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      • IMF이후 주택경기 활성화에 관한 연구

        이내영 강남대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.34 No.2

        IMF이후 부동산가격이 왜 급락하였는가에 대한 요인은 다음과 같이 설명할 수 있다. 즉 경기침체 및 이에 따른 국민들이 실질소득의 감소, 자금경색으로 인한 전반적인 수요감소. 경제위기에 따른 투자심리 위축과 불투명한 부동산시장의 전망은 이러한 주택경기 침체를 가속시켰다. 이러한 부동산 가격하락은 과거 담보대출이 일반화된 추세에서 주택가격과 지가등 자산가치의 폭락으로 금융기관의 부실채권의 증가, 기업의 재무구조의 악화, 수익성 저하등으로 연계되어 자산 deflation을 유발한 동기가 되었다. 다행히도 1999년에는 경제성장률을 7%로 잡고 실물경기도 회복되는 추세에 있다. 그러나 주택시장의 침체국면을 생각할 때 소득의 감소로 인한 유효수요의 부족으로 전반적인 주택경기의 활성화가 이루어지고 있지 않으므로 부동산경기 활성화를 위해서는 부동산 저당증권화의 유동화를 견실하게 추진하여 주택수요를 유발하고 내수경기를 활성화하는데 본 논문의 목적이 있다.

      • 상업입지에 관한 고찰

        이내영 江南大學 不動産學科 1988 不動産學報 Vol.4 No.-

        소매상은 영리를 목적으로하는 계속기업이라 할 수 있으므로 소매상 입지선정의 상권분석은 개점전후를 막론하고 가장 중요한 문제이기 때문에 유통업계의 상호간 지도, 조언으로 임하여야 할 것이다. 소매상의 입지적 경영상태는 일반적으로 소규모경영이며 영세성, 가족노동에 의한 경영이기 때문에 물적유통을 원활하게 하기 위하여 정부당국에서 재정적인 지원도 모색하여 유통의 원활과 경영의 합리화를 기하여야 할 것이며 또한 대규모제조회사는 대량생산에서 대량판매에 이르기 까지 유통단계를 거쳐서 판매할 것이지 소매상의 영역까지 침범하는 누를 끼쳐서는 안될 것이다. 상업입지의 포괄적인 문제에 관하여 정부당국이나 학회 내지 연구기관에서는 산업협동의 유기적 관계하에 적극적인 방법으로 입지선정을 좌우하는 제요인, 즉 소비인구, 교통 소득계층별 세대수의 통계뿐만 아니라 지역성장 등을 학문적이고 실무적인 입장에서 조사 실시하여야 하겠으며 복잡다양한 상업의 종류를 입지와 관련시켜 효과적이며 능률적인 방법에 의하여 개별적 입지조건을 분류하는데 더욱 연구가 필요할 줄 안다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        플립러닝을 활용한 팀 기반 학습에서 협력적 자아효능감과학습실재감이 학습전이동기에 미치는 영향

        이내영,한지영 한국데이터정보과학회 2018 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        The purpose of study was to investigate the effects of self-efficacy for group work and learning presence on nursing students’ motivation to learning transfer in TBL (team based learning) using flipped learning. Participants were 40 nursing students enrolling in health education. The TBL using flipped learning was conducted for 7 weeks and data were collected through online questionnaires (Google). The data were analyzed with SPSS 23.0, using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression. The mean score for self-efficacy for group work was 3.73±0.64, for learning presence, 3.66±.59, and for motivation to learning transfer, 3.92±.55. Significant positive correlation among motivation to learning transfer, self-efficacy for group work, and learning presence. In TBL using flipped learning, the regression model explained 52.7% and learning presence was significant predictor of motivation to learning transfer. This study provided the importance of self-efficacy for group work and learning presence in TBL using flipped learning. 본 연구는 보건교육 및 방법론을 수강하는 간호학생 43명을 대상으로 보건교육방법론에 해당되는 부분에 대해 플립러닝을 기반으로 한 팀 기반 학습을 수행한 후 학습자의 협력적 자아효능감, 학습실재감과 학습전이동기를 알아보고 이들 간의 관계를 확인하고 협력적 자아효능감과 학습실재감이 학습전이동기에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 하였다. 자료수집은 온라인 설문조사 (구글)를 통하여 이루어졌으며 최종 40부를 대상으로 SPSS 23.0을 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과 각 변수의 평균은 학습자의 협력적 자아효능감 3.73±0.64점 (5점 만점), 학습실재감 3.66±.59점 (5점 만점)(인지적 3.82±.62점, 감성적 3.48±.69점, 사회적 3.67±.66점), 학습전이동기 3.92±.55점 (5점 만점)이었으며, 협력적 자아효능감, 학습실재감 및 학습전이동기 간에는 유의한 정적 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 협력적 자아효능감과 학습실재감이 학습전이동기에 미치는 영향을 확인하기 위한 위계적 회귀분석에서는 학습실재감이 협력적 자아효능감보다 더 높은 영향력이 있는 것으로 나타났으며 52.7%의 설명력이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 팀 기반 학습이 활성화되기 위해서는 협력적 자아효능감과 학습실재감을 높이기 위한 수업전략이 개발 및 적용되어야 할 것을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재

        미주자유무역지대(FTAA)의 추진경과와 출범 전망

        이내영 고려대학교一民국제관계연구원 2002 국제관계연구 Vol.7 No.1

        This paper aims to discuss the recent progress and prospects of the Free Trade Area of Americas (FTAA) negotiations. Thirty-four countries of the Americas gathered at the Third Summit of the America, held in April 2001, in Quebec, Canada, where they agreed to launch the FTAA in December 31, 2005. The FTAA is an expansion of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to include every country in Central America, South America and the Caribbean, with the exception of Cuba, Negotiations began right after the completion of NAFTA in 1994 and are to be completed by early 2005. The region-wide trend of economic liberalization and reform, the successful launching of NAFTA and MERCOSUR, and the revitalization of existing regional arrangements, such as the Andean Pact and the Central Common Market (CACM), are contributing factors to the recent progress of the FTAA negotiations. If it is launched in 2005 as planed, the FTAA will be the largest trade bloc comprising a market of 800 million populations and maintaining a GDP of $12 trillion dollars. Therefore, the FTAA is expected to provide profound impacts on the American region both economically and politically. It is no question that the FTAA will bring substantial economic benefits to participating countries. The FTAA is expected to reduce trade barriers, to enlarge the market size, and thus to facilitate economic growth in the American region. Still, given various obstacles, it remains uncertain whether FTAA negotiations will progress smoothly. Thirty-four countries which are currently participation in the FTAA negotiations differ significantly both in terms of their developmental stage of the economy and their size and industrial structure. As a consequence, these member countries have differing interests and positions toward various agenda of the FTAA negotiations, thus making it hard for them to reach a consensus and agreement. The successful progress of FTAA negotiations will be determined by a number of factors. The most crucial variable will be the leadership role of the United States. The experiences of the European Union show the importance of regional leader for successful regional integration. In fact, the slow progress of the FTAA negotiation under the Clinton administration can be largely attributed to its reluctant position and weak leadership on the issue of the FTAA. Since the current Bush administration has adopted a more active policy toward the FTAA and also controls the majority seats of the congress, in contrast to the Clinton government, President Bush seems to have a better chance to play the active leadership role toward the FTAA. Another crucial factor is the policy of the MERCOSUR and its leader Brazil toward the FTAA negotiations. The MERCOSUR members, especially Brazil, have shown and ambivalent attitude toward the FTAA. Brazil has been worried about the possibility that the FTAA may undermine her domestic industries, and its status as a regional leader. Therefore, Brazil prefers the gradual approach toward the FTAA. In addition, FTAA negotiations are affected by other factors such as economic stability of Latin America, the European Union's policy toward Latin America, and the progress of the WTO's New Round of trade negotiations. Regarding the prospects of the FTAA, the following three scenarios are suggested in this article. The first scenario is the smooth progress of FTAA negotiations and a successful launching of the FTAA in 2005. This scenario can be realized if the United States plays a leading role and the MERCOSUR takes a cooperative stance to the FTAA. The second scenario is the launching of the FTAA with a limited scope. This scenario is possible if FTAA negotiations are delayed and the United States decides to launch the FTAA by expanding the NAFTA. The final scenario is the failure or delay of FTAA negotiations. This scenario can occur if the Bush government fails to obtain Fast Track Authority (FTA) from the Congress and thus loses its leadership in the FTAA negotiations. If this ituation is realized, the MERCOSUR is likely pursue the South American Free Trade Area (SAFTA) and the regional integration of the Americas will be controlled by two regional arrangements, the NAFTA and the SAFTA. The successful establishment of the FTAA is expected to provide a profound impact on the world economy and the American region. In the positive aspect, the FTAA is expected to become and impetus for the Latin American countries to change their protectionist policies and thus contributes to expanding the liberal trade order. At the regional level, it is no doubt that the FTAA lowers trade barriers and increases intra-regional trade and investment. In the negative aspect, the FTAA is likely to increase disadvantages and trade barriers to non-member countries and thus it may intensify the vicious cycle of "competitive regionalism." The FTAA also contributes to enhancing the hegemony of the U.S. throughout the American region. Economic relations between Korea and the American region will be significantly affected by the FTAA. The American region has been the key export market for Korea and the establishment of the FTAA is expected to bring negative effects to Korean trade relations with this region. According to a Korean International Economic Policy (KIEP) study, the FTAA is estimated to cause 10-12% reduction Korean exports to Latin America. Therefore, the Korean government and business need to pay close attention to the progress of FTAA negotiations, and should prepare for proper responding strategies before the FTAA comes into effect in 2005.

      • KCI등재

        Aminoglycosides계 약물의 투약 체중 결정

        이내영,김호순,신완균,조남춘 한국임상약학회 1999 한국임상약학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Ascertainment of accurate pharmacokinetic parameters for aminoglycoside dosing remains critical, as the serum drug concentration relates directly to both the therapeutic response and toxic effect. In the initial dosing of aminoglycosides, the volume of distribution is especially important because the dosage is calculated by multiplying the volume of distribution by the desired serum concentration. Aminoglycosides distribute into mainly the extracellular fluid and it has been reported that the volume of distribution is 0.25 L/kg. Penetration of polar aminoglycosides into adipose tissue occurs to some extent, but varies according to the degree of obesity. Therefore, dosages may be overestimated or underestimated according to the type of the dosing weight in overweight or underweight patients. Prior investigations have suggested various dosing weights which are multiplied by the popular volume of distribution to calculate the total volume of distribution. Based on other investigations, we calculated a new dosing weight which was applicable to all patients regardless of obesity in order to use the popular volume of distribution. We estimated IBW+(TBW-IBW) as a new dosing weight with the SAS program. A new dosing weight is similar to those of other studies which examined in morbidly obese patients. Consequently we suggests that the dosing weight reported in morbidly obese patients can be extended to a broader patients population. But we found that the volume of distribution per kilogram from our patients was significantly larger than that for foreign patients

      • KCI등재

        직장여성의 육아경험 - 1세 이하 유아를 중심으로

        이내영,김영혜,구미지,김소희,김영미,장경오 한국아동간호학회 2007 Child Health Nursing Research Vol.13 No.3

        The Lived Experience of Working Women Raising ChildrenLee, Nae-Young1)Kim, Young-Hae1)Koo, Mi-Jee2)Kim, So-Hee3)Kim, Young-Mi4)Chang, Koung-Oh5)1) College of Nursing, Pusan National University, 2) Pusan National University Hostipal SIC, 3) Department of Nursing, Dong-A University 4) Busan Combined Cycle Power Plants Health Care, 5) Yang San Health Care CenterPurpose:children. Method: Data were collected from 10 employed women with children who were under 2 years of age. The analysis of the data was done using the phenomenological analytic method suggested by Colaizzi (1978). Results: In this study, 6 essential themes were extracted: knowing by intuition child-rearing is dificult, having guilt-conscious of become amother, thirsting for a social support system. Conclusion: With a rapidly increasing number of working women, the significance of this study in the field of nursing is in understanding the child-rearing experience of working women. The findings indicate the need for a systemic and emotional support system for working women raising children.

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