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      • 다양한 입력을 가진 컨버터 출력 특성에 관한 연구

        정병열,이종찬,송재주 順天靑巖大學 1998 論文集-順天靑巖大學 Vol.22 No.2

        Converter would be destroyed by the many variable input voltage between the drain and source in switching or the reverse voltage of diode because the voltage exceed the rated value in according to increasing of input voltage. In this work, we developed the converter circuit with variable input which stabilize a system by means of preventing the reverse boltage of the switching and diode from increasing of imput voltage highly. Also the steady state characteristic is show by applying the slope method, these simulation results are verified though experiment, and therefore it is shown that this converter circuit proper to application for the variable imput.

      • Si(111)기판 상에 Au층을 통한 GexSi1-x 화합물 반도체의 고체상 에피탁시

        안병일,서정훈,박영석 경남대학교 공업기술연구소 2000 硏究論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        Si(111) 기판 위에 Au와 Ge을 차례로 약 1000Å 증착하여 a-Ge/Au/Si(111) 구조를 준비한 후 이를 고진공 조건에서 열처리하는 고체상 에피탁시법(solid phase epitaxy : SPE)으로 Ge□Si1-□ /Si(111) 이종 접합을 형성하였다. Auger 전자분광분석(AES), x-ray 회절(XRD), □HE□ 이온 후방산란 분광법(RBS), 고분해 투과전자현미경(HRTEM) 등을 이용하여 Ge 및 Au의 거동과 형성된 Ge□Si1-□ /Si(111)의 결정성을 조사하였다. 400℃에서 열처리 한 시료에서 균일한 Ge□□□Si□□□상이 형성되었고, 440℃에서 열처리 했을 때는 Ge□□□Si□□□와 Ge□□□Si□□□가 혼합된 상들이 동시에 관찰 되었으며, 470℃이상에서 열처리 한 시료는Ge□□□Si□□□의 단일상만 관찰되었다. 단면 TEM 사진으로부터 Ge□Si1-□ /Si(111) 계면에서의 에피탁시는 비교적 잘되었으나, 쌍정, 전이, planar defect 등이 (111)면을 따라 형성되고 있음이 확인되었다. For the formation of GexSi1-□ /Si(111) heterostructure by solid phase epitaxy (SPE), Au and Ge layers with about 1000Åthickness were sequentially deposited on the Si(111) substrate, then the resulting Ge(1000Å)/Au(1000Å)/Si(111) samples were annealed in the high vacuum condition. The behaviors of Au and Ge during thermal annealing and the structural properties of Ge□Si1-□ films were characterized by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), X-ray diffraction (XRD), □HE□ ion backscattering spectrometry (RBS) , and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A uniform Ge□□□Si□□□ phase was observed from the sample annealed at 400℃, but mixed Ge□□□Si□□□and Ge□□□Si□□□ phases were observed at 440℃. And Single Ge□□□Si□□□ phase was identified from samples annealed over 470℃. At GexSi1-x /Si(111) interface the epitaxy was relatively performed well, but defects such as stacking faults, twin band, point defects, and dislocations were found by TEM cross section pictures

      • 칸트의 도덕적인 기독교의 의미

        윤병렬 안양대학교 인문과학연구소 2002 人文科學硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        Das Chirstentum und die Theologie bei Kant sind strend ehtisch orientiert. Sogar ist der theologische Gottesbeweis bei ihm nur ethisch moeglich. Er hat demzufolge den herkoemmlichen "ontologischen Gottesbeweis" abgelehnt, weil die menschlichen Erkenntnisfaehigkeiten jenen nicht erlaubt. Der Mensch kann naemlich nicht ueber die Welt des Noumenon durchdringen. Die theologische und philosophische Stroemung in der Zeit Kants ist sonzusagen Rationalismus, Aufklaerung, und "Deutscher Idealismus". Jedoch war Kants philosophisches und religioeses Denken mit jener Stroemung gewisserweise auseinandergesetzt. Naemlich hat man in der Zeit Aufklaerung ueber die Welt und Gott zu optimistisch gedacht; oder diese Sachen hat man nur einseitig in der Seite des Menschen aufgeklaert. Sodann hat nur der Mensch den Schluessel und die Macht, den Kosmos zu oeffnen und zu herschen. Kant war aber dagegen. Kants Ethiko-theologie ist besonders in Korea sinnvoll, weil die koreanische Kirche nur Gnaden, Wohlwollen, Glueckseligkeit und Rettung akzentuiert. Auf diese Weise ist es in Korea fast nicht moeglich zu unterscheiden, was christlich oder nicht christlich ist. D. h. den ethischen Sinn des Christentums, das Jesus Chistus in der Bibel konkret gesprochen hat, leugnet man dann. Gerade hat Kant diese vernachlaessigte ethische Sache des Evangeliums genau gesehen. Obzwar hat der Mensch nach Kant urspruengliche Anlage zum Gutten, aber umgekehrt gibt es in seinem Wesen "den Hang zum Boesen." Nach Kant ist der Mensch von Natur aus boesartig. Diese These Kants ist zumal gleich wie die des Apostels Paulus, der Kirchenvaters Augustinus und der Reformatoren Luther und Calvin. Er hat den "Hang zum Boesen" des Menschen zur drei Teile geglidert: Gebrechlichkeit(fragilitas), Unlauterkeit(improbitas) und Boesartigkeit(vitiositas). Sodann muss der Mensch nach Kant vom "alten Menschen" zum "neuen Menschen" wieder geboren werdern(wie bei Paulus). Aber der Mensch kann allein nicht solches schaffen. Darin liegt sozusagen "Postulat Gottes" und Gottes Urteil aus Gnaden.

      • Windows 시스템에 대한 보안상의 취약점과 그 대책에 관한 고찰

        정병열 順天靑巖大學 1999 論文集-順天靑巖大學 Vol.23 No.-

        The number of networking Windows-based personal computers, recent, are increasing rapidly, and the percentage of diffusion and the power of influence are being large. The one of the reasons is that it can be configured Windows based computer systems on lower hardware costs than workstation's, and it can be operated server system easily through Internet Information Server (IIS) which is a server software on Windows NT. Also, using Windows NT can help to register and manage easily for multi-users. The personal computers, in the past, were just stand alone type computers without Mail Server, FTP Server, and File Server functions while they were existed on workstation. Caused by the large number of windows based computers, it can be deeply injured on computer environment when the secure problems are raised. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to propose the security problems on windows based computers and solutions for these problems.

      • 노자적인 것과 비-노자적인 것 : 도올 김용옥의「노자와 21세기」에 대한 반론

        윤병렬 안양대학교 인문과학연구소 2000 人文科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        Laostse und 21. Jahrhundert ist ein Titel sowohl eines Buches als auch der Sendung, durch den der Philosoph Yong-Oak Kim popular geworden war. In der Zeit unseres Denkarmutes hat jener einerseit einen sensationellen Echo hervorgerufen. Andererseit zeigt sich jedoch jene Laotse und 21. Jahrhundert viel Problematisches, und zwar das Unlaotseische. Die Abhandlung Laotseisch und Unlaotseisch - eine Auseinadersetzung mit dem Philosoph Yong-Oak Kim versucht jedoch zu zeigen, was in Laotse und 21. Jahrhundert Unlaotseisches inbegriffen ist. Der Verfasser Y.O. Kim legt die Akzent auf seine Autolaritaet. Ausserdem erzaehlt er zu viele private Dinge und Ausserphilosophisches, das fast keinen Zusammenhang mit dem Text(bzw. Denken) Laotses einschliesst. Was aber noch Problematisches ist, haelt er das Tao fuer nicht ewig. Naemlich behauptet er, dass das Tao nur beweglich ist. Beim Tao gebe es dann nicht ewiges Sein. Dagegen zeigt die Abhandlung Laotseisch und Unlaotseisch …, dass die Seinswise des Tao nicht einfaelltig ist. Keinesfalls faellt aber das Tao ins Vergehen runter. Denn das Tao existiert nach Laotse vor Himmel und Erde und vergeht nicht wie die Dinge. Das Tao Laotses ist unwandelbar in allem Wandel! Die Abhandlung Laotseisch und Unlaotseisch … zeigt noch dazu gegen die Behauptung Y.O. Kims, dass man das Denken Laotses nicht einfach fuer "anti-intellectualism" halton muss. Ausserdem hat der Verfasser Kim die Abneigung gegen die europaeische Philosophie. Aber weil sein Argument am meisten dafuer nicht rechtfertigt und fast grundlos ist, und weil er die andere Denkmoeglichkeit und Pluralitaet nicht offen akzeptiert, fuehrt sein Argument das Denken zwischen Osten und Westen parteisch.

      • KCI등재

        불소방출성 콤포짓트 레진계 수복재의 특성

        김상훈,백병주,김재곤,양연미,박정렬 大韓小兒齒科學會 2008 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.35 No.3

        본 연구에서는 구강 환경과 유사한 조건에서 불소방출성을 보이는 콤포짓트 레진계 수복재의 내구성과 불소방출성을 조사하기 위해 4종의 콤포머와 1종의 불소방출성 콤포짓트 레진을 실험재료로 선택하고 5℃와 55℃ 수중에서의 열순환 처리 후의 인장강도, 열순환 처리 후 칫솔에 대한 작용력 1.5N으로 100,000회 칫솔질을 시행하였을 때의 표면조도 및 불소치약 칫솔질 후 37℃ 수중에서의 불소이온 용출 양상을 조사한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 인장강도는 TC(Tetric^(ⓡ) Ceram)군에서 32.3 MPa, CF(Compoglass F)군에서 16.8 MPa이고, TC군과 DF(Dyract^(ⓡ) flow)군 및 CF군에서 유의한 차이를 보였다(P<0.05). 2. 칫솔질 마모시험 후의 표면조도 Ra는 TC군에서 0.287, FT(F2000)군에서 1.516이고, FT군과 나머지 시험군 사이에 유의한 차이를 보였다(P<0.05). 3. 칫솔질 마모시험 후의 표면에서는 필러의 돌출과 탈락 양상이 관찰되었다. 4. 불소치약 Perio Alpine Herb로 칫솔질 한 후 콤포머는 초기에 높은 용출을 보인 후 시간이 경과하면서 용출량이 감소하는 양상을 보였지만, 불소방출성 콤포짓트 레진의 TC군에서는 초기단계부터 낮으면서도 지속적인 용출을 보였다. 5. 불소치약 Perio Alpine Herb로 칫솔질 한 후 1시간이 경과하였을 때의 불소이온 용출량은 CF군에서 2.064μg/cm², TC군에서 0.1119μg/cm²이고, CF군의 용출량이 나머지 시험군에 비해 유의하게 높은 값을 보였다(P<0.05). The objectives of this study were to examine the properties of fluoride-releasing resin composite restorative materials. Four commercially available compomer materials (Compoglass F: CF, Dyract^(ⓡ) AP: DA. Dyract^(ⓡ) flow:DF, F2000: FT) and one fluoride-releasing composite resin (Tetric^(ⓡ) Ceram: TC) were selected as experimental materials. Rectangular-shaped tensile test specimens were fabricated in a teflon mold giving 5 mm in gauge length and 2 mm in thickness. Disk-shaped specimens were fabricated in the split teflon mold with diameter of 15mm and thickness of 1 mm. After curing for an hour, specimens were immersed in deionized water at 37℃±1℃ for 30 days. All specimens were thermocycled for 10,000 cycles with 15 seconds of dwelling time in each 5℃ and 55℃ water baths. Toothbrush abrasion test was conducted under a load of 1.5 N and the abraded surfaces were examined with surface roughness tester (SV-3000, Mitutoyo Co, Japan) and SEM (JSM-5800, JEOL, Japan). Fluoride recharging was done by toothbrushing for 3 min. using a fluoride toothpaste (Perio Alpine Herb, LG Household & Health Care, Korea). The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The highest tensile strength value of 32.3 MPa was observed in TC group and the lowest value of 16.8 MPa was observed in CF group. The tensile strength of TC group was significantly higher than those of CF and DF groups (P<0.05). 2. The lowest Ra value of 0.287 was observed in TC group and the highest value of 1.516 was observed in FT group. The Ra value of FT group was significantly higher than other groups (P<0.05). 3. The abraded surfaces revealed the increase of surface roughness due to the protrusion and missing of filler particles. 4. The release of fluoride of compomers after tooth brushing by Perio Alpine Herb was initially large and then followed by small and continuously. But it remains small and constant in fluoride-releasing composite resin of TC. 5. The highest value of fluoride release after toothbrushing by Perio Alpine Herb was 2.064 μg/cm² in CF group and the lowest value was 0.119μg/cm² in TC group. The amount of fluoride release of CF group was significantly higher than other groups (P<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        단클론항체를 이용한 타액 내 Streptococcus mutans 수준의 측정

        김추성,김재곤,양연미,백병주,이경열,김미아,임수민 大韓小兒齒科學會 2010 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.37 No.2

        Streptococcus mutans는 구강 내에 상존하는 치아우식증의 주요 원인균으로서 치면의 피막에 부착 후 glucan을 형성하여 세균의 군락을 이루며, 외부로부터 공급된 자당대사를 통하여 유기산을 생성함으로써 법랑질을 탈회시킨다. 치아우식 활성도의 평가를 위한 단클론항체를 이용한 방법은 진료실에서 빠른 시간 내에 간편하게 타액에 존재하는 Streptococcus mutans의 정량분석이 가능한 방법이다. 이 연구는 3세에서 6세 사이의 어린이 15명을 대상으로 자극성 타액을 채취하여 시판 중인 단클론항체를 이용한 Salivacheck Mutans, strip을 이용한 Dentocult-SM 그리고 MSB배지 배양법으로서 타액 내 Streptococcus mutans를 측정한 후 그 값을 우식경험치아수와 비교하여 상관관계를 알아보았다. Saliva-check Mutans를 이용한 방법은 Dentocult-SM과 MSB배지법과 통계학적으로 유의한 상관관계를 보였으나 (p<0.05), MSB배지법은 어린이의 우식경험치아수와 통계학적으로 유의한 결과를 나타내지 않았다 (p=0.34). Streptococcus mutans, one of the major causal agents of dental caries, is component of the dental plaque. It produces various organic acids such as lactic acid which is the end-product of glycolysis, and this leads to dental caries. A new system using species-specific monoclonal antibodies was developed to detect Streptococcus mutans in saliva. The system quickly detects salivary Streptococcus mutans in 30min and classifies the result into two levels. The purpose of this study was to investigate correlation between monoclonal antibody-based detecting system and selective medium-based detecting methods. Children's deft indices were also compared with Streptococcus mutans counts in MSB agar plate. Subjects consisted of 15 children in the age of 3 to 6 years. They were assigned to three groups: Group Ⅰ (deft index = 3), Group Ⅱ (deft index ≤ 3), Group Ⅲ (deft index ≥ 4). The results are as follows : 1. The rate of children with positive response was 13.3% and with negative response was 86.7% in the result of Saliva-check Mutans test kit. 2. There was a positive correlation between monoclonal antibody-based detecting system and selective medium-based detecting methods (p<0.05). 3. Streptococcus mutans counts in MSB agar plate were irrelevant to deft of children(p=0.34).

      • KCI등재

        자동차 공조용 핀형 열교환기의 성능특성에 관한 연구

        홍경한,전상신,이승재,박찬수,권일욱,김재열,김병철,하옥남 한국공작기계학회 2004 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        Fin-tube type(Fin-type) heat exchanger has been tested in order to replace the heat exchanger of parallel flow type(P.F-type) which is now widly used in automobile air conditioning system. The following conclusions are drawn by the comparison of the characteristics of the heat exchangers. Evaporator and condenser capacities and COP(Coefficience of performance) were varied as with the compressor speed, outdoor air temperature and air flow rate changed, which much influenced on the characteristics of the air conditioning system. Evaporator and condenser capacities were increased with increasing compressor speed and outdoor air temperature. Evaporator and condenser pressures of Fin- type were decreased by 7% and 5% respectively compared with those of P.F-type. The COP of Fin-type was decreased with increasing outdoor air temperature and compressor speed. The COP of P.F-type was decreased by 14% compared with that of Fin-type.

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