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        Maritime Security Training: Evaluation of the Impact on Seafarers’ Security Awareness and Security Performance

        Enrico D’agostini,조소현 해양환경안전학회 2019 海洋環境安全學會誌 Vol.25 No.2

        Safety and security measures in the shipping industry play a pivotal role in ensuring efficient and reliable cargo and passengers operations at each stage of the supply chain. The ISPS Code was adopted into SOLAS convention to protect seafarers and vessels from security threats. Furthermore, according to the Manila amendments to STCW Convention in 2010, personnel employed on board are required to participate in security training. Effective seafarers’ education and training programs are of major importance to guarantee satisfactory performance levels onboard to minimize security-related risks. The study’s contribution focuses on empirically evaluating the relationship between personal level of awareness and security performance when seafarers undertake security training courses. Findings of this study suggest that (1) seafarers who undertake maritime security training have a higher awareness of ship security, (2) security training and security awareness have a positive influence on security performance, and (3) security awareness mediates the impact of security training and security performance. In conclusion, education and training programs are key tools in enhancing seafarers’ security awareness and security performance which, from an industry viewpoint, can translate into major economic, operational and reputational benefits.

      • KCI등재

        Port-City and Local Population Relationship: the Perception of Busan Citizens of the Port

        Enrico D’agostini,조소현 한국항해항만학회 2019 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        Ports play a key role in international trade, as integral hubs where passengers and cargoes are loaded, discharged, and transshipped. However, the function of ports is becoming more diversified, expanding on roles as industrial clusters, as well as logistical centers. Such roles combined, reap numerous and significant benefits, mainly with growth of jobs and wealth creation, for the local population living in the city, and beyond. Citizens’ awareness of the function and value of ports may not be positive, because of a range of negative factors such as emissions, noise, and road congestion, which can influence their perception. This study’s contribution focuses on empirically evaluating the perception of Busan citizens of the local port, by applying Q methodology. The links connecting the port-city and local population, are assessed by identifying: 1) The level of awareness of the Busan citizens of the port; 2) Factors perceived as positive as well as factors perceived as negative by Busan citizens. There are four main factors, derived from the analysis: 1) Port functional knowledge; 2) Lack of social connectedness port-city; 3) Environmentally concerned and; 4) Absent port’s ripple’s effect. Policy recommendations suggest focusing on improving citizens’ perception of the port, for each of the four main factors derived from the analysis.

      • KCI등재

        이탈리아 항만의 사회경제학적 효과에 대한 연구

        Enrico D’agostini,류동근 한국항해항만학회 2017 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.41 No.4

        항만은 단순히 화물을 적재하고 하역하는 것뿐만 아니라 전 세계적 생산 네트워크 및 복잡한 공급망 내에서 중요한 역할을 하는 허브로 발전해 왔다. 항만은 지역적 수준에서 국가적 수준에 이르기까지 다양한 부가가치 생산 및 고용 창출에 기여하고 있으며, 이러한 점은 항만 및 항만 이해관계자에게 중요한 이슈가 되고 있다. 본 연구는 회귀모델을 활용하여 부가가치 및 고용수치에 대한 정보가 미비한 이탈리 아 내 항만 17곳의 부가가치 및 고용효과를 분석하는 것이 목적이다. 이탈리아 항만 시스템 개선의 측면에서, 본 연구는 해당 항만들의 효과 와 지역경제 내에서의 역할을 측정할 수 있는 도구를 개발하여 해당 항만의 정책 입안자들이 활용할 수 있도록 하였다. 본 연구에서는 모든 이탈리아 항만들이 지역 경제에 간접적 효과보다는 직접적 효과에 더 영향을 받는 것으로 조사되었으며, 대형 항만에서는 더 큰 사회경제적 효과가 발생하는 것으로 분석되었다. Seaports are not longer considered to be single entities for which the main activity is to load and discharge cargo, but rather as fundamental hubs within a complex supply chain serving global production networks. From a public perspective, they hold a key role in terms of their economic impact at the local, regional and national level by generating value added activity and employment. This issue is becoming increasingly pivotal for ports and their stakeholders. The objective of the study is to estimate a regression model of the value added activity and employment figures of 17 Italian ports for which there are no publications available. Concerning port system reform in Italy, the research intends to provide policy makers with a tool to measure the effects produced by ports and their importance to local communities and regions. The paper finds that in all Italian ports, the direct effects are larger than the indirect effects, and the bigger socio-economic effects are found in the biggest ports.

      • KCI등재

        An Empirical Study of Voyage Chartering Practices in the Tanker Market

        D’agostini Enrico,Park Nam Ki,아슈로프 압둘라지즈,김재봉 한국해양비즈니스학회 2018 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.41

        Chartering activities play a major role in the shipping industry. The number of charter-parties fixed in a period of time can reflect the status of the world economy by providing an indication of the import and exports volumes of worldwide raw materials. The tanker market is the most important segment in chartering as it is the largest for weight and value of liquid bulk cargoes transported. The study has a threefold objective: 1) to find out which factors among the ones taken into account (DWT, vessel’s age, frequency, cargo quantity, bunker prices, Clarkson weekly tanker index, nautical miles) are most likely to influence freight rates determination and what their magnitude is in the tanker segment in 2016; 2) to investigate whether charters’ frequency to fix charter-parties is a major factor in freight rates determination and; 3) to find out differences in the magnitude of selected factors by comparing ship size (Aframax vs. Suezmax vs VLCC). The findings of the paper show that factors with the largest effects and most likely to impact freight rates determination are cargo quantity, nautical miles, bunker price and frequency. Secondly, the frequency play only a minor role in affecting freight rates when Ordinary Least Square (OLS) is applied. Finally, when the results obtained are compared according to ship’s type, there are some significant differences in results as variables likely to influence freight rates show distinctive magnitudes.

      • KCI등재

        무인화 선박에 대한 한국 선원들의 인식에 관한 연구

        D’agostini Enrico,류동근,조소현 한국항해항만학회 2017 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.41 No.6

        Recently, renewed attention for technological applications within the maritime industry has taken place, particularly regarding unmanned vessels. There has been a lot of interest about the number of projects aiming at testing the operational feasibility of unmanned vessels, particularly in relation to technological, safety and security issues. Nevertheless, no studies have investigated this issue from the point of view of seafarers towards unmanned vessels; this paper aims at filling this gap. Data has been collected through a survey questionnaire. A Pearson correlational coefficient has been used to test the correlation between some of the variables. The results show that more than half of the respondents indicated that unmanned vessels do not contribute to an increase in accidents at sea. In addition, seafarers believe unmanned vessels will not be operational in the near future, with most of the respondents indicating a 10-20 year time frame. Thirdly, most of the respondents(both officers and ratings). 최근 무인화 선박과 관련하여 해양 산업 분야에서의 기술적인 응용에 대한 관심이 일어나고 있다. 특히 기술, 안전 및 보안 문제와 관련하여 무인 선박의 운영 가능성을 시험하고 개발하는 것을 목표로 하는 많은 연구에 대한 관심이 모아지고 있다. 이처럼 선박은 매우 빠르게 기술 개발이 이루어지고 있으며 결국에 선원이 승선하지 않아도 되는 무인화 및 지능형 선박의 개발까지 이어지게 되었다. 하지만 현재까지 선원들의 관점에서 선박의 기술적 변화와 앞으로 도입될 무인화 선박에 대한 그들의 인식에 관한 연구는 없었다. 4차 산업 혁신 중에 하나일 선박의 자율운항기술은 선원의 일자리, 선원의 노동과 윤리적 분야, 교육과 훈련 등 영향을 미칠 것이며 이는 선원의 선상 근무가 필요 없는 무인 선박의 개발에 앞서서 논의되어야 할 사항이다. 이러한 논의의 시작으로 본 연구는 무인화 선박에 대한 선원의 지식과 인식이 어떠한지 조사하고 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 응답자를 대상으로 조사 설문지를 통해 데이터를 수집했으며 변수들 간의 상관 관계를 테스트하는 데 피어슨 상관 계수를 사용하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Comparative Port Performance Analysis of Italian Ports

        Enrico D’agostini,Dong-Keun Ryoo,So-Hyun Jo 한국항해항만학회 2015 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.39 No.5

        Recently, the fierce competitions in the shipping industry and the global economic downturn have heavily influenced ports’ operational strategies. In order for port authorities to remain competitive at an international level and to provide more accurate information to develop National policies, ports are required to analyse and improve operations’ efficiency. In this paper, the efficiency of 19 Italian ports in 2013, handling different types of cargoes, is assessed through the application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), with constant return to scale (CRS) and variable return to scale (VRS). The purpose of this study is to analyze the efficiency of Italian ports and evaluate whether differences in size and specialization of each port (or cargo handled) are directly correlated with ports' efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of Myanmar Seafarers’ Impact on National Economy

        Enrico D’agostini 한국항해항만학회 2017 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.41 No.5

        Shortage of trained seafarers is an issue, which many ship-owners are facing and, according to recent studies, the shortfall of both officers and rating will worsen in the next few years. The key role of seafarers is of fundamental importance in international trade, as they are the ones responsible for safely manning and operating ships. In developing countries, they also perform a strategic aspect in terms of contribution to GDP, mainly by earning foreign currency and increasing national consumption of goods and services. Myanmar is still considered a developing country with an economy, which has only recently started growing steady. It is also one of the major seafarers supplying nations and the contribution, which seafarers have on the national GDP may be particularly significant in comparison to other countries. This study aims at investigating seafarers’ impact towards the Myanmar national economy. The paper describes the status of Myanmar seafarers, and the seafarers’ current and forecasted impact towards the Myanmar economy through a regression model. The study concludes with recommendations to make Myanmar seafarers more competitive internationally and increase their economic contribution nationally.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of Myanmar Seafarers' Impact on National Economy

        D'agostini, Enrico Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2017 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.41 No.5

        Shortage of trained seafarers is an issue, which many ship-owners are facing and, according to recent studies, the shortfall of both officers and rating will worsen in the next few years. The key role of seafarers is of fundamental importance in international trade, as they are the ones responsible for safely manning and operating ships. In developing countries, they also perform a strategic aspect in terms of contribution to GDP, mainly by earning foreign currency and increasing national consumption of goods and services. Myanmar is still considered a developing country with an economy, which has only recently started growing steady. It is also one of the major seafarers supplying nations and the contribution, which seafarers have on the national GDP may be particularly significant in comparison to other countries. This study aims at investigating seafarers' impact towards the Myanmar national economy. The paper describes the status of Myanmar seafarers, and the seafarers' current and forecasted impact towards the Myanmar economy through a regression model. The study concludes with recommendations to make Myanmar seafarers more competitive internationally and increase their economic contribution nationally.

      • KCI등재

        The Economic Impact of Maritime Piracy in the Gulf of Aden: challenges and implications

        Enrico D’agostini,Dong-Keun Ryoo,So-Hyun Jo 한국항해항만학회 2015 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.39 No.5

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze maritime piracy and its economic implications with particular attention to attacks registered in the Gulf of Aden, The paper also aims to investigate how the International community, along with Sovereign States, should allocate resources in order to make the seas a safer place and describe how closely inter-related maritime piracy, preventive and punitive measures put in place by Governments are. Elements of economics and ergonomics are taken into account in order to properly investigate the major legal issues relating to maritime security. The paper proposes a cost-benefit analysis in order to investigate in theory what is the rationale behind engaging in criminal behavior and recommend some solutions to the issue to be undertaken by the International community. It is concluded that in order to cost effectively fight piracy, a mix of more coordinated National and International laws, standardized and increased punishment levels among jurisdictions and extended patrol controls are needed.

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