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      • Tachyon에 관한 硏究 : 因果律과 綠起 Causality and Pratiya-Samutpada

        玄南奎 濟州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1988 基礎科學硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        복사 반작용을 포함한 하전 입자의 운동에서 나타나는 인과율 위배문제나 타키온의 교환을 통한 두 물체의 상호작용에서의 인과율 위배 문제를 인과율에 대한 대승불교의 논서들에서의 논의와 비교 검토한 결과, 상호작용 과정에서는 因先果後의 時順에 의하여 정의된 "인과율"의 개념을 "綠起"의 개념으로 대치하여 논의할 필요성이 있음을 제시하였다. The equation of motion in the classical charged particles caused unphysical problem of the violation of causality. Though Wheeler and Feynmann proposed absorber theory to solve this problem, it remains to be unsolved. So I discussed the problem in the case of tachyon. Sudarshan and Feinberg suggested the reinterpretation principle to solve the violation of causality in tachyon, but it raised the chronological order of cause and effect problem : emission of a tachyon may be viewed as absorption by another observer. In this paper I have compared the concept of causality with that of Mahayana Buddhism, therefore it seems that I may substitute "causality" by "pratiya-samutpada in the case of interaction.

      • Tachyon에 관한 硏究 : Bradyon-Tachyon 결합모형과 양성자의 구조 The Structure of the Proton as Compounds of Bradyon Particle and Tachyon

        玄南奎 제주대학교 1987 논문집 Vol.24 No.-

        이 논문에서는 bradyon-tachyon 결합 모형으로써 양성자의 구조를 논하였다. 중심에 938.3MeV의 질량을 갖는 bradyon 주위에 charged tachyon-pion이 |V|=∞인 속력으로써 원운동하고 있는 상태가 양성자의 바닥상태라고 가정하였다. 그런데 |V|=∞인 charged tachyonic-pion 의 에너지는 E=0이나 P=m₁c 인 최저 운동량을 갖고 있으므로 질량과 전하의 공간적 분포를 적절히 가정하여 양성자의 spin과 자기능률은 물론 각운동량의 양자화 조건에 의하여 양성자의 여기 상태로서 공명 입자의 질량도 계산하였다. I supposed that the ground state of the proton is the bradyon tachyon compound constitued of a bradyon B and a charged tachyonic pion having divergent speed V=∞ relative to B. Consequently, the proper radial mass and charge distributions of the charged tachyonic pion enabled me to calculate spin, magnetic dipole moment of the proton and the mass of Nucleon Resonances as the excited states of the proton.

      • Tachyon에 관한 硏究 : The Group of the Generalized (Subluminal and Superluminal) Lorentz Transformations 일반적인 로렌츠 변환(GLT)의 群

        玄南奎 제주대학교 1988 논문집 Vol.26 No.-

        이 논문에서는 빛보다 느린 속력으로 상대 운동하는 두 기준계 사이의 로렌츠 변환은 群을 이루는 것을 논함은 물론, 초광속 로렌츠 변환만으로는 群을 이루지 못하나 이와 로렌츠 변환을 함께 하여서는 새로운 群을 이름을 論하였다. It is discussed that the superluminal Lorentz transfromations alone do not forms a group, but subluminal Lorentz transformations alone and the subluminal Lorentz transformations togegher with superluminal Lorentz transformations do from a group.

      • 현대 물리학자와 고대 불교학자가 본 우주의 기원

        현남규 濟州大學校 師範大學 科學敎育硏究所 1994 科學敎育 Vol.11 No.1

        The argument about whether or not the universe had a begining has been continued during the 19th and 20th centuries. It was conducted mainly on the basis of the thelogy and philosophy with little consideration of observational evidences. Although modern physicists have discovered that the universe was created about 15 billion years ago, they could not argue about whether or not the universe will exist eternally with experimental evidence. But there are some noticible simility between the point of view on the matter and universe of modern physicist and that of ancient buddhist philosophers. As we know, ancient buddhist philosophers had thought that the universe has been proceeding the certain cycle repeatedly, such as being from the emptiness, preservence and destruction, so we may think that our universe oscillates forever.

      • Tachyon에 관한 연구 : 인과율과 연기

        현남규 제주대학교 1986 논문집 Vol.23 No.-

        The equation of motion in the classical charged paricles caused unphysical problem of the violation of causality. Though Wheeler and Feynmann proposed absorber theory to solve this problem, it remains to be unsolved. So I discussed the problem in the case of tachyon. Sudarshan and Feinberg suggested the reinterpretation principle to solve the violation of causality in tachyon, but it raised the chronological order of cause and effect problem : emission of a tachyon may be viewed as absorption by another observer. In this paper I have compared the concept of causality with that of Magayana Buddhism, therefore it seems that I may substitute "causality" by "pratiya-samutpada in th case of interaction.

      • 원자론 : 루크레티우스(Lucretius)의 원자, 극항 및 쿼크의 대비

        현남규 濟州大學校 師範大學 科學敎育硏究所 1991 科學敎育 Vol.8 No.-

        The term Atomism is derived from the Greek word atoma - "things that cannot be cut or divided". The history of Western Atomism can be .divided into two more or less distinct periods, one philosophical and the other scientific, with transition period(from 17th to 19th century). The concept of an indestructible substance of the Parmenides's unique and in variable Being as the subject of varying properties became one of the fundamental concept of western thought. In order to reconcile the idea of unchangible Being( of Parmenides) with that of eternal Becoming(of Heraclitus), Leukippus and Democritus assumed the atom, the smallest indivisible unit of matter. They explained everything in terms of moving atoms and regared them as self-sufficient, ultimat, uncaused entities and, which had been in motion from all time. In Buddhist philosophy, atomic theory have arised in two schools of Hinayana Buddhism: When Buddhist school in India accepted the view that a "dharma" is a point in space-time, they came to accept the theory of atoms(Paramanuvada) and a theory of moments(Ksanavada). But they are treted as illusory products of avidya by the more important Mahayana branch. So Indian Atomism has not developed into a scientific theory. Until its development in the third decade of 20th century, the scientific atomic theory did not differ philosophically very much from that of Dalton. Dalton's atom were no longer considered to be immutable and indivisible; new elementary particles sometimes appeared on the screen. In 1964 Gel1 -Mann succeeded in accounting for a large number of hadron pattern by assigning appropriate quantum numbers to his three quarks and their antiquarks : Baryons can be said to consist of three quarks and mesons of a quark plus antiquarks and for this model it is essential to have pointlike, structureless quarks. But, so far no hadrons have even been broken up into their constiutent quarks. We have compared in this thesis atoma, paramgnu and quarks and have found that there were many similities between them. But in comtemporary atomic theory, the hypothesis of the existence of immutable elementary particles has been abandoned : elementary particles can be transformed into rediation and vice versa. In its search for universal and unchangiable laws, modern science is to a great extent inspired by the same idea as Parmenides, since universal laws presuppose a certin unity in the material world and unchangible must be hidden behind all changes. Thus we are in great hope that ancient Indian Atomism will contribute a little to the solution of the problem of elementary particle physics.

      • Tachyon에 관한 硏究 : Bradyon과 Tachyon의 결합 모형과 궤도 스핀 각운동량 The Orbital Spin Angular Momentum as Compounds of a Bradyon & a Tachyon

        玄南奎 제주대학교 1988 논문집 Vol.27 No.-

        The anthor considered in this paper that spin may be expressed in terms of the classical position and momenta coordinates of the transcendent tachyon in the system of the compound of a free bradyon and a tachyon.

      • KCI등재

        인과성 문제와 연기(緣起)

        현남규 한국과학철학회 1999 과학철학 Vol.2 No.1

        동역학 체계 내에서나 심리철학의 심신문제에서 인과성의 문제는 오랫동안 풀리지 않고 있는 대단히 어려운 문제이다. 이 논문에서는 빨리어나 산스끄리뜨 경전에 나타난 연기 (緣起) 공식에서 이러한 문제의 해법에 대한 실마리를 찾을 수 있을지도 모른다는 점을 제안하였다. There are unsolved problems of causation related to the dynamical systems in physics, as well a those arising from the mind-body interaction in the philosophy of mind. In this paper, I suggest a clue to the solution of them from the general Buddhist formula of causality in Pali version, or Buddhist Sanskrit version.

      • 타키온 교환에 의한 파이온-핵자 상호작용

        현남규 제주대학교 1991 논문집 Vol.33 No.-

        만약 물체 A와 B가 타키온 T를 교환하면, 그 때 이 타키온 T가 무한대의 속도를 갖는 것으로 관찰하는 광속보다 느린 속도로 갖는 것으로 관찰하는 광속보다 느린 속도로 움직이는 적절한 관찰자가 존재한다. 그 때 타키온은 소립자들 사이의 탄성 충돌과정의 상호작용을 매개하는 실제적인 입자가 될 수 있으므로, 타키온들은 안정된 입자들로 존재한다고 보기보다는 상호작용을 매개하는 역할을 하는 입자들로 불 수가 있다. 예들로서, 파이온-핵자의 산란과정에서 타키온이 교환된다고 보고 핵자공명이 일어날 경우에 교환될 수 있는 타키온의 정지 질량과 에너지를 계산하였다. If two particles A,B exchange a tachyon T, then suitable subluminal observers always exit, which see the tachyon T with infinitive speed. Then tachyons can be the realistic classical carriers of elastic intractions between elementary particles. Thus tachyons may have a role as interaction carriers rather than as stable objects. As examples, it was suggested that tachyons may be exchanged in elastic and inelastic pionnucleon scattering, and we calculated the energy and rest mass of the exchanged tachyons in nucleon resonances.

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