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        Air Pollution Reduction Strategies of World Major Ports

        Han,Chul Hwan 한국무역상무학회 2010 貿易商務硏究 Vol.48 No.-

        Pollution emissions from international shipping and port activities have a significant impact on public health and global climate changes. The purpose of this paper is to review the status of pollution mitigation measures implemented to date in port industry and find out some implications for Korean ports. For this aim, the clean air strategies of the world major ports including six USA ports (Los Angeles/Long Beach, Now York/New Jersey, and Seattle and Tacoma), two European ports (Rotterdam and Gothenburg) and Busan Port were considered. Various measures to reduce emission from ports are evaluated by sectors-ocean going vessels, cargo handling equipments, truck and rail-, on the basis of categories such as reduction control technologies, operational changes and market-based measures. The policy implications of this paper are as follows. First, Clean Air Act Plans of Korean ports are required as soon as possible. Second, integrated approach is required to reduce emission effectively. Finally, the effect of port-related emission reduction can be maximized when various measures are conducted on a regional basis including neighboring ports. Furthermore, regional or global-based approach is useful to guarantee the level playing field among ports.

      • 성경공부의 역사적 배경과 교재의 유형분석

        김철한 국제기독교언어문화연구원 1999 기독교언어문화논집 Vol.3 No.-

        Dr. Chul Han Kim. 1999. Historical Background of Bible Studies and Typical Analysis of Bible Teaching Materials. Collected Papers on Christian Language Culture. Bible studies can be found to have played an important role in recognizing the God's plan and guidance toward man and taking a living attitude according to the will of God for man in Jesus Christ. And this paper is to analyze the historical process of Christian education through inquiring into historical background of Bible studies on the basis of periodic typical analysis of Bible teaching materials. (Paster of Omok-Chun Church in Soo-won)

      • KCI등재

        정지용 시의 ‘나븨’와 죽음 의식

        한상철(Han, Sang-chul) 한국비평문학회 2014 批評文學 Vol.- No.52

        이 논문의 목적은 정지용 시의 ‘나븨’ 표상에 주목하여 그의 시에 나타난 죽음 의식의 특성을 고찰하려는 것이다. 9편에 이르는 지용의 ‘나븨’ 관련 시 중 다수가 1927년과 1941년에 집중적으로 발표되었다는 사실을 고려할 때, ‘나븨’ 표상의 활용은 시인의 의도와 직접적으로 연동되었을 가능성이 크기 때문이다. 이러한 맥락에 주목하여 이루어진 본론의 논지는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 지용 시 전반에 걸쳐 등장하는 ‘나븨’ 표상은 죽음과 관련된 시적화자의 정서를 반영한다. 전기와 후기를 불문하고, 대부분의 시에서 시적화자의 비극적 현실 인식과 죽음 의식이 직간접적으로 드러나고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 지용 시의 ‘나븨’ 표상에 대한 가장 강력한 대응점은 신산스러운 삶의 고통과 그것을 벗어나는 행위로서의 ‘죽음’이라고 말할 수 있다. 둘째, 비교적 초기에 해당하는 1927년과 후기시의 특징이 전형적으로 드러난 1941년의 ‘나븨’ 표상에는 분명한 차이가 존재한다. 주로 자식의 죽음과 관련된 전자의 ‘나븨’ 표상이 슬픔과 애상의 정조를 바탕으로 한계 상황에 놓인 존재의 절박한 심경과 맞닿아 있다면, 1941년의 시에 보이는 ‘나븨’들은 죽음에 대한 비애 자체에 머물지 않고 외려 삶의 이면을 성찰하게 만드는 관조적 태도를 보여주고 있다. 셋째, 지용의 죽음 의식이 변모하는 중요한 분기점은 1930년대 중반에 발표된 카톨릭 종교시라고 말할 수 있다. 카톨리시즘에 대한 천착 과정을 거치며 현실의 삶과 초월적 삶의 경계에 선 시적 화자의 태도가 형성되었다고 보이기 때문이다. 이처럼 죽음의 비극과 그것으로부터의 초월이 동시적으로 공존하는 세계에 대한 체험은 후기 지용 시의 관조적 세계 인식을 만들어낸 중요한 계기가 된다. The purpose of this article is to bring light on the meaning of the death consciousness in Jiyong’s poetry by focusing on the representation of ‘Nabui(butterfly)’. Relating to the representation of ‘Nabui(butterfly)’, the death consciousness in Jiyong’s poetry has three characteristics mainly. First, the representation of ‘Nabui(butterfly)’ in his poems connotes a painful life and the meaning of the ‘death’ as the act of seeking relief from suffering. second, there are marked differences in the representation of ‘Nabui(butterfly)’ in Jiyong’s poems which were published in 1927 and 1941. The representation of ‘Nabui(butterfly)’ was based on sentiment of sadness and sorrow in his 1923 poem, while it showed a contemplative attitude to introspect the hidden side of life in his 1941 poem. Third, Jiyong published religious poetry influenced by Catholicism in the mid 1930s. This was a important turning point which the death consciousness of Jiyong was transfigured. In the process of digging into Catholicism, it is shown that the narrator’s attitude is formed from the boundaries between practical life and transcendental life.

      • 용인대학교 체육관 트레이닝장 이용 현황에 관한 분석

        한성철,이한경,안병훈 용인대학교 학생생활연구소 1997 학생생활연구 Vol.5 No.-

        After the research on the using realities of the gym training center in Yong-in university, the following results were gained. 1. The research showed that the using status of the training center of the students in a college of martial arts was 76.06% and that for the frequency of use in proportion to the number of students by each department, the department of Judo averaged 4.2 times a semester, the department of Combative arts, 2.9 times, the department of Taekwondo, 3.1 times and the department of guard 8.3 times. 2. The using status of the training center of the students in a college of arthletic science turned out to be 16.74%, and in the frequency of using training center during one semester of the students in each department, the department of social sports was 3.2 times, the department of special physical training, 1.1 times and the department of physical training, 5.3 times. 3. The using status of the training center of a college of arts turned out to be 1.81%, and in the frequency of use by each department, the department of dancing studies used 0.03 times, the department of industrial design, 0.7 time, the department of paintings, 0.06 times, the department of national clssical music, 0.007 times, and the department of drama and cinema, 0.05 times, and then the department of cultural properties protection and the department of multimedia never used. 4. The using status of the training center of a college of business administration turned out to be 2.11%, and in the frequency of use by each department, the department of business administration was 0.6 times, the department of tourist management, 0.27 time, the department of management information, 0.04 times, the department of police administration, 2.3 times and the department of Chinese studies, 0.1 times. 5. The using status of the training center of a college of natural science turned out to be 2.08%, and in the frequency of use by each department, the department of environmental health used 0.33 times, the department of food nutrition, 0.2 times, the department of computing statistics, 0.07 times, the department of physical therapeutics, 0.43 times and the department of life science, 0.3 times. 6. The rest users turned out to be 1.19%, and thesc were mainly graduate school students, social education center members and school staffs.

      • 大氣汚染物質의 變異原性에 關한 硏究 : 마우스 母體 및 胎仔의 小核試驗을 中心으로

        韓東宣,車喆煥,張聖薰,裵思相 고려대학교 의과대학 1989 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.26 No.3

        This Study aimed at identifying the cytogenic effect of air pollutants in pregnant mouse and her fetus. Samples of air pollutants were collected by the high volume air sampler in several sites of Seoul from May through December in 1988. Total suspended particulates (TSP) were measured and those of benzene and methanol were extracted and dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxied (DMSO). Those were injected into peritoneal cavity by the concentration and the micronucleated polychromatic erythrocyte (MNPCE) was observed in the bone marrow of mother mice. IN addition, the liver of fetus was extracted and MNPCE was observed. Transplacental genetic toxicity due to air pollutants in both cases was measured in the end. 1. In case of the tar concentration equivalent to those residing in the volume of 100m³ of air, the MNPCEs in the mother's bone marrow were 0.57±0.15% and 0.70±.20% in Shinchon; 0.27±0.17% and 0.40±0.13 In Jungrung and in the underground shopping center ; 0.33±0.10% and 0.55±0.13% in the subway station. The MNPCEs measured in the sample of the tunnels, of which tar concentration was equivalent to that in 50m³ and 100m³ of air, were 0.86±0.24% and 1.06±0.17% in tunnel A and 0.70±0.15% and 0.96±0.23% in tunnel B; those were the highest MNPCE in the samples of mother mice. 2. The MNPCEs measured in the liver of featus were 0.60±0.25% and 0.80±0.15% in Shinchon. In Jungrung and the underground shopping center, the MNPCEs in the liver of fetus were the same as those in mothers. In the sample of the subway station, the MNPCEs in the liver of fetus, 0.73±0.20%, were higher than in mothers only in the 200? tar concentration. The MNPCEs in the 50m³ and 100m³ tar concentration were 0.87±0.10% and 1.27±0.27% in tunnel A, and 0.68±0.41% and 1.07±0.23% in tunnel B. It showed that the MNPCEs only in the 100m³ tar concentration were higher than those in mothers.

      • 컴퓨터 교육내용학 학습을 위한 개념학습 모형 연구

        한선관,이철환 仁川敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 2004 과학교육논총 Vol.16 No.-

        본 연구는 컴퓨터 교과 내용학 지도를 위한 개념 학습 모형 설계에 관한 내용이다. 컴퓨터 교과 내용학의 추상적인 이론과 내용을 학습자가 이해 하기는 매우 어렵다. 또한 추상적인 컴퓨터 용어를 일반 교사가 안내하기 위한 교수 학습 전략 또는 모형이 없었다. 이러한 추상적 컴퓨터 개념과 용어를 교수 학습하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 개념 학습 모형의 구조와 개념 학습 모형에 대한 수업 설계 방법을 제안하였다. The purpose of this study is to design and to develop on the concept teaching and learning model for teaching the subject domains of the computer science. The student was so difficult to understand an abstract theory and terminology in the computer science. Moreover, it was out of existence the teaching and learning model to introduce that a teacher instructs the abstract theory and terminology in the computer science effectively. In order to support effective teaching and learning in the computer science, we proposed the new concept teaching and learning model for teaching the subject domains of the computer science.

      • Thermo-Loop 를 이용한 난방장치의 해석

        한상엽,김철주 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1988 論文集 Vol.39 No.1

        This study is experimental work to investigate characteristics of natural convection flow for a thermoloop room heating system. Focus was given to understand flow regimes and correlation between thermal loads and mass flow rates of working fluid. Followings are some results obtained i) When thermal load varies from one state to another, circulating flow demonstrates very stable transient phenomena, whithout any fluctuations shown in toroidal themo-loop. ii) Mass flow rate increases in accordance with thermal load, but its valve is so low that Reynolds number is less than 400. So, flow regime might be of mixed type of convection, and secondary flows develope all through the pipe. iii) Creveling's correlation of some nondimentional groupes, obtained for toroidal thermo-loop, is shown to be applicable for thermo-loop room heating system.

      • 단위제 실시에 관한 문제점 조사연구 : 제주도 인문계 고등학교를 중심으로 on the humane high schools in Jeju-Do

        한철순,현종익 제주대학 1980 논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        Our educational courses and curriculum have frequently due to frequent changes in the educational environment. In the highshools, the unit system was adopted on Feb, 15th, 1963. Yet the current school teachers have a poor understanding and knowledge of it. Therefore, this system can't be run effectively. The current school teachers undertake many difficulties by accepting responsibilities for school affairs. There is a pressing need to increase their knowledge of the unit system. The salient point of the unit system is that in principle every high school should adopt the unit system. Under our actual education circumstances, it is very hard to adopt the complete unit system. However, in order to promote uniform education and to have chance to take one's adoptability by opticonal course, we should have deep knowledge of it. The unit system prescribes as follows; 1) In principle, the high school teaching curriculum should adopt the unit system. However, due to difficulties adopting the unit system, they can adopt the grade system, or both the grade system and the unit system. 2) The unit allotment table shows the total unit numbers which the 3rd grade high school students need to complete the regular course. 3) Usually we have 36 weeks of school-days per year. One unit means to complete the regular course for 18 unit hours per term, and 1 unit hour has 50 minutes. 4) According to student's career and job selection, high school courses can be dclassified into humanistic, scientific, vocational and art courses. 5) with respect to the weather, season and the characteristic of the subject contents, they can make an available unit-hour education curriculum. But since most of the current school teachers have a poor knowledge on the principles of the unit system, the aim of this paper is to help them understand the necessity of the unit system and to offer them information necessary to restructure the education curriculum. In conclusion this paper describes the actual circumstances and problems of high schools, and attempts to improve them

      • KCI등재후보

        우리나라 항만물류인력 수급전망과 육성방안에 관한 연구

        한철환 한국물류학회 2005 물류학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        지난 2003년 8월 정부는 「동북아 물류중심 추진로드맵」을 발표하여 물류전문인력 양성을 동북아 물류중심 7대 추진과제 중 하나로 선정하였다. 이에 본 연구는 향후 우리나라 항만물류 소요인력을 예측하고 이들을 양성하기 위한 정책대안을 제시하는 것이 목적이다. 항만물류 소요인력예측을 위해 기존항만시설 소요인력에 대해서는 계량분석을 사용하였고, 신규항만에 대한 소요인력은 향후 항만개발계획을 토대로 추정하였다. 분석결과, 오는 2011년까지 항만물류인력은 약 28,000여명에 달하는 것으로 추정되었다. 따라서 우리나라가 동북아 물류중심화 전략을 성공적으로 추진하기 위해서는 신규소요인력의 조속한 충원이 시급한 것으로 판단된다. 신규인력의 충원과 더불어 항만물류인력 양성시 향후 해운항만산업의 환경변화를 고려한 소양을 갖춘 인력양성이 더욱 중요하다. 이를 위해 대학 및 대학원의 항만물류전공과정 설립, 하역업체들 공동의 자체교육프로그램 개발실시, 산학일체형 교육과정 개설, 업계 및 관련기관 전문가의 겸임교원제, 항만물류기업 인턴쉽 제도 등 교육과정 및 프로그램의 개선 및 신설이 시급한 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this paper is to estimate future demand and supply of port-logistics man power in Korea and suggest some promotion strategies. For this aim, the paper adapts dual approaches such as econometric method and qualitative analysis to forecast future man power in Korean port-logistics industry. The results shows that Korea needs about 28,000 persons including skilled technicians and port-logistics specialist until 2011. To train and educate this amount of man power, we should consider following aspects; first of all, we need to set up new specialized port logistics course in university and graduate school. Second, we should establish training programs to promote well grounded port-logistics specialists under the rapidly changing world shipping and port industry. Establishment of port operators' in house training program and expansion of academic and industrial collaboration program can be recommended for this purpose. Last but not least, government should take the initiative to accomplish this object.

      • Xscale 기반의 Mobile Device를 활용한 모터 제어

        한철완,김갑일,손영익 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2005 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        Currently mobile devices change rapidly our life and they have considerable influences over many parts of our society. If the mobile device is applied to a control system, the usability of the control system is increased with its convenient accessibility and mobility. This paper realizes a motor control system by using a mobile device. The device uses Intel Xscale PXA-250 in which Widows CE is ported. The device is very popular at the applications of mobile devices. Also we consider its application to a mobile robot such as home service robot.

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