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      • KCI등재

        Floristic study of Jang-do (Isl.) in Korea

        Son, Hyun-Deok,Gwon, Soon-Gyo,Jang, Jeong-Won,Sun, Eun-Mi,Kim, Byeol-Ah,Im, Hyoung-Tak The National Institute of Biological Resources 2013 Journal of species research Vol.2 No.2

        We investigated the flora of Jang-do (Isl.), an island of the Heuksan archipelago, located in Heuksan-myeon, Shinan-gun, Jeollanam-do and discussed the remarkable plants found there. Thirteen-field trips (total 27 days) were completed from May of 2004 to May of 2013. As a result, we identified the distribution of 423 taxa in Jang-do (Isl.), comprising 104 families, 285 genera, 335 species, 78 varieties and 10 forms. There are a total of 95 taxa of floristic regional indicator plants. The floristic regional indicators are as follows; four taxa of level V such as Impatiens furcillata, four taxa of level IV such as Hosta yingeri, 14 taxa of level III such as Ophioglossum vulgatum, 5 taxa of level II, and 58 taxa of level I. In addition 10 red data plants, 2 vulnerable species (VU) including Calanthe striata for. sieboldii, and 4 least concern species (LC) like Ardisia crenata, 2 not evaluated species (NE) such as Hosta yingeri, were found in the investigated area. An unrecorded species, Fragaria (Rosaceae), was found in a forest of Jang-do (Isl.) for the first time in Korea.

      • Improving Foreign Language Education in Korea and China: Focusing on Foreign Language Education Policy

        Jang,Eun-Young 경인교육대학교 교육연구원 2020 The Journal of Education Vol.3 No.1

        This study examined the current situation of foreign language education, teacher training, and education in Korea and China. The analysis and comparison of both countries’ educational policies, problems, and improvement strategies revealed several aspects that require attention. When foreign language education policies are established and enforced in the future, more attention should be given to the rigorous systematization of foreign language curriculum. Furthermore, in the context of intensifying globalization, it is necessary to provide diverse foreign language subject options to allow students to learn various foreign languages and improve their multicultural awareness. Finally, foreign language teacher training and education should be promoted more intensively to empower teachers with the competence and qualifications necessary to make them excellent agents in delivering foreign language education to learners.

      • KCI등재후보

        대동맥 판막 치환술 후 반복되는 Acinetobacter baumannii 균혈증의 원인이 된 대동맥염 1예

        정용필,김성철,송은희,장은영,김은경,김윤지,성흥섭,김미나,최상호,우준희,김양수 대한감염학회 2007 감염과 화학요법 Vol.39 No.3

        감염성 대동맥염은 흔하지 않지만 매우 위중한 질병으로 Salmonella so.와 S. aureus가 주된 원인균이다. 아직까지 병원내 감염의 주요 원인균인 Acinetobacter baumannii에 의한 감염성 대동맥염은 보고된 바가 없었다. 저자들은 대동맥 판막 치환술을 시행받은 76세 남자 환자에서 적절한 항생제 투여에도 반복되는 A. baumannii 균혈증의 원인이 감염성 대동맥염으로 진단되었던 1예를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. Infectious aortitis is an uncommon yet, life threatening disease. Early surgical treatment and prolonged antibiotic therapy is crucial to survival. Salmonella sp. and Staphylococcus aureus are the most common organisms isolated. There is no case report of infectious aortitis caused by Acinetobacter baumannii, which has recently emerged as a major cause of health care-associated infections. Here, we describe a 76-year-old male with infectious aortitis who experienced recurrent bacteremia due to A. baumannii in spite of adequate antimicrobial therapy after aortic valve replacement.

      • S.C.P 打設地盤의 水平變位에 대한 解析的 硏究

        장정욱,박춘식,김은두 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2003 공업기술연구 Vol.3 No.-

        This study analyzed lateral movement of soft ground improved by S.C.P, with fill loading on it. We observed the horizontal displacement of the ground with replacement rate, range and depth as variables, after modeling the S.C.P-improved ground by means of composite ground and sand piles. The results are shown in the following. i) The horizontal displacement decreased as the replacement rate, range and depth increased. ii) When the replacement depth is constant, a raise in replacement rate rather than in replacement range resulted in notable improvement. iii) Less horizontal displacement occurred in the case of modeling the S.C.P-improved ground by means of composite ground han that of sand piles.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 독일 드라마에 나타난 성 담론

        장은수 세계문학비교학회 2002 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        Anfang der 90er Jahre erlebte der Genderdiskurs eine Wende. Judith Butler leitete mit ihrem Buch 『Gendertrouble』(1991) einen Paradigmenwechsel in der feministischen Theoriediskussion ein. Butlers These, dass alle Aussagen u¨ber Identita¨t, Ko¨rper und Geschlecht diskursiv bestimmt seien, stellte Annahmen u¨ber eine natu¨rliche Markierung der ko¨rperlichen Geschlechtlichkeit radikal in Frage. Nach ihrer Auffassung ist der Ko¨rper keine dem kulturellen Prozess vorangehende Identita¨t, sondern vielmehr eine Konstruktion, die “erst in und durch Markierung der Geschlechtsidentita¨t ins Leben gerufen wird”. In der deutschsprachigen Literatur erregte das Thema “Geschlechtertausch” bereits in den 80er Jahren großes Aufsehen im Rahmen der feministischen Bewegung. Der Genderdiskurs bleibt aber nicht nur auf den feministischen Kreis beschra¨nkt. Man kann auch in den literarischen Diskursen der letzten Jahrzehnte beobachten, wie sich gerade im Riss von Ko¨rperbild und Ko¨rper die gewohnten Maßsta¨be individueller Identita¨t auflo¨sen, die im theatralen Raum der neuzeitlichen, bu¨rgerlichen Epoche geschlechterspezifisch festgehalten wurden. Heiner Mullers Theaterstu¨ck 『Hamletmaschine』bietet sich als Beispiel dafu¨r an. Hamlet ist hier einer der Intellektuellen, die nur noch neue rhetorische Wendungen zelebrieren. Hamlet, der sich im radikalen Ru¨ckzug aus der ma¨nnlichen Ordnung verschließt, bezeichnet sich als Maschine. Demgegenuber steht die Frau, Ophelia, die sich nicht mehr der Unterdru¨ckung unterwirft, im geschichtlichen Diskurs der Rache. In 『Hamletmaschine』wird die Frau vom Opfer zur Ta¨terin: Die sanftere Ophelia wird mit der ra¨chenden Elektra gleichgesetzt. Sie hat aufgeho¨rt, sich selbst zu to¨ten. Die Frau geht aus der Gefangenschaft hinaus auf die Straße. Der Aufstand der Frau geschieht nicht im Zeichen der Vernunft und der Aufkla¨rung. Er ist spontan, gewaltta¨tig, extrem destruktiv. Der Text 『Hamletmaschine』folgt in seinem Aufbau pra¨zise dem Muster der ungleichen Symmetrie der Geschlechter. Den 5 Akten des Dramas entsprechen 5 Teile, die Mann und Frau in gleicher Anzahl zugeordnet sind. Im ersten und vierten Akt tritt Hamlet auf die Bu¨hne, im zweiten und im fu¨nften Ophelia, im dritten, also im mittleren Teil beide. Aber die spiegelbildliche Struktur des Dramas zeigt keine friedliche Ordnung. Im 3 Akt, “Scherzo”, versucht Hamlet, eine Frau zu werden. Hier scheint eine Hoffnung zu schimmern, mit der weiblichen Revolution das Kontinum der Geschichte, ihre reine Wiederholung der Gewalt und Unterdru¨ckung abzeichnet, zu unterbrechen. Was am Ende folgerichtig eintritt, ist eine “Eiszeit”. In der Schlußszene steht die schweigende Ophelia genauso ohnma¨chtig wie die Ma¨nner dem Rad der Geschichte gegenu¨ber. Wenn Hamlet auch Ophelias Kleider anzieht, um aus seiner Rolle als ohnma¨chtiger Intellektueller auszusteigen, findet hier keine wirkliche Verwandlung statt. Denn aus dem Kleidertausch erfolgt kein Geschlechtertausch, solange sich der Mann keine weiblichen Eigenschaften aneignet. Mu¨llers Versuch, die Revolution der Frauen als Notbremse der rasenden Geschichte darzustellen, scheitert, weil er sich von seinem ma¨nnlich gepra¨gten Geschichtsbild nicht befreien kann. Er sieht Zersto¨rung und Gewalttat als einzige Mittel der Revolte. Die Geschichte wiederholt sich, wenn Frauen genauso wie Ma¨nner mit Gewalt vorgehen. Im heutigen Genderdiskurs, wo die Grenze zwischen naturbestimmten Geschlechtern verneint wird, klingt die Kampfansage der Frauenfiguren gegen die herrschende Ma¨nnerwelt etwas veraltet. Wichtiger wa¨re die Suche nach einer friedlichen Welt, welche vielleicht erst durch die Belebung der Weiblichkeit gegru¨ndet werden kann, die in Frauen und in Ma¨nnern vorhanden ist.

      • 온라인 아동 성착취 근절을 위한 법률개정 방안 : 국제규범과 국내 법령의 비교를 중심으로

        정주은,남장현,서지혜 이화여자대학교 법학전문대학원 2020 Ewha Law Review Vol.10 No.-

        온라인을 기반으로 한 아동ㆍ청소년에 대한 성착취는 아동ㆍ청소년이 쉽게 유혹되고 어른들에 의하여 발견되는 것이 어렵기 때문에 심각한 피해를 야기한다. 본 연구는 온라인 아동 성착취의 심각성을 인지하고 관련 법령의 개정 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 우선 우리나라의 아동ㆍ청소년의 성보호에 관한 법률 및 형법 등의 법제 및 현황과 문제점을 살펴보았다. 이를 기반으로 UN아동권리협약 및 제2, 제3선택의정서와 UN아동권리위원회의 권고사항 및 특별보고관의 권고, 팔레르모의정서, 란사로테협약 등 국제규범의 내용을 살펴보고, 해당 국제규범과 해외의 입법례 등과 비교하여 현행 국내 법령의 개선방안을 모색하였다. 연구를 통해 현행 국내 법령의 부적절한 용어 개선이 필요하고, 아동 최선의 이익 원칙에 의한 법 해석 및 적용을 해야 하며, 현행 형법을 활용함과 동시에 그루밍 등 새로운 개념에 대하여 법률에 규정해야 함을 발견하였다. 이와 더불어 성착취물 등에 대한 처벌을 확대하고 형량과 양형기준을 개선하여야 할 필요성도 절감하였다. 현재 국회에 계류 중인 법률개정안을 검토하여 해당 법률안에서 주목할 점과 보완할 점에 대하여 설시하였다. 보론으로는 함정수사의 도입과 제3선택의정서 비준의 필요성을 주장하였다. 이에 비추어 볼 때, 최근 일련의 사건 이후 아동ㆍ청소년의 성보호에 관한 법률이 많은 부분에서 긍정적인 방향으로 개정되었지만 보호의 대상인 아동ㆍ청소년에 대한 범죄이므로 더욱 엄중히 처벌해야할 필요필요가 있는바, 국제규범에 따라 아동ㆍ청소년의 성보호를 위한 개정이 더욱 필요함을 시사한다. Online child sexual exploitation leads to serious damage because children and juveniles are easily tempted but it is hard for adults to find the breeding ground for crime. This study was intended to recognize the seriousness of online sexual exploitation for children and juveniles and to propose the law amendment. First of all, we explored the current status and problems of the legislation, such as the Act on the Protection of Sex in children and juveniles and the Criminal Law in the Republic of Korea. We reviewed the contents of international rules such as the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Second and Third Choice Protocol, the recommendations of the U.N. Commission on the Rights of the Child, the recommendations from the CRC and special rapporteur, the Palermo Protocol, the Lanzarote Convention. In accordance with those international rules, we sought the amendment of current domestic law. According to the study, we concluded that the inappropriate terms in the current domestic law should be modified, and the law should be interpreted and applied in accordance with the principle of the best interests of children. Also, new concepts such as ‘grooming’ should be stipulated in the law while utilizing the existing Criminal law. In addition, we were faced with the necessity of expanding punishment for sexual exploitation and improving sentencing guidelines. We reviewed the proposition which was pending in the National Assembly and suggested pros and cons. And then, we complementally argued for the institution of entrapment and the ratification of the Third Choice Protocol.

      • ’88 OLYMPIC 柔道 금메달 유망선수의 個人 特技 技術의 力學的 分析

        張銀景 龍仁大學校 1988 용인대학교 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze individual favorite techniques(Tokuinage) of Korean Judoists with the hope of '88 Seoul Olympic gold medal with reference to biomechanics.Subjects was 2 judoists and their Tokuinage were left seoinage and right osotogari. In Tokuinage, the throwing form was filmed with 16mm high speed camera (100F/sec front & side view) and the reaction force was measured by force platform system. After that, the Tokuinages were analyzed on the kinematic and kinetic aspects, respectively. The results were as follows : 1.The time elapsed for individual Tokuinage, which showed KIM is 1.68 sec, HA is 2.09 sec (P>0.05). 2.Individual characteristics of the Tokuinage: KIM (left seoinage)-when right-foot toe, foot ankle and knee joint were in the last phase of kuzushi(breaking opponent's balance), the initial phase of Tsukuri (preparation before throwing the opponent), and uke (defender) touched the mat the records of velocity, acceleration, force, energy, work and momentum were higher than other phase. HA (right osotogari) -When left-foot toe, knee joint and left-knee joint were between in the last phase of kuzushi and the initial phase of Tsukuri, the middle phase of Tsukuri, the last phase of Tsukuri, between in the Tsukuri and the initial phase of kike, and uke touched the mat, the records were higher than any other phase. 3.Motion analysis of kake phase: The time elapsed from the beginning to the phase of kike-KIM showed 1.22 sec, HA wits 1.33 sec. The time elapsed from the phase of kake (1) to the phase of kake showed 0.14sec Kim and HA.(P>0.05).when KIM exhibited left seoinage-the foot ankle angle (∠A) of attacking foot 70˚, in the phase of kake (1) 87˚.The knee angle (∠K) of attacking foot took 970 in the phase of lake (1) 120˚ the difference in foot-ankle angle and knee angle of individual was not significant (P>0.05). In the case of HA's exhibition of right osotogari-the foot-ankle was 120˚ in the position of attacking foot and the knee angle 154˚.Drection of supporting foot in the phase of kake did not become the direction of frontal view and inclined to left side (85˚). Even the sweeping foot of attacking foot mechanically was not efficient by exhibiting the dorsal flexion instead of plantar flexion. 4.Mat reaction force analysis in the phase of kale by force platform.: The supporting time on the platform of F.P.showed 1.15 sec (KIM), 0.92 sec (HA) M.R.F.of vertical direction (Fz) showed that each Judoist was different form one another and excellent in the phase of the following motions and it can be considered to be each individual's characteristics. KIM - the kake phase HA - the last phase of Air phase. M.R.F.of anterior and posterior displayed direction (Fy) the following characteristics. KIM and HA - the middle phase of Air phase. M.R.F.of left and right direction (Fx)- KIM and HA showed the excellent phase of motion in left. 5.Maximum mat reaction force (M.M.R.F.) : M.M.R.F.of Z direction was 860N, 1057N(KIM), 1648N(HA).The standard value divided by body weight showed 1.31B.W.(KIM), 1.89B.W.(HA) M.M.R.F.of X direction was 373.5N, 172.8N(KIM), 424.7N(HA) and the divided standard value was 0.57B.W., 0.26B.W.(KIM), 0.44B.W.(HA). M.M.R.F.of Y direction was -95N, 230.3N(KIM), -747.5N(HA) and the divided standard value was 0.14B.W., 0.35B.W.(KIM), 0.78B.W.(HA). 6.Impulse : The impulse of Z direction was 495.4N-sec, 670.3N- sec(KIM), 586.6N -sec(HA) and the divided standard value was 0.86B.W.sec, 1.16B.W.sec(KIM), 0.70B.W.sec(HA).The impulse of Y direction was 129.7N-sec, 10N - sec(KIM), 148.4N-see(HA) and the divided standard value was 0.23B.W.sec, 0.02B.W.sec (KIM), 0.18B.W.sec (HA). The impulse of X direction was -34.2N-sec, 89.4N-sec(KIM), -75.1N-sec (HA) and the divided standard value was 0.06B.W.sec, 0.16B.W.sec, 0.09 B.W.see (HA). 7.Center of pressure : On the Attack side-The Y direction of Y axis was 9.95cm(KIM).The X direction of X axis showed 8.82cm(KIM). On the opposition of attacking side-The Y direction of Y axis was that HA's motion was wider(17.47cm) than KIM(17.47cm). The X direction of X axis was that HA'S motion was more wide(14.47cm) than KIM (8.82cm). Finally, as individual characteristics vary the value of kienmatics were different from on another.

      • KCI등재

        현대국어의 <뼈>명칭 분절구조의 연구 : <부위>를 중심으로

        장은하 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2001 한국학연구 Vol.14 No.-

        This study attempts to support the explanation of the word field nouns expressing 〈bye〉(bone)in modern Korean language. The explanation of word field related to feature analysis. The word related to body are composed of a proper language, and usually used frequently, and have important role in understanding vocabulary of system, visceral system, circulatory system, nervous system. Skeletal system is composed of bones. 〈bye〉(bone)is structurized by 〈part〉, 〈shape〉, 〈nature〉. and〈the subject〉. From those above investigations, word field nouns expressing 〈뼈: bye〉(bone)can be summarized as below. (1) 〈part〉is structurized by 〈skull〉,〈neck〉,〈trunk〉,〈arm〉and 〈leg〉. (2) 〈skull〉is structurized by 〈cranial part〉and 〈facial part〉. (3) 〈facial part〉is structurized by 〈eye〉, 〈nose〉, 〈cheek〉, 〈mouth〉, 〈chin〉and〈ear〉. (4) The word field nouns expressing 〈neck〉has relatively simple type compared to other word fields. (5) 〈trunk〉is stucturized by 〈breast〉, 〈back〉and 〈pelvis〉. (6) 〈arm, leg〉is structurized by 〈arm〉and〈leg〉.

      • 패션 정보원이 의복 구매의사결정과정에 미치는 영향 연구 : 여대생을 중심으로

        章恩瑛 숙명여자대학교 생활과학연구소 1991 生活科學硏究誌 Vol.6 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to find out the effect extent of fashion information sources, in the stage of purchase intention decision and differences by stage of the effect extent, and to analyze the differences by fashion information sources. The research question of this study was as follows: 1. How much to fashion information sources have an effect on clothing purchase ? 2. Is there any significant difference among the effects of fashion information according to the stage of purchase intention decision ? 3. In there any significant difference among the effects of fashion information according to the type of information source ? 4. In there any significant difference among the effects of fashion information according the grade and major of a college woman The results were: 1. In the itemized effect of information sources in clothing-purchase, it was found that information sources such as display, direct purchase, a friend, a colleague, the past experience, and advertisement put in catalogues, pam, a magazine, T.V. and radio have a positive influence on clothing-purchase. But it was found that information sources such as fashion show, a store clerk, one's friends and acquaintances, a public entertainer, newspaper haven't an influence on clothing-purchase. 2. There was significant difference in the effect extent of information sources according to the purchase decision stage. At interest stage, fashion information sources have the most effect on clothing purchase. The next was found in the order of attention stage, desire stage and action stage. 3. There was significant difference among itemized effects of information sources in clothing-purchase. Direct purchase have the most effect on clothing purchase. The next is found in the order of experience, Impersonal Source, Personal Source, Impersonal Advocate Source. On the other hand Personal Advocate Source and observation have the lower effect on clothing purchase. 4. There was significant difference in the effect extent of fashion information sources in clothing-purchase of college women according to grade and major. At desire stage and action stage, high grade students influence higher than low grade students. According to type, in experience type, high grade students influence higher than low grade students. According to major, in interest stage, the student majored in a college of science influence higher than the student majored in a college of art and physical training. But at action stage, the former is lower than the latter. And according to type, in human and advertising information, the student majored in a college of science influence lower than the student majored in a college of human and society and a college of art and physical training. But, in direct purchase, the former is higher than the latter.

      • 혼합방식을 사용한 OFDM의 PAR 경감방식의 성능 해석

        장은영,전제훈,김성곤,변건식 동아대학교 정보기술연구소 2003 情報技術硏究所論文誌 Vol.10 No.2

        OFDM should be used for the fourth generation communication for high speed communication. Because of high spectral efficiency and high tolerance to fading channel, OFDM is applied to many high speed wire and wireless communication such as DAB(Digital Audio Broadcast), DVB(Digita1 Video Broadcast), IMT 2000 etc. Inter-modulation, however, is derived from PAR(Peak to Average Power Ratio) of OFDM signals. The paper describes PTS(Partia1 Transmit Sequence) and SLM(Se1ect Mapping) of an existing methods which can reduce PAR. And then this papers proposed the new method that is called "Combine method". The method proposed in this paper is to combine PTS and SLM. As a result of the simulation, Combine PAR method is better than the existing methods.

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