role, inter-personal relationship, organizational norm, work environment and stress outcome among the various jobs. Job internal factors, job stress factors, personal characteristics, coping skills, and stress outcome were higher in heavy drinkers compared with the light and moderate drinkers. Job internal factors and smoking habit showed a positive correlation with the amount of drinking, although coping skill, exercise frequency and monthly income showed a negative relation with the amount consumed. Conclusion : This study suggested that alcohol drinking is associated with job stress. This suggests that a comprehensive health promotion program including stress management and problem drinking prevention and control should be developed.

      • KCI등재후보

        발효 온도와 시간 조합을 달리한 총각김치의 품질 특성

        강정화,강선희,안은숙,정희종 한국식생활문화학회 2003 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.18 No.6

        To determine the conditions of the fermentation and storage for Chonggak kimchi refrigerator, prepared Chonggak kimchi took into kimchi refrigerators which were controlled at four different modes of the fermented temperature and time, and fermented and kept for 16 weeks. The pH in Chonggak kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at 01℃ dropped greater than all of kimchi fermented at other combinations, and the changes of pH at any combinations were not greater than those in Baechu kimchi, because pH in Chonggak kimchi did not dropped below 4.5. Acidities in Chonggak kimchi were greatly increased at higher temperature. The acidity in Chonggak kimchi during the first week of fermentation was lower than that in Baechu kimchi and then it was rather higher becuase of the addition of waxy rice paste. In texture, puncture force of Chonggak kimchi was decreased slowly until 8 weeks of fermentation and then did not changed much and the highest values showed in Chonggak kimchi stored directly at -1℃ without any fermentation. In sensory evaluation, the score for the carbonated flavor and the sourness were the highest in Chonggak kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃, but the lowest in Chonggak kimchi stored directly at -1℃ without any fermentation because of some undesirable flavors. The lowest hardness showed in Chonggak kimchi fermented at highest temperature and the best hardness was in Chonggak kimchi fermented at 5℃ for 3 days or 6 days/ stored at -1℃. The appearance was the best in Chonggak kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃ and the worst was in Chonggak kimchi stored directly at -1℃ without any fermentation. The overall acceptability of Chonggak kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃ was good after 4 weeks of fermentation, but in Chonggak kimchi fermented at 5℃ for 3 days or 6 days/stored at -1℃ it was food after 6 weeks. Total microbial counts in most of Chonggak kimchi were reached to a maximum number within 7 days, and then decreased similarly at all modes. Leuconostoc spp. and Lactobacillus spp. increased to maximum number of 1.48 10^(9) and 5.62 0^(9), respecively, in Chonggak kimchi fermented for 7 days. Yeast counts showed a increasing trend not depends on fermenting temperature and they were lower counts than those in Baschu kimchi. Waxy rice paste which added to Chonggak kimchi resulted in increasement of glucose as a carbon source and stimulated to reproduce the microbes in Chonggak kimchi.

      • KCI등재후보

        발효 온도-시간 조합이 배추김치의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향

        강정화,강선희,안은숙,유맹자,정희종 한국식생활문화학회 2004 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.19 No.1

        In order to examine the effect of the combination of fermented temperature and time on Baechu kimchi in a kimchi refrigerator, Baechu kimchi was fermented at four different modes of the fermentation temperature and time for 16 weeks and analyzed the properties of Baechu kimchi. The pH, Baechu kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃, decreased rapidly during first week and then decreased very slowly. The hardness and the chewiness of Baechu kimchi fermented at high temperature were higher and the values were decreased when the fermentation continued. In sensory evaluation, carbonated flavor in Baechu kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃ was the best after 4 weeks, and Baechu kimchi fermented at 5℃ for 3 days or 6 days/stored at -1℃ was the best after 8 weeks. The scores for sourness were the highest on 8 weeks and 12 weeks in kimchi fermented at 20℃ for 24hours/stored at -1℃ and 5℃ for 3 days or 6 days/stored at -1℃, respectively. Total microbial count was increased as the temperature of fermentation increased. Counts of Leuconostoc spp. reached to the highest after 6 days and counts of Lactobacillus spp. seached to the highest after 5 days in kimchi fermeted at 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃. From these results, it was concluded that it required 4 weeks to eat most edible Baechu kimchi in kimchi refrigerator 20℃ for 24 hours/stored at -1℃, and 8 weeks to eat edible Baeche kimchi refrigerator fermented at 5℃ for 3 days or 6 days/stored at -1℃.

      • PT조건하 V_2O_5에 의한 Alcohol의 산화

        강선희,김미련,김선자,김현옥,노복자,이기화,이정숙 曉星女子大學校 藥學大學 學生會 1988 曉星藥誌 Vol.4 No.-

        2, 3; 5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-α-D -mannofuranose(ManA) were oxidized to their cor-responding 2, 3;5,6-di-O-isoprolylidene-α-D-manno-1.4-lactone(ManB) using calcium chlorite as oxidant in a phase transfer catalysis system. But identified results were not obvious. V_2O_5 catalzed oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols to aldehydes and ketones respectively at alkali conditions under Solod-Liquid phase transfer conditions. This reaction affords good overall yields of products without formation of undersirable.

      • KCI등재

        后溪 金範의 學問性向과 士意識

        姜貞和 경상대학교 남명학연구소 2000 남명학연구 Vol.10 No.-

        About the time of the purge of Confucian literati(士禍), especially the period of King SungJong(成宗) to King MyongJong(明宗) is the period that many scholars devoted themselves to mental culture and learning as hermits in the country rather than entering into an official career and that the Royal Court called them frequently. They retired from the world, but they were an influence no less than those who entered into an official career with social reputation and influence, nevertheless their real value were denied because of their rejecting of the Royal Court's calling. About that time, Hoogye(后溪) Kim Beom(金範)(1512-1566) was the scholar who was a hermit at Sanjoo(尙州) for life, who devoted himself to the Principles of Human Mind and Nature(性理學), and who was called by Myongjong because of his cultivation and knowledge. Though Hoogye was held in reverence and reputation that time, like many hermits, he was underestimated after ages. Thus, this study have the first aim of revealing an scholar's real value, which has not known in the world. By considering of Hoogye's scholastic tendency as well as the particular study of him, this will be of help to the study not only of scholars who devoted themselves to the Principles of Human Mind and Nature as hermits, of their scholastic tendency, but of their universal consciousness at that time through Hoogye's scholarly mind as a traditional philosopher. In short, this study is a part of the study of traditional philosopher who was underrated, compared with a man who has a strong influence about real world, and this study will continue.

      • 中風의 治療에 있어 淸熱法에 對한 文獻的 考察

        강화정,문병순 한국한의학연구원 1996 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        The literatual study on the therapy for cleaning away heat with apoplexy therapy, the result were obstained as follows. 1. In apoplexy therapy, therapy for clearing away heat is used excessive heart - fire by overacting of the five emotions, liver fire, deficiency of kidney - fluid, wind - heat. 2. The fire of aetiology of apoplexy is used therapy for clearing away heat, in aspect of viscera and bowels, divided into heat-fire, liver-fire, deficiency fire of kidney yin, wetness-phlegm of spleen heat. The treatment is clear away heart-fire, clear away liver-fire, clear away spleen-heat and sthenic water. 3. Symptom of excessiveness symptom-complex is used therapy for clearing away heat that are fever, flushed face, halitosis, heart burn, easy anger, apoplestic stroke, unconsciousness, trismus, paratysis, constipation, red tongue with yellow coat, taut-smooth pulse or full rapid pulse and symptom of insufficiency symptom - complex that are dizziness, tinitus, blurring of vision, deficiency sleeping, dreaminess, lassitude of the loins and legs, hemiplegia, red tongue with white coat or thin - yellow coat, taut- therapy-rapid pulse. 4. Therapy for norish vital essence - clearing away heat is availed in excessive fire caused by deficiency of yin of the liver and kidney, therapy for break through phlegm - clearing away heat in stagnant, heat, therapy for waking up a patient from unconsciousness - clearing away heat in stagnant heat, therapy for waking up a patient from unconsciousness - clearing away heat yang type sthenia - syndrom of coma of apoplexy involving viscera and bowels. 5. Commonly used recipes of therapy for clearing away heat are Yang gyoksan(凉膈散), Bang pungtongseongsan(防風通聖散), Sotongseongsan(小桶聖散), Jibodan(至寶丹), Supungsungisan(授風腥氣散), Woowhangchengshimwhan(牛黃淸心丸), Chengungsekgotang(川芎石膏湯), Samwhatang(三化湯) etc in excessiveness symptom - complex, and are Yukmihiwhangweon(六味地黃元), Jiwhangtang(地黃湯), Palmiji whangtang(八味地黃湯) etc in insufficiency sumptom - complex.

      • HL-60 세포주를 이용한 결핵균항원의 세포성면역반응의 분석

        박정규,강윤중,김운옥,임재현,송창화,조은경,김화중 충남대학교 의학연구소 2001 충남의대잡지 Vol.28 No.2

        Most persons who become infected with M. tuberculosis mount a protective immune response and remain clinically well, the only evidence of infection being development of a positive tuberculin skin test. Five to 10% develop tuberculosis disease within the first 2 years after infection (primary tuberculosis) or thereafter (reactivation tuberculosis). Acquired resistance against tuberculosis paradigmatically rests on cell-mediated immunity, with the major factors being mononuclear phagocytes and T Lymphocytes. While the former cells act as the principal effectors, the latter ones serve as the predominant inducers of protection. The usefulness of the single dose of BCG routinely given in childhood in many developing countries in preventing far more commonly occurring tuberculosis in adults is in doubt. An effective and safe vaccine against tuberculosis is sorely needed. A subunit vaccine are capable of inducing protective immunity and could have substantial advantages over BCG or other whole-bacterium vaccines. The human promyelocytic cell line HL-60 adopted characteristic macrophage-like properties, including adherence and CD14 expression after a period of continuous culture at high ambient CO_(2) concentration. When HL-60 cells were cultured with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D_(3) for 4 days, the cells acquired the activity to potentiate T cell proliferation by the 30 kDa or 38 kDa antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv Therefore, vitamin D-treated HL-60 cells showed the function of the antigen presenting cells.

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