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Gwon, Byeong-Geun,Kim, Joong-Kyun Korean Society of Environmental Engineers 2012 Environmental Engineering Research Vol.17 No.1
A scaled-up bioconversion of fishmeal wastewater (FMW) into liquid fertilizer was performed five times in a $1m^3$ reactor in order to examine the feasibility of commercialization. The importance of aeration was marked. Analyses indicated that dissolved oxygen (DO) level was closely related to the value of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and it was crucial to achieve high-quality liquid fertilizer. When pure oxygen was supplied through four diffusers into the reactor, DO levels and ORP values were maintained over 1.2 mg/L and 0.2 mV, respectively all the time during 52 hr of bioconversion. The pH changed from 6.8 to 5.9. The average removal percentages of chemical oxygen demand ($COD_{Cr}$) and total nitrogen (TN) were 75.0% and 71.6%, respectively. Compared to the result acquired in a 5-L reactor, bioconversion of FMW into liquid fertilizer was achieved in a shorter time under the same removal percentages of $COD_{Cr}$ and TN. The 52-hr culture of inoculated FMW was phytotoxic-free and it possessed comparable fertilizing ability to a liquid fertilizer made from the fish waste in hydroponic culture with amino acid contents of 5.93 g/ 100 g sample. From all the above results, transferring lab-scale data to large-scale production appeared to be successful. As a result, the commercialization of a liquid fertilizer made from FMW was feasible.
Byeong Geun Gwon,Joong Kyun Kim 대한환경공학회 2012 Environmental Engineering Research Vol.17 No.1
A scaled-up bioconversion of fishmeal wastewater (FMW) into liquid fertilizer was performed five times in a 1 m3 reactor in order to examine the feasibility of commercialization. The importance of aeration was marked. Analyses indicated that dissolved oxygen (DO) level was closely related to the value of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and it was crucial to achieve high-quality liquid fertilizer. When pure oxygen was supplied through four diffusers into the reactor, DO levels and ORP values were maintained over 1.2 mg/L and 0.2 mV, respectively all the time during 52 hr of bioconversion. The pH changed from 6.8 to 5.9. The average removal percentages of chemical oxygen demand (CODCr) and total nitrogen (TN) were 75.0% and 71.6%, respectively. Compared to the result acquired in a 5-L reactor, bioconversion of FMW into liquid fertilizer was achieved in a shorter time under the same removal percentages of CODCr and TN. The 52-hr culture of inoculated FMW was phytotoxic-free and it possessed comparable fertilizing ability to a liquid fertilizer made from the fish waste in hydroponic culture with amino acid contents of 5.93 g/ 100 g sample. From all the above results, transferring labscale data to large-scale production appeared to be successful. As a result, the commercialization of a liquid fertilizer made from FMW was feasible.
권병근 ( Byeong Geun Gwon ),김영옥 ( Young Ok Kim ),남보혜 ( Bo Hye Nam ),김우진 ( Woo Jin Kim ),공희정 ( Hee Jeong Kong ),김봉석 ( Bong Seok Kim ),지영주 ( Young Ju Jee ),이상준 ( Sang Jun Lee ),안철민 ( Cheul Min An ),김동균 ( D 한국어병학회 2013 한국어병학회지 Vol.26 No.3
The ark shell, Scapharca broughtonii is a marine bivalve mollusks belonging to the family Arcidae and important seafood for Korean and Japanese, and southern coast is brisk bays for the ark shell aquaculture. However, productivity of ark shell from these regions were rapidly reduced during the last decade due to mass mortality. The reason of this great damage has not yet been identified. To overcome this economic loss, diverse investigations were focused on environmental factors that affects in the physiology of S. broughtonii, but microbiological researches were performed insufficiently. Hemoglobin is one of the major blood component of ark shell and is damaged by some species of bacterial toxins. We concentrated on this red pigment because hemolysis could be the cause of ark shell mortality. In this study, we analyzed microbial diversity of underwater sediments in coastal regions and also existences in the body of S. broughtonii. We investigate about 4,200 isolates collected from June to September for microbial diversity of sediments and ark shell. We screened all of culturable microorganisms, and identified 25 genera 118 species, 24 genera 89 species, 30 genera 109 species and 39 genera 141 species, and selected 140 unique colonies for identification and challenge assay.
Vacuum Packaging Technology of AC-PDP using Direct-Joint Method
Lee, Duck-Jung,Lee, Yun-Hi,Moon, Gwon-Jin,Kim, Jun-Dong,Choi, Won-Do,Lee, Sang-Geun,Jang, Jin,Ju, Byeong-Kwon The Korean Infomation Display Society 2001 Journal of information display Vol.2 No.4
We suggested new PDP packaging technology using the direct joint method, which does not need an exhausting hole and tube. The advantages of this method are simple process, short process time and time panel package. To packaging, we drew the seal line of glass frit by dispenser followed by forming the lump, which provide pumping-out path during the packaging process. And, we have performed a pretreatment of glass frit to reduce the out-gases. After which, both front and rear glass plates were aligned and loaded into vacuum packaging chamber. The 4-inch monochrome AC-PDP was successfully packaged and fully emitted with brightness of 1000 $cd/m^2$. Also, glass frit properties for pretreatment condition was investigated by AES and SEM analyses.
신옥식 ( Sin Og Sig ),신규창 ( Sin Gyu Chang ),이병삼 ( Lee Byeong Sam ),장재권 ( Jang Jae Gwon ),정홍수 ( Jeong Hong Su ),정태호 ( Jeong Tae Ho ),조용근 ( Jo Yong Geun ),오용구 ( O Yong Gu ) 대한내과학회 1993 대한내과학회지 Vol.44 No.6
For a long time, it is well known that hyperlipidemia and pancretitis is closely related, though we could not define clearly whether the lipid abnormalities are the cause or the result of the pancreatitis. In patients with hyperlipidemia and pancreatitis, the recurrent bouts of pancreatitis are controlled only when serum triglyceride levels are lowered toward normal. A 45-year old man with abdominal pain due to pancreatitis was admitted. For 15 years, he had frequent relapse of pancreatitis. He denied any history of alcohol ingestion. On routine laboratory examination, we could find no abnormal finding except lactescent serum with marked hypertriglyceridemia up to 35 mmol/L, hypercholesterolemia and increased serum amylase level. With low fat diet, weight reduction and gemfibrozil 1,200㎎/day, he is now pain free and his serum triglyceride level is about 5.3 mmol/L (465㎎/dL).