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        학령기 이후 지적장애인의 진로 선택에 따른 지원요구

        이한얼 ( Han Eol Lee ),조인수 ( In Soo Cho ) 한국특수아동학회 2012 특수아동교육연구 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the support needs for post school individuals with intellectual disabilities according to career choice. The subjects of this study were divided into groups living or being educated in living faculties for the disabled, major courses at special schools, and colleges, and were composed of a total of 60 individuals with intellectual disabilities in 20 people each group. Questionnaires were written by interviewers to receive responses from teachers, employees, volunteers to identify the characteristics of the subject in each institution, and were used K-SIB and Support Needs Scale. As the results of this study, groups in major courses at special schools and groups in colleges have higher support needs than groups in living faculties. Most importance for community integration for individuals with intellectual disabilities is that depends on whether they are provided enough supports being considered their environment, not their personal abilities. Groups in colleges have higher support needs than groups in living faculties in activity subscales such as community living, lifelong learning, employment, and social. And groups in major courses at special schools have higher support needs than groups in living faculties in activity subscales such as employment and social. Individuals with intellectual disabilities can adapt and function properly to their environment if they are provided supports to meet their needs. This study suggests that intellectual disabilities should be provided context-sensitive supports due to the different areas and levels of support depending on their environment and they can adapt and function properly to their environment by receiving support being considered both their characteristics and environment.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 통합학급 일반아동의 사회성 발달에 대한 교사와 학부모의 인식 비교

        이한얼 ( Han Eol Lee ),조인수 ( In Soo Cho ) 한국지적장애교육학회(구 한국정신지체아교육학회) 2011 지적장애연구 Vol.13 No.1

        이 연구는 통합환경에서의 교육이 일반아동의 사회성 발달에 미치는 영향에 관한 교사와 학부모의 인식 차이을 밝히고, 배경 변인에 따른 인식 수준을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 사회성 발달을 자주성, 수용성, 사교성, 예절성의 하위영역으로 구성하여 교사 240명과 학부모 240명을 대상으로 설문을 실시하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 통합학급 일반아동의 사회성 발달에 대해 교사가 학부모보다 긍정적으로 인식하고 있다. 둘째, 통합학급 일반아동의 사회성 발달에 대해 교사와 학부모 모두 통합 경험이 있는 집단이 통합교육 경험이 없는 집단보다 더 높은 인식 수준을 가진다. 이상의 연구결과에 비추어 통합교육 및 장애에 대한 인식을 개선하기 위해서 장애아동과 일반아동이 함께 적극적으로 어울리도록 또래지도나 상호협력학습 기회에서 사회성 기술 영역 별 프로그램을 구체적으로 제공할 필요가 있다. The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers` and parents` perceptions gaps of the sociality development of general children in integrated classes and to examine the level of perception according to their personal variables, For this, a questionnaire was comprised of autonomy, acceptance, sociability, and manner as subcategories of sociality development and data were collected from 240 teachers and 240 parents. The research findings were as follows. First teachers` perception of the sociality development of general children integrated classes is more positive than parents` perception. Second, both teachers and parents who had experience of integrated education have more positive perception on general children`s sociality development than those who had no experience. According to this result in order to improve recognitions on integrated education and disabilities, it is necessary to provide concrete programs for subcategories of sociality skill to associate actively both children with and without disabilities together.

      • KCI등재

        Incidence and Reappraisal of Known Risk Factors Associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Nationwide, 11-Year, Population-Based Study in South Korea

        Rhee Seung Yeon,Han Eol Cho,김종훈,김형섭 대한신경과학회 2021 Journal of Clinical Neurology Vol.17 No.4

        Background and Purpose Previous studies have revealed various risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), but few large-scale studies have been conducted. We used data from the 11-year, longitudinal, nationwide population-based National Health Insurance Service– National Health Screening cohort to identify the actual risk factors for CTS. Methods We collected patients with CTS newly diagnosed using electrodiagnostic studies while excluding radiculopathy, plexopathy, or polyneuropathy, which can be confused with CTS. The crude and standardized incidence rates of CTS were calculated. Univariate and multivariate Cox analyses and the incidence of CTS were used to identify the risk factors for newly diagnosed CTS. Results The standardized incidence was 130.8/100,000 person-years based on the World Health Organization World Standard Population as a reference. Multivariate Cox analysis identified that the risk factors for CTS were being middle-aged, female, and obese, and having rheumatoid arthritis and Raynaud’s syndrome, whereas gout and hypothyroidism were not risk factors. Diabetes and end-stage renal disease did not show a significant hazard ratio, although it is implicit that the durations of these diseases affect the development of CTS. Conclusions This study calculated the incidence of CTS and reappraised the associated risk factors found in previous studies. This information will be helpful for determining the pathophysiology of CTS, and hence aid the establishment of effective new public health policies.

      • KCI등재

        기술논문 : 전통식품산업 지식기반체계 구축에 관한 연구 -영광 모싯잎 송편산업을 중심으로-

        조은정 ( Eun Jung Cho ),최수명 ( Soo Myoung Choi ),김한얼 ( Han Eol Kim ) 한국농촌계획학회 2011 농촌계획 Vol.17 No.1

        Recently, the food industry has evolved into a new and innovative trend according to its globalization and change of food consumption patterns. However, it is hard for the traditional food industry in Korea to meet the changing consumers` needs because of its poorer quality control and lower industrialization technology than other advanced industries. Also the knowledges acquired through a lot of time and efforts would be lost after the human resources with tacit knowledges leave by their too much aging. Especially, the 21st century would be called as knowledge based society which means that knowledge be the important contributing factor in the economic growth. In this regard, this study aimed at proposing the knowledge based system for systematically managing or preserving knowledges of Mosisongpyun industry in Yeonggwang County to seek for the sustainable development of the traditional food industry in Korea. The knowledge based system of Mosisongpyun industry in Yeonggwang County is finally proposed as follows; First, hardware is composed with the necessary unit facilities such as interpretive center, learning and experience room, library, etc. And the integrating facilities such as Mosisongpyun theme park, traditional village, and knowledge industrialization support center are proposed. Second, software is composed with the necessary unit softwares such as the preservation manual of traditional knowledge and skill, web-site administrator, development of graded textbooks, development database software, etc. And the integrating softwares such as development of innovation and management ability in Mosisongpyun industry are proposed. Third, humanware is composed with the necessary unit programs such as exhibition, own training program, incubator support system, etc. And the integrating programs such as the farm association corporation, the testing and research institute, the institution of learning and training are proposed.

      • High-Performance Flexible Thermoelectric Power Generator Using Laser Multiscanning Lift-Off Process

        Kim, Sun Jin,Lee, Han Eol,Choi, Hyeongdo,Kim, Yongjun,We, Ju Hyung,Shin, Ji Seon,Lee, Keon Jae,Cho, Byung Jin American Chemical Society 2016 ACS NANO Vol.10 No.12

        <P>Flexible thermoelectric generators (f-TEGs) are emerging as a semipermanent power source for self-powered sensors, which is an important area of research for next-generation smart network monitoring systems in the Internet-of-things era. We report in this paper a f-TEG produced by a screen printing technique (SPT) and a laser multiscanning (LMS) lift-off process. A screen-printed TEG was fabricated on a SiO2/a-Si/quartz substrate via the SPT process, and the LMS process completely separated the rigid quartz substrate from the original TEG by selective reaction of the XeCl excimer laser with the exfoliation layer (a-Si). Using these techniques, we fabricate a prototype f-TEG composed of an array of 72 TE couples that exhibits high flexibility at various bending radii, together with excellent output performance (4.78 mW/cm(2) and 20.8 mW/g at Delta T = 25 degrees C). There is no significant change in the device performance even under repeated bending of 8000 cycles.</P>

      • KCI등재

        10-Year Fracture Risk in Postmenopausal Women with Osteopenia and Osteoporosis in South Korea

        백연희,Sun Wook Cho,Han Eol Jeong,Ju Hwan Kim,Yunji Hwang,Jeffrey L. Lange,Ju-Young Shin 대한내분비학회 2021 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.36 No.6

        Background: In South Korea, women aged 66 years are eligible for complimentary bone mineral density (BMD) screening via the National Screening Program for Transitional Ages. We aimed to evaluate the 10-year fracture risk in women receiving BMD screening between January 2008 and December 2015. Methods: BMD was classified as normal (T-score ≥–1.0 standard deviation [SD]), osteopenia (T-score <–1.0 SD and >–2.5 SD), and osteoporosis (T score ≤–2.5 SD) from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Follow-up continued from the screening date until a diagnosis for clinical fragility fracture (including sites of the vertebrae, hip, pelvis, clavicle, humerus, forearm, wrist, lower leg, and ankle), censored at the earliest date of trauma, death, or December 2017; fracture was ascertained using diagnostic codes from the National Health Insurance Service database. A multivariable Cox proportional hazard model was used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the risk of fracture in women with osteopenia or osteoporosis relative to women with normal BMD. Results: Among the 271,197 women screened, 44.0% had osteopenia and 35.2% had osteoporosis. The 10 year cumulative incidence of fragility fractures was 31.1%, 37.5%, and 44.3% in women with normal BMD, osteopenia, and osteoporosis, respectively. Fracture risk was higher in women with osteopenia (HR, 1.31; 95% CI, 1.28 to 1.34) and osteoporosis (HR, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.64 to 1.72) than in women with normal BMD. Conclusion: Women with osteopenia and women with osteoporosis, identified by the national BMD screening program, demonstrated a substantially elevated risk of fracture.


        Outcomes of intrathecal baclofen therapy in patients with cerebral palsy and acquired brain injury

        Yoon, Young Kwon,Lee, Kil Chan,Cho, Han Eol,Chae, Minji,Chang, Jin Woo,Chang, Won Seok,Cho, Sung-Rae Williams & Wilkins Co 2017 Medicine Vol.96 No.34

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Intrathecal baclofen (ITB) has been known to reduce spasticity which did not respond to oral medications and botulinum toxin treatment. However, few results have been reported comparing the effects of ITB therapy in patients with cerebral palsy (CP) and acquired brain injury. This study aimed to investigate beneficial and adverse effects of ITB bolus injection and pump therapy in patients with CP and to compare outcomes to patients with acquired brain injury such as traumatic brain injury and hypoxic brain injury. ITB test trials were performed in 37 patients (19 CP and 18 acquired brain injury). Based on ambulatory function, CP patients were divided into 2 groups: 11 patients with nonambulatory CP and 8 patients with ambulatory CP. Change of spasticity was evaluated using the Modified Ashworth Scale. Additional positive or negative effects were also evaluated after ITB bolus injection. In patients who received ITB pump implantation, outcomes of spasticity, subjective satisfaction and adverse events were evaluated until 12 months post-treatment. After ITB bolus injection, 32 patients (86.5%) (CP 84.2% versus acquired brain injury 88.9%) showed a positive response of reducing spasticity. However, 8 patients with CP had negative adverse effects. Particularly, 3 ambulatory CP patients showed standing impairment and 1 ambulatory CP patient showed impaired gait pattern such as foot drop because of excessive reduction of lower extremity muscle tone. Ambulatory CP patients received ITB pump implantation less than patients with acquired brain injury after ITB test trials (<I>P</I> = .003 by a chi-squared test). After the pump implantation, spasticity was significantly reduced within 1 month and the effect maintained for 12 months. Seventeen patients or their caregivers (73.9%) were very satisfied, whereas 5 patients (21.7%) suffered from adverse events showed no subjective satisfaction. In conclusion, ITB therapy was effective in reducing spasticity in patients with CP and acquired brain injury. Before ITB pump implantation, it seems necessary to perform the ITB bolus injection to verify beneficial effects and adverse effects especially in ambulatory CP.</P>

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