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      • 기능성 생식, 다이어트식 및 장개선제가 비만개선에 미치는 영향

        전태일,전은자,김창성,이주용,안홍석,임병우,최영숙,박웅채,박동기 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 2001 農資源開發論集 Vol.23 No.-

        Obesity is defined as an excess of body fat and is closely related to diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Dietary cure has been paid attention as a method for preventing from or curing obesity. The effect of some food products developed in this laboratory, such as, functional saengsik (Health & Joy saengsik), diet food (Health & Joy diet meal) and intestine function activator (Cell-pa, commercial name) on curing and protecting from obesity were investigated. Diet program was applied to 31 adults (Males 22, Females 9) with above 120% body mass index (BMI). After diet program was applied, body weight, body fat and fat weight decreased by 1, 4.8 and 4.5% (p<0.01), HDL-cholesterol increased by 3.6% and LDL-cholesterol and atherogenic index decreased by 6.6 and 7.7% (p<0.05). Consequently, the food products developed in this laboratory effectively reduced the obesity.

      • 치료 저항성 환청을 호소하는 정신분열병 환자에 대한 반복 경두개 자기자극(rTMS)과 전기충격요법(Modified ECT)의 연속적인 치료 경험 1례

        권준수,전홍진,윤탁 大韓神經精神醫學會 2001 신경정신의학 Vol.40 No.4

        정신분열병에서 치료에 반응하지 않으며 지속되는 환청은 환자에게 매우 불쾌한 감정을 유발할 수 있으며 환청의 내용에 따라 위험한 경우도 있다. 환청에 대한 기능적 뇌영상 연구 결과로 환청이 정상 청각경로의 비정상적인 활성으로 발생하며, 환청이 들리는 동안에 좌측 상부 측두엽 등이 활성화 된다는 사실을 알게 되었다. 본 증례에서는 항정신병 약물에 대한 치료 저항성 환청을 가진 35세 기혼 여자 환자에 대해서, 좌측 상부 측두엽을 국재화한 후 뇌의 국소적 자극이 가능한 Magstim 200장비와 Double cone shaped coil을 이용하여 1HZ slow wave 반복 경두개 자기자극(rTMS)을 가하였다. 항정신병 약물을 유지한 상태에서 최고 100pulse의 총 14회의 자극을 통해 환청의 주관적인 크기의 30% 감소와 정동의 호전을 관찰할 수 있었다. 반복 경두개 자기자극(rTMS)종료 2주 뒤에 추가적으로 시행된 9회의 전기충격요법(ECT)결과 환청이 빠른 속도로 완전히 소실되었다. 치료저항성 환자의 환청에 대한 치료효과는 rTMS보다 ECT가 효과적임을 알 수 있었다. The Persistent auditory hallucinations may provoke the uncomfortable feeling and be dangerous according to its contents in treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients. Previous functional brain imaging studies on suditory hallucinations reported that the abnormal activations of the normal auditory pathway and the activations of the left upper temporal lobe were found while patients were hallucinationg voices. Base on the these findings, we treated a female schizophrenic patient with persistent auditory hallucinations that were treatment-refractory with rTMS and the ECT continuously while she was on the drug treatment. The total amount of pulses applied in each trial ranged from 240 to 1000pulses. Fourteen trials were done and resulted in decrease by 30% in the subject severity of auditory hallucinations and the improvement of the affect. Two weeks after the completion of rTMS trials, nine trials of ECT were administered which leaded to complete disappearance of auditory hallucinations. This result suggest that ECT is more effective than rTMS in treating persistent auditory hallucinations in treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients.

      • Al-Cu-Mg合金의 時效析出에 미치는 豫備時效의 影響

        趙顯麒,洪俊杓,全在英 경북대학교 공과대학 1983 工大硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        The influences of preageing on age-precipitation in Al-2.02t% Cu-1.1wt% Mg alloy have been investigated by means of measurements of hardness, tensile strength and electrical resistivity and transmission electron microscopy. The results obtained are summarized as follows. The two-step aged alloy is more age-hardenable than the onestep aged alloy in early stage of ageing. It is because of the formation and growth of solute atom cluster and GPB zones. The maximum hardness and strength of the alloy aged 200℃ is obtained by preaged at 100℃. It is because of fine and dense distribution of S'metastable phase. The hardness and strength are remarkably decreased with sufficient ageing time after preageing at room temperature and 170℃. It is because of the formation and coarsening of S'metastable phase by the preageing.

      • Clozapine이 백서의 Schedule-Induced Polydipsia에 미치는 영향

        이기철,정홍경,이정호,홍승범,최영민,전성일,정재현,하준명 대한생물치료정신의학회 2000 생물치료정신의학 Vol.6 No.2

        Object : This study was designed to evaluate the effects of clozapine which is one of most useful atypical antipsychotics in the schedule-induced polydipsic rat which is an animal model of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Methods : Spraque-Dawley rats were placed in automatic cage where a pellet dispenser automatically dispensed 90mg pellets on a fixed-time 60 seconds(FT- 60s) feeding schedule over 150-minute test session for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks of daily exposure to the FT-60s feeding schedule, experimental rats met a predetermined criterion for polydipsic behavior(greater than 3 times of water per session on average). Rats were stratified into clozapine(0.34mg/kg,i.p.), clozapine(14.63mg/kg,i.p.), clomlpramine(5mg/kg,i .p.), and vehicle (1cc/kg,i.p.) group and treated with each drugs for 3 weeks. To identify the non-polydipsic food-deprived rats, a separate group of rats(N=8) were individually housed and given a single bolus(14.5gm) of food per day which maintained them at their average body weight. Results : The results were as follows ; 1)After 4 weeks of scheduled feeding procedure, the experimental group showed significant differences than bolus control in the amount of water consumption as compared with their baseline of water intakes for 4 weeks. At the same periods, there were no differences between the experimental group and bolus control in the borty weight. 2)The clomipramine group, the clozapine 0.34mg group and the clozapine 14.63mg group showed significant decrease in the amount of water intake for at 2nd & 3rd week of drug treatment as compared with their baseline of polydipsic water intakes. But, the vehicle control group showed no changes of amounts of water intake for 3 weeks of treatment as compared with their baseline of polydipsic water intakes. Conclusion : Above findings suggest that the fixed time feeding Procedure for Schedule induced polydipsia as an animal model of obsessive compulsive disorder was effective to the evaluation of pharmacological challenge study. In clinical situation, the authors suggest that atypical antipsychotic drugs which act as serotonin and dopamine receptor antagonist may be helpful to improve the symptoms of the patients with treatment refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder.

      • KCI등재

        한국인의 우울증 진단기준의 특성

        장성만,손지훈,이준영,최지환,조성진,전홍진,함봉진,이동현,조맹제 大韓神經精神醫學會 2007 신경정신의학 Vol.46 No.5

        목적 국내의 여러 역학 조사에 따르면 한국인은 서구에 비하여 우울증의 유병률이 낮은 것으로 보고되고 있다. 낮은 유병률에 대하여 서구에서 정의하는 우울증의 진단 기준이 한국인의 문화에 맞지 않다는 진단 기준의 오류를 제시하거나, 실제로 유병률이 낮다는 설명을 시도하기도 하였다. 본 연구는 DSM-IV에서 제시하는 우울증의 진단 기준에 대하여 한국인의 반응 특성을 알아보고자 한다. 방법 2001년 KECA 연구에 응답한 만 18세 이상 65세 미만의 6,275명을 대상으로 하였다. 한국어판 CIDI (K-CIDI)를 통해 정신장애의 이환을 진단하였으며, K-CIDI 내의 우울장애 진단 기준만을 추출하여 분석하였다. 분석은 문항반응이론(Item Response Theory)을 적용하였다. 결과 한국인에서 DSM-IV의 주요우울장애 진단 기준의 오류는 없었으나, 진단 기준의 역치는 높았다. 한국인이 호소하는 우울증상으로서 "피로감"과 "집중력 저하", "수면 변화"는 진단되는 우울증의 초기부터 잘 나타나는 증상 들이며, "정선운동변화", "죽음/자살사고", "무가치함/죄책감"은 보다 심한 우울증에서 잘 나타나는 증상들이었다. 결론 DSM-IV가 제시하는 주요우울장애 진단 기준은 한국인의 우울증을 평가하는 데 있어 타당하기는 하나, 진단 기준의 역치가 높다. 우울증의 중증도에 따라 호소하는 증상들이 달랐다. Baekgrounds : Many Korean epidemiologic studies reported lower prevalence rates of depression than those of Western countries. For the low prevalence, it is explained that there's something wrong in the direct application of diagnostic criteria of depression to Korean culture, i.e. categorical fallacy, or it may be truly low-prevalent. We will analyze diagnostic criteria for depression detined by Western. Methods : Six thousand and two hundred seventy-five cummunity dwelling subjects, aged 18-64 years were interviewed by using Korean version of Composite International Diagnostic Interview (K-CIDI). Diagnostic criteria for depression defined by DSM-IV were analyzed using the item response theory. Rcsults : We could not find any fallacies of diagnostic critcria tbr depression defined by DSM-IV when assessing depre-ssion among Koreans. Fatigue, concentration difficultics, and sleep disturbance appeared more fequently in mild depression, while psychomotor change, death/suicide, and worthlessness/guilt did not appear until severe depression. Cunclusion : The diagnostic criteria for depression defined by DSM-IV arc appropriate for the Koreans. There are different responding levels, i.e. threshold, of depressive criteria according to severities of depression. Koreans with depression are more likely to complain of appetite change, but less of worthless or guilty feelings than Western people.

      • 부신 결핵에 의한 Addison씨병 1예

        송치운,구본정,안봉수,전준식,안미애,이진홍,송민호,김영건,노흥규 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1995 충남의대잡지 Vol.22 No.2

        Addison's disease is a rare primary adrenal insufficient disorder resulting from chronic deficiency of adrenal cortical hormones. Clinical manefestations are generalized weakenss, weight loss, hyperpigmentation (especially sun exposed area and mucous membrane), hypotension, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, gastrointestinal symptoms (involving anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain). A 34-year-old woman has experienced slowly progressive generalized weakenss and skin pigmentation, anorexia, nausea, vomiting with ascites and diffuse abdominal pain. On the time of admission, her main clinical manifestations were anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, generalized weakness, amenorrhea, hair loss, diffuse abdominal pain revealed as Addison's disease due to bilateral adrenal tuberculosis. Her adrenal insufficient symptoms were recovered with the replacement of adrenocortical hormones and antituberculous medications. After treatment, Her skin pigmentation was decreased and menstruation was reappeared. Here we experienced one cases of Addison's disease with tuberculous peritonitis.

      • KCI등재

        Risperidone이 백서의 Schedule-Induced Polydipsia에 미치는 영향

        이기철,이정호,윤도준,최영민,전성일,김태수,정홍경,하준명,정재현 大韓神經精神醫學會 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.3

        연구목적 : 강박장애의 원인론중 세로토닌-도파민 가설에 기초하여 강박장애 동물모형으로 고려되는 고정된 시간 간격으로 평소의 먹이섭취량보다 작은 양의 음식물을 백서에게 장기간 공급하여 다음중(schedule-induced polydipsia : SIP)을 유발시켰다. SIP모형에 강박장애에 효과적이라고 알려진 선택적 세로토닌 재흡수 차단제로서 fluoxetine을 장기 투여하고, 신경절후 5-HT²와 도파민 D² 수용체를 동시에 차단하는 risperidone을 투여하고, 신경절후 도파민 수용체 차단제인 haloperidol을 투여하였다. 그결과로서 risperidone이 강박장애 동물모형으로 고려되는 SIP에서 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알아보았다. 방 법 : SIP를 유발하기 위해 각각의 사육상자에 1정당 90㎎의 사료를 자동급이장치 (automatic dispenser)에서 60초당 1정씩 고정된 시간 간격으로 하루에 150분씩 공급하였다. 4주간 고정된 시간 간격으로 머기를 공급하고 매주 음수량과 체중을 측정한 실험 동물과 동등한 사료의 양을 한번에 덩어리로 공급받은 통제 집단의 체중과 음수량을 비교하였다. SIP 행동변화를 보인 실험 동물들을 fluoxetine 5㎎/㎏(N=8), risperidone 0.1㎎/㎏(N=8), haloperidol 0.1㎎/㎏(N=8), 그리고 vehicle 대조군 1㏄/㎏(N=8)으로 나누고 각각의 실험 동물군에서 3주간에 걸쳐서 실험 약물을 매일 복강내 주사하였다. 매주 실험 동물의 음수량과 체중을 측정, 비교하였다. 결 과 : 1) 고정된 시간 간격으로 제한된 먹이를 공급한 실험 동물군은 1주부터 4주에 걸쳐서 기저치보다 유의한 음수량의 증가를 보였다. 반면 통제 집단은 2주째 음수량이 일시적으로 증가한 소견 이외에 4주간의 실험 기간중 유의한 변화는 보이지 않았다. 실험 동물과 통제 집단간의 음수량에서 3주와 4주째에 실험 동물이 통제 집단보다 유의하게 높은 음수량을 보였지만 양군간에 체중의 차이는 보이지 않았다. 2) 각각의 실험 동물군 내에서 risperidone 0.1㎎ 투여군은 약물 투여 2주부터 3주까지 기저치 음수량과 비교하여 유의한 저하를 보였다. Risperidone 0.5㎎ 투여군은 약물터여 3주에서 기저치의 음수량과 비교하여 유의한 저하를 보였다. Fluoxetine 투여군은 약물 투여 시작 1주부터 3주에서 기저치의 음수량과 비교하여 유의한 저하를 보였다. 한편, haloperidol 투여군과, vehicle은 3주간에 걸친 약물 투여에서 각각의 기저치 음수량과 비교하여 차이를 보이지 않았다. 3) 실험 동물 각 군간에 약물 투여 시간 경과에 따른 음수량을 비교한 바, 약물투여 1주에서 각 군간에 유의한 차이는 없었다. 약물 토여 2주에서 fluoxetine 투여군, risperidone 0.1㎎ 투여군, 그리고 risperidone 0.5㎎투여군이 haloperidol 투여군과 비교하여 유의한 차이를 보였다. 약물투여 3주째에 fluoxetine투여군, risperidone 0.1㎎ 투여군, 그리고 risperidone 0.5㎎투여군이 haloperidol 투여군, vehicle과 비교하여 유의한 음수량의 저하를 보였다. 결 론 : 백서의 강박 행동은 fluoxetine, risperidone에 의해 효과적으로 억제되었으나 haloperidol에는 반응이 없었으므로, 임상에서 난치성 강박장애의 치료에 비정형 항정신병 약물 투여를 고려해 볼 수 있다고 제안한다. Objectives : This study was designed to evaluate the effects of risperidone on the schedule-induced polydipsia(SIP) which is one of animal model of obsessive-compulsive disorder in rats. We administered risperidone as a serotonin and dopamine blocking agent, fluoxetine as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and haloperidol as a dopamine antagonist to rats which showed schedule-induced polydipsic behaviour. Methods : Sprage-Dawley rats weighing 200∼250gm were individually housed and maintained and allowed free access to water. The rats were placed on a restricted diet. To induce polydipsia, rats were placed in the cage where a pellet dispenser automatically dispensed 90㎎ pellets on a fixed-time 60 seconds(FT 60s) feeding schedule over 150 minute test session per day. Water was available at all times in the cage. After 4 weeks of daily exposure to the FT 60s feeding schedule, experimental rats met a predetermined criterion for polydipsic behavior(greater than 3 times of water per session on average). 5 groups of rats were administered risperidone(0.1㎎/㎏, i.p), risperidone(0.5㎎/㎏, i.p), fluoxetine(5㎎/㎏, i.p), haloperidol(0.1㎎/㎏, i.p), and vehicle(1㏄/㎏, i.p) for 3 weeks. The rats were tested once a week to access schedule induced polydipsic behavior. Water bottles were weighed before and after the 150-minute test session. The chronic effects of administration of experimental drugs on schedule induced polydipsic behavior were analyzed with ANOVA and Scheffe test as a post-hoc comparison. In order to measure water consumption in non-polydipsic food-deprived rats, a separate group of rats(N=8) was individually housed and given a single bolus(14.5gm) of food per day which maintained them at their average body weight. Results : The results were as follows ; 1) After 4 weeks of scheduled feeding procedure, the experimental group showed significant differences than the bolus control in the amount of water consumption as compared with their average water intakes for 4 weeks. At the same periods, there were no differences between the experimental group and the bolus control in the body weight. 2) The fluoxetine group showed significant decrease in the amount of water intake at 1st, 2nd, and 3rd weeks of drug treatment as compared with their average amount of polydipsic water intakes. The risperidone 0.1㎎ group and the risperidone 0.5㎎ group showed significant decrease in the amount of water intake at the 3rd weeks of drug treatment as compared with their baseline of polydipsic water intakes. However, the haloperidol group and the vehicle control group showed no changes of amounts of water intake for 3 weeks of treatment as compared with their baseline of polydipsic water intakes. 3) The fluoxetine group(22.5±10.4ml) showed significantly lower amounts of water intake than haloperidol group(41.3±7.1ml) at 2nd weeks of drug treatment. And also the fluoxetine group(18.8±3.5ml) showed significantly lower amounts of water intake than the haloperidol group(35.0±11.7ml) and the vehicle control(34.4±6.8ml) at 3rd weeks of drug treatment. The risperidone 0.1㎎ group and the risperidone 0.5㎎ group showed significantly lower amounts of water intake than the haloperidol group(35±11.7ml) at 2nd weeks and the vehicle control(37.5±12.5, 34.4±6.8ml) at 2nd and 3rd weeks of drug treatment. Conclusions : Above findings suggest that the fixed time feeding procedure for schedule induced polydipsia could be applied as an effective animal model of obsessive compulsive disorder for the evaluation of pharmacological challenge study. We confirmed that chronic treatment with risperidone revealed antipolydipsic effect as effective as fluoxetine on the schedule-induced polydipsic behaviour but the onset of effect was later than fluoxetine.

      • KCI등재

        정신보건관련시설 입원(소)자의 주요 정신장애 유병률 : 전국 20개 시설의 입원(소)자를 대상으로

        조성진,조맹제,서동우,함봉진,홍진표,배재남,이준영,이동우,박종익,전홍진,김성주,김용익 大韓神經精神醫學會 2004 신경정신의학 Vol.43 No.6

        Objectives : One of the objectives of this study is to estimate the prevalence rates of psychiatric diagnoses in the combined populations of psychiatric hospitals, psychiatric nursing facilities and homeless asylums using the Korean version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (K-CIDI), which is a comprehensive and fully standardized interview schedule to assess psychiatric disorders for diagnosis. The Other objective is to compare with previously studied prevalence rates of Psy-chiatric diagnoses using the results of this study. Methods : The study subjects, aged from 181o 64 years, were randomly selected from 64,582 institutionalized population of psychiatric hospitals, Psychiatric nursing facilities and homeless asylums as of 30, June, 2001. Twelve trained interviewers administered the K-CIDI to the selected respondents. A total of 1,875 respondents (male 1,194, female 681) completed the interview. Results : The lifetime and one year prevalences of any diagnosis excluding nicotine dependence · withdrawal, anxiety disorder, eating disorder, somatoform disorder were 88.2% (male 88.1%, female 88.3%), and 65.8% (male 62.7%, female 73.7%), respectively. The lifetime and one year prevalences of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders were 78.5% (male 75.3%, female 83.7%), and 56.8% (male 51.9%, female 64.8%), respectively. The lifetime and one year prevalences of alcohol use disorder (dependence/abuse) were 26.7% (male 37.9%, female 8.3%), and 8.7% (male 12.8%, female 2.1%), respectively. The lifetime and one year prevalences of mood disorder were 18.1% (male 13.5%, female 25.8%), and 10.4% (male 7.2%,female 16.9%), respectively. The lifetime and one year prevalences of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders were comparable with the 2001 community survey by 1.19% to 1.32%, and 0.51% to 0.61%, respectively. The lifetime and one year prevalences of schizophrenia were also comparable by 0.16% to 0.28%, and 0.16% to 0.25%, respectively. There were no significant changes of prevalence rates when correction were applied to other psychiatric diagnosis. Conclusion : The results of this study could be used for evaluating the distribution of psychiatric diagnoses in mental health related facilities and for planning mental health policies.

      • 세로토닌성 항우울제가 백서의 Schedule-Induced Polydipsia에 미치는 영향

        이기철,이정호,박중섭,최영민,전성일,정홍경,하준명,정재현 대한생물치료정신의학회 1999 생물치료정신의학 Vol.5 No.2

        Object : Schedule-induced polydipsia is considered as an animal model of obsessive-compulsive disorder inrats. The authors evaluated the chronic effects of fluoxetine and clomipramine as serotonergic antidepressants and haloperidol as dopaminergic antagonist on the schedule-induced polydipsia in rat.Methods : Spraque-Dawley rats weighing 200-250gm were individually housed, maintained and allowed free access to water for 1 week. And then the rats were placed on a restricted diet. To induce polydipsia, rats were placed in automatic cage where a pellet dispenser automatically dispensed 90mg pellets on a fixed-time 60 seconds(FT 60s) feeding schedule over 150-minute test session for a day. Water was available at all times during the feeding schedule in automatic cage. After 4 weeks of daily exposure to the FT 60s feeding schedule, experimental rats met a predetermined criterion for polydipsic behavior(greater than 3 times of water per session on average). 4 groups of rats were administered fluoxetine(5mg/kg/i.p.), clomipramine(5mg/kg/i.p.), haloperidol(0.1mg/kg/i.p.), vehicle(1cc/kg/i.p.) for 3 weeks. Rats were tested once a week to access schedule induced polydipsic behavior. The chronic effects of experimental drugs on schedule induced polydipsic behavior were analyzed with repeated analysis of variance and Scheffe test as a post-hoc comparison.In order to measure water consumption in non-polydipsic food-deprived rats, a separate group of rats(N=8) were individually housed and given a single bolus(14.5 gm) of food per day which maintained them at their average body weight.Results and Conclusion : The results were as follows ;1) After 4 weeks of daily feeding procedure with fixed time schedule for 60 seconds per day, the experimental group showed significant differences than the control in the amount of water consumption as compared with their baseline water intakes. At the same periods, there were no differences between the experimental group and the control in body weight. 2) The clomipramine treated group and the fluoxetine treated group showed significant decrease in the amount of water intake as compared with their baseline of polydipsic water intakes for 3 weeks of treatment. However, the haloperidol treated group and the vehicle control group showed no changes of amounts of water intake for 3 weeks of treatment as compared with their baseline of polydipsic water intakes. 3) At 2 weeks of drug treatment, clmipramine treated group(16.88±6.51ml) and the fluoxetine treated group(22.50±10.35ml) showed significantly lower amounts of water intake than the haloperidol treated group (41.25±7.06ml) or vehicle control group(37.50±12.54ml). And also the clomipramine treated group(13.75±5.18ml) and the fluoxetine treated group(18.75±3.54ml) showed significantly lower amounts of water intake than the haloperidol group(35.00±11.65ml) and the vehicle control(34.38±6.78ml) at 3 weeks of drug treatment. Above findings suggest that the fixed time feeding procedure for schedule-induced polydipsia as an animal model of obsessive compulsive disorder was effective to the evaluation of pharmacological challenge study. The author confirmed that schedule-induced polydipsia was successfully decreased for 3 weeks of administration of clomipramine and fluoxetine but there was no response to haloperidol.

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