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      • KCI등재

        珠潭 金聖運을 통해 본 18세기 초 경상우도 유림 동향

        구진성(Gu, Jin-seong) 대동한문학회 2020 大東漢文學 Vol.63 No.-

        이 글은 주담 김성운의 가계와 생애를 통해, 그의 학문적・당파적 정체성과 아울러 18세기 초 경상우도 유림의 동향을 살펴보기 위해 작성되었다. 김성운은 ‘남명학파 남인’으로 부를 수 있을 정도로 남명학파적인 성향을 진하게 지니고 있었던 동시에, 숙종조 집권 서인에 대응하여 뚜렷한 남인의 특징을 지니고 있었다. 그는 고조부 김대명으로부터 이어진 학파의 전통을 계승하여 당대 덕천서원을 이끄는 인물 중 하나였는데, 이는 정인홍 계열의 남명학파가 배제된 학파 내 지형 속에서 이루어진 것이었다. 그는 침체된 남명학파를 부흥시키기 위해 이만부와 같이 저명한 외부 인사를 초빙하는 등 지역 내외의 인물들과 적극적으로 교유하였다. 남인으로서 그의 뚜렷한 행적은 『주담집』 속 그의 여행 기록에서 드러나는데, 이를 통해 당시 경상우도 유림의 동향도 살펴 볼 수 있다. 특히 과거시험장에서 벌어진 사건 기록이나 관련한 자신의 논평을 통해, 숙종 조에 발생한 첨예한 사안을 받아들이는 유림의 태도와 김성운의 인물 성격을 엿볼 수 있다. 또한 경종 즉위 이후의 정국 동향도 여정 중에 관심을 기울여 기록하였다. This article was written to examine the trends of Confucian scholars in Gyeongsangwu-do in the early 18th century as well as his academic and partisan identity through the family and life of Judam[珠潭] Kim, Seong- woon[金聖運]. He had a strong tendency to Nammyeong School[南冥學派] and he had a strong characteristic of Namin[南人] in response to King Sukjong era s ruling party. Therefore he could define as “Nammyeong School Namin”. He was one of the leaders of the DeokcheonSeowon[德川書院] Confucian Academy, succeeding the tradition of the school from the great-great-grandfather Kim, Dae-myeong[金大鳴]. This was done within the internal dynamics relation of the Nammyeong School in which a group of Jeong, In-hong[鄭仁弘] s disciples was excluded. In order to revive the depressed Nammyeong School, he actively interacted with local and outer region figures by inviting prominent external figures like Lee, Man-bu. His distinct track record as Namin is revealed in his travel records. Through this, we can also see the trends of the Confucian scholars in Gyeongsangwu- do at that time. Especially through the record of the incident in place of state examination and his own comments, we can see the attitude of Gyeongsang-do Confucians accepting partisan events and the character of Kim, Sung-woon. In addition, the political situation after the enthronement of King Gyeongjong was recorded with interest during the journey.

      • KCI등재

        한국 주요정신장애의 유병률 및 관련요인 : 2006 전국정신질환역학조사

        조맹제,장성만,함봉진,정인원,배안,이영문,안준호,원승희,손정우,홍진표,배재남,이동우,조성진,박종익,이준영,김진영,전홍진,이해우 大韓神經精神醫學會 2009 신경정신의학 Vol.48 No.3

        Objectives The aims of this study are to estimate the prevalence of the DSM-IV psychiatric disorders in the Korean population using the Korean version of Composite International Diagnostic Interview (K-CIDI), and to compare those with previous studies. Methods The Korean Epidemiologic Catchment Area study Replication (KECA-R) was Conducted between August 2006 and April 2007. The sampling of the subjects was carried out across 12 catchment areas. A multistage, cluster sampling design was adopted. The target Population included all eligible residents aged 181o 64 years. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with the Korean version of Composite International Diagnostic Interview (K-CIDI) based on the DSM-IV (N=6,510, response rate=81.7%). Results A total of 6,510 participants completed the interview. The lifetime and 12-month prevalence rates for all types of DSM-IV disorders were 30.0% and 17.3%, respectively. Those of Specific disorders were as follows : 1) alcohol use disorder, 16.2% and 5.6% ; 2) nicotine use disorder, 9.0% and 6.0% ; 3) specific phobia, 3.8% and 3.4% ; 4) major depressive disorder, 5.6% and 2.5% ; and 5) generalized anxiety disorder, 1.6% and 0.8%. Data relating to nicotine and alcohol use disorder revealed a very high male/female ratio. Mood disorder and anxiety disorder were more prevalent among females than males. Conclusion The prevalence of psychiatric disorders was high. In comparison with other studies, remarkable differences in the distribution of psychiatric disorders across the country and times were observed.

      • 축산분뇨중의 암모니아성 질소 제거

        진양오,최성우,김성우,김익성,신남철,박승조 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1999 硏究報告 Vol.22 No.2

        The purpose of thus study were to investigate the proper conditions of struvite formation in synthetic wastewater and then to apply these conditions to effluent of anaerobic digester of livestock wastewater The conditions of struvite formation had been studied by many researchers. But a little conditions were different among them. Especially, according to suspended solid variation in livestock wastewater was investigated by few researchers. In experiment of synthetic wastewater, the proper conditions of struvite formation were pH 105, l50rpm of mixing rate, 10 minutes of reaction time, and 20 minutes of precipitation time. At same time, the ammonia nitrogen removal rates were about 99.7%, 95.5%, and 96% of synthetic wastewater, raw wastewater, and effluent of anaerobic digester of livestock wastewater at molar ratio of 2(Mg):l(N)2(P) respectively. The larger factor of NH₄/SS constant was, the more effective the removal rate of ammonium nitrogen, SS was, but the less effective COD_(cr), and TOC was. By using XRD analysis, the most certain compound in precipitate of synthetic wastewater was struvite.

      • KCI등재

        龍巖書院(용암서원) 운영주체들의 활동과 그 지향에 대한 일고찰 -17세기 초반의 德川書院(덕천서원)ㆍ新山書院(신산서원)과 비교하여-

        ( Jin Seong Gu ) 경상대학교 남명학연구소 2013 남명학연구 Vol.39 No.-

        이 글에서는 陜川 三嘉에 있었던 龍巖書院 운영주체들의 성격과 활동을 고찰하였는데, 특히 인조반정 이후 그들이 보여주었던 학문적 지향에 관해 주로 논의하였다. 또한 1609년에 공히 사액되었던 德川書院ㆍ新山書院 등 타 남명 제향 서원의 경우와 비교해 봄으로써, 용암서원 운영주체들의 특징을 좀더 부각시키고자 하였다. 용암서원은 임진왜란 때 소실된 뒤, 1601년경 재건되었는데, 이때 관여한 인물 다수가 鄭仁弘과 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 판단된다. 용암서원의 원장ㆍ원임을 맡은 인물로는 정인홍, 文景虎, 李屹, 鄭蘊, 林眞付, 朴絪 등이 있는데, 정온ㆍ임진부ㆍ박인은 인조반정 이후에도 용암서원 내에서 남명 선양 사업을 활발히 진행하였고, 덕천ㆍ신산서원의 추가 배양 논의에서도 남명 위상의 제고를 위한 방법을 제시하였다. 임진부는 용암서원에서의 강학을 통해 남명 정신을 강조했고, 박인은 남명 관련 기록물의 정리ㆍ편집을 맡았는데, 이 일들을 정온의 자문을 받아 진행하였다. 정온은 趙任道에게 신산서원 원장을 맡길 만큼 용암서원ㆍ신산서원 내에서 영향력이 있었고, 조임도는 용암서원 측의 입장을 참고하며 신산서원 내의 일을 처리한 것으로 보인다. 한편 덕천서원에서는 1635년 무렵 覺齋 河沆을 배향하려는 논의가 있었다. 여기서 사액서원의 지위를 포기하면서까지 배향을 강행하려는 의견도 있었지만, 정온 등 용암서원 운영주체 측에서는 사액의 지위를 인정해야 한다는 의견을 피력함과 동시에 하항 외에 鄭逑 등 남명 高弟를 함께 배향해야 타당하다고 주장하였다. 이는 인조반정 이후 추락해가는 남명의 위상을 제고할 방법을 모색한 것인데, 정구에게서 남명의 영향을 지우려는 집단의 반대로 결국 실현되지 못한 것으로 보이지만 정인홍이 생전에 추구했던 남명 선양 정신의 잔존이라 할만하다. 신산서원에서 金宇옹만을 제향하려는 움직임에 대해서도 이들 용암서원 운영주체들은 정구도 함께 배향할 것을 주장하였다. 인조반정 이후 덕천서원ㆍ신산서원에서는 서원 내 서로 다른 성향을 가진 집단끼리 논의하고 충돌함으로써, 반정 이후 바뀐 환경에서 적응할 방법을 모색해 나갔다면, 용암서원은 변신이 불가능할 정도로 정인홍 계열의 영향력이 컸던 곳으로 판단되지만, 이러한 점 때문에 인조반정 이후에도 한동안은 정인홍의 정신을 계승하여 남명학의 학습과 교육, 정리와 출판 사업 등이 추진될 수 있었던 것이다. This article focused on Yongam-Seowon[龍巖書院]’ operating leaders action and their direction. Especially, it is mainly discussed what they were kept of scholarship, immediately after Injo-Coup[仁祖反正]. It was memorial that about Nammyung Jo,Sik[南冥 曺植]’ scholarship, in Yongam-Seowon. In 1609, Yongam-Seowon was authorized by government. In the same year, Deokcheon-Seowon[德川書院], Sinsan-Seowon[新山書院] were authorized, too. These three Seowon were memorial place about Nammyung Jo,Sik. In operation policy discussions, their academic features appear. In Yongam-Seowon, Jeong,In-hong[鄭仁弘]’ impact is huge, from the beginning. Jeong,In-hong is excellent student in Jo,Sik school, and in academic attitude, he is most looked like his teacher. Jeong,In-hong, Lee,Heul[李屹], Jeong,On[鄭蘊], Im,Jin-bu[林眞付], Pak,In[朴絪] were responsible for operating Yongam-Seowon. They kept up about Jo,Sik memorial activity. Around 1635, Deokcheon-Seowon and Sinsan-Seowon operating leaders were discussed who is addendum memorial scholar in their Seo-won. Yongam-Seowon leaders insisted that the most admirable scholar is there in. Because it is one way to respect Jo,Sik. In this discussion, we may know that their three Seowon’ insistences were different from each other.

      • 소아에서 발생한 골수이형성 증후군 2례

        홍성진,윤석중,김성우,조형구,오명호,김기혁,이인성 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1996 건국의과학학술지 Vol.5 No.-

        Myelodysplastic syndrome(MDS) is a group of acquired conditions characterized by progressive bone marrow failure associated with normocellular or hypercellular bone marrow that cannot be attributed to nutritional deficiency, chronic infection, or other chronic systemic illness, and cannot be reversed by the successful treatment of those conditions. Whereas the cases of secondary MDS occur at all ages, primary MDS is essentially a disease of elderly, though no age group is exempt and predomonant in men. The MDS is fundamentally clonal disorders at the level of the haemopoietic totipotent stem cell. Clinically, they are characterized by varing degrees of peripheral cytopenia(s) with morphological and functional abnormalities of blood elements. We have experienced two unrelated pediatric cases, who showed pancytopenia on admission and the characteristic marrow findings of MDS. The first case, a 12 months-old girl, showed increased reticulin with abnormal localization of immature precursor cells(ALIP) in her bone marrow, in addition to dysplastic features such as bi-and multi-nucleation of late normoblasts and internuclear bridging. She also showed 22% of blasts in her bone marrow cells thus classified in the category of RAEB-t after FAB classification. Also found were a chromosomal abnormality namely 46 XX t(14q21q), which was an unusual one. Her family brought her home and, 4 month later, she deceased. The second case, a 12 year-old boy, showed pancytopenia with Pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly in neutrophils but no blasts in the peripheral blood. Bone marrow of this case also showed the picture of dyserythropoiesis with binuclearity, internuclear bridging, nuclear fragments, multinuclearity of late normoblasts, in addition to megaloblastoid change in the normoblasts and increased mitosis in granulocytic series. No chromosomal abnormality was found. Classified as RA after FAB classification of MDS. Showed good response to conservative management for anemia for more than one year.

      • Bupivacaine과 ropivacaine이 Xenopus oocyte에 발현된 HERG 전류에 미치는 영향

        김국성,이규승,김효신,손숙진,이상도,김광진,전병화,김윤희,박진봉 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        Bupivacaine is an amide-type local anesthetic widely used for regional anesthesia. Ropivacaine is developed as a less cardiotoxic alternatives to bupivacaine. In the present study, we have analyzed the effects of bupivacaine and ropivacaine on HERG currents expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Bupivacaine and ropivacaine(3∼1,000μM) blocked HERG currents in a concentration dependent manner. EC_(50) was 26.1±3.1μM(n_(R) 0.65±0.04) and 43.5±7.9μM(n_(H) 0.99±0.13) in bupivacaine and ropivacaine, respectively. Bupivacaine and ropivacaine did not affect the activation and deactivation kinetics of HERG channels. However, the drugs decreased the slope conductance measured from fully activated current-voltage relationship curves. These results suggest that bupivacaine and ropivacaine have a similarinhibitory effect on HERG channels, which could be a possible cellular mechanism of LQT or ventricular arrythmia by the drugs.

      • KCI등재

        고압-저온 보관에 따른 쥐 치아 치주인대세포의 활성도 평가

        정진호,김진,최성호,김의성,박지용,이승종 大韓齒科保存學會 2010 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.35 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 흰 쥐의 상악 대구치를 발거한 후 치주인대세포를 0°C/2 MPa고압-저온하에 1주간 보관시켜 MTT, WST-1 검색법을 이용하여 측정한 치주인대세포의 활성도를 저속 냉동법 (No Additional Pressure. 2,3 MPa). 급속 냉동법, (No Additional Pressure. 2 MPa), -5°C/90 MPa초고압 저온보존법과 비교하여 평가하는 것이다. 생후 4주된 암컷 Sprague-Dawley계 흰쥐의 상악 좌우 제 1,2대 구치를 발거하여 각 군 당 12개의 쥐 치아를 MTT, WST-1 검색에 이용하였다 실험군은 9개 군으로 대조군은 즉시 발치군이며, 각각 3 MPa. 2 MPa. NoAdditional Pressure (NAP)의 압력을 가한 후 4°C 에 서 -35°C 까지 -0.5°C/min 속도로 서서히 냉동시킨 뒤 -196°C 에 냉동한 저속 냉동군, 발치 후 동해방지제 처리과정을 거쳐 각각 2 MPa, NP의 압력을 가한 후, -196°c 의 액화질소에 넣어 냉동한 급속 냉동군, 발치 후 각각 2MPa,NP의 압력을 가한 후. 0°C에 보관한 저온 보존군, -5°C/90 MPa의 초고압 저온 보존군으로 나누었다. 보존액은 Fmedium을 사용했으며 통해방지제로 10% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) 를 사용하였다. 치근변을 단위면적으로 표준화하기 위해 MTT. WST-1 측정값을 Eosin 염색 후 530 nm에서 측정한 흡광도 값으로 나누었다. 통계 분석을 위해 one way ANOVA를 시행하였으며 사후 검정으로는 Tukey HSD 방법을 사용하였고 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. MTT 검색법 및 WST-1 검색법 결과 0°C/2 MPa 고압 저온 보존군이 즉시 발치군보다 세포 활성도가 낮았으나 통계적 유의차는 없었으며, 저속 압력 냉동군 (NP, 2 MPa, 3 MPa)과, 급속 압력 냉동군 (NP, 2 MPa). 저온보존군(0 °C/NP) 초고압 저온 보존군 (-5°C /90 MPa) 보다 통계적으로 유의차있게 높은 세포 활성도를 나타내었다 (p <0.05). 2. MTT검색법 및 WST-1 검색법 결과 -5°C/90 MPa 초고압 저온 보존군이 가장 낮은 세포 활성도를 나타내었으며, MTT 검사 결과에서는 모든 군에 대해 통계적으로 유의성 있는 결과를 보였다 (p <0.05). 위의 결과를 통해, 0°C/2 MPa (20기압) 의 고압 저온 보존법이 다른 급속 냉동 보관법 (2 MPa. NAP) 이 나 저속냉동보관법 (3. 2 MPa, NAP), -5°C/90 MPa 초고압 저온 보존법에 비해 우수한 쥐 치아의 치주인대세포의 활성도를 보여 차후 치아의 재이식시 치아보관을위한방법으로의 가능성을제시하였다. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the viability of periodontalligament cells of rat teeth after low temperature preservation under high pressure by means ofMTT assay, WST-1 assay. 12 teeth of SpragueDawley white female rats of 4 week-old were used for each group. Both side of the first and second maxillary molars were extracted as atraumatically as possible under tiletamine anesthesia. The experimental groups were group 1 (Immediate extraction) , group 2 (Slow freez ing under pressure of 3 MPa), goup 3 (Slow freezing under pressure of 2 MPa), group 4 (Slow freezing under no additional pressure), group 5 (Rapid freezing in liquid nitrogen under pressure of 2 MPa), group 6 (Rapid freezing in liquid nitrogen under no additional pressure), group 7 (low-temperature preservation at Ot under pressure of 2 MPa), group 8 (low-temperature preservation at 0˚C under no additional pres sure), group 9 (low-temperature preservation at -5 t under pressure of 90 MPa). F-medium and 10% DMSO were used as preservation medium and cryo-protectant. For cryo-preservation groups, thawing was performed in 37˚C water bath, then MTT assay , WST-1 assay were processed. One way ANOVA and Tukey HSD method were performed at the 95% level of confidence. The values of optical density obtained by MTT assay and WST-1 were divided by the values of eosin staining for tissue volume standardization. In both MTT and WST-1 assay, group 7 (0˚C/2 MPa) showed higher viability of periodontal ligament cells than other group (2-6, 8) and this was statistically significant (p <0.05), but showed lower viability than group 1, immediate extraction group (no statistical significance). By the results of this study, low-temperature preservation at Ot under pressure of 2 MPa suggest the possibility for long term preservation of teeth.

      • KCI등재

        정신보건관련시설 입원(소)자의 주요 정신장애 유병률 : 전국 20개 시설의 입원(소)자를 대상으로

        조성진,조맹제,서동우,함봉진,홍진표,배재남,이준영,이동우,박종익,전홍진,김성주,김용익 大韓神經精神醫學會 2004 신경정신의학 Vol.43 No.6

        Objectives : One of the objectives of this study is to estimate the prevalence rates of psychiatric diagnoses in the combined populations of psychiatric hospitals, psychiatric nursing facilities and homeless asylums using the Korean version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (K-CIDI), which is a comprehensive and fully standardized interview schedule to assess psychiatric disorders for diagnosis. The Other objective is to compare with previously studied prevalence rates of Psy-chiatric diagnoses using the results of this study. Methods : The study subjects, aged from 181o 64 years, were randomly selected from 64,582 institutionalized population of psychiatric hospitals, Psychiatric nursing facilities and homeless asylums as of 30, June, 2001. Twelve trained interviewers administered the K-CIDI to the selected respondents. A total of 1,875 respondents (male 1,194, female 681) completed the interview. Results : The lifetime and one year prevalences of any diagnosis excluding nicotine dependence · withdrawal, anxiety disorder, eating disorder, somatoform disorder were 88.2% (male 88.1%, female 88.3%), and 65.8% (male 62.7%, female 73.7%), respectively. The lifetime and one year prevalences of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders were 78.5% (male 75.3%, female 83.7%), and 56.8% (male 51.9%, female 64.8%), respectively. The lifetime and one year prevalences of alcohol use disorder (dependence/abuse) were 26.7% (male 37.9%, female 8.3%), and 8.7% (male 12.8%, female 2.1%), respectively. The lifetime and one year prevalences of mood disorder were 18.1% (male 13.5%, female 25.8%), and 10.4% (male 7.2%,female 16.9%), respectively. The lifetime and one year prevalences of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders were comparable with the 2001 community survey by 1.19% to 1.32%, and 0.51% to 0.61%, respectively. The lifetime and one year prevalences of schizophrenia were also comparable by 0.16% to 0.28%, and 0.16% to 0.25%, respectively. There were no significant changes of prevalence rates when correction were applied to other psychiatric diagnosis. Conclusion : The results of this study could be used for evaluating the distribution of psychiatric diagnoses in mental health related facilities and for planning mental health policies.

      • Kim,Seong-soo : Possiblity of Low Salting Process in Gae-Woo Jeot(Salted and Fermented Gastrophoda) and Changes in Fatty Acid Composition during Fermntation 低鹽化 可能性 檢討 및 熱成중 脂肪酸 組成의 變化

        姜永周,河璡桓,金永東,宋大鎭,金洙賢,金成洙 제주대학교 1990 논문집 Vol.30 No.-

        To establish the way of processing of Gae-Woo jeot which used abalone intestine that has not been systematically used compare to its characteristic taste and fame as main ingredient and to develop as a local tourist good, the change of constituents the quality of salted fish products suring Gae-Woo jeot fermentation were examined. The results are as follows. 1. In the organoleptic test, Gae-Woo jeot which fermented through 65 days were dominant and the group of 105 salkt concentration were better than that of 20%. It was the best of 10% salted products to add small abalone. Both law salted(10%) and high salted (20%) Gae-Woo jeot were similar in general constityents, nutrients and texture. 2. Compositions of highly unsaturated acid were farely high to 45.6% and 46.1% in small abalone added froup and top sheel added group respectively. during 3 months fermentation low decreasing rate of 3~4% was shown. EPA(eicosapentaenoic acid) was approximately 7~8% and DHA(docosahexaenoic acid) was extremely low to be less than 0.3%. 3. In the changes General composition and pH, pH was within range of 4~5.5, 9~12% in protein, 3~5% in total sugar, 0.5~1% in lipid and approximately 1% in ash. 4. Gae-Woo jeot can be made with 10% low salting method, and 10% group gets all the better for taste, small abalone adding is recommended. 5. When low salt fermented fish of 10% is processed, it is highly recommended to put sorbitol, ethyl alcohol, lactic acid or other humectant for better taste and longer storage and good quality food additives must be developed for tourist and presently applied mil ordering transportation must be sought.

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