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      • 장벽경색이 선행한 Henoch-Schonlein 자반증 1례

        한헌석,하태선,송형근,이상전,안묘순,박범수 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 1993 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.3 No.1

        Henoch-Schonlein 자반증은 피부, 위장관, 관절, 신장 등을 주로 침범하며 소혈관염을 기본 병리 소견으로하는 전신성 혈관 장애 질환이다. 위장관계 증상으로는 복통, 오심 및 구토, 잠혈, 토혈, 흑색변 등이 있을 수 있고, 이러한 증상은 합병증 없이 회복되는 것이 보통이나 드물게는 장중첩증, 장벽경색 및 괴사, 장천공 등의 심한 합병증을 동반할 수도 있다. 이러한 위장관계 증상들은 특징적인 피부 소견에 선행하여 나타날 수도 있으며, 이때는 급성복증에 대한 감별진단이 중요하다. 저자들은 장벽경색이 선행하여 감별진단에 어려움을 겪고 시험적개복술을 시행한 이후에 특징적인 피부 자반이 발현되어 Henoch-Schonlein 자반증으로 진단할 수 있었던 증례를 경험하였기에 이를 보고하고자 한다. 본 증례는 입원 1일전부터 시작된 복통을 주소로 입원한 5세 남아가 배꼽 주위에 심한 경련성 복통을 지속적으로 호소하였고 이학적 소견상 배꼽주위의 압통, 장음의 감소, 흑색변 등이 있었으며 소장조영술상 공장 부위에 미만성의 불규칙한 점막비후 소견을 보여 제 8병일에 시험적개복술을 시행한 결과 근위 공장에 국한된 장괴사의 소견이 발견되어 절제 및 문합술을 실시 하였다. 병리학적 검사에서는 장벽경색의 소견을 보였다. 수술후에 복통은 완화되었으나 경미하게 지속되었고, 제 13병일경에 급성 부고환염이 병발되었다가 회복되었고 제 15병일경에는 하지에서부터 발현된 자반이 3일간 지속되었다. 결구 Henoch-Schonlein 자반증과 이의 합병증으로 발생한 근위 공장의 장벽경색으로 진단하였다. Colicky abdominal pain as symptom of Henoch-Schonlein purpura occurs in up to 70% of patients, and results from submucosal edema and hemorrhage. Abdominal pain and other GI symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, melena and hematemesis resolve mostly without any complications. But rarely life-threatening GI complications such as intussusception, intestinal mural infarction and necrosis, and massive hemorrhage may develope. In 14% of patients, abdominal pain may precede other symptoms, and creats diagnostic difficulties. We reports a case of the Henoch-Schonlein purpura presented with colicky abdominal pain which resulted from intestinal mural infarction and preceded characteristic purpuric skin lesion by several weeks. This 5 year old male patient complained of colicky abdominal pain, nausea and melena. Exploratory laparatomy was done and revealed intestinal mural infarction in proximal jejunum. One week later operation, purpuric skin lesion develiped in both leg and feet, and then, Henoch-Schonlein purpura was diagnosed.

      • KCI등재

        ‘제3세대’이후 국내 러시아 연구의 현황과 과제 : 사회과학을 중심으로

        박수헌,신범식 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2006 러시아연구 Vol.16 No.2

        Since the mid-1990s, Russian Studies in Korea have been in the stage of "relative stabilization" after undergoing the ups and downs in the previous years. The rise of the "third generation" scholars, many of which returned to Korea after earning their doctoral degrees in Russia, has contributed to this trend. The current research, based on a comprehensive review of social science works on Russia, published as M. A. and Ph.D theses, in book forms and monographs, and as articles in 12 academic journals during the past decade in Korea, shows the following developmental tendencies in the Russian Studies in Korea since the mid-1990s. First, the number of Korean specialists on Russia has consistently increased. Second, the scope of research has been extended in spatial dimension as well as in research topics. In the former, while CIS countries other than Russia have increasingly became the subject of research, the investigation of local politics and economy in Russia has also grown. In the latter, topics have been more diversified beyond the traditional fields of politics, economy, society, and history into education, law, media, anthropology, and political geography. Third, the cases of field researches and surveys have continued to increase, which can contribute to a qualitative progress in the Russian Studies in Korea. Fourth, more research efforts have been devoted to the analysis of various aspects of Russia from a comparative theoretical perspective. Fifth, new attention has been called to the methodological issues in understanding the Russian experiences. Despite these new developments and achievements, however, Russian Studies in Korea still offer the room for continuing improvement. First, compared with those countries with more advanced Russian Studies, the Russian Studies community in Korea is still much small, and there are very few specialists on other CIS countries than Russia. Second, Russian politics and economy still command a disproportionally high position in terms of research topic. Third, researches are lopsidedly tilting toward policy-oriented studies rather than contributing to strengthening the foundation of Russian Studies. Fourth, the previous tendency to approach the Russian experiences from the viewpoint of break with the past has not been fully overcome. Fifth, although efforts have been made for establishing a "Korean style of studying Russia", the Western approaches to the Russian realities still enjoy a disproportionately high popularity. Sixth, strenuous endeavor among the Russian Studies community is required for implementing interdisciplinary researches of Russia as subject of area studies.

      • 맥베드 (Macbeth) : 세 마녀의 대사와 생성의 원리 Weltsanschaung of Becoming

        김헌범 제주한라대학 2002 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to throw some light on Shakespeare's Weltsanschaung reflected in Macbeth through the examination of the play under the supposition that "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" is relevant not only to the themes but to the explanation of the characters' motif. This prophetic dialogue is to be understood in terms of the dynamic cooperation of contrasting elements in order to have its significance in its relation to the meaning of the play. That is, this play should be interpreted and understood in terms of the dynamic theory of 'Becoming', not in terms of the static theory of 'Being'. In this context the supposition can be of help delving into the deep Weltsanschaung of Shakespeare's Macbeth. The characters and their actions are variations on the supposition, 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair.' The 'is' in this supposition signifies the dynamic cooperation of the two contrasting elements, and suggests the importance of the role of human consciousness in their relation. The movement of Macbeth's action and the judgement on his own actions implies that he shall be understood in the vertical movement of this consciousness and will. This is the point which is necessary for the ironies to come to be. The same can be applied to Malcolm and Macduff, which proves the authenticity of the supposition. This viewpoint proves true in that Macbeth's nature was evil from the beginning to Lady Macbeth's dialogue and an analysis of his solioquies. This also proves that emphasis is put on the dynamic process of Macbeth's consciousness rather than on the moralistic didacticism, which one of the main themes of the play, including that this is the very nature of the world in which man and the universe exist. This is, too, one of the main causes which arouse the pity and sympathy in the hearts of the audience. As a conclusion, the principle of Becoming implicated in 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair' is that man is set in the dynamic process of the world. This monistic principle does not deny Shakespeare's tragic vision that there is more than man can imagine and know in the universe, rather it cooperates to add a wider range of perspectives to the understanding of Shakespeare's Weltsanschaung putting emphasis on the deep vertical movement of human souls.

      • GC/MS-SIM과 ³²P-postlabeling방법에 의한 염료와안료를 제조하는 사업장 근로자들의 방광암 조기발견을 위한 Biomarker개발에 관한 연구

        이진선,신호상,김양호,노재훈,이범규 공주대학교 자원재활용신소재지역협력센터 2000 2차년도 센터 사업 성과집 Vol.2000 No.1

        To develop the biomarker of non-invasive biomonitoring among workers who exposed benzidine-based dyes in its manufacturing and treating industries, we examined and evaluated the specific carciaogen-DNA adducts in exfoliated urothelial cells of 33 exposed workers. Samples were collected from urine of workers, and then isolated DNA from them. DNA adducts were analyzed using 32P-postlabeling, along with Nuclease P1. One adducts was predominated in those samples with 6 adducts present. It was formed in all exposed workers, but the others not. Its relative adducts level(RAL) was 73.2×107, which was statistically significantly higher than any other adducts' level(p<0.05). Analyzing regression between its RAL and employment period of workers, simple linear regression was positively increased with slop of 6.922(p<0.05, r2=0.548). And also, DNA adducts were analyzed using GC/MS-SIM, along with n-butanol extraction and trifluoroacetyl auhydride(TFA) derivatization. Standard material was synthetic N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-N'-acetylbenzidine. The characteristics of sample and standard were observed on the same sites, such as M+(m/z 376) and M+(m/z 279) for benzidine-di-TFA and mono-TFA. And then, they were confirmed by analyzing with secondary ion mass(SIM). This study showed that benzidine-based dyes was formed one DNA adduct into significantly high levels in bladder of all exposed workers, its chemical formula was N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-N'-acetylbenzidine. So we can do monitoring the workers with exfoliated urothelial cells of them by analyzing above DNA adduct as biomarker for preventing bladder cancer causing the exposure of the benzidine-based dyes.

      • Yersinia pseudotuberculosis 감염증 환아 1례

        한윤수,박범수,한헌석,김염 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 1997 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.7 No.1

        Yersinia는 장내세균과에 속하는 그람음성간균으로 그 중 사람에게 병원성을 갖는 것은 Y. pestis, Y. enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis의 세 균종으로 알려져 있으며, 주로 동물의 병원체이지만 감염된 동물과 직접 또는 간접적으로 접촉한 사람에서도 질병을 일으키는 것으로 보고되고있다. 이중 Y. pseudotuberculosis는 소화기 증상 발현뿐 아니라 피부병변등의 다양한 임상증상을 유발하기 때문에 다른 질환과의 감별이 어렵다고 알려져있다. 그 동안 Y. pseudotuberculosis 감염증은 국내에서 다수 보고되었으나, 청주를 중심으로한 인근지역에서의 발생은 보고된 예가 없었다 이에 저자들은 지속적인 고열과 전신피부발진을 주소로 내원하여 복통, 설사 등의 소화기증상과 더불어 피부의 낙설, 경부임파선염, 입술의 홍조 등 가와사끼병과 유사한 임상양상을 보이며 청주근방의 약수터에서 길어온 약수를 섭취한 기왕력이 있는 5세 여아가 혈청학적으로 Y. pseudotuberculosis로 진단된 1례를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection is an intestinal infectious disease and its clinical symptoms vary. In this report, we describe the clinical symptoms and laboratory findings of a 6 year old female child who had a history of ingestion of mountain water and was diagnosed on the basis of a 4-fold or greater titer change in agglutinating antibody. She admitted to CNU hospital with major complaints of fever, skin rash, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Litter in the course, periungal desquamation developed, mimicking Kawasaki disease. Treatments with antibiotics improved the conditions and serum examination revealed the Yersinia pseudotuberculosis 4a, 4b infection.

      • 강낭콩의 식물체 부위와 생육시기에 따른 무기영양성분 함량과 흡수량에 대한 질소의 사용효과

        오태근,이경아,송범헌 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2012 農業科學硏究 Vol.28 No.2

        This study was conducted to examine the nitrogen effects on uptake and utilization of major mineral nutrients of the kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The N treatments were five levels, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 N kg/10a. The kidney bean was cultivated on the upland experimental field in the agricultural ???? research & extensions service of Chungbuk province. The contents and uptake amounts of mineral nutrients were investigated throughout the growth stages of the kidney bean. Higher content of total N in the stem was maintained until 8 days before flowering stage and then decreased gradually. Also, total N content of leaves was increased in the vegetative growth stage, and it was decreased rapidly to 8 days after the flowering stage, and then increased gradually to the initial maturity stage. Total N content of roots was tended to decrease until 8 days after the flowering stage, while that of seed was increased from the flowering stage to the maturity stage. The amount of uptake N of the shoot parts was increased until the flowering stage, maintained similarly from the flowering to 14 days after the flowering stage, and then increased rapidly to the maturity stage, while that of root was increased slowly to the flowering stage and then maintained similarly to the maturity.

      • 콩의 개화기전후 공급과 수용부위의 무기영양성분함량 및 흡수량에 대한 질소의 효과

        박재홍,송범헌,이철원,손석용,김홍식,박상일 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2002 農業科學硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        This study was conducted to examine the nitrogen effects on the uptaken amounts and utilization of mineral nutrients between source and sink tissues at major growth stages before and after the flowering stage with different nitrogen levels Hwangkeum cultivar(Glycine max L Mereill) was cultivated under five different mtrogen levels, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 N kg/10a Comparing contents of total-N with different plant tissues at major growth stages before and after the flowering, total-N contents of leaves was gradually decreased from the flowering to the beginning maturity, while it of pod was continuously increased from the full seed to the beginning maturity Total-N content was higher in the treatment of 4 N Kg/10a that those of others The uptaken amount of N determined with different growth stage was rapidly increased maturity Higher proportion of uptaken N were into the leaves at the full seed stage, and they were transported from the leaves into pod at the beginning maturity stage Comparing major mineral elements of the leaves and the pod with different N leaves, in case of the leaves, the content of Fe, Mn, and Zn was decreased throughout the growth stages, whereas the content of Ca and Mg was decreased from the flowering to the full seed and then it was increased after the full seed stage In case of pod, the content of K, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Na was decreased from the flowering to the beginning maturity, while contest of Mg was increased.

      • 빈발재발성 미세변화 신증후군환아에서 발생한 다발성 뇌경색증

        조성옥,한헌석,차상훈,이경희,박범수,하태선,채수안 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 1995 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.5 No.2

        신증후군에서는 동맥 및 정맥의 혈전에 의한 혈전색전증의 위험이 높다. 이는 혈 중 응고인자 Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅹ등의 증가와 뇨소실로 인한 antithrombin Ⅲ의 감소, 섬유소 용해계의 변화, 혈소판 응집력의 증가에 기인하며 그 외 스테로이드 투여, 이뇨제 투여, 저체액 상태도 관여한다고 생각하나 이런 과응고현상에 대한 정확한 병태생리는 규명되고 있지 않다. 저자들은 내원 21개원 전 처음 신증후군 증상을 보였고 신장 조직 검사상 미세변화 신증후군으로 진단을 받고 스테로이드와 면역 억제제를 사용하였으나 6개월에 3-4회의 재발을 보이던 중 내원 1달 전 보호자 자의로 모든 약물 복용을 중단한 채로 지내다가 고열과 반혼수 상태를 보여 내원한 7세 남아에서 다발성 뇌경객증을 발견하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. The risk of thromboembolism by arterial or venous thrombosis is high in the nephrotic syndrome. This may be due to the increased serum concentrations of the factor Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅹ etc, decrease of antithrombin Ⅲ due to urinary loss, the change of thrombolytic system, increase in the platelet aggregation capacity, the use of steroid, diuretics, and hypovolemic state. But, the pathophysiology of this hypercoagulable state has not been clear. A 7-year- old boy had been diagnosed as having frequently relapsing minimal change nephrotic syndrome, 21 months ago. In spite of the administration of prednisolone and cytoxan, he had presented recurrent proteinuria in the frequency of 3-4 times per 6 months. From 1 month prior to visiting emergency room, his parents discontinued his medications, therefore, he showed fever and semicomatous mental status. In brain MRI study, multiple cerebral infarcts were noted. So, the authors report a case of multiple cerebral infarcts in a patient with frequently relapsing minimal change nephrotic syndrome with a brief review of related literature.

      • 재발한 가와사끼병(Kawasaki disease) 1례

        길홍량,한헌석,하태선,이경희,박범수 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 1995 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.5 No.1

        가와사끼병은 5세 미만의 영유아에서 호발하는 급성 전신성 혈관염으로 아직 원인이 밝혀지지는 않았으나 감염성질환 또는 자가면역질환 등으로 추정되고 있다. 1967년 일본의 Tomisaku Kawasaki에 의해 처음 보고되었으며 국내에서도 많은 증례보고가 있어왔다. 가와사끼병은 발열, 발진, 안결막 충혈, 사지말단의 변화, 구강과 입술의 변화, 경부 림프선증 등을 특징으로 하며, 치료로는 면역글로블린의 대량 정주요법과 아스피린이 사용되고 있으며 합병증에는 관상동맥류를 비롯한 심혈관질환이 있고 이로 인한 사망율이 1-2%정도인 것으로 보고되고 있다. 이 질환의 재발은 드문 것으로 되어 있고 일본의 한 보고에 의하면 2-3%로 추정된다. 환아는 6세 남아로 14개월 전 처음 가와사끼병으로 진단받고 감마글로블린과 아스피린을 투약 받았고 당시 심혈관질환은 없었으며 본원 내원시에는 발열, 발진, 안결막 충혈, 붉고 갈라진 입술, 좌측 림프선병증과 손, 발의 부종이 있어 가와사끼병의 진단기준을 만족하였다. 환아는 역시 감마글로블린과 아스피린으로 치료받고 증세가 호전되었으며, 심초음파 검사상 관상동맥의 확장이나 관상동맥류의 증거는 없었다. 저자들은 가와사끼병의 재발 1례를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. Kawasaki disease, acute systemic vasculitis, that usually occurs in infant and young children. The etiology is unknown, but is supposed to be infectious disease or autoimmune disease. Kawasaki disease was first reprted by Tomisaku Kawasaki at 1967 and then many cases have been reported in Korea. Kawasaki disease was characterized by fever, rash, conjunctival injection, changes of extremities, changes of oral cavity and lips, lymphadenopathy and has been treated with intravenous gammaglobulin and aspirin. The complications are cardiovascular lesions including coronary aneurysm and coronary thrombosis. Mortality is approximately 1-2%. Recurrence is rare and 2-3% in Japanese reports. A 6-year-old boy presented with the fever, rash, conjunctivitis, red fissured lips, left lymphadenapathy, and hands and feet edema. He had been treated with intravenous gammaglobulin and aspirin for Kawasaki disease 14 months ago. At that time, he didn't have cardiovascular lesion. He was also treated with intravenous gammaglobulin and aspirin at this episode. We didn't detect coronary artery dilatation or coronary aneurysm. So, authors report a case of recurrent Kawasaki disease.

      • 콩의 개화기 전후 공급과 수용부위의 생장반응과 수량에 대한 질소의 효과

        박재홍,송범헌,이철원,손석용,김홍식,박상일 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2002 農業科學硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        This study was conducted to examine the nitrogen effects on the growth responses, the nodulation, and the distribution of dry weight of plant tissues at major growth stages before and after the flowering stage, and to evaluate the yield components and yields with different nitrogen levels. Hwangkeum cultivar(Glycine max L mereill) was cultivated under five different nitrogen levels, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, N Kg/10a. Stem length and branching number, which were investigated with different N levels at major growth stages, were rapidly increased for 14days for before and after the flowering stage compared to the other growth stages. They were clearly higher with treatment of 2 and 4 N kg/10a than those of other N treatments. Pod number was slightly increased from the flowering to beginning maturity. It was the highest in the treatment of 2 N Kg/10a. Comparing grain number per pod with different N levels, two grains per pod was much higher in all N treatments except for the treatment of 6 N Kg/10a. Dry weight of shoot(including leaf, stem, and pod) was rapidly increased from the flowering stage to the full seed stage and then gradually increased after the full seed stage, whereas the dry weight of root(including the nodule and root) was rapidly increased until to full pod stage and then linearly decreased from the full pod stage until the beginning maturity stage. Comparing dry weight with different N levels, the dry weight of shoot was the highest in the treatment of 4 N Kg/10a, while it of root was the highest in the treatment of 2N Kg/10a. The dry weight of nodule was the highest, 13.1 Kg/10a, at full pod stage. Comparing the dry weight of nodule with different N levels, it was increased to the application amount of 4 N Kg/10a and then clearly decreased with more application amount of N than 4 Kg/10a. The yield components which were mostly affected to the yield were pod number per plant and grain number per plant. They were 57.5 and 106.1, respectively, with treatment of 4 N Kg/10a, which showed the highest yield, about 266 Kg/10a. Comparing yield index with different N levels to the control, the yields with treatment of 2 and 4 Kg/10a were increased to 21% and 34%, respectively.

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