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      • KCI등재

        The traditions and rituals of the Nanai people

        ( Antonina Sergeevna Kile ) 한국알타이학회 2015 알타이학보 Vol.0 No.25

        These speech materials consist of four topics about the traditional culture of the Nanai people: childhood educations and child rearing rituals, birth rituals, wedding and funeral rituals. The foundation of the traditional upbringing of the Nanai people was to cultivate diligence, humility, taking care of the elderly and sick people and moral values such as “you can never take someone else`s things.” In the child upbringing and traditional education the Nanais were based on the praises and encouragement, and used bedtime stories, legends and tales and various plays. The narrative stories about the birth rituals show us the various methods as a substitute for medicine such as wood chips made from thinly sawed trees. Due to the high infant mortality rate there were many methods that were used to protect the baby`s life such as various amulets. In the part “Wedding rituals” contained the three phases of the preparation for wedding which are inquiry, uncorking, and wedding ceremony. During these phases the aspects of meticulous exchanges between the two families of the bride and groom were mentioned in detail. The author told in detail about wedding khalat with embroidered Three World and so forth. As for the funeral rituals, the Nanai people believe that when a person dies, his soul leaves him and though the outer shell dies, the soul is alive. This is why before sending a dead person to that world, he was treated like a living person. Here presented the various funeral and burial rituals. All these stories on four topics help us to deepen understanding on the way of life and traditional values of the Nanai people.

      • KCI등재

        On the Classification of Ritual Terminology in the Nanai Language

        ( Antonina Sergeevna Kile ) 한국알타이학회 2011 알타이학보 Vol.0 No.21

        The Khabarovsky and the Primorsky krai and the Sakhalinskaya oblast of the Russian Federation are home to the Nanai low-number indigenous people (totaling 12,160 in 2002) whose language is assigned to the southern Manchu-Tungus branch of the Altaic family of languages. The scholars study the Nanai ceremonial and religious concepts, their perception of the world and philosophy of life related to the ethnic vocabulary and special terminology. The author attempts at classifying the ritual terminology of baby delivery, wedding, and funeral rites, presents academic interpretations of individual terms, briefly explains their lexical meaning, and ways of forming the Nanai ritual word stock. Certain terms are used in spoken Nanai with no reference to a specific rite but are still related to the latter. Words in general use at times acquire a general figurative and symbolic meaning as ritual terms. The classification presents 4 groups of ritual terms: Ritual terms proper (in performing a specific rite); Ritual terms proper (with their lexical meaning unchanged, in several rites); Ritual terms in spoken speech (with no reference to a specific rite); Words and word combinations in general use (which have acquired a figurative and symbolic meaning and are used as ritual terms). The Nanai ritual terminology with regard to changes in social life is an invaluable source for studies of spiritual and material culture of the ethnos, its ethnogeny, historical development and vocabulary (etymology, phonetics, word- and form-formation), etc. The ritual terminology in the Nanai vocabulary is still to become the subject-matter of in-depth study.

      • Anglicisms in the Field of Information Technology: Analysis of Linguistic Features

        Antonina, Plechko,Tetiana, Chukhno,Tetiana, Nikolaieva,Liliia, Apolonova,Tetiana, Leleka International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.4

        The role that English currently plays is undeniable. It has become the most common means of communication among native speakers of several languages around the world. English penetrates into all areas of people's daily lives. In the field of Information Technology (IT), English has taken a dominant position, as many of the terms used on a daily basis are written in English. The purpose of the article is to analyze the linguistic features of anglicisms in the field of Information Technology. Methods. The research is based on systematic and comparative analysis, dialectical method, as well as methods of classification and generalization. Results. This study presents the results of compiling a multilingual glossary with anglicisms used in the GitHub and 3D Slicer fields. Despite the limited number of terms included in the glossary, the article provides a lot of evidence for the influence of the English language in the areas of Information Technology, GitHub and 3D Slicer under consideration. The types of anglicisms used in the 3D Slicer area seem to be more diverse than in the GitHub area. This study found that five European languages use language strategies to solve any communication problem. The multilingual glossary showed that in some cases there is a coexistence between Anglicism and the native term. In other cases, the English term is the only one used in different languages. There are cases when only the native language is used. Conclusions. This study is a useful tool that helps to improve the efficiency of communication between engineers and technicians who speak different native languages. The ultimate goal of this research will be to create a multilingual glossary that is still under development and is likely to cover other IT areas such as Python and VTK.

      • Health Risk Impact from 131I Exposure to Low or High Doses Evaluated with Micronucleus Assay

        Antonina Cebulska-Wasilewska,Justyna Miszczyk,Zbigniew Drag,김진규 한국방사선산업학회 2011 방사선산업학회지 Vol.5 No.4

        Despite the fact that the precautions to be taken are clearly established, accidentalexposures from various radiation sources, including nuclear power plants, in which emerge of the131I among emission of various radioactive isotopes, might be one of the first sign of misfortune,that even if infrequently, continue to occur. In human body, iodine, is preferentially concentratingin the thyroid, though, it is frequently used in nuclear medicine both diagnostically and therapeutically. The aim of our study was to investigate the influence of radioiodine-131, from the diagnosticand therapeutic treatment exposures, on cellular DNA repair efficiency and various biomarkersof effects, in order to estimate a potentially associated health risk at low and high dose regions. Study group consisted of 41 individuals diagnostically exposed to low dose of the 131I (in the range1.85~4.45 MBq, A´sr=2.96±0.82 MBq) and 37 persons therapeutically exposed to high dose ofthe 131I (in the range 300~650 MBq, A´sr=497.3±88.1 MBq). A reference group consisted of 30healthy individuals. Blood samples that were collected for the investigations underwent immediatelycytogenetic procedures according to standard protocols for retrospective biological dosimetry. Strong variation between cellular responses of thyroid diseases patients to both low and highdoses of 131I is observed, although, mean value of cytogenetic damage is in the group investigatedafter diagnostic treatment lower than in control. Nevertheless, five weeks after the therapeuticdose of 131I, in majority of patients significantly elevated levels of cytogenetic damage are observed,that suggest a possible increase of secondary cancer risk. Suppression of detected level ofcytogenetic damage observed for some individuals in a high dose region might suggest limitationof this biomarker for retrospective biological dosimetry in the wide range of doses or necessity ofinvestigation of personalised susceptibility.

      • The Role of Innovative Activities in Training Students Using Computer Technologies

        Minenok, Antonina,Donets, Ihor,Telychko, Tetiana,Hud, Hanna,Smoliak, Pavlo,Kurchatova, Angelika,Kuchai, Tetiana International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.8

        Innovation is considered as an implemented innovation in education - in the content, methods, techniques and forms of educational activity and personality education (methods, technologies), in the content and forms of organizing the management of the educational system, as well as in the organizational structure of educational institutions, in the means of training and education and in approaches to social services in education, distance and multimedia learning, which significantly increases the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process. The classification of currently known pedagogical technologies that are most often used in practice is shown. The basis of the innovative activity of a modern teacher is the formation of an innovative program-methodical complex in the discipline. Along with programmatic and content provision of disciplines, the use of informational tools and their didactic properties comes first. It combines technical capabilities - computer and video technology with live communication between the lecturer and the audience. In pedagogical innovation, the principles reflecting specific laws and regularities of the implementation of innovative processes are singled out. All principles are elements of a complex system of organization and management of innovative activities in the field of education and training. They closely interact with each other, which enhances the effect of each of them due to the synergistic effect. To improve innovative activities in the training of students, today computer technologies are widely used in pedagogy as a science, as well as directly in the practice of the pedagogical process. They have gained the most popularity in such activities as distance learning, online learning, assistance in the education management system, development of programs and virtual textbooks in various subjects, searching for information on the network for the educational process, computer testing of students' knowledge, creation of electronic libraries, formation of a unified scientific electronic environment, publication of virtual magazines and newspapers on pedagogical topics, teleconferences, expansion of international cooperation in the field of Internet education. The article considers computer technologies as the main building material for the entire society. In the modern world, there is a need to prepare a person for life in a multimedia environment. This process should be started as early as possible, because the child's contact with the media is present almost from the moment of his birth.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우즈베키스탄 고려인 문학의 연구 필요성과 방향

        박안토니나 ( Antonina Pak ) 한민족어문학회 2013 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.63

        소련의 붕괴와 함께 한국의 많은 연구자들이 고려인 문화뿐만 아니라 고려인 문학을 연구하는 시도를 했다. 이들이 연구하는 문학은 한글문학이었고 고려인 연구 대상은 1세대 작가들이다. 러시아어로 창작활동을 하고 있는 2~4세대 고려인 문학에 대한 연구는 그 시간과 분량과 내용이 너무 미비한 편이지만 근래 여러 연구자들이 이 분야에 관심을 기울이고 있다. 따라서 본고는 고려인 작가들이 활동하는 지역을 우즈베키스탄으로 한정하고 러시아 어로 창작활동을 하고 있는 2~4세대 작가들에 대한 연구 시도를 하고자 하는 데에 그 목표를 둔다. 2~4세대 작가들 문학 활동의 사회적 배경에 대한 충분하지 못한 조사와 자료 미비의 한계를 처음부터 전제할 수밖에 없다. 그러나, 고려인 문학의 현황과 변모, 성과와 한계 그리고 연구 필요성을 살펴봄으로써 우즈베키스탄 지역의 고려인 문학에 대한 계속적인 연구가 이루어질 수 있도록 몇 가지 방향을 제시했다. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, many Korean researchers attempted to study not only Korean culture but also Korean literature. What they focused on was literature written in Korean and the first generation of Korean authors. Many researchers are showing interest in this field these days even though the study about Korean literature written in Russian by the second to fourth generation Korean is insufficient in amount and time. Therefore, this thesis aims to study about the second to fourth generation Korean authors who write in Russian working in the region of Uzbekistan. The premise is that there is a limit of insufficient research and data about the social background of the second to fourth generation authors. But some directions are suggested to study about Korean literature in Uzbekistan in succession by examining Korean literature`s transformation, achievement, limitations, and the needs of research.

      • Theoretical Aspects of Blockchain Technologies in The Sphere of Education

        Liashkevych, Antonina,Babyshena, Mariana,Vorokhaev, Oleksandr,Pylypiv, Volodymyr,Oliinyk, Oksana,Kinakh, Nelia International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.3

        The article provides a literary and analytical review in the following areas of search: problems and prerequisites for changes in the field of education, innovations and innovative models in education, the use of new technologies in teaching. A proposal for a business plan and accompanying documentation for a new methodology based on blockchain technologies were developed, to assess the economic efficiency of the project. The main systems of the new model were modeled on the basis of the proposed methodology, to develop a prototype based on the project documentation.


        Djakona, Antonina,Lavrov, Ruslan,Anisimova, Liudmyla,Koval, Oksana,Polkhovska, Maryna,Shumaieva, Svitlana International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.11

        Globalization of higher education deepens the competition in the global educational services market. Competition between higher education institutions is based on the use of a wide range of activities and tools that are constantly evolving and becoming more complex. Digitalization significantly transforms the approaches to competition between universities in educational, research and marketing activities. Digital technologies are becoming an integral part of this competition. In addition, in the current conditions of globalization of the scientific and educational space, numerous rankings of universities have become an important tool of the competition; the most significant rankings of universities are as follows: Academic Ranking of World Universities (China), Times Higher Education Rankings of Universities (Great Britain), Webometrics (Spain). In the article, the key principles of the formation of world rankings of universities are analyzed, the main sources of information resources for their compilation are determined. The authors have concluded that the improvement of the position of educational institutions in the world rankings of universities should be implemented within the framework of the state educational policy. The key positive effects of universities due to increasing the competitiveness level of the national higher education system are specified.

      • KCI등재

        구소련 고려인 소설의 인문지리 연구 -『 십오만원 사건』과 금각만 중심으로-

        박안토니나 ( Antonina Pak ) 한민족어문학회 2015 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.69

        한국문학의 한 유파로 주목받는 구소련 고려인 소설은 고려인의 다양한 삶의 모습, 꿈과 열망이 담겨 있는 재외 한인 문학의 소중한 유산이다. 그동안 구소련 고려인 소설의 특성을 연구하기 위한 접근 방법은 다양하게 전개되어 왔다. 본고는 구소련 고려인의 다양한 모습과 지역 공간을 문학적으로 표상하고 창조하고 있는 고려인 소설을 연구 대상으로 하여 문학지리적 전급 가능성을 탐색해 보았다. 구소련 고려인 소설을 대상으로 삼는 이유는 문학지리를 탐구하기 위한 유용한 자료인 동시에 문학지리적 사유 형식의 모델이 될 수 있는 범례적인 역할을 하는 것으로 취급했기 때문이다. 따라서 본고에서 먼저, 인간주의 지리학 중에서 문학지리학(literary geography)의 차별성을 밝히고, 문학지리학이 갖는 위상을 간략히 정립했다. 그리고 본격적으로 김준의 장편소설 십오만원 사건 과 김기철의 중편소설 금각만 에 반영된 한반도, 중국, 러시아를 배경으로 이념적 심상지리 인식의 변화, 지각과 김정에 집중 그리고 의례행위에 관심을 두고 분석하고자 한다. Goryeoin literature, which draws attention as a sect of Korean literature, is a precious heritage of overseas Korean literature that holds multiple aspects of life, dream, and aspiration of Goryeoin. Research approach to the characteristics of Goryeoin literature has developed diversely. This paper is devoted to research on an possibility of literary-geographical approach with focus on the novel “The Incident of 150,000 Won” by Kim, Jun, and the medium-length story “Golden Horn Bay” by Kim, Ki-chul that describe various aspects of Goryeoin in Central Asia, and create regional characteristics in a way of literally representing the geographical space, for the two works are considered as the useful reference source to research on literary geography as well as an examplificative model for reasoning pattern of literary geography. Here I clarify the distinctiveness of literary geography from other parts of humanistic geography, and briefly define the status of literary geography. Furthermore, I depict the regional characteristics, imaginative space of literary geography, and cultural diversity that are represented on the setting of Korean Peninsular, China, and Russia.

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