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      • KCI등재

        경관형용사 분석법을 활용한 국립공원 마을 유형별 경관 선호도에 관한 연구

        심규원(Sim, Kyu-Won),박헌춘(Park, Heon-Choon),남승민(Nam, Seung-Min) 한국산림휴양복지학회 2021 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 경관형용사 분석법을 활용하여 국립공원 내에 있는 마을의 유형별로 경관 선호도에 영향을 주는 경관 이미지를 규명하고자 하였다. 분석 결과, 경관 선호도에 영향을 주는 경관 요인은 마을 유형별로 차이가 있으며, 마을 경관 디자인 가이드라인 수립 시 고려해야할 경관 이미지는 아래와 같다. 첫째, 농촌형 마을의 전원성에만 국한된 형용사는 ‘자연스러운’, ‘풍요로운’, ‘전통적인’, ‘정적인’으로 산촌형 및 어촌형 마을보다는 가장 일반적이고 전통적인 이미지의 고정관념을 지니고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 어촌형 마을의 전원성 중 가장 큰 차이를 보이는 부분은 어촌형 마을에만 도출된 형용사 ‘자유로운’이다. 셋째, 산촌형 마을의 형용사적 차이를 보이는 항목은 일반적으로 산의 특성을 반영하는 ‘울창한’, ‘깊은’ 두 단어이다. 도출된 결과를 바탕으로 국립공원 내 존치되어 있는 마을의 정주여건 개선과 공원자원으로서 활용성 제고하고, 공원 내 주민의 삶의 질 향상과 공원 내 마을 이미지를 개선하는데 활용할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study was to identify landscape images that affect landscape preferences by type of village in the national park by using the landscape adjective analysis. As a result of the analysis, the landscape factors that affect landscape preferences vary by village type, and the landscape image to consider when establishing the village landscape design guidelines is as follows. First, adjectives limited to the rural village’s rural originality are ‘natural’, ‘rich’, ‘traditional’ and ‘static’, which have the most common and traditional image stereotypes rather than mountain and seaside villages. Second, the biggest difference among the rural characteristics of seaside villages is the adjective‘free’derived only from this village. Third, the two words that generally reflect the characteristics of the mountain village are ‘dense’ and ‘deep’. Based on the results, it will be able to improve the residential conditions of villages in the national park and improve their utilization as park resources, the quality of life in the park, and the village image in the park.

      • KCI등재

        저식염 속성 멸치 발효액화를 가공에 관한 연구(Ⅱ) : 숙성 중 oligopeptide 아미노산 함량변화 Changes in the Amino Acids from Oligopeptides during Fermentation

        박춘규,강태중,조규옥 한국식생활문화학회 2002 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.17 No.4

        In order to establish the processing conditions for salt-fermented liquefaction of anchovy(Engrulis japonica), changes in the amino acid composition form oligopeptides during fermentation periods were analyzed. Experimental sample A: chopped whole anchovy, adding 20% water, heating at 50℃ for 9 hrs and then adding 10% NaCl. Sample B: chopped whole anchovy, adding 20% water, heating at 50℃ for 9hrs and then adding 13% NaCl. Sample C: chopped whole anchovy adding 13% NaCl. Sample D: whole anchovy adding 17% NaCl. The total amino acids from oligopeptides in fermented liquefaction of anchovy increased in early fermentation period and reached highest level, and then declined irregularly during fermentation. Their maximum amounts were just after heating at 50℃ for 9 hrs in sample A, after 15 days in sample B, and after 60 days in samples C and D. The fermented liquefaction of anchovy extracts were rich in glutamic acid, aspartic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, lysine and valine. However, the contents of most amino acids fluctuated by the experimental specimens and fermenting periods. Among them glutamic acid was the most abundant amino acid which was occupied 0.6~27.7%(average 24.0%) in the content of total amino acids from oligopeptides. The contribution of the amino acid composition from oligopeptides to extractive nitrogen was occupying average 20.8 and 17.5% in rapid- and low salt-fermented liquefation(sample A,B and C) and traditional fermented liquefaction(sample D), respectively.

      • 하천 횡단 지하구조물 시공 시 발생하는 오차원인 및 보완대책에 관한 연구

        박춘식,장정욱,박진규 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2005 공업기술연구 Vol.5 No.-

        This thesis studied construction errors and complement methods of steel pile pressure injection method. We studied Daesan, Changwon, Gyoungnam. We analyzed the construction results in terms of FEM analysis. The conclusions of the study are as follows. 1) We found that the settlement of steel piles was caused by a great disturbance of the underground, which had in turn been caused by the pressure injection of steel piles. The settlement of steel piles exceeded the allowable settlement. The following summarizes the results of Terzaghi's consolidation theory and FEM regarding ground reinforcement. 2) The Semi-Shield method and Micro Tunnelling method turned out to be the most appropriate method.

      • 방광파열에 관한 임상적 고찰

        박규백,문재선,김춘곤 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1986 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.11 No.1

        We analyzed 23 patients with bladder rupture managed at Chosun Univercity Hospital during a 8 year period from January 1978 to December 1985. The results are as follows; 1. Among the 182 patients with genitourinary injury, the patient with bladder rupture are 23 cases(12.6%). 2. Age distribution of bladder rupture shows the most prevalent incidence in the age group from second to fourth decade, giving a rate of 52.2% of total 23 cases. 3. Traffic accident is the most frequent cause of bladder rupture, "which is occurred in 12 cases" (52.2%)of 23 cases. 4. The most frequent associated injury is the fracture of pelvic bone and the next are intestinal injury, urethral rupture and the fracture of upper and lower extremity. 5. The occurence of the intraperitoneal rupture is 6. 7times more than that of extraperitoneal rupture. 6. Transverse tearing is the most common tearing sliaps of bladder wall, which consist of 14 cases in 20 cases explored and the most common tearing diameters are between 5 to 10㎝. 7. In almost all cases, immediate primary anastomosis of bladder wall and indwelling urethal catheter, with or without auprapubic cystostomy are performed, except 3 cases who are managed with indwelling urethral catheter.

      • KCI등재후보

        저식염 속성 멸치 발효액화물 가공에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) : 숙성 중 유리아미노산 변화 및 품질지표 Changes in Free Amino Acids during Fermentation and Quality Indices

        박춘규,강태중,조규옥 한국식생활문화학회 2002 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        In order to establish the processing condition of rapid- and low salt-fermented liquefaction of anchovy (Engrulis japonica), effect of temperature on crude enzyme activity of anchovy viscera, pretreatment conditions, and the minimum content of adding NaCl were investigated. The minimum limitation of NaCl content for anchovy liquefaction was 10%. Sample A(water adding, heating, adding 10% NaCl): chopped whole anchovy adding 20% water and then heating for 9 hrs at 50℃ and then adding 10% NaCl and then fermented at room temperature(8-29℃) for 180 days. Sample B(water adding, heating, adding 13% NaCl): chopped whole anchovy adding 20% water and then heating for 9 his at 50℃ and then adding 13% Naa and then fermented at room temperature for 180 days. Sample C(adding 13% NaCl): chopped whole anchovy and then adding 13% NaCl and then fermented at room temperature for 180 days. Sample D(adding 17% NaCl): whole anchovy adding 17% NaCl and then fermented at room temperature for 180 days. The content of free amino acids such as aspartic acid, serine and threonine fluctuated severely according to the pretreatment methods. Possibly they might be recommend quality indices of standardization for salt-fermented liquefaction of anchovy. As for the relation between fermentation period(X) and individual free amino acid(Y), five kinds of free amino acids such as glutamic acid, valine, glycine, lysine, and alanine showed highly significant in their coefficient of determination in most of samples, They might be recommend as quality indices for salt-fermented liquefaction of anchovy during fermentation. The difference of taste between products of the rapid- and low salt-fermented liquefaction and the traditional salt-fermented liquefaction were caused by their composition of the free amino acids ratios, in which were umami, sweet, and bitter taste in the extracts of anchovy during fermentation. The appropriate fermentation period of the sample A was shorten 30 days than the sample B and 60 days than the samples C and 90 days than the sample D in the processing of anchovy.

      • 莞島 地域 水産加工 産業의 現況 및 育成方案에 關한 硏究 : (ll) 水産加工 處理 施設 (ll) Handling Equipment for Marine Processing

        朴春奎 여수대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구는 완도지역에서 생산, 유통되고 있는 수산물의 고도이용을 위한 연구의 일환으로서 수산가공 산업에 필수적인 수산가공 처리시설 현황을 조사하였다. 1996년말 현재 완도지역 수산가공 허가업체수는 5개소로서 전남의 4.5%, 전국의 0.8%였으며, 수산물 가공능력은 28 T/D 로서 전남의 1.6%, 전국의 0.3% 수준이었다. 완도지역의 냉동, 냉장업체수는 5개소로서 전남의 4.7%, 전국의 0.8%였으며, 그 가공능력은 냉동이 28T/D로서 전남의 1.6%, 전국의 0.3%, 냉장 6,442M/T 로서 전남의 7.1%, 제빙 30 T/D로서 전남의 3.2%, 전국의 0.3%, 그리고 저빙은 550M/T로서 전남의 3.6%, 전국의 0.7% 수준이었다. 그러나 어유(간유) 및 한천 가공 업체는 없었다. 완도 지역에서 신고업에 속하는 업체는 모두 김 가공업체로서 143개소가 있었으며, 이는 전남의 21.8%, 전국의 15.7%였고, 김 가공능력은 연간 122 천속으로서 전남지역의 20.8%, 전국의 5.1%수준이었다. 그러나 수산피혁가공업, 해조류 간이가공업, 선상제품 가공업체는 없었다. 완도지역의 기타가공업 허가업체는 28개소로서 전남의 16.8%, 전국의 2.5%였으며, 그 중 건포류 가공업체가 22개소로서 전남의 61.1%, 전국의 7.9%였고, 절임식품 가공업체는 6개소로서 전남의 13.6%, 전국의 1.4%에 불과하였다. 그러나 어육연제품, 통조림 가공업체와 같은 고차가공품 처리가공 시설은 없었다. 완도지역의 수산가공 시설은 전반적으로 매우 영세한 실정이었으며, 이 지역의 수산가공산업 활성화를 위하여는 연차적인 시설보완이 요청된다. The existing status of handling equipment for marine processing in Wando area from 1990 to 1996 were investigated. There was 5 factories at Wando area in 1996 for frozen and cold storage, a kind of permission-business, which was 4.5% of the Jeonnam area and 0.8% of the whole country. Their processing capacity for freezing, cold storage, ice making, and ice storaging factories in Wande area, which were 28 T/D (0.3% of the whole country), 6,442 M/T (0.5%), 30 T/D (0.4%), and 550 M/T (0.7%), respectively. However, there was no processing factories for fish and liver oil and for agar-agar. There was 143 factories, for laver processing only, at Wando area in 1996 for return-business of marine processing, which was occupied 21.8% of the Jeonnam area and 15.7% of the whole country. Their processing capacity was 122 thousand bundles/ year, which was 20.8% of Jeonnam area and 5.1% of the whole country. However, there was no processing for factories for maring leather, seaweeds-simple-processing, and processing-on-ship. There was 28 factories at Wando area in 1996 for other-business of marine processing, which was occupied 16.8% of Jeonnam area and 2.5% of the whole country. However, there was no processing factories for ground fish meat and canned products. Generally, marine processing equipment in Wande area was very poor, so supplemention of handling equipment should be necessary for the marine processing industry in Wando area, gradually.

      • 다공질규소 microcavity의 페브리-페로 필터 특성

        이춘우,박대규,홍사용,김영유,전종현 公州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1999 自然科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        p형 단결정규소 웨이퍼를 15% HF-에탄올 용액에서 양극 산화시켜 다공질규소를 얻는 과정에서 전류밀도에 따라 굴절률이 변하는 다층의 다공질규소층(porous silicon multilayer)을 구현하였다. 그리고 다층의 다공질규소층(I), 다공질규소 발광층, 또 다른 다층의 다공질규소층(II)의 순으로 구성된 porous silicon microcavity(PSM)를 제작하고 그 물성을 조사하였다. PSM 상하에 위치한 다층의 다공질규소층의 단면을 AFM(Atomic Force Microscope)으로 조사한 결과 고굴절률과 저굴절률이 주기적으로 교차하는 층이 균일하게 형성되었으며, 중앙의 다공질규소 발광층도 균일하게 나타났다. 다층의 다공질규소층 및 다공질규소 발광층의 두께를 각각 실효파장의 1/4배 및 2배가 되도록 하였을 때 특정파장의 필터로 쓰일 수 있는 페브리-페로 간섭 필터(Fabry-Perot interference filter)의 특성이 나타났다. 또한 PSM의 발광 스펙트럼은 그 반치폭이 현저히 감소하고 발광의 세기가 크게 증가되는 경향을 보였다. 또한 발광파장을 600 nm로 조절하여 PSM을 구현하고 발광 특성을 관찰한 결과 600 nm 부근에서도 같은 현상이 일어나 발광의 최대 봉우리 파장값을 이동시킬 수 있는 필터로서의 역할이 가능함을 보였다. In the process of obtaining porous silicon by anodizing p-type doped crystalline silicon wafer in 15 % HF-ethanol solution, we obtained porous silicon multilayers which had periodically varying refractive index by the current density. We fabricated the porous silicon microcavity(PSM) which consist of porous silicon multilayers(I), active layer of porous silicon and porous silicon multilayers(II) and investigated its physical properties. The AFM(Atomic Force Microscope) measurement from the cross section of multilayers I and II) shows uniformity of high refractive index and low index layers as well as the active layer. We observed the characteristics of Fabry-Perot interference filter when the thickness of layers was 1/4 and the thickness of active layer was twice of the effective wavelength, which can be used as a filter for specific wavelength. We found the emission characteristic from the PSM, which FWHM(Full Width Half Maximum) was considerably decreased and emission intensity was increased. And as a result of fabricating PSM which consisted of 600 nm in the light emission wavelength and observing the light emission properties, We found out that there was the same phenomenon in 600 nm wavelength and PSM could act as a filter which could shift the maximum of the emitted light.

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