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      • 영어지도에서 문법의 이론적 경향과 역할

        조홍섭 忠州大學校 2010 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.45 No.-

        Grammar is important because it offers the explanation of the knowledge the students want to learn. When the language teacher is occupied in teaching grammar, he should always put in mind whether he offers opportunities for significant meaning through the given context. In addition he should judge whether he provides related grammar instruction to real life situations. Teachers should put in mind the fact that meaningful input should be provided through context as well as grammar instruction should be related to real life situations. Grammar teaching is not much different from teaching other skills. Thus, smooth and organized transitions of pre-, while and post grammar stages are recommended in the context. Although communication is the overall goal of language teaching, grammar surely plays a significant part in the various levels.

      • 언어분석과 언어지도

        조홍섭 忠州大學校 2009 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.44 No.-

        Comparative Analysis tries to explain why some features of a Target Language were more difficult to acquire than others. Language learning was a question of habit formation, and this could be reinforced or impeded by existing habits. Therefore, the difficulty in mastering certain structures in a second language depended on the difference between the learners' mother language and the language they were trying to learn. Error analysis studies the types and causes of language errors. Errors are classified according to: modality (i.e., level of proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, listening), linguistic levels (i.e., pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, style), form (e.g., omission, insertion, substitution), type (systematic errors/errors in competence vs. occasional errors/errors in performance), cause (e.g., interference, interlanguage) and norm vs. system. Though Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis has declined with behaviorist theory, its contribution to language teaching should not be neglected.

      • The Significance of Culture in FL Teaching

        조홍섭 忠州大學校 2007 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.42 No.-

        In the past many teachers have had a notion that it is important to present students with realia that are peculiar to the culture of study but are unfamiliar to them. They are usually given clues or background information about the ideas that they might incorporate the unfamiliar notion to their preexisted viewpoints. This is supposed to lead to successive discussion. It is significant to achieve a level of empathy, appreciating that the way people do things in their culture has its hierarchy. Cultures are not exclusive. Students should observe and explore cultural interaction from the viewpoints of their own. Thus they should try to find their own voices in the language speech circle. It is generally acknowledged that structures and functions of each language imply the cultural values of the society in which the language is used. Language learners should aware of the culturally appropriate ways. We recognize that some behaviors appropriate to them might not be appropriate to others. In order for communication to be successful, language use must be associated with other cultural appropriateness. In short, cultural information should be presented in a nonjudgmental way that does not place value or judgment on distinctions between the students’ native culture and the culture explored in the classroom and culture must be fully incorporated as a vital component of language learning. Foreign language teachers should identify key cultural items in every aspect of the language that they teach so that students may be more successful if cultural issues become an inherent part of the curriculum

      • 미디어발달과 언어지도 : Media Development and Language Teaching

        조홍섭 忠州大學校 2005 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.40 No.2

        Certain types of media may be more appropriate than others if we bear in mind the specific purpose of using the media, the nature of the linguistic segment, the leamer's level of attainment in terms of what bits of language he already Cows, and the quantity of visual material being used in relation to the density of linguistic material. The explosive growth of the internet will continue as the quality and quantity of in formation and services it provides. As access to the internet becomes more readily available to individual classrooms, the nature of literacy instruction is likely to be altered significantly. Informative materials tailored to meet the needs, interests, and backgrounds of individuals will be more readily available, and students will be provided with opportunities to engage in major skill-loaming and thinking activities. Followings are some implications: 1) The setting of standards and roles for teachers using multimedia should be established. 2) Teacher must study the length of time which is being devoted to activities which require basically the same kind of response. 3) Teachers should teach 'how to learn' and gradually assume the role of the helper instead of the role of the instructor. 4) Teachers should be thoroughly trained with the skills necessary for efficient use of the systems. 5) Teachers should make sure that provision has been made for the students to participate actively in a number of different ways. 6) Language programs should be developed in order to facilitate the student needs. 7) More varied presentation techniques and more ingenious depictions need to be devised for the effective teaching.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Glutaraldehyde로 처리된 이종 및 자가 미세혈관 이식에 대한 실험적 연구

        육홍미,윤진호,우동훈,김한중,김대섭 대한성형외과학회 1992 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.19 No.3

        During microvascular procedures there frequently arises a need for a vascular graft. In this study the efficacy of preserving microvascular heterografts with glutaraldehyde tanning was investigated. These were compared with nonprepared autografts. Autogenous non-prepared rat femoral arterial grafts and glutaraldehyde-tanned rabbit femoral arterial grafts were interposed in fat femoral arteries. Ninty-one per cent and 74per cent patency rates were achieved respectively at 4weeks. This study has shown that glutaraldehyde tanning reduces the antigenicity of rabbit femoral arteries used as heterografts in the rat. This reduction in antigenicity prevented necrosis of the rabbit femoral the tendency to thrombosis, but as unacceptable occlusion rate (26% occluded) persisted. We assumed that thrombosis occurred because of incomplete reduction of the antigenicity of the heterografts. The exact mechanism resulting in occlusion of glutaraldegyde-tanned grafts is not known. Further work is therefore required to establish a tanning technique which can reduce antigenicity without leading to occlusion and without and without rendering the graft the difficult to use.

      • 경요도 전립선절재술 후 시기별 및 수술 적응도에 따른 합병증 발생율에 따른 임상적 고찰 : A Clinical Experience

        김홍섭,이종찬,노용수 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1998 건국의과학학술지 Vol.8 No.-

        We evaluate morbidity of transurethral resection of prostate(TURP) for benign prostatic hyperplasia, especially late complication beyond 6 months of period after discharge. We experienced 164 TURPs performed by one urologist for 5 years and evaluated factors affecting complications, complication rates at each postoperative period(immediate, predischarge, postdischarge: early and late) and parameters according to operator's adaptation to TURP. The late complication were evaluated by mailed quetionnaires or telephone. The complication rates were 12.2%(20 of 164: prostatic bleeding 14, clot retention 5, etc.) at immediate, 25.0%(41 of 164: urge incontinence 19, urinary retention 7, retrograde ejaculation 6, symptoms) at early and 31.0%(18 of 58: urethral stricture 4, etc.) at late followup period. There were more complications(p<0.05) in following groups: resection time above 60 mins, resected spectimen weight above 40 g. amount of irrigation fluid beyond 20,000 ml. presence of acute urinary retention at admission. No differences(p<0.05) were found in complication rate and TURP parameters according to operator's adaptation except resection time(before 1994 vs. after 1994→43.3mins vs. 34.2mins). Our data shows that there were no significant differences in complication rate and TURP parameters according to operator's adaptation, but relatively high rates of late complications compared with other reports. We suggest that risk factors such as prolonged resection, excessive resection and overusage of irrigation fluid should be avoided during TURP to minimize intraoperative and postoperative complication.

      • Student Characteristics in Language Learning

        趙弘燮 忠州大學校 1999 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.34 No.1

        언어학습에 있어 주요결정소으로 20세기전반기까지는 유전과 환경 오인이 주요 관심사로서 어느 요인이 더 영향이 미치느냐가 논란꺼리였으나 오늘날 나이, 신경 생리, 지능, 인지 양식, 동기와 태도, 사회 환경 등 학습자에게 직접적으로 영향미치는 요인들이 주요 관심사가 되어 있다. 아동은 대체로 10세가 지나면서 다른 민족과 문화 등에 있어 나타나는 차이점에 흥미를 갖는다. sensitive/critical period hypothesis에 의하면 발음습득은 어릴수록 유리하다. 아울러 대뇌의 유연성이 큰 것도 어릴 때이므로 이 시기를 놓치지 않고 학습이 이루어 지는 것이 효과적이다. 언어 기능이 여러 요인으로 구성된다는 사실이 드러났으므로 개인차에 따른 우수 요인을 찾아 계발한다. 인지 양식에서 특정 종류가 언어 학습에 절대적으로 유리한 것은 아니므로 상황에 따라서 유리한 양식을 찾아 계발한다.

      • 모국어에 기초한 외국어 학습지도의 개발

        조홍섭 忠州大學校 2008 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.43 No.-

        One prior knowledge that foreign language learners possess is knowledge of their native language, that is, their "cultural capital." This is the capital that teachers build on in dual-language acquisition. Teachers must pay greater attention to sociocultural context in order for literacy to be transformational: The attempt to institute proper and more effective methods of educating non-English-speaking students may not be reduced to issues of language but rests on a full understanding of the ideological elements that generate and sustain linguistic, racial, and sex discrimination. Students can succeed in reading by carefully designing and effectively presenting lesson plans. The teacher shows students there is a reward in learning to read. The teacher may use extrinsic rewards like physical contact, tickles, pats, handshakes. Eventually, the teacher works toward developing intrinsic motivation. Teachers should teach reading in the way that builds interest, information acquisition, and lifelong literacy. The teaching of writing is an effective means of eliciting the use of vocabulary and grammatical structure, of practicing reading comprehension, and encouraging communication. Something besides pedagogical ends is needed to transform writing from a vicarious means of practicing skills into genuine involvement with the new language.

      • 肝吸蟲感染 마우스의 膽管系 早期 變化

        閔弘基,韓雲燮 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1984 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.7 No.2

        The objective of this sutdy was to obtain further information on the relation-ship between oncogenesis of cholangiocellular carcinoma of the liver and the infection with a liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis in the earlier stage of the infec-tion. A group of 24 BALB/C male mice were used. Approximately 500 metacercariae were given orally to each mouse. Three mice were killed on the scheduled day, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 28th day after infection, respectively and histopathologic changes of the bile ducts were examined using hematoxylin and eosin stain method. The histopathologic findings observed were summarized as follows ; 1) Mice killed on the 3rd day showed a mild epithelial hyperplasia with the formation of papillae and adenomatous tissue proliferation. Bile ducts were dilated and the stroma was infiltrated by inflammatory cells, mainly eosinophils and polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Occasionally mitotic figures and atypia of epithelial cells were seen. Worms were found in the distal peripheral smaller branches of the bile duct. 2) Mice killed on the 7th day gave a mild connective tissue proliferation in addition to more striking pictures in the bile ducts. Chronic mononuclear leucocytes appeared in the stroma. 3) Bile duct chagnges including epithelial hyperplasia, adenomatous tissue for-mation, connective tissue proliferation and inflammatory cell infiltration were greater in the degrees in mice killed on the 10th day after infection. Mucinous cell metaplasia and collagen fiber proliferation were also observed. 4) From the 15th day throughout the 28th day after infection, mice showed the most striking pictures of peithelial hyperplasia, adenomatous tissue formation and mucinous cell metaplasia. The stroma demonstrated the excessive eosinophil and chronic mononuclear leucocyte infiltrations, while polymorphonuclear leucocytes were decreased.

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