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        Recurrence of equine coital exanthema in thoroughbred stallions

        Yang, Jaehyuk,Lim, Yoon-Kyu The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 2013 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.53 No.3

        The object of this study was to evaluate recurrence of equine coital exanthema (ECE) whether re-infection or re-activation of causative virus. ECE is a venereal disease of horses caused by equine herpesvirus type 3 (EHV-3). Like other herpesviruses, it may persist in infected horses for a long time. There is a controversy on the cause of ECE as the recurrence or the reinfection. This disease had occurred firstly on stallions and broodmares in Korea. The horses had rebreeded after healing routinely. Next year, the disease recurrented on the just same affected horses among stallions. The result of this study, re-outbreak of ECE in stallions is recurrence of ECE, but not reinfection of the virus.

      • Rates of Neonatal Survival and Prevalence of Death Caused by Disorders in Thoroughbred Foals

        Jaehyuk Yang 한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) 2014 한국동물번식학회 한중일 심포지엄 Vol.2014 No.1

        There are rare reports about equine industrial data especially equine neonatology and pediatrics in Korea. The object of this study was to evaluate incidence of death and rate of entering stable in foals. A retrospective study was carried out to investigate numbers of survival foals by 45 days old and entering stable of racing authority in mainland and Jeju island from 2001 to 2010. And incidence of death and euthanasia caused by disorders in a population of Thoroughbred foals during their first 12 months post partum in Jeju in 2010 only. Among 11,321 foals, 1,210 did not survive to 45 days of age. In addition, 9,034 foals entered racing stables without veterinary problems. So, rate of survival foal and entering stable were 89.3% and 79.8% respectively during 10 years. Of 79 foals were dead through growing in Jeju: respiratory infection was the most common cause of death (27.8%, 22/79 foals) followed by catastrophic fractures (24.0%, 19/79), neonatal maladjustment syndrome (20.2%, 16/79), non-infectious gastrointestinal problems (13.9%, 11/79), septicemia (7.6%, 6/79) and congenital defects (6.5%, 5/79). Infection was the single most common cause of death accounting for 35.5% (28/79) of all death incidents in this population. Young animal infection remains a leading cause of mortality in the equine industry, despite advances in prevention and treatment. Findings from this study provide information regarding the causes of death in the young Korean Thoroughbred horses.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Diaphragmatic hernia in a Jeju horse (crossbred) broodmare

        Yang, Jaehyuk,Koh, Yang-Nam,Hwang, Kyu-Kye,Lim, Yoon-Kyu The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 2009 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.49 No.4

        Diaphragmatic hernias, whether congenital or acquired (traumatic), are rarely observed in the horse. Acquired diaphragmatic hernias typically occur secondary to trauma or an increase in intraabdominal pressure due to falling, heavy exercise, or parturition. Diaphragmatic herniorrhaphy is difficult to perform in adult horses and the horses with symptomatic diaphragmatic hernias usually die. A 10- year old, 340 kg, Jeju horse (crossbred) broodmare with sudden onset of gait disorder and a moderate emaciation was examined. Findings on physical examination included conjunctivitis, dehydration, shallow breathing, dyspnea, weaken heart beat, lack of auscultatable sounds from the gastrointestinal tract, and anorexia. Rectal temperature was $38.4^{\circ}C$ and respiratory rates were moderately increased. There were slight signs of acute colic. The broodmare died one day after non-specific treatment of fluids, nutriment, antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The cause of death was strangulation of the small intestine through a diaphragmatic hernia. The rent was about 2 cm in diameter and located in the central right part of diaphragm. Around 60 cm of small intestine was protruded into thoracic cavity through the rent. The cause of the hernia could not be ascertained. The broodmare had been pastured with many other horses, and the groom had not noticed any aggressive behavior among them. It was, however, speculated that trauma by stallion's attack may have been the cause of the diaphragmatic hernia, because the new horse may be the object of behaviors ranging from mild threats to seriously aggressive kicking, squealing, rearing, and biting.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of Hippological Differences Between Jeju Ponies and Jeju Pony Crossbreds: II. The Incidence of Innate Pacers in the Jeju Raceresource

        Jaehyuk Yang,Kyu-Hwan Moon,Yoon Kyu Lim 한국임상수의학회 2016 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.33 No.6

        The object of this study was to evaluate the possibility and incidence of innate pacer in Jeju raceresource. This peculiar gait occurs naturally in some foreign breeds. To author’s knowledge, this is the first report of innatepacers on the Korean native horse. In order to determine the incidence of pacer in Jeju Ponies and Jeju Pony crossbreds,gait analysis and pedigree check were performed at the Let’s Run Park Jeju (total 547 ponies and pony crossbredracers) in 2013. Results of this study showed that 16 (8.1%) of the 198 examined Jeju Ponies. However, 349 JejuPony crossbreds had no innate pacers. Of the 16 Jeju Pony pacers, 11 males (68.8%) and 5 females (31.2%) areincluded in the present study. In conclusion, only the Jeju Pony was innate pacers like other foreign breeds. The authorssuspect that the causes of the difference of the breeds were origin of the pony and genetic differences.

      • KCI등재

        국내분리 말구진 원인병원체(Equine herpesvirus type 3)의 특징

        Jaehyuk Yang(양재혁),Yoon-Kyu Lim(임윤규) 한국생명과학회 2011 생명과학회지 Vol.21 No.8

        Equine herpesvirus type 3 (EHV-3)는 말[馬]에서 말구진을 유발하고 말산업에 치명적인 악영향을 끼치는 매우 중요한 병원체이다. 국내에서 처음으로 말구진이 발생하였고, 말 생산농가에 경제적 피해를 입혔으나 다행히 원인바이러스 분리에 성공하였다. 이에 원인바이러스의 생물학적 특징을 연구하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. EHV-3를 RK-13 cell에 접종한 결과 접종 48 시간부터 세포변성효과가 나타남을 확인하였고 접종 72 시간부터는 세포박리가 일어났다. 세포를 수확하여 바이러스 DNA를 추출한 후 PCR 검사를 수행하였다. 그 결과 EHV-3에만 양성이었고 EHV-1 및 EHV-4에는 음성이었다. Swab에서 바이러스 DNA를 추출하여 10배씩 serial dilution을 한 후 PCR 검사를 실시한 결과 10⁴까지 밴드를 확인할 수 있었다. 국내분리 EHV-3의 gG 특정부위에 대한 염기에서 표준주인 EHV-3 334/74 strain과 397개가 일치하여 99.25%의 상동성을 나타내었고 국내분리주를 EHV-3 거로주(Georo strain)라 명명하였다. 전기영동 결과에서는 EHV-3가 EHV-1보다 적은 수의 밴드를 확인할 수 있었다. 국내 분리주 EHV-3 거로주의 단백질을 분석한 결과 145 kD, 60 kD, 45 kD, 40 kD에서 단백 밴드를 관찰하였다. Equine coital exanthema caused by equine herpesvirus type 3 (EHV-3) is a venereal disease which seriously drops horse reproduction rates. Here, we isolated EHV-3 from infected horses and investigated their biological characteristics. Initial cytopathic effects such as rounding of cells were detected 48 hours post infection of the virus into RK-13 cells. The infected cells were going to detach from the surface of culture flasks 72 hours post infection. The type of isolated viruses from swabbed samples was EHV-3 by PCR analysis. Glycoprotein G (gG) of isolated EHV-3 has a 99.25 percent similarity rate to that of EHV-3 334/74 control strain. The isolated EHV-3 was named Georo strain. Georo strain consisted of four major proteins including 145 kD, 60 kD, 45 kD and 40 kD, as shown by SDS-PAGE analysis. We hope the newly isolated Georo strain of EHV-3 can be used for studying various aspects of Korean equine coital exanthema.

      • KCI등재

        Investigation of antibody titer against Japanese encephalitis virus from natural infections in Thoroughbred mares and their foals

        Jaehyuk Yang,Hyun Jung Koo,Yoon-Kyu Lim 한국예방수의학회 2016 예방수의학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        The object of this study was to evaluate Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) antibody titer changes in broodmares and foals. Antibodies of 112 sera were detected by applying hemagglutination inhibition test. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report that compares antibody titers of foals to that of their dams in order for evaluate optimal time of JEV vaccination. Most mares` antibody titers were variable. However, the highest titers in foals presented in their first month, and antibodies titers in all foals decreased gradually over time. This study provides important benchmarks that can be used to select optimum time JEV of vaccination

      • KCI등재

        대학생용 자기계발 척도개발 및 타당화 연구

        양재혁(Jaehyuk Yang) 한국재활심리학회 2022 재활심리연구 Vol.29 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 대학생의 자기계발 척도(Self-Improvement Scale: SIS)를 개발하고 타당도를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구대상은 경기도 D대학의 재학생 중에서 연구에 동의한 학생을 대상으로 진행하였다. 개별집중면담에 5명, 탐색적 요인분석에 226명, 확인적 요인분석에 1,067명, 타당도 검증에 261명의 대학생이 참가하였다. 대학생의 자기계발척도를 개발하기 위하여 선행연구를 통해 4요인 모델을 설정하고. 집중개별면접을 통해 1차 40문항을 설정하여 탐색적 요인분석을 통해 2차 24문항을 추출하였다. 최종적으로 전문가 검증과 확인적 요인분석을 통해 요인명을 정하고 4요인, 15문항을 개발하였다. 최종 확정된 4요인은 명칭을 각각 미래설계, 진로개발, 정서조절, 생활관리로 명명하였다. 자기계발 척도의 전체 문항 신뢰도는 .842이고, 각 하위요인은 .839, .831, .839, .726으로 나타났다. 이어서 비교척도와의 타당도 검증을 통해 자기계발척도(SIS)의 공인타당도를 확보하였다. 연구의 의의는 COVID19로 인해 일반적인 대학생활에 제약을 받고 있거나 진로와 직업에 관한 분명한 목표설정이 안되어 무계획적인 삶을 살고 있는 대학생에게 무엇에 중점을 두고 대학생활을 해야 하는 지의 지표를 제시 할 수 있다는 것이다. The purpose of this study was to develop a scale that measures self-improvement of college students(self-improvement scale [SIS]) and to assess evidence of validity and reliability of its scores. Four-phases of the study are presented detailing (a) individual intensive interviews (n = 5), (b) exploratory factor analysis (EFA; n = 226), (c) confirmatory factor analysis (CFA; n = 1,067), and (d) cross-validity test (n = 261). An initial pool of 40 items were developed through intensive individual interviews, followed by the preliminary EFA resulting in 24 items. The final CFA model yielded 15 items within four factors detailing (a) future design, (b) career development, (c) emotional control, and (d) life management, with the internal reliability of .842 for the SIS total score. Implication for the study is discussed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이주의 시대 지식과 문화에 관한 에세이: 사이드(Said)의 비코(Vico) 읽기

        양재혁(Yang Jaehyuk) 이주사학회 2022 Homo Migrans Vol.26 No.-

        이 글은 사이드의 문제의식에 대한 공감을 바탕으로 그의 지식과 문화 관련 담론을 살펴보는 에세이다. 사이드는 기원과 본질이 생산하는 위로 대신 혼란과 불안을 받아들이는 혼종적 세계로서의 문화를 바라본다. 사이드의 ‘망명자/추방자’ 지식인은 단지 물리적•지리적 추방의 경험뿐만 아니라 현재 체류하고 있는 사회에 대한 비판적인 태도를 취하면서 기성체제의 고정관념에 대항하여 창조적 사유를 생산하는 자이다. 사이드의 지식인 관련 논의는 비코의 철학에 의지한다고 말할 수 있다. 사이드의 오리엔탈리즘 분석의 지반을 구성하는 비코의 인간 지식에 관한 논의는 타 자 또는 타문화 이해와 관련하여 사이드에게 중요한 영감을 제공한 것 같다. 인간이 낯선 것을 자신이 알고 있는 것을 통해 이해하는 과정과 자신을 사물 이해의 척도로 세우는 과정은 오리엔탈리즘의 작동 메커니즘을 설명한다. 한편 비코의 고대 민족들의 공통된 사회적 실천 또는 관습에 관한 논의는 타자에 대한 인식 가능성 문제와도 밀접하게 관련된다. 사이드는 비코가 언급한 고대 민족들이 공유한 ‘민족의 근본 원칙’ 그리고 벌린이 문화복수주의에 기반을 둔 ‘재구성적 상상’이라고 명명한 비코의 상상/환상(Fantasia)을 인간 문명의 진화 과정과 다른 민족의 문화를 이해 할 가능성과 조심스럽게 연결시킨다. 사이드의 지식인과 문화 관련 논의는 세계에 대한 인간 지식의 형성 과정과 타문화에 접근하는 방법론적 도구를 제공함으로써 문화에 관한 유동적, 다공적, 혼종적 이해에 크게 기여할 것이다. This study examines Edward W. Said’s discourse on intellectual and culture, which he interprets as having a problematic point of view with orientalism. He sees culture as a hybrid world with prevalent confusion and anxiety. His view on ‘refugee/exile’ intellectuals not only experience physical and geographic exile, but also take a critical attitude toward their resident society and produce creative thoughts while opposing the established stereotypes. On the other hand, Giambattista Vico’s discussion on human knowledge suggests an important inspiration vis-à-vis Said’s understanding of other cultures. The process, in which humans understand unfamiliar things through their knowledge and establish themselves as a measure of understanding things, can explain the mechanism of orientalism. Said’s discourse on culture is based on Vico’s theory of the principles of ancient nations and the ‘fantasia’, which Berlin identifies as ‘reconstructive imagination’. This study’s examination of Said’s discussion on intellectual and culture will greatly contribute to our current understanding of a fluid, porous, and hybrid culture by introducing new methodological tools to understand and approach other cultures.

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