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      • KCI등재

        Interface of Korean Culture and the Contours of Sacred-space

        Das,A. K. 한국박물관학회 2008 博物館學報 Vol.- No.14·15

        In the year 2006 the UNESCO conducted a world-wide survey particularly in areas known for the traditional way of life specifically in the Asia-Pacific region to collect data on the dying traditions. The data bank on this aspect would reveal a large body of traditions in Asia both tangible and intangible are either dying or struggling for survival. In India. China. Korea and the countries of South-east Asia many a form of arts and crafts. traditions. customs. rites . rituals. songs . dances. performances. ceremonies. languages and dialects so on and so forth are fast on the wane. The change is inevitable in terms of social. cultural and economic development. It is part and parcel of human life and history. Yet certain value and finer sides of life needs continuity to sustain cultural identity. In this context the relevance of the heritage conservation has been accepted world over. The stipulations of the UNESCO Conventions on the Safeguard of Tangible and the Intangible Human Heritage' (2003) are a matter of great concern to the modern and traditional societies. ll In this context it may be mentioned that the tangible heritages have been well looked after in highly industrialized countries like Korea and Japan in East Asia. However. preservation of intangible heritage here needs some attention. National cultural identity inherent in ways of human life is represented by the tangible and the intangible elements that are subjected to change. However. the significance of the intangible heritage lies in the fact that it carry forward past to the present in a dynamic form.

      • KCI등재

        Oxide Scale Characterization and Study of Oxidation Kinetics in T91 Steel Exposed to Dry Air at High Temperatures (873–1073 K)

        S. Das,S. Sanyal,P. Halder,A. Varma,Y. Ravi Kumar,S. Mandal 대한금속·재료학회 2022 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.28 No.8

        In this study, the oxidation response of a T91 steel in dry air environment has been investigated by performing cyclic oxidationtests at 873, 973 and 1073 K for a total duration of 1000 h with intermediate intervals. The temperature range for thisstudy is chosen to be higher than the operating temperature range of the alloy to accelerate the oxidation kinetics. Developinga comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms and kinetics involved at such accelerated oxidation environmentswould help to formulate better strategies for countering oxidation related failure events. The results of this study showedthat the oxidation rate is greatly influenced by temperature as well as exposure time, and follows a near-parabolic rate law. Characterization of the oxide scales revealed formation of dual oxide layers where the inner layer is primarily rich in Feand Cr, and the outer layer in Fe only. At 1073 K, formation of cracks can be observed in the oxide scales after 24 h, whichbecame more severe after 1000 h. The oxidation kinetics, when fitted to an Arrhenius type equation, can be associated withactivation energy (Q) and parabolic rate constant (kp) values. The Q values lie within 104–109 kJ/mol, whereas the kp valuesincrease with temperature due to increase in the reaction rate. The kinetic equation developed based on the Q and kp valuescan be used to predict the thickness (inner, outer and overall) of the oxide scales in T91 steel at any temperature and timewithin the studied ranges.

      • Effects of some integrated management options on parthenium interference in sorghum

        Tadesse, Besufekad,Das, Tapas K.,Yaduraju, Nanjapur T. The Korean Society of Weed Science and The Turfgra 2010 Weed Biology and Management Vol.10 No.3

        Parthenium is widely distributed across the uncropped areas of the tropics. It has slowly encroached into many crops and causes considerable yield loss. It heavily infests sorghum, which is widely cultivated by the resource-poor farmers in Africa and Asia. Its interference and management in sorghum in these cropping systems is not well understood. Therefore, this experiment was undertaken to determine the appropriate parthenium management techniques to use in sorghum crops. All the studied weeds, in combination with parthenium, offered greater competition to sorghum than parthenium alone. Similarly, under a composite stand of weeds, parthenium was inferior in competitiveness to the other weeds until 60 days after sowing (DAS); by 90 DAS, it could accumulate a higher dry weight due to its consistent growth. A pre-emergence treatment of atrazine (0.75 $kg\;ha^{-1}$) with wheat straw mulch (5.0 $t\;ha^{-1}$) brought about a consistent and significant reduction in the parthenium growth and, consequently, increased the sorghum yield by 90.8%. Cowpea intercropping with and without pendimethalin (1.0 $kg\;ha^{-1}$) as a pre-emergence treatment could not control parthenium between 0 and 60 DAS, but could reduce the parthenium growth during the later period of 60.90 DAS, which resulted in a significant increase in sorghum growth.These intercropping treatments increased the sorghum grain yield by 156.2% and 142.4%, respectively, over the unweeded control and by 18.5% and 12.1%, respectively, over the weed-free control. These treatments also promoted a higher uptake of N, P, and K by the sorghum crop. Thus, cowpea intercropping was the most effective method for parthenium management vis-$\grave{a}$-vis sorghum yield improvement, followed by cowpea intercropping with pendimethalin and then by atrazine as a pre-emergence treatment with wheat straw mulch.

      • SCIE


        Das, Rabindra Nath,Park, Sung-Hyun The Korean Statistical Society 2007 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Vol.36 No.4

        In Response Surface Methodology (RSM), rotatability is a natural and highly desirable property. For second order general correlated regression model, the concept of robust rotatability was introduced by Das (1997). In this paper a new measure of robust rotatability for second order response surface designs with correlated errors is developed and illustrated with an example. A comparison is made between the newly developed measure with the previously suggested measure by Das (1999).

      • KCI등재후보

        Efficacy of two commonly used potentized homeopathic drugs, Calcarea carbonica and Lycopodium clavatum, used for treating polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients: II. Modulating effects on certain associated hormonal levels

        Debarsi Das,Indira Das,Jayeeta Das,Saroj Kumar Koyal,Anisur Rahman Khuda-Bukhsh 셀메드 세포교정의약학회 2016 셀메드 (CellMed) Vol.6 No.1

        In view of greater attention given to the incidence of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in women of reproductive age, particularly in urban and semi-urban population in India, research works in both the regimens of orthodox and complementary and alternative medicines have been rejuvenated in recent years. We report here relative efficacy of two potentized homeopathic remedies, Calcarea carbonica (Calc) and Lycopodium clavatum (Lyco) used traditionally for the removal of ovarian cysts. These drugs are most frequently used based on guiding symptoms of individual patients. Effects of either of these remedies on its ability of removing cysts, along with amelioration of certain other hormones and hormone-related parameters of PCOS, such as follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, Estradiol, Testosterone (Free/Total), Dehydroepiandosterone, Prolactine, Progesterone (17- Hydroxyprogesterone), TSH including T3, T4, and Insulin were studied. The Insulin-related parameters like changes in fasting or post-prandial glucose levels were also studied. The mentioned hormones play some- direct or indirect roles in causing irregular menstrual cycle and PCOS. The data collected at three fixation time points, namely, at 6, 12, and 18 months were considered. Results showed that out of 40 patients initially having PCOS, cysts were totally removed in 21 patients along with amelioration of other relevant symptoms. Both Calc and Lyco had amelioration of similar nature. Results of this study therefore validate safe and effective use of both Calc and Lyco in homeopathy, to patients with basic guiding symptoms for either drug, and can be recommended for patients with PCOS as they do not have any reported side-effects.

      • KCI등재후보

        Efficacy of two traditionally used potentized homeopathic medicines, Calcarea carbonica and Lycopodium clavatum, used for treating PCOS patients: I. Effects on certain important external guiding symptoms

        Debarsi Das,Indira Das,Jayeeta Das,Saroj Kumar Kayal,Anisur Rahman Khuda-Bukhsh 셀메드 세포교정의약학회 2016 셀메드 (CellMed) Vol.6 No.1

        Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) has now become more common in occurrence in women of reproductive age, particularly in urban and semi-urban population in India. So there is a need to investigate this phenomenon taking into consideration various aspects including possible treatment method to ameliorate/eradicate this syndrome, which has far reaching socio-economic impact and consequences, in view of infertility and irregular menstrual cycles frequently associated with this syndrome. Homeopathy is a branch of traditional alternative medicine which is gaining popularity in India and some other developing countries, as also in some of the developed countries in Europe. With this background scenario, we have made an attempt to treat cases of confirmed PCOS and tried to compare the relative efficacy of two potentized homeopathic drugs, namely, Lycopodium clavatum (Lyco) and Calcarea carbonica (Calc), most frequently used by homeopathic practitioners, selecting different potencies of the drugs, depending on condition/guiding symptom(s) of the patients. While the main focus was pointed on total/partial removal of cysts, data pertaining to different PCOS associated symptoms were also compared for the sake of learning if the two drugs had differential effects on these symptoms also. The study parameters in this investigation included: regularity/irregularity of menstrual cycle, presence/absence of acne, hirsutism, male type alopecia, acanthosis nigricans, body/mass index (BMI) and waist-hip ratio. Overall results provided clear evidences that both these homeopathic drugs had great ameliorating effects on PCOS, although each drug had a little different effect in respect of the individual parameters of this study.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        An Empirical Study on the Impact of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Indian Corporate Sectors

        Santanu Kumar Das(Santanu Kumar Das ),Manas Pandey(Manas Pandey ) 세종대학교 경제통합연구소 2022 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.37 No.4

        India, has traditionally been involved in various corporate socially responsible (CSR) activities. This paper presents an empirical analysis of CSR activities of some selected public and private organization in India. The key objective of this analysis is to review the companies' CSR investment in sustainability, disclosure, governance, and CSR stakeholders. The Hypotheses development explains the positive significant relationship between CSR and firm performance. Then the methodology section explains sample selection and data source. Using these data, the CSR practices in selected public and private companies are evaluated based on the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines, and a comparative study of the impact of CSR practices on companies' profitability is conducted. The study also focuses on how CSR influences these companies' gross margins, as well as the correlation between environmental concerns and return on investment. The result of this study are appropriate for India's present scenario demonstrating that all companies are conducting CSR operations, but there is a substantial difference in the CSR disclosure practices of the selected firms. The private companies in India invests more in CSR but spend less on the environmental aspects whereas the public companies invest less in CSR but almost spend their entire CSR expenditure on the social and environmental aspects.

      • KCI등재

        A Measure of Robust Rotatability for Second Order Response Surface Designs

        Rabindra Nath Das,박성현 한국통계학회 2007 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Vol.36 No.4

        In Response Surface Methodology (RSM), rotatability is a natural andhighly desirable property. For second order general correlated regressionmodel, the concept of robust rotatability was introduced by Das (1997). Inthis paper a new measure of robust rotatability for second order responsesurface designs with correlated errors is developed and illustrated with anexample. A comparison is made between the newly developed measure withthe previously suggested measure by Das (1999).

      • KCI등재


        Pradeep Kumar Das 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2016 남아시아연구 Vol.22 No.1

        The phenomenon called ‘Reversed compound-verbs’ (RVCs hereafter) has very much been noticed by Hook (1974; 55). He highlights the ‘confusions’ that such RCVs bring for the analysis of this category of compound verbs in Hindi. He has been able to list some of the pairs of ‘polar’ and ‘vector’ verbs that can be reordered in Hindi and many other Indian languages, but there is no explanation that is available for such reordering in Hook(ibid). The present paper is an effort to examine the process of the formation of these ‘Reversible Compound Verbs’ (RCVs hereafter) and analyze the function of the RCVs by using the yardstick adopted in Das (2006, 2013 and 2015). It would be interesting to examine what happens to the morphological, semantic and syntactic requirements of the CVs when they are compared with that of the RCVs. What is the semantic context in which the reordering of some CVs is grammatical and acceptable but others turn out to be ungrammatical and thus not allowed for reversing or reordering. It would give us a chance to evaluate the hypothesis proposed in Das (1997, 2015) that the ± transitivity of the V2 decides the ± transitivity of the entire CV in Hindi and other languages. There are some linguistic principles that dominate when and how CVs can be reversed. It is interesting to examine the so-called ‘reversed compound verbs’ in Hindi as it involves the pragmatic factors such as stylistic effect, suddenness, directionality, intentionality and the uncontrollable actions as the linguistic parameters which need a great deal of explanation. The present paper in an effort to take up these issues that are involved in reversing, reshuffling or reordering of the ‘compound verbs’ in Hindi and this should be empirically explained and typologically verified in other Indian languages.

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