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        이재형(Jaehyoung Lee),송성진(Seung Jin Song) 대한기계학회 2015 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2015 No.11

        The measurement using 5-hole probe was performed downstream of the shrouded stator of the axial compressor at three different conditions (Φ/Φd = 0.87, 1, 1.14) to check the effect of downstream leakage flow on the mainstream flow. The measurement have shown that at Φ/Φd = 0.87 and 1, the flow having higher loss is sucked to upper side, therefore both local (30 % span from hub) and total loss coefficient increases. Also, yaw angle of the near hub region is increased because of the rotation of the rotor disk. However, at Φ/Φd = 1.14, both local and total loss coefficient is increased as the flow is passing downstream cavity.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        「기후변화 대응조치 이행의 경제적 영향」의 협상 동향 및 국제법적 쟁점 연구

        이재형(Jaehyoung Lee) 한국국제경제법학회 2014 국제경제법연구 Vol.12 No.3

        「기후변화 대응조치 이행의 경제적 영향」에 관한 논의는 기후변화에 대응하여 발동하는 각국의 조치가 개발도상국의 경제에 부정적 영향을 미치지 않아야 한다는 개발도상국들 특히 사우디아라비아를 비롯한 산유국의 주장에 의해 1997년부터 시작되었다. 이 논의는 기후변화협약 제3조 5항, 제4조 8항과 9항 그리고 교토의정서 제2조 3항과 제3조 14항을 근거로 한다. 초기의 논의는 국가보고서를 통하여 각국의 대응조치 이행에 관한 정보를 수집하고 전문가 워크숍을 통한 분석을 중심으로 진행되었다. 그런데 개발도상국이 역량 부족으로 국가보고서를 제출하지 못하여 논의가 충분한 성과를 거두지 못하였다. 몬트리올 당사국 총회 이후 다시 논의가 본격화되었으나 비효율적 운영과 선진국과 개발도상국의 첨예한 입장 대립으로 활발한 논의가 이루어지지 못하였다. 특히 국제무역에 영향을 미치는 대응조치 이행의 금지를 요구하는 개발도상국의 주장은 선진국의 입장과 접점을 찾기 어려웠다. 그럼에도 불구하고 더반 당사국총회의 결정에 따라 설치된 포럼은 매우 건설적인 논의의 장이 되었다. 포럼은 2년간 진행되었으며 대응조치이행으로 인하여 다른 회원국이 겪게 되는 경제적 어려움을 파악하는 기회가 되었다. 2013년 11월에 개최된 바르샤바 총회에서 포럼이 종료되었으며, 지난 6월 독일 본에서 개최된 SB 제40차 회기에서 포럼 이후의 추가 작업에 관한 논의가 개시된 것은 큰 성과이다. 2014년 12월에 페루 리마에서 개최될 제20차 COP에서는 포럼의 지속에 대하여 선진국과 개발도상국의 합의가 도출될 것으로 보인다. 그러나 개발도상국이 도입을 주장하는 ‘대응조치 메커니즘’에 관한 양자의 격한 대립이 예상된다. ‘대응조치 메커니즘’의 도입에 선진국이 동의하기 위해서는 국제무역에 영향을 미치는 대응조치의 범위를 명확히 하고, 준수메커니즘의 대상에서 제외하는 하는 것이 최소한의 전제가 될 것으로 보인다. 그리고 더반플랫폼에 근거하여 2020년부터 적용될 것을 예정하고 있는 신기후체제를 위한 AWG-DP 협상에서는 합의문에 기후체제와 국제무역체제 사이에 상호지지적이며 균형을 이루는 중립적 규정만이 도입 가능할 것으로 보인다. COP 3, held in Kyoto in 1997, requested the SBI to undertake a process identify and determine actions necessary to meet the specific needs of developing country Parties, specified under Article 4.8 and 4.9 of the Convention, arising from adverse effects of the impact of the implementation of response measures. This process could not fully succeed in information-gathering because of lacks of capacity of developing countries. During the second phase of negotiations on Impact of the response measures since Montreal, the process did not work well because of inefficient manner of negotiations. This agenda was simultaneously discussed at the AWG-LCA, AWG-KP, SBI and SBSTA. Developing country Parties strongly insisted that measures taken by the developed country Parties to combat climate change shall be prohibited, because those adversely affected on their economies. However, developed country Parties argued that those measures should be carried out by other international organizations respectively, such as a WTO, which had the authorities over the issues. Both sides could not reach any decision on this issue until the COP18, held in Doha in 2012. The successful outcomes were experts meeting and workshops at the Forum on Implementation of Response Measures, which was established at the CO17, held in Durban in 2011. International communities improved their understanding on negative effects of response measures on other parties, particularly developing countries. After reviewing the results of the Forum, discussions over impact of response measure shifts to the next step to decide what actions are necessary to address this issue. At the COP20, which will be held in Lima in December of this year, the continuation of Forum could be agreed among Parties to the Convention. However, developing and developed country Parties may collide with each other over the issue of establishment of new Response Measure Mechanism. If a provision regarding the relationship between climate change mechanism and international trade regime is introduced in newly adopted agreement, which is negotiated under the AWG-DP and intented to be applied to all parties from 2020, it should be mutually supportive and neutral in a balanced manner.

      • KCI등재후보

        WTO SPS위원회의 특별협의절차에 관한 연구

        이재형(Lee Jaehyoung),이천기 법무부 국제법무정책과 2015 통상법률 Vol.- No.122

        Recently on July 9th 2014 the WTO SPS Committee adopted ad referendum the voluntary mediation procedure or “ad hoc consultations” to encourage and facilitate the resolution of specific SPS issues in accordance with Article 12.2 of the SPS Agreement, which eventually became definitive on September 6th. This Committee Decision can be highly appreciated in the sense that it newly establishes yet another additional channel for WTO Members to resort to in resolving SPS concerns before referring the matter to the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB), and can effectively prevent development of any unnecessary formal legal SPS disputes between Members. Given that formal legal proceedings of WTO adjudicating bodies can be considerably time- and energy-consuming, ad hoc consultations will make a significant contribution in resolving specific trade concerns (STCs) related to SPS non-tariff barriers, and in reducing the number of fully-fledged WTO legal disputes before the DSB. For many previous years WTO Members have usually resorted to raising STCs in regulator meetings of the SPS Committee and tried to resolve the concerns multilaterally, rather than referring to bilateral ad hoc consultations or negotiations. It seems to be - at least partly - due to the fact that before this decision there was no detailed procedures established under any of the Committee decisions made nor the SPS Agreement itself. Thus the Decision is expected to increase legal predictability of Members about ad hoc consultation procedures. Further, participants to ad hoc consultation are given opportunities to hear from the “Facilitator” (usually the Chairperson of the SPS Committee) who serves as a neutral third-party mediator and presents suggestions for resolution of the matter. Moreover, for Members who feel reluctant and uncomfortable to have their SPS concerns publicly exposed in the Committee meetings with a number of third-party Members freely expressing their views, ad hoc consultations can be an attractive alternative, in which participating Members are obliged to keep all information and discussions confidential, unless otherwise agreed. In this sense the author expects that the newly adopted procedure will substantially “fill the gap” between multilateral efforts in the SPS Committee and a formal legal proceeding under the DSU. Against this background, in this paper the author first examines the SPS Committee’s previous practices in resolving STCs before the recent adoption of ad hoc consultation, then turns its attention to the Committee Decision “Procedures to Encourage and Facilitate the Resolution of Specific Sanitary or Phytosanitary Issues Among Members in Accordance with Article 12.2”(G/SPS/61). He also examines legislative and negotiating history of the same Decision, conducts an analysis on its legal structure, and discusses its implications in resolving SPS concerns in the future.

      • 서울대학교 실험용 축류 압축기 제작

        이재형(Jaehyoung Lee),이계병(Keibyeong Lee),송성진(Seung Jin Song) 대한기계학회 2016 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2016 No.12

        A research compressor at Seoul National University (SNU compressor) has been built to perform aerodynamic measurements of flow phenomenon occurring inside an axial compressor. The SNU compressor consists of four identical stages including an IGV row. It is an open-type compressor, which is powered by a 55 kW DC motor and a gearbox. Air passes through a bellmouth located the upstream of compressor section, and exits through a downstream throttle which is controlled by four linear actuators to control the flow rate. The SNU compressor uses steady and unsteady sensors such as 5-hole and hot-wire probes to measure the aerodynamic properties inside the compressor. Circumferential and radial measurements are possible by adopting linear traverses and gear system. Pitot probes, RTD sensors, and Kiel probes are installed at the upstream and downstream of compressor to measure the operating parameters with accuracies less than 0.43%.

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