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        최철호 청주대학교사회과학연구소 2018 한국사회과학연구 Vol.40 No.1

        Currently, the National Assembly has submitted laws such as the Regulation Sandbox Act, which is a set of regulations reform bills, but it has not yet been passed. Moon Jae-in, the president 'Regulatory reform meeting' Regulatory Reform, chaired by the policy of the enhanced through efficient, but the quality enhancement, etc in the regulations and to empower.Major national goals by pushing ahead with the regulatory reforms and a practical agenda. If the first stage of regulation reform, which has been focused on the number of regulatory reforms in Korea for nearly a year since March 2014, has focused on quantitative reform, the recent second stage of regulation reform will have great impact. The existing regulatory reform was to keep the regulations centered on entry regulations, change the licensing rights from strong regulations to weak reporting, or simplify the legal requirements and procedures of regulations. However, the government is allowed to change the licensing system to a report system, or to mitigate regulations that simplify the legal requirements and procedures of regulations, to be regulated by the administrative authorities before starting or operating the business. Therefore, the government should not be regulated in advance in order to guarantee the freedom of business, which is guaranteed as the fundamental right of the Constitution by allowing venture start-ups and businesses to be started up freely. In the course of such free operation, the government changed the method of administrative fines that served as an entry barrier to business, and the free operation of the people without prior regulation. 현재 국회에는 규제개혁을 위한 법률안들인 규제샌드박스법률안 등이 제출되어 있으나 아 직 통과가 되지 않은 상태이다. 문재인 대통령은 '규제혁신회의'를 직접 주재하면서 규제개혁 의 정책 체감도를 높여나가는데 역량을 강화하기로 하고 규제품질의 선진화 등의 실천의제를 선정하여 규제개혁을 주요 국정과제로 하여 추진하고 있다. 2014년 3월부터 1년 여간 추진해온 1단계 규제개혁이 전체적인 규제개혁의 숫자에 중심 을 두는 '양적 개혁'에 초점을 맞췄다면 최근의 2단계 규제개혁은 파급력이 큰 규제 혁파에 중심을 두는 '질적 개혁'에 규제개혁의 중심을 두고 있는 것이 특징이다. 기존의 규제개혁은 진입규제를 중심으로 하는 규제 자체는 존치시킨 상태에서 강한 규제 인 인·허가를 약한 규제인 신고제로 변경하거나, 규제의 법정 요건이나 절차를 간소화하는데 그치는 규제완화가 주된 것이었다는 한계가 있었다. 그런데 인허가제를 신고제로 변경한다든가 규제의 법정 요건이나 절차를 간소화하는 규제 완화는 여전히 창업이나 영업을 하기 전에 사전에 행정당국에 의해 규제를 받도록 하고 있기 때문에 일종의 진입장벽으로 기능할 여지가 있어서 자유롭게 창업이나 영업을 하는데 장애로 작용하고 있다. 따라서 스타트 업 등 벤처 창업이나 영업을 자유롭게 할 수 있도록 하여 헌 법에서 기본권으로 보장하고 있는 영업의 자유를 보장하기 위해서는 사전에 행정당국으로부 터 규제를 받지 않게 하는 것이 중요하다. 이처럼 창업이나 영업을 하는데 진입장벽 수단으로 기능하고 있는 사전규제방식을 전환하 여 사전에 규제를 하지 않는 자유영업을 원칙으로 하면서, 이러한 자유 영업을 하는 과정에 서 국민이나 경제에 유해한 결과를 발생시키면 그 때에 과태료, 과징금, 영업정지 등의 행정 적 제재를 가하는 사후규제방식으로 전환하는 것이 중요하다.

      • 濟州道 中高等學生들의 체力에 關한 硏究 : Ⅰ. 체格과 身體機能間의 相關關係 Ⅰ. Correlation between Physique and Physical Fitness

        金鐵元 제주대학교 1973 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        The present study was undertaken to investigate the development of physique and physical fitness of middle and high school students in Jeju Do. The students were selected 825 boys from each 9 in middle and high schools and 290 girls from each 3 in middle and high schools. Their ages were from 12 to 17 years old. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Physique 1) The body height of 17 aged-boys and-girls was 164.7cm and 156.6cm respectively and the height of both sexes was smaller than the standard of the whole country. The growth curves in both sexes sloped remarkably upward at the age between 12 and 14, but these periods appeared to be fallen behind 1 year than of the whole country. 2) The body weight of 17 years old was 54.5kg in boys and 52.2kg in girls. Especially the boy's weight was not reached to the standard weight of the whole country. The age of maximum increase in the weight of both sexes in their school life was almost the same as that of the body height. The weight of the boys from the age of 15 showed a ascending tendency than that of the girls. 3) The chest girth of the age 17 was 84.7cm in boys and 82.0cm in girls. The changes of the chest girth throughout their school life in both sexes showed a great deal of increase between 12 and 14 years old. 4) The sitting height of the age of 17 was 89.8cm in similar to the standard of the whole country, but the ratio of the sitting height against body height in 16 and 17 years of age was significantly higher than that of the whole country in the same years. 2. Physical fitness 1) The speed and power at 17 years old in boys showed almost the same as that of the whoel country, but the gradual increase of speed and power during rapid growth period of physique was inferior to that of the standard in Korea. Especially in girls, the speed and power at 12~13 years of age was the most strongest in other ages and these were dropped after 13 years of age, even though their ability of distance run was superior to that of the standard in Korea throughout all ages. 2) The endurance in both sexes was relatively superior to that of the whole country and other provinces in all ages. 3) The agility of boys was linearly increased with ages, while that of girls showed a decreaing tendency from 12 years of age. 4) The flexibility of both sexes was superior to the standard of the whole country and that of grils in all ages was more flexible than that of boys. 3. Relationship between physique and final class of physical fitness The final class of physical fitness based on high level (upper 20%) in height, weight, and chest girth was high in cases of large chest girth in boys, on the other hand the girls belonged to high class in cases of tall body height. 4. Correlation between physique and physical fitness 1) Between body height and physical fitness, the items for speed and power had the significant correlations in boys, but there were almost no correlations between them in girls. The items for endurance were negative correlations between them in boys, but there were no correlations in girls and the items for agility and flexibility there were lower correlations between them in both sexes. 2) The body weight in boys showed the significant correlations with items for speed and power, but only with 100m run in girls. There were correlations in endurance and agility in both sexes, and there were no correlations in flexibility. 3) The items for speed, power, and endurance had positive correlations with chest girth in boys, but there were no or a little correlations with chest girth in endurance, agility, and flexibility of girls. 4) The speed, power, endurance, agility, and flexibility in boys showed correlations with sitting height, while the whole physical fitness in girls had no or a little correlations with them.

      • 소형 Ball mill의 분쇄매체가 규사의 미분쇄에 미치는 영향

        심철호 尙志大學校 1999 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        소형 ball mill을 사용하여 국산규사를 건식분쇄할 때 분쇄매체가 분쇄생성물의 입도에 미치는 영향을 고찰하였다. 그 결과, 소형 ball mill의 분쇄매체와 관련된 조작변수 중에서 ball의 종류, ball의 형상 및 ball의 충전율은 mill의 크기에 영향을 받지 않고, ball의 직경은 mill의 크기에 다소 영향을 받는다는 것을 알 수 있었다. Mill의 크기에 관계없이, 분쇄매체로서 alumina ball이 porcelain ball보다 분쇄효과가 우수하였고, 또한 spherical ball이 cylindrical ball보다 분쇄효과가 우수하였다. Mill의 크기에 관계없이 ball의 충전율은 약 0.45부근에서 분쇄속도가 최대로 되었다. Mill의 부피가 1ℓ, 2ℓ, 3.6ℓ인 경우에는 ball의 최적직경은 각각 10㎜, 10㎜∼15㎜, 15㎜이었으며, mill의 부피가 증가할수록 ball의 최적직경도 다소 증가하였다. Dry grinding of quartz sand was accomplished using a ball mill. The experiments were made to observe the effects of the grinding media on particle size reduction of the products. The results suggested that the operating variable such as the size of the grinding media was slightly influenced by the capacity of the mill but the operating variables such as the material, the shape and the charge ratio of the grinding media were not influenced. Alumina ball and spherical ball were respectively more excellent in the grindability than porcelain and cylindrical. The optimum condition of the ball charge ratio was about 0.45. The optimum sizes of the ball were respectively 10㎜, 10㎜∼15㎜, 15㎜ in case that the capacities of the mill were 1ℓ, 2ℓ and 3.6ℓ, thus the optimum sizes of the ball were increased as the capacities of the mill.

      • 공회전 차량의 CO와 NOx의 배출 특성

        정철현,이상권,정장표 慶星大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        Emissions of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides from domestic passenger cars were investigated using a portable gas analyzer(model: Kane May Quintox). The average concentrations of CO emitted from the vehicles selected randomly and classified by a model, ranged from 2,000 ppm to 3,000 ppm, while the concentrations of NOx ranged from 40 to 50 ppm. In addition, the very poor relationship among CO and NOx emissions, vehicle ages, and driving distance was observed. The results suggest that a strict emission regulation of vehicle exhaust gases, in manufacturing a new car, may be much more important for the CO and NOx emissions rather than an optimum maintenance of old cars.

      • 鄭道傳 思想의 內面的 理解

        문철영 단국대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        There are a lot of studies on Chong do-jon who established Choson dinasty. But their studies have focused on his external activitied. Generally speaking, one's external activities results from one's inner mind. So Chong do-jon. The obgect of my arguement is the understanding of Chong do-jon's inner thoughts, especially how his inner thoughts had progressed responding social environment. For this object, I have examined thoroughly his writing encluding poetries. I though that his writing encluding poetries reflects his inner thoughts very well.

      • 대구지역 지하공간의 NO₂농도측정

        朴出在,成炳胄,白成玉 嶺南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1994 環境硏究 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구는 대구지역의 지하공간내 NO₂농도의 기본자료를 제시하기 위해 수행되었으며 여기에서 얻어진 측정자료들은 지하공간내 NO₂를 감소시키기 위한 일종의 지침으로서 NO₂ 배출원을 조절하기 위한 준비작업으로 제공될 수 있을 것이다. NO₂측정은 Yanagisawa 연구진들이 제안해온 간접적인 시료채취 방법으로 필터뱃지를 사용하였다. 시료채취 지점은 총 5개소이며 여기에는 3개소의 지하상가와 2곳의 지하주차장을 선정하였다. 시료채취기간은 1992년 11월에서 1993년 4월까지이며, 시료채취용 필터벳지의 노출시간은 48시간이다. This study was carried out to provide basic data of NO₂concentration at underground spaces in Taegu Area, by which a sort of guideline for the reduction of NO₂may be prepared for controlling the emission sources. The NO₂measurements was performed using a filter badge method, which is a passive sampling technique purposed by Yanagisawa et al. A total of five sampling sites were selected ; three sites are underground arcades and two are underground parking lots. The sampling period was from November 1992 to May 93. The NO₂data measured were integrated for 48 hours.

      • 그리이스 비극의 기원

        임철규 연세대학교 대학원 1978 延世論叢 Vol.15 No.1

        Greek tragedy was originated from the dithyrambos, a hymn in honour of Dionysus, and its name, tragoidia, was givers br Arion, who composed a dithyrambos with a heroic or epic content, gave a title to what the chorus sang, and brought on satyrs speaking in metre. Arion's contribution must then be that he raised the dithyrambos to an artistic choral lyric. Before Aeschylus invented a second actor, there must have been a first, and it can not be doubted that Aristotle thought of this actor 35 the leader (exarchom) of the dithyrambos, who began of introduced the singing and was thus distinguished from the chorus. The exarchom must have been transformed into an actor when he delivered a speech (not song), and the change was attributed to Thespis. Thespis modified or adapted the pre-existing form by introducing the first actor, and this is thought of as adding a new dimension to what had been a strictly choral performance: that of "dialogue". In addition to the first actor, Thespis invented a prologue and a set speech (rhesis), and these two elements represent between them the prologue or spoken portion of tragedy. Some have thought that the step must have already been taken in the Pelepennese, that in Dorian choral lyric a sololist may already have been allowed to speak in iambic or trochaic verses, but the evidence from Doric form in the dialogue passages of tragedy is hardly strong or clear enough. The introduction of prologue and speech makes an epoch. With it we enter on the final stage of the development of Greek tragedy in the proper sense. For prologue and rhesis are composed in advance, not improvised, and they are speech, not song. Whatever Arion composed for himself or another exarchon to deliver was still song. The changes in the total development of Greek tragedy were distinct. Between Arion and Thespis we advance from song to speech. and we can add, between Thespis and Aeschylus, from dramatic dialogue to genuine dramatic action and the predominence of dialogue over song and speech. On the other hand, the sequence Arion-Thespis-Aesohylus represents the development from the exarchon to the first actor and the second actor, who dramatized the pathos, the death or suffering of the hero.

      • 새로운 내장형 전류 감지 회로

        곽철호,김정범 강원대학교 정보통신연구소 2002 정보통신논문지 Vol.6 No.-

        This paper proposes a new built-in current sensor(BICS) for current testing that has some advantages compared with conventional logic testing. The designed BICS detects the faults in circuit under test (CUT) and makes a Pass/Fail signal through comparison between CUT current and duplicated inverter current. The proposed circuit consists of a differential amplifier, a comparator and a inverter. It requires 10 MOSFETs and 3 inverters. Since the designed BICS does not require the extra clock, the added extra pin is only one output pin. The mode selection is not used in this method, so we can apply the circuit to on-line testing. The validity and effectiveness are verified through the HSPICE simulation of circuits with defects. When CUT is a 8×8 parallel multiplier, the area overhead of BICS is about 4.34%.

      • 3-D 프로그램을 활용한 렌더링을 위한 조명기법에 관한 연구 : 무광택 재질의 표현을 중심으로

        김철복 한국디자인과학학회 1999 디자인과학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        디자인 작업에 있어 도구의 발달은 일의 능률과 정확성 등 많은 이점을 가져다주고 있다. 그 중에서 Computer의 활용은 이미 보편화 되어 있으며 제품디자인 개발 프로세스에 있어 아이디어 스케치를 제외한 모든 표현에 Computer가 활용되고 있다. 이번 본 논문에서 다루는 분야는 제품 렌더링을 위한 3D프로그램 활용에 있있서 마지막 작업인 조명기법에 관한 문제와 현실감 있는 표현을 위한 라이팅 기법에 관해서 새로운 방향을 제시하였다. The development for designing works has been a good instrumental in the process of efficient and correct peformance of works. Among them is the usage of computer which has been already widespread, and it is also employed in all those expressions of development process for product designing except the idea braining stage. This study will serve as showing a new direction for a realistic demonstration of the lighting system as well as a subject of the lighting system itself as the last process in usage of 3-D programs for product rendering operations.

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