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      • KCI등재

        기후변화 및 녹색성장의 효율적 대응체계 구축방안

        최화식(Choi Hwa Sick),남창우(Nam Chang Woo) 한국도시행정학회 2012 도시 행정 학보 Vol.25 No.3

        This study analyzed the domestic and international environment of the global climate change and green growth, then presented corresponding efficient response system after identifying the problems. Today, all countries try to preserve the natural environment and to promote sustainable development pursuing optimum growth withen that framework as a common challenge faced. As a viable alternative, promoting green growth has been proposed for the realization of sustainable development. Green growth that does not involve the destruction of nature in principle, but even if inevitable, it should be withen minimized range. Also, reorganization of the industrial structure should be made for leading energy savings and reduction of pollutant emissions and atmosphere recognizing the importance of conserving the environment all over the life of the people needs to be created. Specifically, this study suggests the use of Ecological Footprint and Ecological Deficit, supporting shift from environmental challenge to opportunities, strengthening institutional governance, strengthening virtuous cyclical structure of economic growth and environmental conservation, and strengthening responsive capacity of climate change of local government for the response system of green growth and climate change.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회에서 형성된 사회적 지지와 근로자의 사회심리적 스트레스간의 관련성

        임화영,김형수,최영환,장성훈,이건세,정최경희,오원기,최재욱,정춘화 대한산업의학회 2006 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        Objective: This study was performed to examine the relationship between community-based social support and psychosocial distress in workers. Methods: The study subjects were 596 workers recruited from 11 companies in Chungju city. A structured questionnaire was used to assess sociodemographics, health-related behaviors, job characteristics, job stress, work-based social support, community-based social support and level of psychosocial distress. Results: Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that workers with no chronic disease, exercise and sufficient sleep had a higher score of psychosocial distress than those with chronic disease, no exercise, and not enough sleep. Coworker's work-based social support and community-based social support were negatively associated with psychosocial distress. The R square value of total independent variables on psychosocial distress was 0.409, and that of community-based social support on psychosocial distress was 0.052. Conclusion: This study showed that community-based social support served as a protective factor against psychosocial distress in some workers. We recommend the establishment of a worksite stress reduction program in occupational level as well as community-based social support.

      • Effect of Extreme Heatwaves on the Mortality and Cellular Immune Responses of Purplish Bifurcate Mussel Mytilisepta virgata (Wiegmann, 1837) (=Septifer virgatus) in Indoor Mesocosm Experiments

        Hyun-Ki Hong,Chang Wan Kim,Jeong-Hwa Kim,Nobuhisa Kajino,Kwang-Sik Choi 제주대학교 해양과학연구소 2021 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.45 No.-

        In the rocky intertidal environment, the frequency and duration of heatwaves have increased over the last decade, possibly due to global climate change. Heatwaves often result in lethal or sub-lethal disturbances in benthic animals by changing their metabolic activities. In this study, we investigated the impacts of extreme heatwave stress on the hemocyte functions of Mytilisepta virgata and subsequent mortality to gain a better understanding of the potential causes and consequences of mass mortality events in this mussel during summer. We discriminated three types of hemocytes in the hemolymph, granulocytes, hyalinocytes, and blast-like cells, using flow cytometry and revealed that granulocytes were the major hemocyte involved in cellular defensive activities, such as phagocytosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. For the experiment, mussels were exposed to a 40◦C air temperature for 12 h per day over 5 days under laboratory conditions as a simulated semi-diurnal tidal cycle. Mortality began to occur within 3 days after beginning the experiment, and all mussels had died by the end of the experiment. Flow cytometry indicated that the mussels exposed to high air temperatures produced significantly more ROS than did the control mussels within 2 days after the onset of the experiment, which may have caused oxidative stress. Such high levels of ROS in the hemolymph increased DNA damage in hemocytes after 3 days of exposure and decreased the phagocytosis of hemocytes 4 days after the experiment began. The observed mortality and decline in immune capacity suggested that an extreme heat event occurring in the rocky intertidal ecosystem during summer could exert sublethal to lethal impacts on macrobenthic animals.

      • KCI등재

        건강신념모델에 근거한 노인 대상 식품안전·영양교육 프로그램 효과 평가

        최정화(Jung-Hwa Choi),이은실(Eun-Sil Lee),이윤진(Yoon-Jin Lee),이혜상(Hye-Sang Lee),장혜자(Hye-Ja Chang),이경은(Kyung-Eun Lee),이나영(Na-Young Yi),안윤(Yoon Ahn),곽동경(Tong-Kyung Kwak) 한국식품영양과학회 2016 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.45 No.9

        노인은 면역취약집단으로 다른 인구 집단보다 만성질환과 식품매개 질병에 걸릴 위험이 크며 식행동은 오랜 세월 굳어져 왔기 때문에 변화하기가 쉽지 않다. 노인을 대상으로 건강신념모델을 적용하여 식품안전・영양교육 프로그램을 시범 적용하고 그 효과를 평가하였다. 식품안전·영양 시범 교육은 서울 마포, 충북 청주, 경북 의성, 충북 진천의 노인복지관을 이용하는 65세 이상 노인을 대상으로 2011년 7월 28일부터 9월 9일까지 총 5주간 매주 1회, 35~40분씩 교육을 시행하였다. 교육 전후 조사가 완료된 최종 연구대상은 교육군이 5회 교육 중 3회 이상 교육에 참여하고 교육 전후 평가를 마친 대상자로 137명, 대조군은 사후 설문조사를 하지 않거나 불성실한 응답자를 제외한 83명으로 총 220명이었다. 교육은 건강신념모델을 적용하여 노인들이 식습관을 변화하지 않을 경우 질병 가능성을 알려 심각성을 인지하도록 하였으며 노인들이 식행동 수정 시 얻게 되는 이들을 알려주고 행동을 실행할 수 있도록 자아효능감을 제공해주고자 하였다. 교육 후 식품안전·영양지식은 모든 항목에서 향상을 보였으며, 식품안전 영역 5문항 중 4문항, 영양 영역 3문항 중 2문항에서는 유의적인 향상을 보였다. 식행동은 교육군에서 ‘고기, 생선류는 조리 시 속까지 완전히 익힌다’를 제외한 모든 항목에서 유의적인 향상을 보였다. 건강신념은 식품안전의 영역에서는 인지된 심각성과 자아효능감, 영양 영역에서는 인지된 민감성, 인지된 장애, 자아효능감에서 유의적인 향상을 보였다. 지식, 식행동, 건강신념 변화량의 상관관계를 분석한 결과 건강신념의 변화량과 식행동의 변화 가능성 간의 유의적인 상관관계를 보였다(P<0.001). 본 연구의 참여 대상자들이 일반 재가 노인보다 복지관에서 봉사하거나 활동하는 노인이었기 때문에 표본의 대표성이 떨어져 결과를 일반화하기에 어려움이 있다. 또한, 교육기간이 5주로 비교적 짧았기 때문에 오랜 기간에 걸쳐 형성된 식행동이 쉽게 변화하거나 개선되기 어려우므로 장기간에 걸친 반복교육이 필요할 것으로 생각한다. 본 연구에서 개발된 교육 프로그램을 향후 보건소나 복지관 등을 통해 지속해서 시행된다면 노인의 식품안전・영양에 대한 인식을 높이고 바람직한 식행동 변화에 긍정적인 기여를 할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Most elderly have difficulties in managing food safety and nutrition by themselves. Various nutrition educations for the elderly have been developed, but food safety and nutrition education program and educational tools for the elderly are very limited. The aim of the study was to evaluate a food safety and nutrition education program based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) for the elderly. Education program was implemented for 220 seniors (137 educated group and 83 control group) aged over 65 years at senior welfare community centers. The intervention study was carried out on a weekly basis during each of 5 weeks, and each session lasted about 35 or 40 minutes. The effectiveness of the program was assessed with a questionnaire before and after education. Education program consisted of a 5 week program, and topics were ‘Dietary changes for the elderly"s healthy life’, ‘Prevention of food poisoning in everyday life’, ‘Safe food handling for my health’, ‘Healthy dietary life to prevent chronic disease’, and ‘Safety! nutrition! healthy dietary life’. Education program materials such as slides, handouts, videos, leaflet, and booklets were developed. As a result, there were score improvements in knowledge, dietary behaviors, and health belief after intervention in the intervention group, which were higher than those of the control group. In particular, there was a meaningful interrelation between dietary behavior and health belief (r=0.520, P<0.001). This finding suggests that changing beliefs is very important to make desirable dietary behavioral changes. For this reason, we can conclude HBM theory is an effective model to educate nutrition and food safety for the elderly. Furthermore, food safety and nutrition education programs are implemented and delivered continuously at various settings such as a health center or community welfare center, and those will contribute significantly to enhance perception and change their desirable dietary behaviors for the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        사회인지이론 기반 중산층 노인 식품안전 교육 프로그램의 효과 평가

        최정화(Jung-Hwa Choi),유효이(Hyo-E Yoo),정하림(Harim Chung),이혜상(Hye-Sang Lee),이민준(Min-June Lee),장혜자(Hye-Ja Chang),이경은(Kyung-Eun Lee),이나영(Na-Young Yi),곽동경(Tong-Kyung Kwak) 한국식품영양과학회 2018 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.47 No.8

        현대의학의 발달은 인간의 수명을 연장시키고 그 결과 노인인구 증가를 가져와 노인 의료비 문제가 사회적으로 대두되고 있다. 이에 적절한 방안으로는 노인들의 건강한 노화(healthy aging)를 도모하는 것이며, 이는 사회의 의료비용을 감소시킴으로써 사회 전체의 효율성을 제고시킬 수 있다. 본 연구는 중산계층 노인을 대상으로 사회인지이론 기반의 식품안전 관리 교육 프로그램을 적용하여 시범실시를 하여 교육 효과 평가를 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 교육군 212명, 대조군 42명의 자료가 분석되었으며, 사전 사후 지식 총점의 변화는 교육군이 2.80점에서 3.80점으로 유의적으로 상승하였다(P<0.001). 교육군의 식품안전 식태도/건강신념의 교육 전과 후의 총점은 20점 만점에 15.28점에서 16.50점으로 유의적인 상승을 보였다(P<0.001). 대조군은 사전 15.21점에서 사후 15.29점으로 상승하였으나 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 노인의 식품안전 식행동은 교육군의 교육 전과 후의 총점이 28점 만점에 20.07점에서 22.50점으로 2.43점 상승하여 유의적인 향상을 보였다(P<0.001). 가정 내 식품 취급실태를 살펴보면 식품을 직접 구매한다고 한 응답자가 교육군의 87.3%, 대조군의 95.2%로 나타났으며, 식품 조리 여부 항목에 대해서는 교육군의 87.7%, 대조군의 95.2%가 직접 가정에서 조리한다고 응답하였다. 식태도/건강신념 변화와 식행동 변화값 간에 상관관계가 가장 높으며(r=0.447, P<0.001), 식행동 변화값과 지식의 변화 값과의 상관관계가 높은 것으로 나타났다(r=0.152, P<0.05). 경로별 교육 효과를 보기 위하여 사전, 사후 점수와 점수변화량을 비교 분석한 결과 지식, 식태도/건강신념, 식행동의 모든 경로에서 유의적인 향상을 보였다. 개발된 교육 프로그램의 효과 평가는 2차 시 교육의 사전, 사후 평가를 대조군의 평가 결과와 비교 분석하였는데, 교육의 기간이 2차시로 제한되어 있고 교육 후 행동 변화의 유지를 평가하지 못하였다. 또한, 교육경로와 대상자의 수가 적어 연구 결과를 일반화하기에는 무리가 있으며, 향후 교육의 확대를 통한 후속연구들이 진행되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. This study assessed the educational effectiveness of a developed food safety management education program based on social cognitive theory for elderly in the middle class. The subjects participated in the food safety education program two times at a public health center, community welfare center, senior citizens’ center, and center for children’s foodservice management. For food safety intervention education, data from the intervention group (212 subjects) and control group (42 subjects) were analyzed. Significant (P<0.001) differences in the scores for food safety knowledge, food attitude, and food behavior were observed in the intervention group before and after the study, but no significant difference was observed in the control group. A significant positive correlation also detected between knowledge, food attitude/health belief, and food behavior in the intervention group, which indicates that the study contributed to perception changes in the intervention group and eventually behavioral changes. Accordingly, this program can induce cognitive and behavioral changes by conducting food safety training for the elderly.

      • 新羅都城의 展開過程에 관한 都市史的 硏究(1)

        최창길,예명해,足立裕司,신상화 대구대학교 과학기술연구소 1998 科學技術硏究 Vol.5 No.3

        The conclusion drawn from this study can be summarized as follows. The origin of the Silla Capital Castle can be found from the Guem Sung (Golden Castle) which was built in 37 Hyuk Gu Sae year after the formation of Sa Ro Kook. But the Guem Sung during Sa Ro Kook era was not enough to be a Capital City in it's form and size. It was only a castle for the King. The first real formation of what we call city today was gradually progressed while the construction of the royal regime which brought the cetralization of power. Especially, before Ja Bi Ma Rip Gan Chinese capital castle system did not influence directly to Silla Dynasty. But, after that, they started to name the districts, specified the market place as an ecomonical district, built Buddhist temples, constucted East Distirict, West Distirict, and South Distirct around Wol Sung which is the Capital Castle. By doing this, the formation of ancient city was possible. Na Sung was not there around the King's City, they built San Sung instead. This kind of spacial allocation made outline of Capital Castle. After the unification of ancient Korea which was then divided into three by Koguryu. Beakjae and Silla, construction of the city was influenced by China. They followed the Chinese city system as a model and gradually adopted the model. During King Sun Duk era, Jong Myo and Sa Jil, which came from Chinese ceremonial space was built inside of Capital Castle. This means the completion of the city at that time.

      • 冬蟲夏草의 抗轉移와 免疫增進에 關한 硏究

        최우진,유화승,이용연,서상훈,조정효,이연월,손창규,조종관 대전대학교 한방병원 2000 惠和醫學 Vol.9 No.2

        This experimental study was carried out to evaluate the effects of Cordiceps sinensis on the antimetastasis and immune activity. In order to investigate the effect of Cordiceps sinensis, the followings were performed; Cytotoxicity, inhibition of MMP-2 & MMP-9 gene expression, fraction of CD4+, CD8+, CD19+ in splenic cell, the moprphological change of splenic cells, gene expression of IL-12(p35), IL-12(p40), IFN-?? and splenic cell proliferation by CS-E. The results were obtained as follows. 1. CS-E did not present cytotoxic effect on L+14, B16-F10 melanoma cells and HMCB. 2. CS-E inhibited MMP-2 and MMP-9 gene expression more effectively compared with control group. 3. CS-E inhibited invasion of B16-F10 melanoma cells more effectively compared with control group. 4. CS-E helped CD4+, CD8+, CD19+ expression more effectively compared with control group. 5. CS-E activated phagocytic cells in spleen more effectively compared with control group. 6. CS-E helped IL-12(p35), IL-12(p40), IFN-?? gene expression in splenic cell more effectively compared with control group. 7. CS-E activated splenic cell proliferation more effectively compared with control group. From above findings, it is suggested that CS-E is able to inhibit metastasis of cancer and activate immune response system.

      • 韓國寺刹의 空間構造와 信仰形態에 關한 硏究

        최창길,예명해,신상화,이용대 대구대학교 과학기술연구소 1999 科學技術硏究 Vol.6 No.2

        This research takes up DONG HWA(桐華) temple, PA GYE(把溪) temple, UN HEA( 銀海 ) temple, UN BU(雲浮) temple, and the HWAN SUNG(環城) temple, which makes clear the space structure and the belief form of those Buddhist temples. The above-mention temples have been already investigated in other research's. However Now day, The temples are a lot of changes so it is necessary to clarify the current situation. Moreover Each Buddhist temples was not investiaged detaily. So this research's aim is current temple's situation investigation and each temple's detailed reserch 1) The construction of all temples goes back even to the Silla Dynasty. However, the arrange ment structure of then Buddhist temple was completion of the arrangement structure with the courtyard clearly now in a Chosun Dynasty. Especially, the construction time of the grand gate which the component of such an arrangement structure to be assumed the 17th century of which the middle of a Chosun Dynasty. 2) Moreover, it is a building where it was built to be paid objects is deified to these buildings are 山神(SAN SIN), 獨聖(DOK SUNG), and 七星(CHIL SUNG). Especially being paid attention is 山神(SAN SIN) belief. There was a belief to 山神(SAN SIN) from ancient times. However, coming to be deified in the temple is from a furnace in the 17th century. By the way, it was able to be confirmed to have come to be built in the temple which had been investigated by this research in the 20th century in the latter half of the 19th century.

      • 지문정보를 이용한 안전한 암호키 저장 시스템 개발

        최은화,서창호,임종태,김석우 公州大學校 工學硏究院 生産技術硏究所 2003 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        Biometric encryption refers to a process of secure key management. Biometric encryption does not directly provide a mechanism for the encryption/decryption of data, but rather provides a replacement to typical passcode key-protection protocols. Although the process of biometric encryption can be applied to any biometric image, the initial implementation was achieved using fingerprint images.

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