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        Formation and Development of Ethnic entrepreneurship of Koryo saram in Kazakhstan

        German N. Kim 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2009 International Area Studies Review Vol.12 No.1

        The collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of sovereign states opened a new page in the history of the "Koryo saram". Opposite to other ethnic minorities, that have chosen the strategy of leaving the former Soviet Central Asian Republics, the Koreans have stayed but they are again being forced to adapt and this time to the nationalizing states. The Korean Immigrant communities living scattered over the world are demonstrating one specific feature-their special ability to adapt themselves in the host countries. Koryo saram are, in this sense, a remarkable case. The first generation of Koryo saram tried as fast as possible to settle down on the land of the tsarist empire and later of the Soviet Russia. The second generation did not have time to taste the first fruits of their labor in the new lands. They were forced to repeat the mission of the previous generation, that is, to adapt after the Deportation of 1937 to the conditions in a new land, namely Central Asia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 the third generation also turned out to be pioneering because they were forced to adapt to the new sovereign states of the post-Soviet area.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한인의 러시아 극동지역 이주와 정착

        김게르만 ( Kim German N ) 한국민족운동사학회 2005 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.42 No.-

        Based on the extensive historical sources and first of all on the statistical data, the article examines the history of migration of Koreans to the Russian Far East. Originally the Korean peasants migrated to the borderline territories of the Russian Far East and Manchuria where inhabitants of the Korean peninsular had had a long history of land cultivation. In the Russian Maritime provinces and neighboring regions the Korean settlers of the period under consideration appeared in the first half of 60-ies of the XIX century. The pre-revolutionary immigration to Russia underwent three stages in its development: 1863~1884; 1884~1905; 1905~1917, each of them was characterized by different volume, speed and character of migration and also by the policy of the tsarist Russia regarding the influx of the Korean migrants.

      • KCI등재

        Синханчхон - прототип ≪кориатауна≫ в России

        ГерманН.Ким ( German N. Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 러시아연구소 2017 슬라브연구 Vol.33 No.4

        The origin of the settlement structures of the Koreans in the Russian Far East or in Soviet Central Asia has not yet been the subject of a special analysis, although this topic is undoubtedly an actual scientific interest in the study of the diaspora. So far, such expressions as “Korean collective farms”, “Ushtobe - the capital of Koreans”, “Kuiluk - Korean bazaar” (Tashkent) have been used in colloquial speech, and this suggests that there is a certain specificity in the character of Koreans living in different types of populated points. This aspect can be explored from the standpoint of economics, ethnography, history, architecture, and also at the junction of two or more related sciences. In the Far East, Korean settlers founded dozens of villages, where life lasted like Korea for a long time. However, the two Korean settlements differed from the others in that they represented a “contact zone” in which there was much more intensive communication between the Russian, Cossack population and Korean immigrants. One settlement is a unique village of the blessed, founded in the upper reaches of the Amur River, evicted by the tsarist authorities by seaside Koreans. The second is the new Korean settlement of Shinhanchon in Vladivostok, which can be considered as a “contact zone” in an urbanized environment and as a prototype of a “Korea-town” - an urban area in which Koreans live compactly. History of Shinhanchon, given the background of its formation began in the late 1870s and ended with the deportation of Koreans in 1937, that is, it lasted almost half a century, but many of its pages remained unrevealed.

      • KCI등재

        알마티시 고려인들의 민족간 결혼 문제

        김 게르만(German N. Kim) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2001 역사문화연구 Vol.14 No.-

        The article studies various aspects of inter-ethnic marriages among Koreans in KazakhstanCthe city of Almaty) in the 90s. The choice of the city under study has been defined by its multinational population and the fact that every fifth of a hundred thousand Koreans lives here. The analysis of such issues as dependence of the frequency of inter-ethnic marriages on education . social status. sex . age: criteria of choosing a future partner: stability of a nationally-mixed family etc. has been done on the basis of two sources. The first selection from official records of acts of marriage. the second - materi als of a questionnaire. The article notes that t he number of Korean-mixed marriages has been ri sing for the last ten years. and their influence on the social-cultural development of the Korean diaspora has been increasing. The behavior and attitude of the younger generation of Koreans to inter-ethnic marriages is changing and by many parameters it is different from their parents stand. In future inter-ethnic marriages and nationally-mixed families will occupy even a more important place in the lives of Kazakhstan Koreans.

      • An Analysis of Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Its Prospects

        Cho,Eun-Jeong,Kim,German N 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소 2012 Acta Russiana Vol.4 No.-

        В 2012-ом году Республика Корея и Республика Казахстан отмечают 20- летие установления дипломатических отношений. В данной статьи рассматривается, какие внешние и внутренние детерминанты оказывали решающие влияние на создание, применение и дополнение внешней политики Республики Корея в отношений Казахстана с того момента, когда обе страны установили дипломатических отношений. Теория процесса принятия решений внешней политики, которая развивалась в основном в рамках послевоенной американской политологии с середины 20 века, показывает, что в отличии от традиции "реалистической" теории в современном мире "разные" факторы через "сложный и многослойный" процесс оказывают влияние на создание и применение дипломатической политики, и её результаты имеют обратную связь и принимаются во внимание в последующем потоке деятельности. В течение 20 лет дипло-матических связей южнокорейско казахстанские отношения развивались через три периода. Это во-первых, период образования отношений с момента установления дипломатических отношений в начале 90-ых годов до азиатского финансового кризиса в конце 90-х годов, во-вторых, период развития связей на основе экономического и ресурсного сотрудничества с начала 2000-ых годов до прихода к власти нынешней администрации в 2007 году и, в-третьих, период диверсификации отношений не только в экономическом, но и в политическом, культурном, социальном секторах с прихода к власти нынешней администрации Ли Мён Бака в 2008 году до сегодняшнего дня. В данной статьи рассматривается, какие именно внешние и внутренние факторы во вышеуказанных 3 периодах сыграли главную роль во принятии дипломатического курса Республики Корея в отношении Казахстана и намечаются, какие особенности существуют в Южнокорейско-Казахстанских отношениях во время развития дипломатических отношений обеих стран.

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