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        밥맛이 좋은 Japonica 벼 품종들의 도복저항성과 도복경감제 paclobutrazol에 대한 반응

        李殷雄,權容雄,蘇昌鎬 韓國作物學會 1987 한국작물학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        밥맛이 좋은 벼 품종들의 질소반응과 도복억제제에 대한 반응을 밝히기 위하여 다마금, 농림 006, 고시히까리, 추청벼, 동률벼 및 밀양 2003를 공시하여 4월 20일에 파종하여 5월 30일에 이앙하였다. 질소시비수준은 10a당 5, 10 및 15kg 이었으며 도복억제제로는 paclobutrazol 을 사용하여 이앙 후 20일에 10a당 입제(유효성분 0 6 %)로 0 및 2kg을 처리한 후 출수 전 15일에 0, 3 및 4.5kg을 처리하였다. 도복관연형질은 출수 후 25일에, 수량 및 수량구성요소는 출수 후 45일에 조사하였다. 밥맛의 평가는 관능검사로 하였다. 1. 질소시비수준이 증가함에 따라 간장 및 수량은 증가하였으나 제3절간의 좌절하중은 감소하고 도복지수는 증가하였다. 2. Paclobutrazol 처리는 공시품종 모두의 간장, 제 3절간장을 단축시켰으나, 제 3절간의 난절하업과 도복지수는 다마금, 농림 006 및 고시히까리와 같은 장간종에서는 이앙 후 20일에 처리할 경우에는 오히려 도복하기 쉬운 조건이되었고 출수 전 15일에 처리할 경우에는 그 반대경향을 보였다. 3. 포장에서의 도복은 다마금, 농림 006 및 고시히까리에서 발생하였으며 질소시비량이 많을수록 도복이 심하였으며. paclobutrazol 처리에의해서는 도복발생이 경감되었다. 4 질소시비량에 대한 수량의 반응은 다마금, 농림 006 및 추청은 10a당 10kg 에서, 고시히까리는 15kg 수준에서 최고수량을 보였다. 5. Paclobutrazol 처리의 수량에 대한 효과는 질소시비량과 품질, 그리고 paclobutrazol의 시용량 및 시용시기에 따라 달랐는데 질소시용량이 10a당 5 kg 수준일 때에는 paclobutrazol(0.6 G ) 3 kg 처리에 의해 3.4∼26% 증수되었고, 4.5kg 처리에 의해서는 3.8∼20% 증수되었다. 단간종인 동률벼와 밀양 2003는 질소 15kg/10a 수준에서도 도복의 위험이 없었지만 밥맛이 좋은 장간종들은 질소시비량를 10kg/10a 이상의 경우 도복하기 쉬웠는데 농림 006는 질소 10kg/10a, 출수 전 15일에 paclobutrazol 3kg 처리구, 다마금은 질소 15kg/10a, 출수 전 15일에 paclobutrazol 3kg 처리구, 고시히까리와 추청벼는 질소 15kg/10a에서 paclobutrazol을 이앙후 20 일에 2kg 처리 후 출수 전 15일에 3kg 2회 처리한 경우 수량이 제일 많았다. 6. 다마금·농림 006. 고시히까리 및 추청벼의 밥맛 차이는 없었으며 paclobutrazol 처리에 의한 밥맛의 변화는 없었다. Most of the japonica rice varieties preferred for high eating quality are liable to lodging even under moderate rate of nitrogen application. This lodging liability has been a critical limit even for proper evaluation of physio-logical characteristics of those varieties exhibitable under higher nitrogen levels. Use of recent inhibitors of gibberellin biosynthesis such as ‘Pac1obutrazol’ may allow us to overcome this barrier. The responses of four high eating quality varieties to nitrogen application to the level of 150kg N per ha were evaluated with and without use of Paclobutrazol in comparison with a non-lodging, improved short japonica, Dongjin and a non-lodging, high yielding indica x japonica Milyang 23. The four were Damageum (the best eating quality in the 1930s), Nongrim 6 (the best in the 1960s), Chuchung (the best since 1970s), Koshihikari (the best in Japan since 1960s). As expected increased application of nitrogen increased plant height, length of the 3rd internode, and lodg-ing liability, being measured as culm breaking load, in all varieties tested and caused actual lodging in the fiel from the 50kg Nfha level in Damageum and Koshihikari and at the level of l50kg Nfha in Nongrim 6. Applica-tion of Pac1obutrazol (0.6%G) 15 days before heading reduced plant height, length of the 3rd internode and lodging liability being measured as culm breaking load in all varieties tested. However, the application of Pac1obutrazol during active tillering stage resulted in decreased culm breaking load in Damageum, Nongrim 6, and Koshihikari in spite of the decreased plant height and culm length as in the other varieties. Maximum yield was obtained with 100kg Nand 30kg Pac1obutrazol at 15 days before heading in Nongrim 6, 150kg N and 30kg Pac1obutrazol at 15 days before heading in Damageum, and 150kg N and 20kg Paclobutrazol at 20 days after transplanting plus 30kg Paclobutrazol at 15 days before heading in the variety Koshinhikari and Chuchung. Under a sensory evaluation of cooked rice, the four high eating quality varieties were not different in rank and Paclobutrazol treated rice was not distinguished from the untreated in eating quality.

      • KCI등재

        수도 만앙대책으로서의 육묘 및 재식밀도에 관한 종합적 연구

        이은웅,이종석,Eun-Woong Lee,Jong-Suk Lee 한국작물학회 1972 한국작물학회지 Vol.- No.11

        본시험은 1971년에 품종진흥을 공시하여 묘대파종량을 3.3$m^2$(평)당 0.2ι, 0.4ι 및 0.6ι로, 본답 10a에 대한 묘대면적을 39.6$m^2$(12평), 49.5$m^2$(15평) 및 59.4$m^2$(18평)로 하여 4월 26일에 수묘대에 파종하고, 이앙기를 6월 5일(적기), 6월 25일 (만기) 및 7월 15일(극만기)로 하였는데, 본답의 재식밀도는 파종량과 묘답면적 각각의 조합에 따른 성묘수를 산출하여 이것을 주당 4묘식으로 주수를 결정하여 이앙하였으며 이앙전에 조사하고 이앙후 본답의 생육 및 수량을 검토하여 만앙대책으로서의 합리적 육묘를 위한 실용적 적정 묘대파종량과 묘대면적을 밝히고자 실시하였는데 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 묘대기간이 길수록 또한 박파묘일수록 묘의 초장, 출엽수, 건물중, 건물초장비 등은 뚜렷이 증가되었으나 묘의 분얼수, 생엽수등은 거의 증가되지 않았다. 2. 이앙기가 늦어질수록 간장, 수장은 짧아지고 출수기는 지연되었으나 이앙후 출수기까지의 일수는 심히 단축되었으며, 한편 80일묘를 이앙한 극만기재배에서는 심한 불시출수현상이 나타났다. 3. 따라서 만앙이 될 수록 수당경화수, 등열비율, 정조천입중 등이 감소되어 정조수량은 직선적으로 감소되었는데, 만앙에 의한 감수율은 6월 5일 이앙구에 비해 6월 25일, 7월 15일 이앙구에서 각각 15.6%, 41.3%로 나타났다. 그런데 극만앙구의 이렇게 뚜렷한 감수원인은 주로 수당경화수와 천입중의 현저한 감소에 있었다. 4. 파종량과 묘대면적이 증가할수록 재식주수가 증가되어 단위면적당 경수는 증가되었으나 간장, 수장 등은 감소되었다. 5. 따라서 후파묘 밀식구일수록 단위면적당 수수는 증가되었으나 수당경화수, 정조천입중 등이 감소되어 수량은 박파묘 소식구와 차이가 없었다. 그러나 7월 15일 이앙구에서는 후파묘 밀식구가 등열비율과 천입중의 현저한 감소로 수량이 떨어지는 경향이었다. 6. 극만앙 대책으로서의 적정 묘대파종량 및 본답 10a에 대한 묘대면적은 3.3$m^2$당 0.4ι 및 59.4$m^2$로 판단되었다. For a measure against late transplanting, this experiment was conducted to investigate a reasonable seeding rate in nursery bed and a proper nursery size. The treatments applied to this experiment are as follows a) seeding rates: 0.2ι, 0.4ι and 0.6ι per 3.3$m^2$ b) nursery sizes. for 10a-field area: 39.6$m^2$, 49.5$m^2$ and 59.4$m^2$ c) transplanting dates: June 5, June 25 and July 15. The seeding date was April 26 and planting density was determined by the number of sound seedlings based on the combination of seeding rate and nursery size. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. In seedlings both increased nursery period and decreased seeding rate showed a remarkable-increase in plant height, number of leaves, dry matter weight and the ratio of dry weight to plant height. But their number of tillers and live leaves did not show such tendency. 2. Delayed transplanting date shortened culm length and panicle length as well as number of days from transplating to heading and it also delayed heading date. On the other hand the transplanting of 80-day seedlings resulted in premature heading. 3. As a result late transplanting reduced number of spikelets per panicle, maturing rate and 1000-grain weight. In the last analysis it linearly reduced grain yield. The decreasing rate of yield by late transplanting was 15.6% in June 25 plot and 41. 3% in July 15 plot, compared with the yield in June 5 plot. Such a remarkable decrease in yield of the extremely late transplanted plot was mainly due to markedly decreasing number of spikelets per panicle and 1000-grain weight. 4. Both increased seeding rate and nursery size gave a rise in number of tillers per unit area as well as number of transplanting hills but gave a fall in culm length and panicle length. 5. Accordingly, though thick seeded - dense planted plot increased number of panicles per unit area, decrease in number of spikelets per panicle and 1000-grain weight made no differences in yield between thick seeded - dense planted plot and thin seeded - sparse planted one. However, the yield in the thick seeded - dense planted plot transplanted on July 15 was reduced owing to the remarkable decrease in maturing rate and 1000-grain weight. 6. We came to the conclusion that as a measure against the extremely late transplanting the suitable seeding rate was 0.4ι per 3.3$m^2$ and the proper nursery size was 59.4$m^2$ for 10a-field area.

      • KCI등재

        Delayed intentional replantation of periodontally hopeless teeth: a retrospective study

        이은웅,임현창,이중석,정의원,김의성,이승종,최성호 대한치주과학회 2014 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.44 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the survival of periodontallyhopeless teeth that were intentionally extracted and replanted after a delay and to comparethe radiographic characteristics of the survival group with those of the failure group. Methods: The clinical and radiographic data from patients who underwent delayed intentionalreplantation between March 2000 and July 2010 were reviewed. Twenty-seven periodontallyhopeless teeth were extracted and preserved in medium supplemented with antibioticsfor 10–14 days. The teeth were then repositioned in the partially healed extractionsocket and followed for 3 to 21 months. The radiographic parameters were analyzed using apaired t test and the cumulative survival rate was analyzed using Kaplan-Meier analysis. Results: Seven replanted teeth failed and the overall cumulative survival rate was 66.4%. In the survival group, the amount of bone loss was reduced from 68.45% to 34.66% threemonths after replantation. There was radiologic and clinical evidence of ankylosis with 5teeth. However, no root resorption was found throughout the follow-up period. In the failuregroup, bone formation occurred from the bottom of the socket. However, a remarkableradiolucent line along the root of a replanted tooth existed. The line lengthened and thickenedas time passed. Finally, in each case of failure, the tooth was extracted due to signs ofinflammation and increased mobility. Conclusions: Delayed intentional replantation has many advantages compared to immediateintentional replantation and could serve as an alternative treatment for periodontallyinvolved hopeless teeth. However, techniques for maintaining the vitality of periodontalstructures on the tooth surface should be developed for improved and predictable results.

      • KCI등재

        토끼 두개골 결손부에서 가교화된 제 1형 콜라겐 차폐막의 초기 골형성 효과

        이은웅,양혜주,황지완,Otgonbayar Unursaikhan,정은주,이중석,정의원,김창성,조규성,최성호 한국생체재료학회 2012 생체재료학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        The aim of this study was to evaluate early healing processes in guided bone regeneration using a cross-linked type-I collagen membrane of 1-ethyl-3-(3- dimethyl aminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) at rabbit calvarial defects. Eight male New Zealand rabbits were used and four circular calvarial defects were created. Each of the four defects was filled with different graft materials: 1) collagen membrane, 2) biphasic calcium phosphate, 3) collagen membrane with biphasic calcium phosphate, and 4) nothing as control. The animals were sacrificed following two and four weeks of healing periods. Between two healing periods, collagen membrane was resorbed 28.5% and maintained its original shape and marginal integrity. The collagen membrane group resulted in significantly better defect closure compared to control group (p < 0.05). The augmented area was significantly higher in bone graft material applied groups (p < 0.05). There was no statistical difference in new bone formation between all groups at all healing periods, but vascularization was seemed to be promoted and more new bone formation was observed in superficial layer in collagen membrane applied groups. Within the limits of this study, the cross linked collagen membrane maintained its structural integrity and promoted bone regeneration especially in superficial layer.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        추락(秋落)의 원인과 그 대책에 관한 연구 : Ⅴ. 추락답(秋落畓)에서 미분탄회(微粉炭灰)의 시용이 수도수량 구성요소에 미치는 영향 Ⅴ. The effects of the " Green ash " application on the yield factors of rice in " AKIOCHI " paddy

        이은웅,조재성 한국농화학회 1965 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.6 No.1

        The effect of green ash cm the total yield and each yield component of rice was studied at highly Leaky paddy field. In addition, this effect of green ash was compared with that of Si-Mg-Ca fertilizer or lime. Experimental treatments included different levels and kinds of fertilizers such as 75 ㎏, per 10 are of Si-Mg-Ca fertilizer, 150 ㎏, of Ca and 75 ㎏., 150 ㎏., 225 ㎏., 300 ㎏., 375 ㎏. and 450 ㎏. of green ash with non-fertilized plot so called control, Paltal is the name of variety used. The results showed as follows ; 1) There is a tendency that the use of green ash, Si-Mg-Ca fertilizer and lime does not only stimulate the growth but increase yield in comparison with that of control. This increases in yield, mainly depends on the higher maturing rate, caused by these fertilizer applications. 2) In proportion to the total balk of green ash, yield showed getting higher. But excessed the level of 300 ㎏. per 10 are, significantly higher yield was not observed any more. This result is similar to that of Si-Mg-Ca fertilizer used plot. When green ash level reaches to 225 ㎏., are, is gives as high yield as that of Capit-fertilizer plot. 3) Thus the most adequate level of green ash application stands at about 300 ㎏. per are.

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