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      • 방사선 조사에 의한 phospholipase D 활성화 연구

        김영래,김기환,조문준,임규,황병두,박승길 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2002 충남의대잡지 Vol.29 No.1

        Activation of oleate-dependent phospholipase D (PLD) isozyme by irradiation was reported previously. However, the effects of irradiation on other PLD isotypes (PLD1 and PLD2) have not been studied. There are several kinds of PLD isozymes in a cell. Therefore, it is difficult to study PLD isotype-specific activation in a cell by irradiation. We tested which isotype of PLD responds to irradiation. We used the fibroblasts cell lines overexpressing PLDl or PLD2 by introducing recombinant PLD1 or PLD2 cDNA. Phospholipids in cells were labelled with [(3)^H] myristic acid. Before irradiation, l-butanol was added. After irradiation with doses of 1, 2, and 10 Gray, we measured the formed phosphatidylbutanol containing [(3)^H] myristic acid. The overexpressed PLD isotypes were functional in those cell lines. PLD2 activity was enhanced by irradiation when we compared the PLD activations between control and PLD1 or PLD2 overexpressing cells. However PLD1 was not activated by irradiation. PLD2 isozyme, but not PLD1, was activated by irradiation. One Gray irradiation showed the maximal effect on PLD2 activation. The activation mechanism and physiological significance of PLD2 activation by irradiation remain to be uncovered.

      • KCI등재

        Collaborative Strategic Reading for the Bible

        Byung-June Hwang 한국기독교교육정보학회 2011 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.19

        This study articulates the possibility of collaborative strategic reading of the Bible applied to Christian education. Collaborative strategic reading aims to enhance comprehension of biblical text and increase conceptual learning in ways that maximize student involvement. First, the study will explore the nature of collaborative strategic reading in general understandings as proposed in the books, How People Learn by Bransford and Understand by Design by Wiggins. Then the study will describe four strategies of collaborative strategic reading as proposed by Janette Klingner and Sharon Vaughn. Next, the study will evaluate the principles of a concept known as the cooperative reading approach in terms of the meta-cognitive approach, the role of the teacher, and the design of the Christian classroom environment. Finally, this analysis discusses the strengths of collaborative strategic reading for the Bible in the context of Christian education. The discussion is in the light of the "six facets of understanding," advocated by Wiggins and McTighe. Collaborative strategic reading is a good technique to make predictions prior to working with students to improve their reading competence, to enhance biblical vocabulary development during reading, to identify main ideas while reading the Bible, and to summarize key ideas following reading. Among six facets identified by Wiggins & McTighe in analyzing and understanding the status of reading skills in children, the facets of perspective, empathy, and self-knowledge are focused on students learning in cooperative learning groups. Facets designated with the labels explanation, interpretation and application are primarily the responsibility of the teacher in the utilization of the collaborative strategic reading methodology.

      • KCI등재

        Contemporary Meaning of Christian Nurture in Family

        Byung-June Hwang 한국기독교교육정보학회 2013 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.23

        This study is to articulate the contemporary meaning of Christian nurture in family in terms of the educational thoughts of Horace Bushnell and to figure out their implications in extending possible implications for today’s Christian family. Horace Bushnell is considered by many to be the father of the Christian education movement. He is called the most creative Protestant theologian of the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century and the father of American religious liberalism in the United States. This article focuses on the meaning of Christian nurture for Christian families that are in crisis today in light of Bushnell’s theological perspective and ministerial focus upon Christian family nurture. This study will discuss a variety of concepts: the Covenant of Promise by God, infant baptism, subjects of spiritual formation, the role of parents, piety as educational purpose, and the educational context of the home. It will figure out briefly the implications of Christian nurture for today’s Christian family, addressing Christian family values and the nurturing of children’s spirituality. The study will discuss its contemporary meaning as a possible way for developing Christian nurture in families. This development includes a trust relationship between parents and children In terms of social capital both within and outside of the family. This study will discuss Christian family resources of the faith community and the Church, and developing the networks between families for effective parenting in the home.

      • KCI등재

        Pastoral Ethical Leadership in Church Administration and the Decision-Making Process

        Hwang, Byung-June 한국실천신학회 2010 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.25

        The purpose of the study is to articulate pastoral ethical leadership in church administration and the decision-making process. In the 21st century, as society becomes even more demographically diverse, pastors need to be able to develop, foster, and lead tolerant and democratic faith community. Church leaders, today, will have more difficulties of decision-makings and face real-life dilemmas in their churches and communities. From this point of view, ethical leadership is necessary for church administrators and leaders to solve the dilemmas in their everyday decision making process. Moreover, pastoral leaders need moral principles which inform and guide lay leaders who make hard choice under complex and ambiguous circumstances. Through the study of ethics, thus, pastoral leaders of tomorrow will be better prepared to recognize, reflect on, and appreciate differences. This need for ethical preparation is important for church leaders in an increasingly diverse society. This study will attempt to synthesize and explain a large body of literature with which pastoral leaders want and need to be familiar. First, it will explore the nature of leadership and pastoral leadership. Then, it will explain the needs of ethical leadership in church administration and decision making. Next, it will introduce a multiple ethical paradigm approach to assist church leaders in grappling with complexity and diversity. Finally, it will discuss William Grace’s the four "V" model for ethical leadership development in administration programs.

      • KCI등재

        Mission Tasks in Christian Education

        Byung-June Hwang 한국기독교교육정보학회 2009 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.15

        The purpose of this study is to investigate mission tasks in Christian education. For this, the study will look at mission tasks inside and outside the church. First, for the task of mission inside the church, the study will look at the function of a faithful community in the making of Christians. How can people live without any split between their ritual worship life and daily life? How would Christian education function in this issue? What is the role of church catechesis in this problem? Next, for the task of mission outside the church, this study will articulate the meaning of educating for partnership. What is the meaning of transformation in Christian education? What are the implications of partnership in Christian education for the future? What are the goals and the roles of Christian education for visions of the future? Finally, this study will discuss mission tasks in Christian education. In this study, mission tasks include 1) transforming the male’s identity in Confucianism, 2) solving conflict between generations in hierarchical structure, and 3) forming a functional community. Partnership is a relationship of mutuality and trust based on the gift of God’s partnership with us in our lives. Christian educators should be helping people become partners to think from other side, to love the questions and to identify with the marginalized. A faithful community should understand its congregation’s historical, social, and cultural context to help people transform themselves. Mission tasks in Christian education should consider a faithful community’s functions both inside and outside the church. One of the mission tasks in Christian education is to transform our faithful community to become a functional community and this mission begins with listening to culture.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Healing and Wholeness in Christian Spirituality

        Hwang, Byung-June 한국실천신학회 2009 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.21

        Healing and wholeness are contemporary spiritual issues in today’s church. In the Bible healing and wholeness are a principal focus: through the history of Israel, God consistently restored the relationship of the Israelites by mean of healing and wholeness processes and in the New Testament era, Jesus showed the kingdom of God through his ministry by healing and wholeness. Healing may thus be seen as a direct act of agape love which brings people uniquely into contact with God the Creator. Jesus healed all who came to him because he knew that God’s will is for each one to live full and complete lives. Today, healing reminds us all that God is not indifferent to human pain and suffering. Jesus heals in order to help us toward transformation. God today uses healing "partners,"particularly in the many fields involving health care including physical, mental, emotional, and relationship recovery. Thus, healing witnesses God’s presence to us. The purpose of this study is to articulate the issues of healing and wholeness in Christianity for contemporary spirituality. First, it will define what healing and wholeness in Christianity mean and will trace for the reader some of the biblical foundations in the Old and New Testaments. Moreover, it will introduce a historical understanding of healing and wholeness based on the book, Healing and Christianity, written by Morton Kelsey and will present its background from biblical times to the present. Secondly, it will elaborate on programs of healing and wholeness beyond the principles suggested by Kelsey in order to apply the theory of healing processes more explicitly in a contemporary church. Finally, it will present major examples of programs such as Meditation, Group Sharing, Bible study, a Workshop, and a Healing service.

      • KCI등재

        COVID-19 New Normal Era, Pastoral Leadership in Need of Changes and Responses of Korean Churches

        Hwang, Byung-June 한국실천신학회 2021 신학과 실천 Vol.- No.75

        The New Normal Era refers to a new standard era in which things that were considered abnormal become normal. The transition to a new normal society is macroscopically reorganizing the world order and changing the landscape of the citizens' life world. This phenomenon seems to continue to occur in the church and in the life of faith. The church is experiencing changes in worship such as online worship or Drive-In Worship is taking place due to the suspension of on-site worship services on Sunday, which is the first in a Korean church. Although on-site worship is being resumed, the church is changing into a digital pastoral platform by establishing an online worship system in parallel with offline worship and opening a YouTube channel. These changes will become the inevitable pastoral capabilities that the church must have after Corona. What is the pastor's response to the corona crisis? This study aims to study the method with a focus on the future church theory, and to reconsider the characteristics of worship, sermon, and evangelism suggested by emerging churches, and to suggest methods for pastoral leadership in Korean churches to cope with. The way to deal with the corona crisis may differ slightly depending on the ministry site and target, but there will be alternative methods for everyone. However, the most important solution will be change. Therefore, this study intends to examine the changes and responses of the Korean church in the Corona New Normal Era. For the study, first, the need for change in the post-corona church is discussed, second, the characteristics of the future church are presented through prior research, and third, the challenges faced by the leadership of the Korean church are considered. Next, the study presents the factors that should change the leadership of the church, and finally, the study intends to suggest the changing factors of the leadership of the pastor.

      • KCI등재

        Social Class and Christian Education

        Byung-June Hwang 한국기독교교육정보학회 2007 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.12

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between social class and Christian education, especially the teacher's bias by ability grouping and the reproduction of social class in the Sunday school classroom. Students assigned to lower-ability groups form a poor image of their abilities and develop low achievement expectations. Teacher's expectations even in the Sunday school classroom may be lowered for students in low-ability groups and this in turn may affect the students. As a result of these factors, a loss of self-confidence weakens motivation and produces lower academic achievement. It influences students to become detached from the instructional process not only in public school, but in the faith community. Further, low self-confidence is likely to affect their future social life and faithful experiences. This study attempts to synthesize and analyze a large body of literature with which Christian educators need to be familiar with this issue. First, this study explores a general understanding of tracking systems. It reviews three views of academic tracking and educational inequality and discusses tracking in the relationship between social class and educational inequality. Next, this study looks at the reproduction of social class by tracking in the discussion of how tracking affects social class and educational organization stratification. Then, the study examines a teacher's bias and low expectations for the student in the low-ability group and discusses the relationship between the low teacher's expectation and student learning achievement. Finally, this study introduces a model of the teacher's role in a faith community. Education as transformation takes place through dialogue. For teachers in the classroom, response opportunities, feedback, and personal regard help them to reduce discrimination in the classroom and to improve student learning equally. These components are also helpful for the teacher to avoid unfair bias in teaching a certain gender, race, or social class.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Sacrament of Lord's Supper in the Theology of Karl Barth and Jürgen Moltman

        Hwang, Byung-June 한국실천신학회 2008 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.17

        The purpose of the study is to articulate the sacrament of Lord’s Supper in the theology of Karl Barth and Jürgen Moltman. In church history the sacraments have been understood to be visible signs of an invisible grace; they are the embodiment of promises given to us in Scripture. Sacraments are rites which reveal God’s saving grace to be uniquely active in human experience. Historically, both Protestant and Roman Catholic theologians have accepted Augustine’s (354-430) definition of sacrament, as a "visible sign of an invisible reality." But there remain differences of interpretation as to how one should understand the relationship of invisible reality to the visible sign. Barth spoke of sacraments as the indispensable means of grace and as instruments used by God to speak objectively (in sign) within world history. Our human responses to God in worship are and remain fully human, but God can use them objectively to unite us to Him through faith, grace, and revelation. We participate in objective revelation (Jesus Christ) through the Holy Spirit. This is the subjective reality of revelation, and if we wish to understand the Holy Spirit, we must look at Christ Himself. Barth uses the word sacrament to speak of the church as a sign bearing witness to revelation and of Christ’s humanity as sacramental. In the theology of Barth, incarnation is God’s special action of unveiling Godself and the great Christian mystery; the humanity of Jesus is the first sacrament. Moltman, however, sees the real presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper in terms of time and space and analyzes it with a messianic hope, explaining it in the eschatological and pneumatological perspectives. In this eschatological messianic hope, the Lord’s Supper becomes an important understanding for faith and Christian life.

      • KCI등재

        An Examination of Pastoral Ministry for the Dying Explored in the Context of Psalm 88

        Byung-June Hwang,Robinson Simanungkalit 한국실천신학회 2023 신학과 실천 Vol.- No.85

        The objective of this research is to comprehensively expound upon the correlation between the portrayal of lamentation within Psalm 88 and the multifaceted experiences of individuals facing dying conditions arising from diverse incurable diseases. For this, this study delves deeply into the profound insights presented in Psalm 88, which poignantly portrays a distressing condition characterized by the imminent approach of death. Through a rigorous qualitative analysis of the text, the expressive language employed by the psalmist unveils the profound depths of their suffering and the impending reality of their demise, employing poignant phrases such as troubled, my life is drawing closer to Sheol, and among the dead. The primary aim of this article is to explore the parallels between the lamentation depicted in Psalm 88 and the lived experiences of individuals confronting the challenges of dying conditions caused by incurable diseases. Furthermore, it underscores the crucial significance of pastoral care in providing solace and spiritual guidance to those undertaking the arduous journey towards death. Through meticulous descriptive qualitative research, primarily grounded in extensive literature studies, this article seeks to elucidate the pivotal role of pastoral care in offering support and assistance to individuals during their profound encounters with mortality.

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