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        2014년 영천시의 한 물놀이장에서 유행한 피부 질환 역학조사

        박지혁 ( Ji Hyuk Park ),임현술 ( Hyun Sul Lim ),이관 ( Kwan Lee ),하경임 ( Gyoung Yim Ha ),정태선 ( Taesun Jeong ) 대한보건협회 2015 대한보건연구 Vol.41 No.2

        Objective: An outbreak of skin rash illness was reported from people who had been to a water park located in Yeongcheon-si. Epidemiologic investigation was performed to elucidate the cause of this outbreak and to prevent a recurrence. Methods: Medical records of clinics and hospitals in Yeongcheon-si were reviewed to find cases of skin rash illness. The manager of the water park was interviewed, and the collected water samples were analyzed and tested for bacterial culture. Results: Seventy-one cases, consisted of 42 men (59.2%) and 29 women (40.8%), were experienced skin rash illness. Most of the cases (98.6%) were children under 20 years and all cases went to the water park. A swimming pool for adults used underground and lake water, and residual chlorine was not detected. The water samples were positive for various bacteria, including Aeromonas sobria and Pseudomonas putida. Conclusion: This outbreak was linked to the contaminated water of swimming pools. The water park was reopened after appropriate chlorine disinfection, and another outbreak was not reported until late 2014. Chlorine disinfection of water in swimming pools should be conducted, and enhanced chlorine monitoring is needed.

      • 경주지역 여고생의 초경과 체성장간의 관계

        김준섭,권오구,박진석,오종수,박정현,박제식,안세한,이용환,서정호,신태섭,최영배,김덕수,이관,박수경 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2002 東國醫學 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 경주지역 1개 고등학교 3학년 여고생을 대상으로 초경 시작 전인 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 키, 몸무게, 가슴둘레 수치와 초경 연령을 파악하여 여성의 초경이 빠를수록 체성장 속도의 변화가 있을 것이라는 가설을 기초로 두 요인간의 관련성을 파악하고자 시행되었다. 경주시 1개 여자고등학교 3학년생 총 317명에 대해 ㅊ경 나이, 초경시 심리 상태, 초경이 시작되었을 때의 상담 여부와 상담하였던 사람, 부모 신장과 초경전후의 식사 규칙성, 다이어트 경험, 수면시간, 스트레스, 음주/흡연 여부, 질병력 등에 대한 설문 조사를 시행하였고, 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 키, 몸무게, 가슴둘레에 대한 정보는 건강기록부에서 확보하였다. 상기 대상자 중 건강기록부가 분실된 39명, 초경나이에 대해 응답하지 않았던 29명 및 결석 등으로 조사를 하지 못하였던 42명을 제외한 조사 대상자는 206명으로 선정하였다. 대상자들의 초경연령 평균값(Mean±SD)은 13.0±1.11이었고, 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 초경 이후 신장 성장률은 감소하였으며, 초경연령이 빠른 군이 초등학교 때는 신장에 있어서 우위를 차지하나 고등학교에 오면서 신장은 비슷한 수준이 되었다. 초경후 1-2년 사이에 체중과 흉위의 증가율은 감소하였고, 초경연령이 빠른 군이 초등학교와 고등학교 사이에 체중과 흉위에서 모두 우위를 차지하였다. 본 연구의 결과는, 흔히 이차 성징의 시작 시점 혹은 사춘기의 시작 시점으로 보고있는 초경 연령이 청소년기의 성장과 밀접한 관련성이 있고, 특히 체중과 흉위의 성장 속도와 밀접한 관련성이 있음을 시사한다. To understand the onset of menarche in relation to changes in physical growth that take place during female adolescence, especially the changes in height and weight velocity. The 207 senior in one women high school of Kyongju were investigated in April 3 to 8, 2001. We collected the information, relation in the age at menarche, height & weight of parents, regularity of eating, and obesity diet, duration of sleeping, sickness & stress near age at menarche, by self-recording. The status of height, weight & chest circumference between the 4th grade of primary school and the junior of high school was collected by individual Health Record. The results were followed; The average age at menarche was 12.95±1.11 years old and the most frequent age of menarche is 13 years. After menarche, the velocity of height, weight and chest circumference were decreased. The most rapid group of menarche hold dominant position in height during elementary school. As time passed, they dont hold dominant position in height. The most rapid group of menarche get an advantage in the weight and the girth of chest after elementary school. The height of subjects is directly proportional to the height of their parents. These results suggest that the starting age at menestuation can be closely associated with physical growth and development.

      • KCI등재

        Voice Mismatch Meets Neurolinguistics

        Gui-Sun Moon,Sun-Woong Kim,Jeong-Ah Shin,Hae-Kyung Wee,Jong Un Park,Myung-Kwan Park,Wonil Chung 현대문법학회 2018 현대문법연구 Vol.99 No.-

        Gui-Sun Moon, Sun-Woong Kim, Jeong-Ah Shin, Hae-Kyung Wee, Jong Un Park, Myung-Kwan Park, and Wonil Chung. 2018. Voice Mismatch Meets Neurolinguistics. Studies in Modern Grammar 99, 85-115. This paper aims to investigate Korean advanced L2 English learners’ strategies for ellipsis resolution during sentence processing. Ellipsis resolution is known to involve several stages of information processing from the initial step of detecting an ellipsis-licensing element by the parser to the final stage of integrating the ellipsis site with the information retrieved from the antecedent of the ellipsis site. In examining these steps, we have manipulated three factors: (i) TP vs. VP-ellipsis; (ii) two types of discourse coherence relations (resemblance(-contrast) vs. cause-effect relations); (iii) voice match vs. mismatch. We found through the ERP recordings that voice mismatch in TP ellipsis elicited N400, followed by P600, irrespective of discourse coherence relations. In contrast, voice mismatch in VP-ellipsis registered N400 only in resemblance(-contrast) relation, but not in cause-effect relation. These findings lead us to conclude that Korean advanced L2 learners of English seem to undergo the full sequence of processing stages required for ellipsis resolution.

      • KCI등재

        경안면 괴사성 근막염 : 증례보고

        박관수,정기훈,김효언,정정권,윤규호,전인성 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2001 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.23 No.1

        Necrotizing fasciitis is defined as infectious disease showing extensive necrosis of the superficial fascia with widespread involvement of the surrounding tissues and concurrent systemic toxicity. It is found commonly in the extremities, the trunk and the perineum, but shows extremely rare occurrence in the well vascularized area such as head and neck area. Occurred in the head and neck area, it is called "cervicofacial necrotizing fasciitis" (CFNF). It is a fatal disease which carries a mortality rate up to 60%. Early diagnosis, aggressive surgical debridement of necrotic tissues and massive antibiotics therapy are essential for achieving a favorable outcome. We present a case of cervicofacial necrotizing fasciitis in 35-year-old male patient with literature review.

      • 저장유통 조건에 따른 1.000 mL 카톤팩의 벌지현상

        박종대,정관섭 한국식품저장유통학회 ( 구 한국농산물저장유통학회 ) 2003 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        저장온도에 따른 1,000 mL 카톤팩의 벌지를 측정하기 위하여 원지 board의 물성을 측정하고, 저장온도에 따라 벌지를 측정하였다. 카톤팩 원지의 함수율은 5.6~7.0%, stiffness는 MD(machine direction) 방향이 243.3~266.7 g/㎝, CD(cross direction) 방향이 99.2~109.2 g/㎝ 였다. 카톤팩 낱장의 중량은 29.17~31.26 g이었다. 6℃에 저장하면서 벌지를 측정한 결과, 저장 7일 후 6.33~6.93 ㎜였다. 10℃에 저장하면서 벌지를 측정한 결과, 저장 7일 후 7.26~8.56 ㎜였다. 10℃에 저장하면서 매일 1시간씩 상온 shock 처리 후 벌지를 측정한 결과, 저장 7일 후 8.66 ㎜였다. 저장온도 조건에 따른 카톤팩의 벌지는 6℃<10℃<10℃+상온 shock 순으로 증가하였다. 따라서 벌지 예방의 최선책은 원지 및 카톤팩의 보관 및 관리 철저, 그리고 충전 후 냉장유통 과정에서 온도변화를 적게 해주는 것이라고 사료되며 본 실험결과가 카톤팩 벌지에 대한 최초의 연구보고라 생각된다. This study was carried out to obtain physical characteristics of paper board and to measure bulge of 1,000 mL carton pak by different storage conditions. Water holding capacity of paper boards were mean of 5.6∼7.0%, stiffness of machine direction(MD) was 243.3∼266.7 g/㎝ and cross direction(CD) was 99.2∼109.2 g/㎝, respectively. The weight of 1,000 mL carton pak were in the range of 9.71∼31.26 g. The bulge of carton paks were 6.33∼6.93 ㎜ after 7 days at 6℃ storage, 7.26∼8.56 ㎜ after 7 days at 10℃ and was 8.66 ㎜ after 7 days at 10℃ treated with 1 hour heat shock per day, respectively. According to this result, the bulge length of 1,000 mL carton pak was showed increased pattern upon increasing the storage temperature and the order was 6℃ < 10℃ < 10℃ + heat shock. To prevent bulge occurrence, it was thought to control storage temperature and humidity of paper board or carton pak and to minimize their shock on cold chain system after filling process.

      • 중증 객혈환자의 구명을 위한 새로운 외과적 접근 : 흉골 정중절개에 의한 폐엽의 기관지-혈관 격리술

        박형주,이철세,고정관 순천향대학교 1994 논문집 Vol.17 No.4

        Major hemoptysis is not only a clinical challenge but also the most critical situation when it is aspirated into the tracheobronchial tree especially in the chronic debilitated patients. Recently, bronchial artery embolization(BAE) is the most effective measure for the primary conservative management and salvages a lot of lives in the emergency situations. However, as the recurrence rate of hemoptysis after embolization is significant and there are very poor cases that cannot be controlled by every medical efforts, emergency surgical resection is the only way of lifesaving. In these high risk group of patients, standard lobectomy resulted in high mortality and morbidity. Since October, 1993, we introduced a new surgical approach of "Broncho-vascular Isolation Lobectomy" for the lifesaving of medically failed life-threatening hemoptysis. Now we report 3 cases treated by this approach and would like to suggest future implications in the treatment of major hemoptysis.

      • 이온교환막을 통한 전해질 용액의 이동 특성

        박형관,한정우,선용호,조영일 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1989 논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        The transport characteristics of electrolyte osmosis through the perfluorinated cation exchange membrane, Nafion NX-430, was inverstigated. The order of electrolyte permeation velocities of single valent ions was:??>??>??>??. At constant concentration ratio the electrolyte fluxes have shown maximum and minimum values with respect to electrolyte concentration, which is called anomalus osmosis. The correlations between potassium ion fluxes and concentration ratios was shown as follows. ?? The effective charge density calclated from membrane potential was 1% of the fixed charge concentration.

      • 남원군 산내면 일대에 분포하는 편마암류의 미량성분에 의한 그 기원암에 관한 연구

        박정관,조규성,남기상 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1989 基礎科學 Vol.12 No.1

        This research aims to study origin by trace elements (Cu, Cr Pb, Ni, Mn, Li,Zn) of 225 samples of the gneisses that receive high metamorphism in sannae-myeon area, Namwon-gun. I have studied average abundance, abundance range and frequency distribution of each elements, and considered geochemical feature of the trace elements in the shale and granite. Abundance of Cu, Cr, Ni, in the shale of sedimentary origin is higher than that in the granite of igneous origin. Abundance of the trace elements in the porphyroblastic gneiss, granitic gneiss and pegmatitic gneiss is very similar to the that in the shale with the biotite gneiss, but that in the leucocratic gneiss is less than in the shale and it is similar to the granite. Frequency distribution of the rocks of sedimentary origin is irregularly widely dispersion, but that of igneous origin is distributed narrowly around maximum frequency. Therefore the porphyroblastic gneiss, granitic gneiss and pegmatitic gneiss is paragneiss with the biotite gneiss, and the Leucocratic gneiss is orthogneiss. This result is in accord with geological field survey and study on the metamorphism(Kim O.J. etal.,1964;Kim H.S., 1970,1973; Lee S.M., 1980,1981)

      • Phanerochaete chrysosporium의 액체 배양 및 Lignin Peroxidase 생산

        박세근,정명선,김영관 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2001 産業技術硏究 Vol.21 No.A

        This study characterizes the growth of white rot fungi Phanerochaete chrysosporium IFO 31249 and lignin peroxidase(LiP) activity in different submerged culture media. P. chrysosporium was grown in the form of pellet of various sizes from a spore inoculum under shaking liquid culture condition. While the growth of mycelia was higher under the nitrogen-sufficient culture than under the nitrogen-limited culture, ligninase activity was relatively lower. The lignin peroxidase appeared in nitrogen-limited culture and was suppressed by excess nitrogen. High level(40U/l) of lignin peroxidase activity was obtained in the growth medium containing 1.5mM veratryl alcohol, a secondary metabolite of P. chrysosporium. Lignin peroxidase production was not observed under conditions of nitrogen sufficiency or in balanced media, suggesting that control parameters could increase the activity by manipulating the secondary metabolism.

      • KCI등재

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