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      • KCI등재후보

        제3자의 성희롱과 책임

        이달휴 한국노동법학회 2003 노동법학 Vol.0 No.16

        As the consciousness of our society for women's human rights has been grown rapidly, provisions of Sexual Harassment have been enacted. Under the Equality Employment Act Sexual Harassment has been recognized and prohibited as the violations of human rights and gender discriminations. Futher a district court held lately that employers had liabilities for the damages. In spite of consciousness-raising of Sexual Harassment, the understanding of Third-Party Harassment at work is still deficient. Third-party means a worker of trade company of a customer except employers, senior workers and co-workers. Third-Party cannot be also a party of Sexual Harassment under the Ministry of Labor's guidelines for the prevention of Sexual Harassment at work. Besides, though Third-party Harassment happens frequently in practice, studies in Sexual Harassment by third-party are very insufficient. Therefore this paper focuses on possibility of constitution, requirements, and employers' liabilities for Third-Party Harassment at work and investigates possibilities to apply foreign cases to our law systems. Third-Party Sexual Harassment means that "Third-Party makes worker feel sexually humiliated or offended by using sexually charged behaviors or languages in relation to work." This is divided into two general categories; first, employers promulgated job requirements which result in Sexual Harassment by Third-Party, and second, employers didn't promulgate. And that is able to be divided into requirements with relation to work itself and requirements without relation to work. When Third-Party Harassment is constituted employer has a liability for the Sexual Harassment by himself or offenses against duty of protection in a contract of employment and duty of care in the law of tort. And if there are harms caused by it, employer is also liable for industrial accident compensation. Undoubtedly Third-Party, that is harasser, takes criminal and civil responsibilities. Its preventions are better policy than any other reliefstep. All employers, workers, and Third-Parties have to aware that it is violations of human rights, especially, the right to work in comfortable circumstances. The equality of gender must be practice in our society and at work from a viewpoint that women are a large majority of victims.

      • KCI등재후보

        단체교섭과 노사협의회의 차이점 : 대법원 2005. 3.11, 2003다27429

        이달휴 慶北大學校 法學硏究所 2005 법학논고 Vol.22 No.-

        The Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea sentenced that the collective agreement on the work conditions would not need to be signed on the document only through the collective bargaining officially in order to effect legally. Also the Supreme Court of R. O. Korea gave a decision that the agreement of the council of Labor and management could be effective as the collective agreement when the same representatives of Labor and Management consented the agreement with formal and substantial elements of the collective agreement. But this judgement, I think, is not appropriate in the virtue of the labor law of R. O. Korea. The difference between the collective bargaining system and the council of Labor-Management system exists in many aspects. In conclusion, I think that the agreement of the council of Labor-Management could not be operated as the collective agreement in this case because the collective agreement did not entrust the retirement allowance to the supplementary agreement of the council of Labor-Management.

      • KCI등재

        업무방해죄와 노동조합및노동관계조정법 제41조 제1항을 위반한 쟁의행위

        이달휴 한국비교형사법학회 2002 비교형사법연구 Vol.4 No.1

        In order to guarantee the democracy of the trade unions, Trade Union and Labor Relation Adjustment Act Clause 1, Article 41 provides that "A trade union shall not conduct industrial actions, unless decided with concurrent votes of a majority of the union members by a direct, secret, and unsigned ballot". The Supreme Court, in previous cases, ruled that because industrial actions which violates this provision were industrial actions which constituted only the deviation from simple procedures, they were justified, apart from the application of punitive provisions. But changing already established opinions, the Supreme Court, in a recent case, ruled that they were not justified. Therefore I criticized the new opinion of the Supreme Court from the standpoint of the Labor Law. In short, it does not accord with the system of the present labor law that, as in present cases, while the Supreme Court, in case of making collective agreements, places emphasis on the idea of trade unions more than that of the union members, the Supreme Court, in case of conducting industrial actions, is just the opposite.

      • 政治學의 行態的 硏究方法 : The Behavioral Approach by Robert A Dahl

        Dahl,Robert A. 梨花女子大學校 法政大學 1963 法政學報 Vol.6 No.-

        끝으로 나는 경험적 정치학은 『추측』의 여지를 발견하는 것이 좋을 것이라고 제안하고 싶다. 자연 과학의 업적에 감명정치학도가 가장 위험한 - 즉 추측의 이용을 제외하고는 그들의 모든 방법을 모방하기 쉬운데 그것은 중대한 문제이다. 경험적 가설의 수락할 수 있는 시험으로 간주될 수 있는 것을 위한 방법과 적절한 관심의 문제는 정치학의 큰 단계의 날개 쪽으로부터 중앙부로 적절하게 이동되었다. 그러나 대 과학자의 혜지를 일반적으로 표시한 것은 확실히 상상이었다. 그리고 추측 - 대로 우매한 추측은 후에 드러난다 - 은 일반적으로 과학적 이론의 발전을 추진하였다. 그러나 Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Einstein 등의 추측은 그들에게 그 당시 알려진 엄연한 사실의 깊은 이해에 의하여 보고되고 조종됐음은 물론이다. Kepler의 추측은 언제나 Tycho Brahe의 표에 직면해야 했던 것이다. 통합이 새로히 이루어 질 수 있다고 생각할 수 있는 모든 이유가 있다. 결국 Socrates, Aristotle, Machiavelli, hobbes, Tocqueville 등의 이름이 우리에게 상기시켜준 바와 같이 과거 시간의 경과에 따라서 정치의 연구는 변화했으며 경험적 탐구 정신의 신선한 주입 - 즉 과학적 전망 - 에 의하여 부단히 변화하고 있는 것이다.

      • 政治學이란 무엇인가?

        Dahl, Robert A. 慶北大學校 政治外交學會 1970 政治外交學報 Vol.2 No.-

        정치학이란 무엇인가? 먼저 정치학이란 말할 것도 없이 정치에 관한 연구인 것이다. 그것은 정치의 체계적 연구 즉 체계적 분석에 의해서 당황케 하는 특수한 일에 존재하고 있는 보다 넓고 보다 일반적인 의의가 있는 여러 원칙을 발견하는 기도이다 라고 하는 것이 더 좋을런지 모르겠다. 따라서 먼저 우리는 정치의 체계적 연구로서의 정치학과 정치의 실천과를 구별하지 않으면 안 된다.

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