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A Study on Analytical Methods of FEM-Based Edge Heating System
Jeong, Geochul,Yang, Youngmin,Bae, Jae-Nam,Lee, Ju IEEE 2017 IEEE transactions on magnetics Vol.53 No.11
<P>This paper focuses on analytical methods of a finite-element method (FEM)-based edge heating system. The edge heating system plays a role in maintaining the temperature in the hot rolling process of carbon steel. Carbon steel moves along the production line and maintains the temperature by the edge heating system in the process. Power-of-the-edge heating system is transmitted to carbon steel during the process. Eddy currents are generated in carbon steel by Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, and eddy current loss serves as a heat source to increase the temperature. Thus, there is a need for accurate electromagnetic-field analysis and thermal analysis because the eddy current path generated in carbon steel greatly affects the heat distribution in carbon steel. This multiphysics analysis requires high reliability. Accordingly, this paper presents a coupling analysis method using an FEM-based coordinate mapping method as a more accurate analytical method. This paper also established an analytical approach to the edge heating system using the ductility analytical method of this coordinate mapping method.</P>
기어 특성을 고려한 전기철도용 마그네틱 기어 일체형 영구자석 전동기의 성능 분석
정거철(Geochul Jeong),정동훈(Dong-Hoon Jung) 대한전기학회 2021 전기학회논문지 Vol.70 No.3
This paper is a research paper on the performance analysis of magnetic gear integrated permanent magnet motor for electric railways considering gear characteristics. In the current industry, the drive system consists of mechanical gear and motor, which reduce or decrease the mechanical output speed of the motor by slowing down the mechanical output speed of the motor. However, mechanical gear have disadvantages such as maintenance costs and noise and vibration due to the wear of contact teeth, and the combined mechanical gear and motor driving systems are very complex in structure. Furthermore, research on contactless magnetic gear is actively underway to compensate for the shortcomings of these mechanical gear, but the driving system still has a complex structure with gear and motor coupling. Therefore, these driving systems need to be simplified, and in high-capacity driving systems, such as commercial and railway vehicles, which require high-torque at low speeds, mechanical gear and motor are integrated and lightweight. In this paper, we propose a magnetic gear integrated permanent magnet motor that can be structurally simplified and lightweight compared to conventional driving systems, and performance analysis on magnetic gear integrated permanent magnet motor considering gear characteristics. In conclusion, we propose a model of a magnetic gear integrated permanent magnet motor with high performance characteristics.
도시철도차량 견인용 IPMSM의 구조 특성에 따른 회전자 형상 설계에 관한 연구
정거철(Geochul Jeong),박찬배(Chanbae Park),오세영(Seyoung Oh),이주(Ju Lee) 한국철도학회 2014 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.10
본 논문에서는 도시철도차량 견인용 IPMSM(Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor)의 구조 특성에 따른 회전자 형상 설계에 관한 연구 논문이다. IPMSM의 회전자가 고속으로 회전하면서 회전자 내부에 삽입되어 있는 영구자석이 강한 원심력을 받는다. 이때에 구조적 강성이 약해지므로 회전자 형상에 따라 큰 영향을 미치게 된다. 따라서, 도시철도차량 견인용 IPMSM의 설계 및 요구사양에 적합하면서 강성에도 강한 모델을 1차 모델로부터 도출하였다. 영구자석을 분할해 Bridge를 1, 2개 적용하여 설계한 후 전기적 특성과 구조적 특성을 분석하였다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 회전자 형상이 다른 3개의 모델을 분석함으로써 도시철도차량 견인용 IPMSM의 요구사양에 만족하며 구조 특성에도 강한 모델을 도출하였다. In this paper, a study on rotor shape design according to structure characteristics of IPMSM (Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) for urban railway vehicle traction. Permanent magnet of inner rotor while rotating the rotor of IPMSM at high speed receives a strong centrifugal force. At this time, weakening the structural rigidity, the structure characteristics has a significant effect depending on of a rotor shape. Therefore, suitable for design and requirements of IPMSM for urban railway vehicle traction, and was derived model a stronger structural rigidity from the primary model. After the design is applied for 1, 2 Bridge divided permanent magnet, analyze the electrical and structural characteristics. Therefore, in this paper, analyzes the model in three different rotor shape, suitable for requirements of IPMSM for urban railway vehicle traction, and was derived model a stronger structural rigidity.
도시철도차량용 IPMSM의 Magnet Segment 변화에 따른 특성 분석에 관한 연구
정거철(Geochul Jeong),박찬배(Chan-Bae Park),정태철(Taechul Jeong),이주(Ju Lee) 대한전기학회 2015 전기학회논문지 Vol.64 No.10
The following study carried out the characteristic analysis based on the magnet segment of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor(IPMSM) for the urban railway vehicles. IPMSM affects the electromagnetic characteristics through the change in magnetic flux based on the rotor structure, and significantly influences the structural features through the change of pressure. Therefore, satisfied by the demanded traction force of the IPMSM, magnet segment derived three different model types. The 1-segment PM model consisted an undivided permanent magnet. The 2-Bridge model consisted a divided permanent magnet with the application of Bridge. The 3-Bridge model consisted additional dividing with one more Bridge applied. The electromagnetic characteristics of the three models were compared and analyzed along with the structural features regarding the scattering of permanent magnet based on strong centrifugal force from the rotation of the rotor at high speed. In conclusion, the final model with electromagnetic characteristics and structural features most suitable of IPMSM for the urban railway vehicles was derived, and the effectiveness was verified through the characteristic experiments after the production of the derived model.
무가선 트램용 마그네틱 기어 설계 및 경향성 분석을 통한 토크 리플 저감 연구
정거철(Geochul Jeong),김현진(Hyun-Jin Kim),김성열(Sung-Yul Kim),이형우(Hyung-Woo Lee),이주(Ju Lee) 한국철도학회 2016 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2016 No.10
본 논문은 무가선 트램용 마그네틱 기어 설계 및 경향성 분석을 통한 토크 리플저감에 관해 연구하였다. 무가선 트램은 견인전동기로부터 기계식 기어를 통해 휠에 회전력이 전달되어 기계적인 마찰로 인해 마모, 파손 등 많은 단점이 있다. 하지만 마그네틱기어는 기계적인 접촉이 없어서 아주 적은 소음, 진동과 유지 보수가 필요 없다. 그리고 에너지 밀도가 높은 희토류계 영구자석을 사용하여 효율을 높일 수 있다. 그러므로 본 논문에서는 무가선 트램용 견인전동기의 설계 사양에 기존 기어비를 적용하여 마그네틱 기어의 설계 모델을 도출하였고, 극수에 따른 모델을 전자장 유한 요소법을 이용하여 특성분석을 수행하였다. 또한, 민감도 분석을 통해 토크 및 토크 리플에 가장 큰 요인이 되는 인자를 선정하였고, 경향성 분석을 통해 토크 리플을 줄이는 연구를 수행하였다. This study was conducted to find a way of reducing torque ripple by designing a magnetic gear for a Wireless Tram and analyzing its tendency. A Wireless Tram is driven by torque, which is conveyed to a wheel through a mechanical gear from a traction motor and a mechanical gear has a lot of shortcomings including wear and damage due to mechanical friction. But unlike a mechanical gear, a magnetic gear doesn’t have mechanical contact. This creates a very low noise and maintenance isn’t required. This can improve efficiency by using a rear-earth permanent magnet with high energy density. Therefore, in this study, a design model of a magnetic gear was extracted by applying the existing gear ratio to the design specification of a traction motor for a Wireless Tram and characteristics of a pole number-based model were analyzed using the electromagnetic finite element method. Moreover, the biggest factor of torque and torque ripple was selected through sensitivity analysis and tendency analysis was carried out to reduce torque ripple.
철도 분기기의 설빙 방지를 위한 유도방식 히팅 장치의 특성 분석 연구
정거철(Geochul Jeong),지우영(Woo-Young Ji),김진출(Jin-Chul Kim),박찬배(Chan-Bae Park),이재범(Jae-Bum Lee),이주(Ju Lee),이형우(Hyung-Woo Lee) 대한전기학회 2020 전기학회논문지 Vol.69 No.10
In this paper, a study was conducted on an induction type heating device to remove snow and ice that may cause obstacles and malfunctions of the railway switch. In the induction heating device, an ohmic loss is the heat source. Ohmic loss and heat transfer change greatly depending on the shape and material of the heating device and condition of the atmosphere. Since the loss must be accurately calculated to conduct the thermal analysis properly, it is necessary to analyze the electromagnetic and thermal characteristics and to interlock of electromagnetic and thermal analysis. Therefore, the electromagnetic and thermal analysis was conducted using finite element method (FEM). By the performance test of the prototype, verification of the simulation was conducted.