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      • 치료교육의 실태 및 개선방안 연구 : Issues and Future Delivery System

        안수경,김영태,전헌선,정동일,한현민 국립특수교육원 2005 연구보고서 Vol.- No.5

        본 연구는 2005년 3월 특수교육진흥법 개정에 의하여 특수학교 치료교육교사의 확대배치 및 일반학교 특수학급에의 치료교육 담당교원 배치 등 치료교육 분야의 발전이 예상되는 가운데, 개정법률이 실제 교육현장에 보다 실효성있게 적용되기 위하여 우리나라 특수교육 공교육 상에서 이루어지고 있는 치료교육활동의 실태와 요구를 파악하고 보다 적합한 치료교육을 위한 개선방안을 찾고자 한 정책연구이다. 이를 위하여 본 연구에서는 치료교육의 개념, 역사, 외국 사례 등에 관한 문헌을 탐색하였으며, 설문조사를 통하여 치료교육의 실태와 요구를 분석하였고, 이를 바탕으로 한 치료교육의 개선방안을 도출하였다. 본 연구의 설문조사를 위하여 전국의 142개 특수학교와 182개 지역교육청을 대표하는 1,078명의 교사들로 조사단을 구성하여 설문지를 배부하였다. 그 결과 전국의 16개 시·도교육청에 소속된 142개 특수학교 중 140개 특수학교에서 설문응답에 참여하였으며, 182개 모든 지역교육청에 소속된 교사들이 설문응답에 참여하여, 총 1,046부의 설문지가 수합되었음을 밝힌다. 이 조사를 통하여 치료교육 담당인력의 양적 부족, 치료교육의 내용과 형식에 대한 합의 부족으로 인한 교육실제 상의 혼란이 현 특수학교 치료교육의 대표적인 문제로 제기되었으며, 특수아동 요구의 다양성과 치료교육의 효과성을 동시에 충족하기 위한 치료교육 담당교원의 자격제도 및 배치방법의 해결과 치료교육을 실시하기 위한 공간 확보의 문제가 일반학교 특수학급에서의 치료교육을 위한 주된 요구로 제기되었다. 이와 같은 설문조사의 결과를 바탕으로, 다섯 명의 연구진 중 대학에 재직 중인 세 명의 공동연구자들이 서로 다른 각도에서 치료교육의 문제점과 개선방안을 조명하였다. 따라서 세 가지의 큰 학문적 흐름을 가지고 방안이 주창되었으나, 그 방안 속에서 논해진 구체적인 하나하나의 제안들은 각자의 학문적 입장에서만이 아니라 다양한 현실적 상황을 고려하여 심사숙고된 결과임을 밝힌다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 맺는 말에서는, 일단은 특수교육진흥법과 특수학교 교육과정에 근거하여 교육서비스로서 행해지고 있는 치료교육 시스템의 견고한 틀 안에서의 개선을 논하는 것이 최선일 것으로 보고, 세 가지 큰 흐름의 방안들에서 최소한의 공통되는 제안들을 다음과 같이 종합하였다. 우선 첫째, 치료교육 교사 양성에 있어서의 전공 분야 세분화가 필요하다. 둘째, 기존의 치료교육 교사들이 세부 전공 영역의 전문성을 가질 수 있도록 하는 보완적 교육이 행해져야 한다. 셋째, 특수교사로서의 치료교육교사에 의한 치료교육 제공을 교실교육과 순회교육을 기본 원칙으로 하되, 순회가 불가능한 지역이나 일반학교 일반학급, 일반 유치원 내의 특수아동들을 위하여 필요한 경우에는 교육기관 외의 기관에 소속되어 있는 치료사 인력들을 활용할 수 있는 권역별 인력풀 제도를 마련한다. 넷째, 특수교육과 치료교육의 관계 및 내용적 정체성 확립을 위한 근본적인 재조명이 필요하다. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the current practice of the therapeutic education in Korea. The survey data were collected and analyzed from 332 therapeutic educators, 367 special school teachers, and 347 special classroom teachers. Results of the present study were summarized and discussed by three of the researchers based on their academic standpoints. The problems of current therapeutic education analyzed by this study are the lack of therapeutic educators, confused understanding of the contents and methods of therapeutic education, low professionalism of the therapeutic educators, and the lack of space to carry out therapeutic education in general schools, etc. The common suggestions from the three researchers were summarized as follows: first, the courses of universities for training therapeutic teachers have to be more specialized. Second, some kind of training programs for the existing therapeutic teachers are needed to get them more specialized certificates. Third, the community human resource pool including not only therapeutic teachers but also professional therapists should be available. Fourth, the identity of the therapeutic education in special education delivery system needs to be reestablished academically and practically.

      • 고양이의 만성 췌장염 치료 증례

        김현아,윤기영,박정호,이왕희,송근호,박성준 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2011 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.18 No.1

        A 5-year-old Russian blue cat was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University with the history of anorexia, lethargy, weight loss(6.5 to 4.8 kg) 2 weeks ago. Abdominal ultrasonography showed the following : increase of echogenicity of liver, irregular shape of gall bladder, hyperechoic region around duodenum. Pancreatitis, cholangitis, hepatic lipidosis was diagnosed by the ultrasonography. Anti- inflammatory therapy, antibiotic therapy was administered. Abdominal ultrasonography is a efficient available diagnostic tool but serum fPL test reveals the highest sensitivity and specifity result for feline pancreatitis. SNAP fPL test is newly released that can check pancreatitis within 10 minutes by same princple of Spec fPL test used in Gastrointestinal Laboratory of Texas A & M Univerrsity.

      • 개 비장 질환의 미세세침흡입술을 통한 세포병리학 검사 4례

        김현아,윤기영,최호정,정성목,이영원,조성환,박성준 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2011 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.18 No.1

        To evaluate the accuracy and diagnostic significance of cytopathological diagnosis of canine splenic disorders, cytopathological examination throgh fine-needle aspiration(FNA) referred to Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University were retrospectived. Splenic neoplasm, hemolymphatic neoplasm, hyperplasia, extramedullary hematopoiesis and splenitis were diagnosed canine splenic disorders through cytopathological examination. The patient should be identified what coagulation profile are normal before aspiration, because complication such as hemorrhage could happen. The 4 cases were identified symmetric, asymmetric splenomegaly on abdominal ultrasonography and then were performed ultrasound-guided FNA. The 4 cases were diagnosed hemangiosarcoma(2), hyperplasia(1) and extramedullary hematopoiesis(1) by clinical signs, hematological examination, and cytopathological examination. Cytopathological examination through FNA was cost-effective, no gneral anesthesia, no complication, and non-invasive method of diagnosis for canine splenic disorders.

      • 갑상선 유두암이 병발된 가족성 대장 용종증 1예

        백종현,소창배,이은영,이지숙,신은경,박은호,서정아,양재홍,송준영,박선자,박요한,최영식 고신대학교의과대학 2007 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.22 No.2

        Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominant syndrome, typically characterized by multiple colorectal adenomas and increased incidence of colorectal carcinomas if it is not treated. Moreover, a variety of extracolonic manifestation are seen. The prevalence of thyroid tumors developing in patients with FAP is about 1∼2%. Generally, papillary thyroid cancer indicates low mortality but ,however, as people get older, the cancer becomes more aggressive. So, the operation is required. Recently we experienced a case of FAP, presenting with papillary thyroid carcinoma, and reported with a brief review of literatures.

      • KCI등재

        성견에서 표면처리된 교정용 마이크로임플랜트의 골 접촉률 및 동요도

        박승현,김성훈,류준하,강윤구,정규림,국윤아 대한치과교정학회 2008 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.38 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mobility and ratio of the bone-implant contact (BIC) of a sandblasted, large grit and acid-etched (SLA) orthodontic micro-implant. Methods: Ninety-six micro-implants (48 SLA and 48 machined) were implanted in the upper and lower buccal alveolar bone, and palatal bone of four beagle dogs. Two weeks after surgery, orthodontic force (150 - 200 g) was applied. Two beagles were sacrificed at 4-weeks and the other two at 12-weeks. Histomorphometric comparisons were made between the SLA experimental group and the machined micro-implant as a control group to determine the ratio of contact between the bone and implant. Micro-implant mobility was also evaluated using Periotest. Results: Periotest values showed no statistically significant difference in the upper alveolar and palatal bone between groups except for the lower buccal area. BIC in the upper buccal area showed no significant difference between groups both at 4-weeks and 12-weeks. However, both the groups showed a significant difference in BIC ratio in the rest of the experimental areas between 4 weeks and 12 weeks. The experimental group showed active bone remodeling around the bone-implant interface compared to the control group. Conclusions: There were significant differences in the BIC and the Periotest values between the surface-treated and machined micro-implants according to bone quality in the early stage. 본 연구는 비글견에 식립된 sandblasted, large grit and acid-etched (SLA) 표면처리된 교정용 마이크로임플랜트와 평활면 마이크로임플랜트에 교정력을 가한 후 시간 경과에 따른 동요도와 골접촉률의 차이를 규명하기 위해 시행되었다. 비글 성견 네 마리를 이용하여 상, 하악 협측과 구개측 골에 대해 SLA 표면처리된 표면처리군 48개, 평활면의 비처리군 48개의 마이크로임플랜트 96개를 식립하고 2주의 치유기간 후 교정력(150 - 200 g)을 지속적으로 가했으며 식립 4주 후에 두 마리를 희생시키고, 12주 후에 나머지 2마리를 희생시켰다. 표면처리군과 비처리군 간의 마이크로 임플랜트의 동요도와 골과 임플랜트 간 접촉률을 조직학적인 측면에서 측정 비교하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 상악 협측과 구개측에서는 표면처리군과 비처리군의 동요도에서 유의성 있는 차이가 없었으나 하악협측에서는 표면처리군이 유의하게 안정적인 동요도를 보였다. 마이크로임플랜트와 인접골 간 접촉률은 상악 협측에서는 4주와 12주 모두 표면처리군과 비처리군 간에 유의한 차이가 없었으나 하악 협측과 구개측의 경우 4주와 12주 모두 표면처리군이 비처리군에 비해 유의하게 높은 접촉률을 보였다. 표면처리군은 비처리군에 비해 임플랜트 주변에서 활발한 골개조가 관찰되었으며 모든 군에서 이물반응은 관찰되지 않았다. 본 연구를 통해 SLA 표면처리된 마이크로임플랜트는 평활면 마이크로임플랜트에 비하여 식립 초기에는 식립 부위에 따라 유의하게 높은 인접골 간 접촉률과 동요도의 안정성을 보임으로써 다양한 크기와 방향의 교정력의 적용이 가능할 것이라 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        MMPI에 나타난 북한이탈주민의 개인차 특성

        김현아,전명남 연세대학교 통일연구원 2003 통일연구 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to find out psychological traits of North Korean refugees through MMPI. The variables related to the psychological traits of North Korean refugees included sex, age, experience of compulsive repatriation, unit of family or individual, refugee's motivation. The hypothesis of study are as follows; First, psychological traits through MMPI is significant differences in the North Korean refugee's sex. Second, psychological traits through MMPI is significant differences in the North Korean refugee's age. Third, psychological traits through MMPI is significant differences in the North Korean refugee's experience of compulsive repatriation. Fourth, psychological traits through MMPI is significant differences in the North Korean refugee's family or individual unit. The Fifth psychological traits through MMPI is significant differences in the North Korean refugee's motivation. In this study, MMPI test was taken among 821 North Korean refugees in Hanawon from 2001 to 2003 for the personal counseling or group test. They examined the difference among those groups using one-way analysis of variance and post-hoc analysis of Scheffe verification. For statistics, SPSS 10.0 for the window was used. The results of examining psychological trait is as follows; First, the group of woman scored higher than the group of man on the L, Hs, Mf subscales and the group of man scored higher than the group of woman on the D, Pd, Pt, Si subscales (p<.05) on MMPI. Second, the group of forty scored higher than the group of twenty on the L scales and the group of teenager scored higher than the group of sixty on the K subscales on the MMPI scale. The group of fifty scored higher than the group of teenager, twenty on the Hs subscales and scored higher than the group of twenty on the D subscales, and scored higher than the group of teenager on the Hy subscales. the group of twenty scored higher than the group of teenager on the Ma subscales (p<.05). Third, the unit of individual scored higher than the group of unit of family on the F, Pd, Sc, Ma subscales. On the other hand, scored lower than unit of family on the Si subscale (p<.05). Fourth, the experience of compulsive repatriation scored higher than the not experience of compulsive repatriation on the Ma subscales (p<.05) on MMPI scale. The Fifth, Refugees' motivation is not significant difference on the MMPI.

      • KCI우수등재

        건축디자인과정에서 스케치와 창조적 디자인 행위의 인지적 상호작용분석을 위한 기초연구

        최현아,전한종 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.7

        One of characteristics of the design process in the area of architectural design is the use of a number of different types of sketches. Designers place great emphasis on the sketch often because it is thought to be associated with innovation and creativity. Because of this emphasis researchers have also begun to focus on the sketch and its role of design. Especially emergent shapes through the sketches plays a significant role in the creative design. The first aim of this paper is to collect together and review the results closely related researches that have looked at the role of sketches in design process. The second aim of this paper is to review analogy and emergence that can be effective in facilitating creative design. At last the mutational emergent shapes are introduced.

      • 랫드에서 인체 재조합 적혈구 조혈인자, rHuEPO의 13주 정맥투여 아만성독성에 관한 연구

        김형식,곽승준,천선아,박현선,한하수,임소영,안미영,김원배,김병문,안병옥,홍성렬,이병무 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1998 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        A recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) was administered intravenously at dosage levels of 0, 100, 500, and 2500 IU/㎏/day for a period of 13 weeks. There were no observed clinical signs and deaths related to treatment in all groups tested. Decreases in body weight gain and food consumption were observed only in males of 2,500 IU/㎏ group after 2 weeks. In hematological parameters, erythrocyte content, hematocrit values and hemoglobin concentration were dose-dependently increased in rHuEPO treated groups. The ratio between kidney weight and whole body weight was significantly increased in females of 500 and 2,500 IU/㎏ groups. The spleen weight was also increased in both sexes of 500 and 2,500 IU/㎏ groups. However, the absolute weight change of other organs was not observed. In histopathological examinations, the renal tubular basophilia was observed only in males and females of 2,500 IU/㎏ groups. From these results, it is concluded that the no-observed adverse effect level(NOAEL) of rHuEPO is 100 IU/㎏ in rats in the present study.

      • KCI등재

        인천 인현동 호프집 화재 피해자 분석

        최정태,안무업,안희철,최영미,정재봉,서정열,유기철,이삼우,박석현,조준휘,김성환,김아진,송근정 대한응급의학회 2001 대한응급의학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        Purpose : This study was conducted to develop field triage, transportation, distribution, and prehospital care at a fire disaster by analyzing the victims of the fore that broke out at a bar in Incheon. Method : We analyzed the cases of the victims of a fire in Incheon in Oct. 1999. We determined the primary care hospital, the arrival time, the burn size, the outcome, and the injury type from the medical records, the concerned organ records, and interviews with concerned persons. Result : The total number of victims was 137: 56 prehospital deaths, 1 hospital death, and 80 survivals. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the burn size and the severity was -0.175. There were 121(89.6%) cases of inhalation injury, 59 (43.7%) cases of flame burns, 66 (48.9%) cases of hypoxic brain damage, and 16 (11.9%) cases involving other types of injury. Conclusion : The causes of death of the fire victims were inhalation injury and hypoxic brain damage due to CO poisoning and other toxic inhalants. We propose the use of a simple triage and rapid treatment(START) system and a reassessment the delayed category in fire disasters.

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