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      • KCI등재

        Size Effect in Shear Failure of High Strength Concrete Beams without Stirrup reinforced with Basalt FRP Bars

        Ghazi Bahroz Jumaa,Ali Ramadhan Yousif 대한토목학회 2019 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.23 No.4

        This study investigates the size effect in shear failure of high strength concrete beams without stirrup reinforced with basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars. The experimental works include constructing and testing twelve large-scale simply supported beams. The main considered parameters were beam depth (300, 500 and 700 mm), flexural reinforcement ratio and concrete compressive strength. The test results show that there is a considerable size effect in normalized shear strength with average reductions in shear strength of 32.8 and 43.6% when the beam effective depth was increased from 252 to 452 and 635 mm respectively. With increasing beam depth the ultimate deflection and ductility reduced substantially and the shear failure become more brittle. Comparing the experimental with predicted shear strength by seven codes and nine proposed equations from literature showed that the most accurate design equations, are those of Alam and Hussein (2013), Razaqpur and Spadea (2010), Lee and Lee (2014), and CSA (2010, 2012), however in most of the considered equations the degree of conservatism decreased with increasing beam depth. Moreover, comparing the size effect in this study with others from the literature indicated that the size effect is larger in beams reinforced with basalt FRP rebar than glass and carbon FRP rebar, however more studies are needed to confirm this.

      • KCI등재후보

        Social Capital and Economic Growth: Empirical Investigations on the Transmission channels

        Ghazi BOULILA,Lobna BOUSRIH,Mohamed TRABELSI 한국국제경제학회 2008 International Economic Journal Vol.22 No.3

        This paper explores the possible transmission channels of social capital to economic growth for a sample of some developed and developing countries during the period 1980-2000, using a simultaneous equation model. The main results of this paper are first, the level of trust as a measure of social capital and growth are significantly and positively correlated. Second, a high level of trust has also an indirect effect on economic activity through its effect on institutional development. Third, such results are found to be robust statistically with the extreme bound analysis (EBA). It corroborates the fact that an improvement of the social infrastructure with high levels of trust and cooperation between individuals has not only a direct but also an indirect effect on economic growth through the development of institutions in the economy.

      • KCI등재

        Place, History, and Tongue; A Study on the Geographical Names in Ibn Battuta’s Journey

        ( Ghazi Alzanahreh ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2020 중동연구 Vol.39 No.2

        This research traces geographical nouns, especially non-Arabic nouns of countries, cities and places, in Ibn Battuta’s journey. The research attempts to study the approach of Ibn Battuta in verification of the nouns of geographical places through his journey. I try to study some of the nouns that changed after documenting the trip. It is an attempt to explain this change in terms of phonetics and linguistics. The research reveals the effect of phoneme similarity in changing some of the nouns of geographical places mentioned in Ibn Battuta 's journey and the way he changes it. I found that he followed an ingenious method of writing the country’s names, that this way goes in two directions: placing appropriate vowels on the nouns, and this is accompanied by describing the words according to what was prevailing in the fourteenth century AD. Ibn Battuta was not satisfied with the spelling description, but he sometimes mentioned the morphological structure related to the noun of the place, the city or the person to make it clearer to the reader, and he provides a translation or an explanation wherever the information is available to him. That was great linguistic value.

      • KCI등재후보

        Estimation of Hybrid Vigor of Some Egyptian Single Local Hybrids of Mulberry Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.

        Ghazy, Usama Mohamed Mohamed Korean Society of Sericultural Science 2012 International Journal of Industrial Entomology Vol.25 No.2

        Fifteen races resulted from silkworm breeding program at Sericulture Research Department (SRD) were used for hybridization. Fourteen hybrids were obtained and coded as; Giza C, D, R, S, T, U, A, V, W, P, H, L and Qanater 1, 2. The traits of cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight, pupal weight, cocoon shell ratio, silk productivity, fifth instar duration, total larval duration, number of cocoon per liter and pupation ratio were evaluated. Data were analyzed by using three formulae of heterosis over better, mid and check parent values. Hybrids of Giza V, C, N, Qanater 1 and 2 are promising and could be used in commercial cocoon production. Generally, there are some new hybrids can be exploited in commercial scale. Also, the local races can be evolved using the hybridization, inbreeding and selection program.

      • KCI등재

        Hydrodynamics of single-deadrise hulls and their catamaran configurations

        Ghazi S. Bari,Konstantin I. Matveev 대한조선학회 2017 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Oc Vol.9 No.3

        Asymmetric planing hulls are often used on high-speed catamarans. In this study, a linearized potential-flow method is applied for modeling steady hydrodynamics of single asymmetric hulls and their catamaran setups. Numerical results are validated with available experimental data and empirical correlations. Parametric calculation results are presented for the lift coefficient and the center of pressure for variable hull geometry, spacings, and speed regimes. The lift coefficient is found to increase at smaller hull spacings and decrease at higher Froude numbers and higher deadrise angles.

      • KCI등재

        Idiomatic Patterns in Modern Standard Arabic and Their Role in Translation and Teaching Arabic as a Second Language

        Ghazi Khader Ali Al Zanahreh 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2018 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.22 No.3

        The Idiomatic patterns of the proposed research are those that contain certain fixed words and particles as well as slots for inserting other words (including nouns and verbs) all of which comprise the skeletons for complex sentence constructions. Such sentential structures are not only frequent in both spoken and written Arabic but also are so significant for indicating discourse cohesion, because they serve as discourse markers connecting sentences together. Such constructions exist in other languages such as constructions (1)-(2) below in English: (1) […] had no sooner […] than […] (2) […] not only […] but also […] In both constructions (1)-(2), the words represent the fixed words and particles while the dots (in square brackets) represent the slots within which words (i.e., verbs or nouns) can be inserted. Idiomatic constructions are subject to morphological and syntactic rules that are learnable once their use and contexts are sufficiently understood and explained. Arabic contains a good number of idiomatic constructions that aid the Arabic speaker to express himself/herself in both spoken and written media. Since such construction are essential for the native speaker, they are equally so for the foreign language learner. حاول هذا البحث دراسة القوالب الأسلوبية في اللغة العربية المعاصرة، فحدد إطار البحث وبسط مفاهيمه ووضح مصطلحاته، وعرّف بالمجال المعرفي والبحثي الذي ينتمي له، هو محاولة مخلصة لفتح آفاق جديدة في البحث اللغوي وخاصة في مجال تدريس اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها. وقد توصل البحث إلى نتائج أهمها ما يأتي: (1) أن هذه القوالب تجمع بين الأصالة والمعاصرة؛ فهي من ناحية نحوية تتقيد في معظم استعمالاتها بالقواعد النحوية والصرفية المقررة كما وضعها وقعّدها علماء النحو واللغة الأوائل، وأسلوبيا تعبّر عن العصر الحديث نتيجة احتكاكها باللغات الأوروبية، ولا سيّما اللغتين الإنجليزية والفرنسية، دون إهدار لقواعد النحو ولا لقواعد نظم الجملة العربية، إضافة إلى تطوير بعض الأساليب العربية القديمة.إن بعض القوالب القديمة اُسْتعملت كما هي في شكلها القديم وبعضها أصابه شيء من التطور فظهرت كتلوين أسلوبي لبعض القوالب الأخرى. (2) إن الألفاظ الداخلة في هذه القوالب هي ألفاظ حية مستعملة في اللغة في استعمالاتها المختلفة، كما هي مستعملة في القوالب، لذلك يحسن بنا أن لا نتسرع في الاستنتاج بأن نعُدّ استعمالا ما ينتمي إلى هذا القالب أو ذاك لمجرد وجود لفظ من القالب في هذا الاستعمال، وهذا يعني ضرورة أن يستوفي كل قالب عناصره اللغوية كلها لنقرر أنه يقع في حيّز القالب. (3) إن معظم القوالب تتمتع بمرونة واسعة أسلوبيا، ويشهد بذلك إمكانية إجراء تغييرات على الألفاظ الثابتة في القالب، وهذا يمكّن مستعمل اللغة من التنويع في ألفاظه وطريقة تعبيره عن المعنى الواحد. والسعة التعبيرية التي تتيحها القوالب لا تقف بمستعمل اللغة عند تبديل ألفاظ ثابتة في القالب بأخرى، بل تتعدى ذلك إلى إتاحة المجال له ليعبر عن فكرته بقالب أسلوبي آخر. (4) إن هذه القوالب ليس ثَمَّ ما يحصرها في استعمال لغوي محدد، بل يمكن أن تستعمل في كل أشكال ومستويات الاستعمال الحي، كتابة ومشافهة، فقد ترد في الاستعمالات الأدبية الراقية كالرواية والقصة والشعر، وقد ترد في الكتب والمؤلفات العلمية، كما قد تستعمل في الأخبار والتقارير الصحفية. وتدخل فيها وحدات معجمية إضافية بحسب استعمالاتها، ففي الاستعمالات الأدبية والمقالات تكون معانيها أكثر عمقا ووحداتها المعجمية أكثر غزارة، حتى إذا استعملناها في الأخبار البسيطة ومواقف المشافهة وجدناها تنحو منحى البساطة. (5) هذا بحث جديد في بابه وموضوعه، والجدة فيه ليس في القوالب التي يدرسها، فهي مبثوثة في مختلف الكتابات التي ظهرت وتظهر في اللغة العربية من أعمال أدبية كالروايات والقصص، ومن كتب ومقالات على اختلاف أنواعها واختصاصات أصحاب ...

      • KCI등재

        Investigation of the Effect of Rubber on Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binders using Superpave DSR

        Ghazi G. Al-Khateeb,Khaled Z. Ramadan 대한토목학회 2015 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.19 No.1

        The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the rubber additive on the rheological properties of asphalt bindersincluding Superpave rutting parameter, fatigue parameter, storage modulus at six rubber percentages: 0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.25, 10, and 15%. The Superpave Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) was used to measure the complex shear modules value and the phase angle for thefresh asphalt binder and the rubber-modified asphalt binders using DSR strain-controlled tests. The DSR tests were conducted at oneloading frequency of 10 rad/sec (1.59 Hz) and five temperatures: 58, 64, 70, 76, and 82°C. A 12 percent constant strain was appliedin these tests according to the Superpave specifications. The rubber additive improved the complex shear modulus value of asphaltbinder at all temperatures. Findings of the study showed that the rubber additive resulted in an increase in each of: the complex shearmodulus value, the rutting parameter, the fatigue parameter, and the storage modulus (|G*|, |G*|/sin δ, |G*|sin d, and |G*|cos δ,respectively) of the asphalt binder. In conclusion, the rubber additive improved the rutting resistance as well as the fatigue resistanceof the asphalt binder by increasing the complex shear modulus value and the storage modulus, and decreasing the phase angle.

      • KCI등재

        Levels of Pragmatic Lexicon: Search in Semantic Devlopment Discourse, in the Travels of Ibn Battutah

        Ghazi Khader Ali Al Zanahreh 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2017 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.21 No.2

        This paper studies the semantic devlopment in the Travels of Ibn Battutah, in an attempt to make for the shortcomings in the study of the Arabic language history, especially in connection with the devolpment of semantics in the light of Modern Linguistics findings and laws that control the relationship between language and society. It enumerates the aspect and reasons of semantic development, and shows the factors that guide the new meanings of words that emerge out of it. This paper also shows the stages of the semantic development of some words through their usage in Ibn Battutah’s Travels versus the traditional Arabic lexican, and lashes at the semantic development that took place beyond Ibn Battutah’s time. This paper also tries to relate the semantic development as manifested in Ibn Battutah’s Travels to the political, religious and social conditions that entailed them, and tries to show how the linguistic dominance of Persian in India at that time influenced the semantic change of some words.


        Removal of Aluminum from Water Samples by Sorption onto Powdered Activated Carbon Prepared from Olive Stones

        Ghazy, S.E.,El-Morsy, S.M. Korean Carbon Society 2007 Carbon Letters Vol.8 No.3

        Recent studies have revealed the poisonous nature of aluminum(III) species to aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Therefore, this investigation aims to develop batch adsorption experiments in the laboratory, aiming to the removal of aluminum(III) from aqueous solutions onto powdered activated carbon (PAC). The latter (which is an effective and inexpensive sorbent) was prepared from olive stones generated as plant wastes and modified with an aqueous modifying oxidizing agent, viz. $HNO_3$. The main parameters (i.e. initial solution pH, sorbent and $Al^{3+}$ ions concentrations, stirring times and temperature) influencing the sorption process were examined. The results obtained revealed that the sorption of $Al^{3+}$ ions onto PAC is endothermic in nature and follows first-order kinetics. The adsorption data were well described by the Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) adsorption models over the concentration range studied. Under the optimum experimental conditions employed, the removal of ca. 100% $Al^{3+}$ ions in the concentration range $1.35-2.75\;mg{\cdot}l^{-1}$ was attained. Moreover, the procedure was successfully applied to the recovery of aluminum spiked to some environmental water samples with an RSD (%), does not exceed 1.22%.

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