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      • Regulation of Hepatic Gluconeogenesis by an ER-Bound Transcription Factor, CREBH

        Lee, Min-Woo,Chanda, Dipanjan,Yang, Jianqi,Oh, Hyunhee,Kim, Su Sung,Yoon, Young-Sil,Hong, Sungpyo,Park, Keun-Gyu,Lee, In-Kyu,Choi, Cheol Soo,Hanson, Richard W.,Choi, Hueng-Sik,Koo, Seung-Hoi Elsevier 2010 Cell metabolism Vol.11 No.4

        <P><B>Summary</B></P><P>Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-bound transcription factor families are shown to be involved in the control of various metabolic pathways. Here, we report a critical function of ER-bound transcription factor, CREBH, in the regulation of hepatic gluconeogenesis. Expression of CREBH is markedly induced by fasting or in the insulin-resistant state in rodents in a dexamethasone- and PGC-1α-dependent manner, which results in the accumulation of active nuclear form of CREBH (CREBH-N). Overexpression of constitutively active CREBH activates transcription of <I>PEPCK-C</I> or <I>G6Pase</I> by binding to its enhancer site that is distinct from the well-characterized CREB/CRTC2 regulatory sequences in vivo. Of interest, knockdown of CREBH in liver significantly reduces blood glucose levels without altering expression of genes involved in the ER stress signaling cascades in mice. These data suggest a crucial role for CREBH in the regulation of hepatic glucose metabolism in mammals.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P><P>► PGC-1α/GR activates CREBH expression under fasting or insulin-resistant conditions ► CREBH enhances hepatic gluconeogenesis via a CRTC2-dependent manner ► Depletion of CREBH in the liver ameliorates fasting hyperglycemia in diabetic mice</P>

      • 國家意識의 實態와 그 對策 : 국기, 애국가 및 국민교육헌장의 보급을 중심으로

        李建衡,盧禎埴,成炳卓,姜萬石,朴泰岩,朴仁熙,金漢植 대구교육대학교 1971 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        國旗의 常備現況은 總體的으로 보아 低調한 實態에 있다. 全體 標集者의 86.8%가 國旗를 備置하고 있다는 反應을 보였으나, 이 數置가 보이는 內容은 區區하다. 卽 깃발과 그 附帶品一切를 完備한 家庭은 全體의 42.5%에 不過하고 깃발만을 備置한 家庭이 20.4%, 函까지를 갖춘 家庭이 45.8%로서 約 半數의 家庭이 適當한 場所에 깃발을 保管하고 揭揚時에는 적의한 막대기로 代用할뿐만 아니라 깃발조차 없는 家庭이 約 15%에 이르는 셈이다. 最少限 깃발만이라도 갖춘 家庭을 地域別로 보았을 때 中都市의 96%, 農村의 90%만이 全體의 86.6%를 上廻하고 있고 漁村 79.6%가 特히 低調함은 注目할 일이다. 그리고 附帶品의 具備狀況이나保管도 中都市가 比較的 充實하고 漁村이 低調한 傾向을 보이고 있으며 意外로 農村보다도 大都市가 모든 面에서 不實함도 注目할 일이다. 國旗의 保管이나 揭揚은 主로 젊은 學生層에서 擔當하고 있다. 이러한 傾向은 農·山村일수록 年令이 낮아지고 中都市와 大都市는 비슷하게 年令이 높아지는데 이로 미루어 高令層의 啓蒙이 要請된다고 하겠다. 國慶日의 國旗揭揚狀況는 質問紙에 依한 應答 結果는 約 70%이나 實際 揭揚은 約 35%의 低調한 것이어서 깃발조차 갖고 있지않는 約 15%를 감안하더라도 言行이 一致하지 않는 一面을 엿볼 수 있다. 特히 中都市(37%) 大都市(49.2%) 農村(37.8%)과 對比할 때 前述한 깃발 備置狀況과 逆現象을 보인 都市人의 覺醒을 促求하지 않을 수 없다. 國旗揭揚法의 正確性 與否는 問題가 될 것이나, 大部分 알고 있으면서도 關心과 誠意가 없어서 國慶日에 國旗를 揭揚하지 않는다고 反應한 데 對한 積極的인 對策이 要望되며 特히 國慶日을 모르기 때문에 憩揚하지 않는다은 것을 1順位로 反應한 山村을 留意해야 겠다. 國旗의 뜻을 잘 모른는 國民이 大部分이고 이러한 現象은 意外로 靑年層일수록 더한 것이 豫想과는 相反되고 있다. 國旗의 制定由來나 그 國家象徵性을 認識하지 못하는 傾向 亦是 같은 現象을 보이고 있다. 다만 由來나 象徵性에 對한 認識에 關한 限 都市民과 漁村民이 比較的 높고, 農村과 山村民이 相對的으로 낮다. 農·山村에 比한 漁村, 大都市에 比한 中都市의 住民이 갖는 相對的으로 높은 認識度는 東海岸民의 安保意識과 中都市人의 等質性 및 國家施策의 浸透 容易性에 緣由하는 것이라고 생각된다. 그리고 우리 國民은 國旗의 뜻을 모른는 者가 3分의 1에 該當하고 國旗에 대한 公式的 敎育을 받지 못한 사람도 3分의 1에 이르며 國旗를 그릴 수 없는 사람이 半以上이나 된다. 國旗에 關한 諸般 認識度는 男子보다 女子가, 年令別로는 老令層이, 生活程度는 낮을수록 低調한 것을 알 수 있고, 全體 國民의 우리 國旗에 對한 滿足度에는 유감이 없음을 보여주고 있다. 愛國歌의 普及 實態는 過히 不振한 便은 아닌 것 같다. 80.9%의 國民이 적어도 愛國歌의 1절以上을 부를 수 있고 愛國歌가 들려올 때 約 18.6%의 國民을 除外한 大多數 國民이 차려姿勢 또는 경건한 態度를 가질뿐만 아니라 愛國歌의 普及强化를 所望하는 反應이 78.1%나 되었다는 것이 이를 立證하고 있다. 그리고 地域的으로는 大都市에 比해 中都市가 農·山村에 比해 漁村이 보다 健全함을 보여주고 있다. 그러나 部分的으로는 問題가 없는 것도 아니다. 愛國歌를 1절도 못외우는 18.4%, 愛國歌가 들려와도 無關心한 18.6%의 國民이 있고, 이러한 反應度는 愛國歌 부르기 敎育을 받은 적이 없는 33.2%의 國民, 愛國歌 解說敎育을 받은 적이 없는 47.8%의 國民 및 한해에 한번도 愛國歌를 부를 機會가 없는 36.0%의 國民이 있다는 事實과 有關하리라고 생각된다. 上述한 問題點은 地域的으로는 都市보다는 農·山·漁村이, 特히 農村에 比해 農·山村이, 學歷 및 年令上으로는 文盲者 및 國·漢文 解讀者를 그 속에 간직하고 있는老令層에, 男子보다는 女子가, 또한 生活程度는 낮을수록 尤甚하다는 것을 指摘할 수가 있다. 全體的으로 보아서는 中都市의 實積이 大都市 및 餘他地域보다 良好하고 豫想한대로 農·山村에 比해 漁村이 두드러진 特徵을 보이고 있는 點이다. 그리고 愛國歌의 普及 및 그 敎育에 있어서는 資料 通計上으로는 그 어떤 經路보다도 學校敎育의 充實이 가장 效果的이었다는 것을 보여주고 있으나 愛國歌의 普及强化策에 對한 反應을 中心으로 본다면 山·漁村을 除外한 모든 地域이 新聞 放送 等의 報道機關을 通한 普及을 希望하고 있다. 이는 이미 指摘한 老年層, 文盲者, 國漢文 解讀者, 및 家庭主婦인 女子를 相對로 한 境遇에 異論이 있을 수 없겠고, 報道機關의 普及率이 낮은 山村이 學生啓蒙運動을 그리고 安保意識이 强한 漁民이 地域別 成人敎育을 希望한다고 보아 無妨할 것이다. 그리고 劇場 演藝物을 通한 普及은 效果가 적을 것임이 나타났고 그 밖에는 妙案이 없는 것으로 反應되었다. 그리고 愛國歌의 普及强化를 所望하는 意志는 强하다고 할 수 있는 것은 이미 指摘하였거니와 이 境遇에는 規制的인 方法보다도 自律的인 方法 例컨대 報道機關을 通한 宣傳啓蒙이나 山·漁村을 對象으로 한 學生啓蒙運動 또는 里動單位의 自體啓蒙을 希望하고 있음을 特記해 둔다. 國民敎育憲章 普及實態의 全體的인 傾向은 公布事實마저도 모른다 24.0%, 憲章冊子를 가지지 않았다 約 30%, 制定의 理由를 모른다 30% 等으로 보아 制定公布된지 3年이란 時間的 經過에 비추어 豫想外로 低調하다 할 수 있으며 地域別로 보면 制定事實의 知悉, 內容理解 分析努力, 暗記努力, 普及施策 贊成面에서 中都市가 大都市보다 理解度가 높게 나타났으며 漁村이 現實與件上 國家意識이 높으리라는 豫想은 立證되지 않았으며, 山村은 豫想한대로 普及狀態가 極히 不振하였다. 性別로는 男子의 理解度가 높고, 年令別로는 年令이 낮을수록 學歷은 높을수록 生活程度는 높을수록 普及實態나 理解度가 높아지고 있다. 다만 制定理由의 知悉面이나 分析經驗 普及施策에 對한 贊同面에서 大學卒業 以上의 學歷者가 高等學校 卒業者보다 낮게 나타난 點은 異彩로운 現象이다. 職業別에 있어서는 大體로 公務員, 商·써비스業, 無職, 農業의 順으로 意識이 높다. 憲章公布事實을 알게 된 經路나 普及을 爲한 效果的인 施策의 選擇狀況을 보면 報道機關이 가장 效果的이며 學校敎育의 影響이 意外로 低調함을 發見할 수 있다. 普及施策中 學生을 通한 啓蒙運動에 對한 共鳴度도 낮고, 劇場 및 演藝機關을 通한 普及은 큰 支持를 받지 못하고 있음이 發見되었다. 暗記動機는 自發的인 境遇가 29.2%에 不過화고, 憲章에 對한 一般의 關心度가 낮으며 普及運動의 反對理由로는 "形式에 흘러 實效性이 없다"가 24.2%로 가장 높다. 以上을 綜合해 볼 때 國旗, 愛國歌, 및 國民敎育憲章 할 것 없이 그 普及 및 認識度가 豫想外로 低調함을 알 수 있다. 愛國歌에 關한 限 80.9%의 國民이 1절 以上의 愛國歌를 부를 수 있는 바 他 2者에 比해 相對的으로 良好한 便이나 公式集會의 慣例 탓으로 4절까지를 모두 외우는 者는 極히 不振하다. 要컨대 三者가 모두 敎育 또는 啓蒙이 不實하였음이 立證되었으며 特히 知識水準이 낮은 老年層과 性別로는 女子, 地域的으로는 山村, 農村, 漁村의 順으로 不振하였고 豫想外로 大都市 및 大學卒業者가 低調하였음도 發見되었다. 그리고 愛國歌에 關한 限 學校敎育으 效果가 斷然 越等한 反面 國民敎育憲章의 普及 및 認識은 學校敎育보다도 報道機關의 啓蒙이 奏效하였음이 發見되었다. 그리고 國旗의 國家象徵性에 關한 認識은 光復後의 學校敎育을 받은 靑少年層이 보다 健全하여 日帝下에서 靑壯年期를 보낸 壯·老年層이 意外로 低調한 傾向을 보여주고 있다. The research in this report was done to discover the reality of the korean National Consciousness. By this we mean an awareness of the National flag, the National Anthem, and the Charter of National Education in Korea. Also since threre appears to be a lack of awareness in certain areas we have attempted to propose adequate measures to imporve these conditions. Methods and materials used for this study are as follows: the method was of Random Sampling in which we selected randomly 900 men and women living in a city, a town, farm areas, remote areas, and sea-side areas. The materials was an interview form called "the schedule" which consisted of 46 items. From the data received we reached the conclusion that knowledge about the National Flag, the National Anthem, and the Charter of National Education in Korea was generally poor. This trend appeared more in the farm area, remote area, and seaside area then in the city and town; more in women than in men; more in the old than in the young, more in those of lower academic careers and lower economic levels than of their counterparts with better careers and living levels. From the above conclusions we propose that the community schools and the mass communication system in korea strive actively to increase the instruction of these people in order to improve the national consciousness of the above mentioned people.

      • 편두통 환자의 임상 양상 및 생체전기 자율반응과의 상관성 고찰

        이현종,정인태,김수영,이두익,김건식,이재동,이윤호,최도영 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2004 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2004 No.-

        Objective : We had a clinical report in headache but didn't in migraine. We have planned this study in order to get the basic data of migraine in oriental medicine. Methods : The patient of 36 in migraine checked sec, age, onset, family history, severity of pain, influences of life, induced cause, clinical pain characteristics, associated symptom, treatment style, and paescription, frequency, using period of analgesics by a questionnaire and differentiated syndromes in migraine and evaluated autonomic bioelectric response recorder(ABR-2000). Results : There are 23.4% in prevalence rate of migraine. The ratio of sex is M: F=1:17. The age of an attack is the highest in thirties. The patient are the most in forties. The mean duration of illness is 12.0±9.9 years. 83.4% had a family history. 61.1% had a moderate grade in severity of pain. 77.8% selected fatigue in induced cause of migraine. 69.4% had tingling sense, nausea and vomiting in the associated symptoms. 91.7% used analgesics for treatment and 51.5% of them used analgesics voluntarily. 61.9% of them take analgesics less than once in a week. 33.6% had the phlegm syncope headache in differentiation of syndrome. In ABR-2000 results, item of graph showed low tendency mostly. Conclusions : We expected that this re port of clinical progress, differentiation of syndromes and ABR-2000 results in migraine would be used basic data by oriental medicine to treat migraine.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        The Effect of Parental Imprinting on the INS - IGF2 Locus of Korean Type I Diabetic Patients

        (Heung Sik Kim),(Dong Wook Lee),(Sang Jun Lee),(Bo Hwa Choi),(Sung Ik Chang),(Hyun Dae Yoon),(In Kyu Lee) 대한내과학회 2001 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.16 No.4

        N/A Background: Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is caused by the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β-cells. Susceptibility to IDDM appears to depend on more than one genetic locus. Evidence of a genetic linkage for IDDM2 was found in male meioses from French and North American populations. It is linked to maternal imprinting (i.e. monoalleleic expression of the insulin gene) that is considered the most likely cause of these gender-related differences. IGF2 is expressed only in the paternal allele and therefore, is considered a candidate gene for IDDM2 transmission because of its important autocrine/paracrine effects on the thymus, lymphocytes and pancreas. Nevertheless, it remains controversial whether the parental origin of IDDM2 influences IDDM susceptibility. Methods: Using PCR and semi-quantitative RT-PCR, we analyzed the INS/PstI+1127 and IGF2/ApaIpolymorphisms and RNA expression level between PstI (+/-) and PstI (+/+) to determine genotype and allele-specific expression of the INS and IGF2 genes. Results : INS/PstI(+/+) and IGF2/ApaI(+/-) were observed in 36 (97.3%) of 37 IDDM patients and in 29 (72.5%) of 40 IDDM patients, respectively. The presence of both IGF2 alleles in RNA was observed in 21 (91.6%) of 24 IDDM patients. Our results show a 3-fold increase in RNA expression from PstI (+/-) allele over PstI (+/+) allele. Conclusion: Our conclusion does not entirely exclude IGF2 as the gene involved in IDDM2, even though the parental effect of IDDM2 transmission is not related to IGF2 maternal imprinting. The INS genotype appeared mostly in the PstI (+/+) homozygote and, therefore, we could not explain the INS imprinting pattern in Korean type 1 diabetic patients. Genetic differences between populations may account for the discrepancy between Korean type I diabetic patients and American or French type I diabetic patients.

      • 참깨의 栽培環境이 收量構成要素, 脂肪酸組成 및 잎마름病 發生에 미치는 影響

        李徹熙,朴然圭,朴栽成,崔仁植 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1994 農業科學硏究 Vol.12 No.1

        This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of environments on yield components, fatty acid composition and leaf blight caused by Corynespora cassicola in sesame. Comparing yield components with different experimental locations, weight of 1,000 grains and maturation rate of grains were lower in Boeun area than that in other areas and there were no significantly different among soil textures. The repeated cultivation of sesame, 2-6 years, increased the occurrence rate of Corynespora leaf blight and fungi density of soil more than that with cultivation of first year and crop rotation. Yield and yield components were also decreased more with the repeated cultivation than that with first year cultivation. In fatty acids of sesame seeds, concentration of oleic acid was slightly high with sesame seeds harvested in Jungweon and Boeun areas, while linoleic acid was slightly high in Jecheon area located on the northern part of Chungbuk province. Concentration of palmitic and stearic acids which are saturated fatty acids were high in loam soil, while linoleic acid which is unsaturated fatty acids was no different among soil texture. Concentration of oleic acid was decreased more in the repeated cultivation of first year cultivation. Oil content was high in Jungweon area and with loam soil, and it was decreased through the repeated cultivation of sesame.

      • Quantitative in‐line monitoring of solvent‐mediated polymorphic transformation of sulfamerazine by near‐infrared spectroscopy

        Lee, Min‐,Jeong,Seo, Da‐,Young,Wang, In,Chun,Chun, Nan‐,Hee,Lee, Hea‐,Eun,Jeong, Myung‐,Yung,Kim, Woo‐,Sik,Choi, Guang J. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company 2012 journal of pharmaceutical sciences Vol.101 No.4

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The in‐line monitoring of pharmaceutical processes with high risk, such as crystallization, has been one of the most popular research topics in recent years. Sulfamerazine (SMZ), a well‐known sulfonamide antibacterial agent was investigated to examine the mechanism of polymorphic conversion by solvent‐mediated polymorphic transformation (SMPT). The primary purpose of this study is to monitor the polymorphic transformation through in‐line near‐infrared (NIR) measurements and concurrently interpret the whole process quantitatively with off‐line characterizations. Samples taken at every hour during SMPT were analyzed by X‐ray diffractometry (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). NIR spectra in the range of 7500–4900 cm<SUP>−1</SUP> were taken into account for multivariate analysis, which included partial least square (PLS) regression and principal component analysis (PCA). In brief, the form II content was estimated very accurately and reproducibly during the SMPT process not only by XRD but also by the DSC measurements. In addition, the form II content values were predicted very accurately by separate experiments at two designated time points. In a separate study, it was demonstrated that PCA could be employed to explain a complicated process such as SMPT mechanistically by several stages. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 101:1578–1586, 2012</P>

      • A Novel Analysis of <tex> ${L}_{\text{gd}}$</tex> Dependent-1/ <tex> ${f}$</tex> Noise in In<sub>0.08</sub>Al<sub>0.92</sub>N/GaN

        Seo, Jae Hwa,Yoon, Young Jun,Son, Dong-Hyeok,Kim, Jeong-Gil,Lee, Jong-Ho,Lee, Jung-Hee,Im, Ki-Sik,Kang, In Man IEEE 2018 IEEE electron device letters Vol.39 No.10

        <P>In<SUB>0.08</SUB>Al<SUB>0.92</SUB>N/GaN fin-type high-electron mobility transistors (fin-HEMTs) with different gate-to-drain lengths ( <TEX>${L} _{\text {gd}}$</TEX>) are fabricated and characterized by dc and low-frequency noise (LFN) measurements. The fabricated device with the largest <TEX>${L} _{\text {gd}}$</TEX> exhibits the degradation of the maximum drain current and transconductance with a positive shift of the threshold voltage. LFN measurements of the In<SUB>0.08</SUB>Al<SUB>0.92</SUB>N/GaN fin-HEMTs reveal clear 1/ <TEX>${f}$</TEX> behavior of the noise spectra, and the minimum value is observed in the device at <TEX>${L} _{\text {gd}} = {20}\,\,\mu \text{m}$</TEX>. The devices with smaller <TEX>${L} _{\text {gd}}$</TEX> follow a carrier number fluctuation noise model owing to electron trapping/detrapping into the In<SUB>0.08</SUB>Al<SUB>0.92</SUB>N barrier layer from the 2-D electron gas (2DEG) channel. In contrast, the device with the largest <TEX>${L} _{\text {gd}}$</TEX> shows correlated mobility fluctuations due to the large 2DEG mobility fluctuations in the large access area.</P>

      • KCI우수등재

        Photoreflectance 측정에 의한 InxGa₁-xAs(0.03≤X≤0.11) 에피층의 특성 연구

        김인수(In-Soo Kim),손정식(Jeoog-Sik Son),이철욱(Cheul-Wook Lee),배인호(In-Ho Bae),임재영(Jae-Youog Leem),한병국(Byung-Kuk Han),신영남(Young-Nam Shin) 한국진공학회(ASCT) 1998 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.7 No.4

        Molecular Beam Epitaxy(MBE)법으로 성장된 In_xGa_(1-x)As/GaAs 에피층에 대해 photoreflectance (PR)실험을 통해 특성을 조사하였다. PR 측정결과 성장된 In_xGa_(1-x)As 에피층의 띠간격 에너지(E。) 신호가 시료의 변형(strain)에 의해 heavy-hole(E。(HH))과 light-hole(E。(LH))로 분리되어 관측되었다. 에피층의 조성과 변형은 각각 시료에서의 E。(HH) 및 Eo(HH)와 Eo(LH)신호의 에너지 차이를 이용하여 구하였다. 또 160 K이하의 온도에서는 Eo(LH)의 신호가 사라짐을 볼 수 있었다. Franz-Keldysh oscillation(FKO) 피크로부터 계산되어진 InGaAs/GaAs 계면전장 (E)은 In 조성의 증가에 따라 0.75×10^5 V/㎝에서 2.66×10^5 V/㎝로 증가하였다. In 조성이 x=0.09인 시료에 대한 PR신호의 온도의존성 실험에서 Varshni 계수와 Bose-Einstein 계수들을 각각 구하였다. Photoreflectance (PR) measurents have been performed on In_xGa_(1-x)As/GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Bandgap (E。) of In_xGa_(1-x)As epilayer measured from PR was separated as heavy-hole (E。(HH)) and light-hole (E。(LH)) by strain effect. The compositions and the strains of epilayer were obtained from the energy value of E。(HH) and from enegy difference of E。(HH) and E。(LH), respectively. In addition, the PR signal of E。(LH) was diminished below 160 K. The interface electric field (E) of InGaAs/GaAs was increased from 0.75×10^5 V/㎝ to 2.66×10^5 V/㎝ as In composition increased, which was calculated from Franz-Keldysh oscillation (FKO) peaks. As the temperature dependence of the PR signal at x=0.09 sample, we obtained Varshni and Bose-Einstein coefficients.

      • 만성두통환자에 대한 아로마침의 임상적 연구

        정인태,김수영,김건식,이두익,이재동,이윤호,최도영 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2004 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2004 No.-

        Objective : Because the cause and etiology of chronic headache is not yet fully explained, the treatment of this symptom is not simple. This study compares the effects of aroma acupuncture and normal acupuncture applied an chronic headache patients, in order to establish a primary data for further studier of new treatments and developments of new practical acupunctures. Methods : 38 clinical experiment participants were gathered and through a questionnaire patients who experienced headache for more than 4 hours a day and more than 15 days per month were qualified as Chronic Headache patients. The qualified patients were classified in to two groups, aroma acupuncture group(Aroma AT group, n=23) and normal acupuncture group(AT group, n=15). Treatment was applied 2 times a weeks for 8 weeks. The acupoints, GV20, HN23, ST8, HN46, TE17, GB20, LI20, LI11, LI14, ST36, and LR3 were stimulated for 20 minutes in both the groups. The effects of both groups were analyzed using VAS scores and BPI(Brief Pain Inventory). Results : The VAS pain scores improved significantly in both groups. The decrease rate was larger in the Aroma AT group(p<0.05). The BPI scores for the both groups also decrease. The improvement in the Aroma AT group was larger(p<0.05). Conclusion : Aroma acupuncture applied on chronic headache patients showed effects of relieving pain, improving general activities, changing the mood, and improving sleeping behaviors. These effects were analyzed using VAS scores and BPI. The Aroma AT group showed significant changes of VAS and BPI compared to the AT group, suggesting that this new practical acupuncture is very effective when treating chronic headaches. Further researches are needed to evaluate the distinct functional mechanism of aroma acupuncture, but this study is meaningful in the sense that it will act as a fundamental study to build on.

      • KCI등재

        한국 재원 정신분열병환자의 사회경제적 특성에 관한 역학적 조사 : 일일 시정조사 Point Prevalence Study

        정인원,김용식,이정균 大韓神經精神醫學會 1985 신경정신의학 Vol.24 No.1

        1984년 2월 27일 현재 전국 정신과 병·의원의 입원환자를 대상으로 일일시정조사를 시행하였다. 자료분석 때까지 도착한 자료중 ICD-9의 진단기준에 의하여 정신질환의 범주에 속하는 2,895명을 1:1 쌍쌍대응법으로 분석하여 거주지별로 정신분열병군과 대조군간의 사회경제적 특성을 비교하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 정신분열병환자의 결혼상태는 두 지역 모두에서 독신이 많았고 odd ratio는 각각 5.33과 3.56이었다. 농ㆍ어촌의 정신분열병환자가 독신이 더 많았다. 2. 교육수준은 양 군에서 뚜렷한 차이는 없었다. 3. 직업은 도시의 정신분열병환자에서 무직이 많았고 odd ratio는 1.90이었다. 4. 경제수준은 도시의 정신분열병환자에서 낮은 층이 많았고 odd ratio는 1.65이었다. 5. 그외 가족구조와 종교, 부모의 결혼상태에서는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. Aiming at suggestion the possible ways to improve psychiatric care, rehabilitation, and mental health services in Korea, this nation-wide hospital study was intended to explore the socioeconomical status of mental in-patients. This point prevalence study was conducted to patients who were in psychiatric wards at Feb. 27th. 1984 using mailing questionnaire. The number of hospitals and clinics answered was 88 and the patients, 3,300. Among them, we selected the 2,895 patients who were included in mental disorders (290-319) by ICD-9. Finally we compared the socioeconomical status between schizophrenia and non-schizophrenia in rural and urban area with the method of Fleiss. The results were as follows; 1. The relative proportions of single persons in schizophrenia were higher in both areas, and their odds ratios were 5.33 and 3.56, respectively. There were more single schizophrenics in rural than urban. 2. In educational levels, there were no significant differences between schizophrenia and control. 3. In urban area, the jobless persons were more in schizophrenia than control, and its odd ratio was 1.90. 4. The urban schizophrenics were significantly lower than the urban control in economical levels, and its odd ratio was 1.65. 5. About family structure, religion, and marital status of parents, there were no significant differences between schizophrenia and control.

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