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      • KCI등재

        Student and Teacher Perceptions of a Performance Assessment for College English Conversation Courses

        Daniel James Cuffey,Mee Hye Kang,Myeong-Hee Seong 한국영어어문교육학회 2018 영어어문교육 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to explore college students’ and teachers’ perceptions of a performance assessment to see how students and teachers understand it. To do this, a quantitative and qualitative survey was given to 969 sophomore students who enrolled for an English conversation course at a university in Gyeonggi province near Seoul. The survey was also completed by eight native English instructors who taught the English conversation program at the same university. The results show that both teachers and students agreed on the necessity of a performance assessment. Both teachers and students believed that the performance assessment was helpful to improve students’ general English ability. Teachers preferred multiple types of tests throughout the semester, but students do not show clear preferences. Students prefer a one-on-one interview to a group presentation, even though they believe the group presentation improves their linguistic ability. Teachers believe the performance assessment helps, but do not strongly agree with maintaining the current project-based performance test. The results imply that maintaining a small class for conversation teachers and providing a comfortable setting for the students are the ways for performance assessments to be successful.

      • KCI등재

        Insights into Test Construction Practices of Native English Speaking Teachers in College Conversation Courses

        강미혜,Daniel James Cuffey,성명희 한국영어어문교육학회 2017 영어어문교육 Vol.23 No.3

        This study aims to analyze the college English conversation tests of native English teachers to see if the tests complied with program goals. Also, problems with current test construction practices were highlighted and improvements for similar conversation courses were suggested. In order to do this, we examined the test construction practices of seven native English teachers who taught an English conversation course at a university in Gyeonggi province near Seoul. The teachers’ mid-term and final tests were collected and they also expressed their views on testing through a survey and interviews. The teachers’ tests were analyzed in terms of the types of assessments used, question types, number of test items, language skills targeted, and task types. The results showed that despite having a standardized course goal and using the same textbook, the testing methods utilized by teachers varied widely and teachers typically employed written tests which varied extensively due to non-standardization. However, the teachers believed oral exams should be employed in various ways: a 1:1 interview, individual presentations, group discussions or role plays. The implications of these assessment methods, along with the future direction of this study were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Insights into Test Construction Practices of Native English Speaking Teachers in College Conversation Courses

        Mee Hye Kang,Daniel James Cuffey,Myeong-Hee Seong 한국영어어문교육학회 2017 영어어문교육 Vol.23 No.3

        This study aims to analyze the college English conversation tests of native English teachers to see if the tests complied with program goals. Also, problems with current test construction practices were highlighted and improvements for similar conversation courses were suggested. In order to do this, we examined the test construction practices of seven native English teachers who taught an English conversation course at a university in Gyeonggi province near Seoul. The teachers’ mid-term and final tests were collected and they also expressed their views on testing through a survey and interviews. The teachers’ tests were analyzed in terms of the types of assessments used, question types, number of test items, language skills targeted, and task types. The results showed that despite having a standardized course goal and using the same textbook, the testing methods utilized by teachers varied widely and teachers typically employed written tests which varied extensively due to non-standardization. However, the teachers believed oral exams should be employed in various ways: a 1:1 interview, individual presentations, group discussions or role plays. The implications of these assessment methods, along with the future direction of this study were discussed.

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