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        Experimental Validation of a Novel Compact Focusing Scheme for Future Energy-Frontier Linear Lepton Colliders

        White, G. R.,Ainsworth, R.,Akagi, T.,Alabau-Gonzalvo, J.,Angal-Kalinin, D.,Araki, S.,Aryshev, A.,Bai, S.,Bambade, P.,Bett, D. R.,Blair, G.,Blanch, C.,Blanco, O.,Blaskovic-Kraljevic, N.,Bolzon, B.,Boog American Physical Society 2014 Physical Review Letters Vol.112 No.3

        <P>A novel scheme for the focusing of high-energy leptons in future linear colliders was proposed in 2001 [P. Raimondi and A. Seryi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3779 (2001)]. This scheme has many advantageous properties over previously studied focusing schemes, including being significantly shorter for a given energy and having a significantly better energy bandwidth. Experimental results from the ATF2 accelerator at KEK are presented that validate the operating principle of such a scheme by demonstrating the demagnification of a 1.3 GeV electron beam down to below 65 nm in height using an energy-scaled version of the compact focusing optics designed for the ILC collider.</P>



        Till, A.R.,Hunt, M.R.,Panggabean, T.,Bulo, D.,Blair, G.J. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1991 Animal Bioscience Vol.4 No.1

        Weaner heifers were set stocked at 4/ha on a grass-legume pasture in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, and either unsupplemented (Control) or for 338 days given daily supplements of one of, rice bran (RB) supplied at 1 kg/animal/d, molasses/urea (MU) or 0.5 RB + 0.5 MU (MURB) the amounts of which were adjusted to give similar energy intakes. There were 20 animals in each treatment. A drought resulted in low pasture availability for about half the supplementation period. The LWG per animal in the MURB treatment was 85 kg above that of the control and this was significantly greater (p < 0.01) than those for MU (62.0 kg) or RB (56.2 kg) although the economics favoured the gains from RB which returned over three times the cost of the supplement. Costs could be reduced by supplementing only at times of maximum undernutrition, but such a strategy is of doubtful value in this situation as there was no compensatory LWG and a similar rate of economic return was maintained throughout the period. The results suggest that additional benefits from the supplementation may be improved reproductive performance and more efficient use of pasture.

      • KCI등재

        Dysfunctional Social Reinforcement Processing in Disruptive Behavior Disorders: An Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study

        Soonjo Hwang,Harma Meffert,Michelle R. VanTieghem,Stephen Sinclair,Susan Y. Bookheimer,Brigette Vaughan,R. J. R. Blair 대한정신약물학회 2018 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE Vol.16 No.4

        Objective: Prior functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) work has revealed that children/adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders (DBDs) show dysfunctional reward/non-reward processing of non-social reinforcements in the context of instrumental learning tasks. Neural responsiveness to social reinforcements during instrumental learning, despite the importance of this for socialization, has not yet been previously investigated. Methods: Twenty-nine healthy children/adolescents and 19 children/adolescents with DBDs performed the fMRI social/ non-social reinforcement learning task. Participants responded to random fractal image stimuli and received social and non-social rewards/non-rewards according to their accuracy. Results: Children/adolescents with DBDs showed significantly reduced responses within the caudate and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) to non-social (financial) rewards and social non-rewards (the distress of others). Connectivity analyses revealed that children/adolescents with DBDs have decreased positive functional connectivity between the ventral striatum (VST) and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) seeds and the lateral frontal cortex in response to reward relative to non-reward, irrespective of its sociality. In addition, they showed decreased positive connectivity between the vmPFC seed and the amygdala in response to non-reward relative to reward. Conclusion: These data indicate compromised reinforcement processing of both non-social rewards and social non-rewards in children/adolescents with DBDs within core regions for instrumental learning and reinforcement-based decision- making (caudate and PCC). In addition, children/adolescents with DBDs show dysfunctional interactions between the VST, vmPFC, and lateral frontal cortex in response to rewarded instrumental actions potentially reflecting disruptions in attention to rewarded stimuli.


        Development of ITER-relevant plasma control solutions at DIII-D

        Humphreys, D.A.,Ferron, J.R.,Bakhtiari, M.,Blair, J.A.,In, Y.,Jackson, G.L.,Jhang, H.,Johnson, R.D.,Kim, J.S.,LaHaye, R.J.,Leuer, J.A.,Penaflor, B.G.,Schuster, E.,Walker, M.L.,Wang, H.,Welander, A.S. International Atomic Energy Agency 2007 Nuclear fusion Vol.47 No.8

        <P>The requirements of the DIII-D physics program have led to the development of many operational control results with direct relevance to ITER. These include new algorithms for robust and sustained stabilization of neoclassical tearing modes with electron cyclotron current drive, model-based controllers for stabilization of the resistive wall mode in the presence of ELMs, coupled linear–nonlinear algorithms to provide good dynamic axisymmetric control while avoiding coil current limits, and adaptation of the DIII-D plasma control system (PCS) to operate next-generation superconducting tokamaks. Development of integrated plasma control (IPC), a systematic approach to model-based design and controller verification, has enabled successful experimental application of high reliability control algorithms requiring a minimum of machine operations time for testing and tuning. The DIII-D PCS hardware and software and its versions adapted for other devices can be connected to IPC simulations to confirm control function prior to experimental use. This capability has been important in control system implementation for tokamaks under construction and is expected to be critical for ITER.</P>



        Bulo, D.,Blair, G.J.,Till, A.R.,Stur, W. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1994 Animal Bioscience Vol.7 No.3

        This study was undertaken at Gowa, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, as part of a larger forage genetic resource evaluation project. The experimental program consisted of a field experiment where grass and legume species were grown in monocultures and the dry matter yield, rumen bag digestibility (RBDMD) and N content of leaf and stem components were monitored in the wet and dry seasons. Eight species of grass (Brachiaria decwnbens cv. Basilisk. Panicum maximum cv. Riversdale, Urochloa pullulans CPI 41192, Imperata cylindrica from Maiwa, South Sulawesi, Digitaria milanjiana CPI 41193, Cenchrus ciliaris cv. Malopo, Heteropogon contorlus and Setaria sphacelata cv. Splenda) were studied. P. maximum was the highest yielding grass in the wet season and B. decumbens in the dry season. The highest RBDMD in the whole plants were U. pulluians, P. maximum, S. sphacelata and D. milanjiana after 2 weeks regrowth in cycle I and S. sphacelata, B. decumbens, D. milanjiana and C. ciliaris in cycle 2. When total digestible DM was calculated for the whole of cycle I, P. maximum, B. decumbens and S. sphacelata were superior, but B. decumbens produced over twice as much as the other species in the dry season (cycle 2). The leaf N concentration of all grasses exceeded 1.0% (6.25% crude protein) in the regrowth in cycle I but did not exceed 0.5% in the dry season regrowth (cycle 2).



        Bulo, D.,Blair, G.J.,Stur, W.,Till, A.R. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1994 Animal Bioscience Vol.7 No.3

        This study was undertaken at Gowa, South Sulawesi, Indonesia as part of a larger forage genetic resource evaluation project. The experimental program consisted of a field experiment where grasses and legume species were grown in monocultures and the yield, N content and rumen bag digestibility using goats were measured. The field experiment was conducted from December 1985 to October 1986. Eight species of legumes (Desmodium heterophyllum cv. John-stone, Desmodium triflorum from Gowa, South Sulawesi, Arachis sp. from Maiwa, South Sulawesi, Clitoria ternalea CPI 50973, Macroptilium atropurpureum ev. Siratro, Neonotonia wightii cv. Tinaroo, Centrosema pubescens CPI 58575, Centrosema plumeri CPI 58568) were grown as monocultures. After establishment all plants were cut to a uniform height of 5 cm, and subsequent cuts were made on regrowth after 14, 28, 42, and 56 days (cycle 1). Cycle 2 commenced towards the end of the wet season and continued for 157 days into the dry season. The highest yielding legumes were C. ternatea in the wet season and Arachis sp. in the dry season. The mean rumen bag dry matter digestibility (RBDMD) of legumes of 67.6% for leaf material (averaged over all cycles and ages) was 7.6% higher than for stem material. The RBDMD of Arachis was significantly higher than all other species. The RBDMD of all legumes declined with age. Calculation of yield of digestible DM (yield $\times$ RBDMD) showed that Arachis sp. was the best legume. The combination of plant "quality" with yield measures is a valuable adjunct to routine agronomic survey procedures in plant evaluation programs. Arachis sp. appears to offer considerable promise and should be more widely evaluated.



        Bulo, D.,Till, A.R.,Blair, G.,Stur, W. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1992 Animal Bioscience Vol.5 No.4

        Problems with maintaining service and equipment in some developing countries suggest that the rumen bag technique may be more appropriate for the determination of plant dry matter digestibility. The technique has been adapted for use in goats in the 16-25 kg liveweight range. Reliable results were obtained for animals maintained under shelter in cages and fed on a mixed legume/grass diet. The results showed that up to 7 bags containing dried and ground (2 mm screen) plant samples (1-3 g) could be satisfactorily used in each goat. The digestibility of the legumes studied did not increase with incubation times over 48 hours, but there was an increase in the digestibility of grasses. However an incubation time of 48 hours was adapted for both legumes and grasses as it allowed more efficient work scheduling for large numbers of samples while still giving acceptable comparisons between species. Losses of material from the bags during a 6 hour soaking in water were 2-9% as fine solids and 14-21% in solution. In the method finally adapted the disappearance was measured for plant samples that were placed in Dacron mesh bags ($7{\times}14cm$, 44 micron) and 6 bags suspended in the rumen of each sheep for 48 hours.



        Paik, I.K.,Blair, R. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1996 Animal Bioscience Vol.9 No.1

        The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis can not be summarized as a single process. Lipid infiltration hypothesis and endothelial injury hypothesis have been proposed and investigated. Recent developments show that there are many points of potential interactions between them and that they can actually be regarded as two phases of a single, unifying hypothesis. Among the many risk factors of atherosclerosis, plasma homocysteine and lipoprotein(a) draw a considerable interest because they are independent indicators of atherogenicity. Triglyceride (TG)-rich lipoproteins (chylomicron and VLDL) are not considered to be atherogenic but they are related to the metabolism of HDL cholesterol and indirectly related to coronary heart disease (CHD). LDL can of itself be atherogenic but the oxidative products of this lipoprotein are more detrimental. HDL cholesterol has been considered to be a favorable cholesterol. The so-called 'causalist view' claims that HDL traps excess cholesterol from cellular membranes and transfers it to TG-rich lipoproteins that are subsequently removed by hepatic receptors. In the so-called 'noncausalist view', HDL does not interfere directly with cholesterol deposition in the arterial wall but instead reflects he metabolism of TG-rich lipoproteins and their conversion to atherogenic remnants. Approximately 70-80% of the human population shows an effective feedback control mechanism in cholesterol homeostasis. Type of dietary fat has a significant effect on the lipoprotein cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis. Generally, saturated fatty acids elevate and PUFA lower serum cholesterol, whereas MUFA have no specific effect. EPA and DHA inhibit the synthesis of TG, VLDL and LDL, and may have favourable effects on some of the risk factors. Phospholipids, particularly lecithin, have an antiatherosclerotic effect. Essential phospholipids (EPL) may enhance the formation of polyunsaturated cholesteryl ester (CE) which is less sclerotic and more easily dispersed via enhanced hydrolysis of CE in the arterial wall. Also, neutral fecal steroid elimination may be enhanced and cholesterol absorption reduced following EPL treatment. Antioxidants protect lipoproteins from oxidation, and cells from the injury of toxic, oxidized LDL. The rationale for lowering of serum cholesterol is the strong association between elevation of plasma or serum cholesterol and CHD. Cholesterol-lowing, especially LDL cholesterol, to the target level could be achieved using diet and combination of drug therapy. Information on the link between cholesterol and CHD has decreased egg consumption by 16-25%. Some clinical studies have indicated that dietary cholesterol and egg have a significant hypercholesterolemic effect, while others have indicated no effect. These studies differed in the use of purified cholesterol or cholesterol in eggs, in the range of baseline and challenge cholesterol levels, in the quality and quantity of concomitant dietary fat, in the study population demographics and initial serum cholesterol levels, and clinical settings. Cholesterol content of eggs varies to a certain extent depending on the age, breed and diet of hens. However, egg yolk cholesterol level is very resistant to change because of the particular mechanism involved in yolk formation. Egg yolk contains a factor of factors responsible for accelerated cholesterol metabolism and excretion compared with crystalline cholesterol. One of these factors could be egg lecithin. Egg lecithin may not be as effective as soybean lecithin in lowering serum cholesterol level due probably to the differences of fatty acid composition. However, egg lecithin may have positive effects in hypercholesterolemia by increasing serum HDL level and excretion of fecal cholesterol. The association of serum cholesterol with egg consumption has been widely studied. When the basal or control diet contained little or no cholesterol, consumption of 1 or 2 eggs daily increased the concentration of pla



        Hunt, M.,Till, A.R.,Blair, G.J.,Bulo, D.,Orchard, P. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1991 Animal Bioscience Vol.4 No.3

        The effects of S fertilization and stocking rate on cattle production from native and sown pastures were studied in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. On the native pasture there was no effect of S application over the three years of the experiment. The per head production was lower at the higher stocking rate (1.0 hd/ha), but the overall production increased by an average of 49%. There was no response to S applied to the clean seedbed pastures in the first year, but significant responses developed in the second and third years. There was an overall higher production from the higher stocked pastures (3.0 hd/ha), but the per head production was lower. There was a mean of about a two-fold increase in animal production from the highest native to the lowest improved pasture and a 3.4 times increase from the low stocking rate native to the high stocking rate sown pasture.

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