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      • KCI우수등재

        Real-time PCR을 이용한 환경 중 물 시료의 레지오넬라 분석법 연구

        이정희,이정희,박명기,김윤성,윤희정,이창희,정아용,윤미혜 한국환경보건학회 2019 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.45 No.5

        Objectives: The standard method for the enumeration of environmental Legionella is culturing, which has several disadvantages, including long incubation and poor sensitivity. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the usefulness of real-time PCR and to improve the standard method. Methods: In 200 environmental water samples, a real-time PCR and culture were conducted to detect and quantify Legionella. Using with the results of the survey, we compared the real-time PCR with the culture. Results: Each real-time PCR assay had 100% specificity and excellent sensitivity (5 GU/reaction). In the culture, 36 samples were positive and 164 samples were negative. Based on the results of the culture, real-time PCR showed a high negative predictive value of 99%, 35 samples were true positive, 105 samples were true negative, 59 samples were false positive and one sample was a false negative. Quantitative analysis of the two methods indicated a weak linear correlation (r 2 =0.29, r 2 =0.61, respectively). Conclusions: Although it is difficult to directly apply quantitative analysis results of real-time PCR in the enumeration of environmental Legionella, it can be used as a complementary means of culturing to rapidly screen negative samples and to improve the accuracy of diagnosis.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교의 재량활동을 통한 일본문화교육의 운영 방안 연구

        이정희,변수란 한국일본어교육학회 2003 日本語敎育 Vol.23 No.-

        グロ-バル化と呼ばれる現代社會じがたいほど大きな變化を經ている。このような變化の波は學校敎育にまで波及され、敎育改革の推進と共に敎育の多樣性を追求することになった。このような狀況の中で、新たに改定された第7次敎育課程は、從來の劃一化された敎育から逃れて、學生の健全な人性の發達を圖り、獨創的で、有用な知的價値を生産できる創意的な能力の育成を强調している。 創意的な能力を育てるためには、敎育內容の多樣性と共に學生達が自分の適性や素質に合う學習內容を選んで、自律的に學習できるようにする、つまり、學習者中心の敎育課程の運營が必須的であると言われている。そのような敎育活動を追求する敎育課程がまさに裁量活動である。このような裁量活動の敎育的特性をもとにして、國際理解敎育としての日本文化敎育を裁量活動を通じて、編成·運營してみようとした。 創意的な裁量活動の敎科等の??を超えた橫斷的·總合的な學習の中で、あえて、國際理解敎育に焦点を合わせてこの硏究を計劃した理由は、現代社會の特徵と言われる世界化·國際化という時代 の傾向に合わせるためである。今日、世界諸國は自國の國家競爭力の强化と世界市民養成のために、國家の政策的レベルで國際的な感覺と地球市民の意識を持った人間を育成するのに主力を傾けている。韓國もまた世界化敎育の一環となる敎育改革の重な課題の一つとして、國際理解敎育の振興のために持續的な努力を注ぃでぃる. しかし, 學校敎育で國際理解敎育の必要性と重要性を認識してゎり, 國際理解敎育を實施しなければならないと考えてはいるものの、適當な資料がないし、あるとしてもそれをどのような方法で效果的に指導できるかが分からなくて苦しんでいるのが事實である。 この硏究ではこのような点に着眼し、國際理解敎育という言葉は、非常に多義的で、しかも多樣な意味合いが??められており、この硏究で取り扱っている日本文化敎育はその中での一部分に過ぎない。日本文化開放の持續的な擴大及び2002年韓日ワ-ルドカップ大會をきっかけで日本に對する關心が高まっている時点で、小學生がわりあいにブロ-チしやすいと考えたのが異文化敎育としての日本文化敎育であった。子供たちの興味·關心に基づいて、習いたがる日本文化要素を學習テ-マとして選定して裁量活動を展開した。時間の確保の問題で多樣な學習テ-マとして裁量活動を運營できなかったのは殘念に思われるが、子供たちにとっては、近くて、となりの國である日本に對して新たた認識できるきっかけになったし、日本文化をはじめとして、世界文化への關心を持つようになったことを指摘したい。とかく疎かになりがちな裁量活動の時間を前もって計劃を立てる上に、異文化敎育としての日本文化敎育を運營したことは、裁量活動の充實化にも寄與したと思う。 最後に、この硏究で指示した敎授·學習計劃案を參考にして裁量活動の時間に活用されることを期特し、これから、より多樣な活動テ-マとして異文化敎育のプログラムが開發され、學校敎育で效率的な運營になればと思う。

      • KCI등재

        기호학적 분석에 기초한 시각커뮤니케이션 연구 - 모바일 디자인 사례를 중심으로 -

        이정희,김선아 한국조형교육학회 2009 造形敎育 Vol.0 No.33

        Visual culture that reflects environments of a learner is covered by design education within an art curriculum and the domain of design education is widening as multi-orientation in visual culture related phenomena becomes diversified. However, the domain of design education within a curriculum where visual cultures are reflected, tends to be limited to providing simple resources such as providing basic knowledge, etc., and shows its limitations in providing frameworks on its ideology which serves as guideline for building sense of appreciation and understanding. In this study, the researcher has focused on the communications exchanged within the realm of visual culture and proposed segmentation on classifications and elements which serve as basis for judgments made by an observer, so that the study may help learners to improve their critical reasoning by building objective and systematic understandings in approaching the visual culture. Communications are conducted in a culture through diversified media. Moreover, such communications as visual communications based on semiotical analysis put emphasis on transmitting respective meanings through procedural, cultural and grammatical symbols, and storing and extracting social, psychological and visual meaning innate in elements. Such symbols as social and psychological elements have their base in national and social consciousness. In addition, an identical symbol may be recognized otherwise, depending on the perspective of the observer, following changes in social, economical and cultural environments. As meaning and value of a visual symbol change depending on the background on creation of such visual image, or recognition at the time of observation, thus it is crucial to make judgments by basing on the social and cultural significance and value, not by basing on the meaning of the visual image itself alone. In this study, the researcher has taken procedural, cultural and grammatical approaches in conducting semiotical analysis on the visual communication proposed by the study and provided an objective and segmented index that can be used to understand and interpret visual images. Moreover, the researcher has conducted a case study on mobile phone, which is a product that is the most closely related to living environment, and extended its domain from a simple visual image medium to complex media comprised of diversified visual image transmission procedures and cultural environments.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        기관내삽관마취후에 발생한 일측성성대마비 일례보고

        이정희,김영희,정태호 대한마취과학회 1982 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.15 No.2

        We have had a case of unilateral vocal cord paralysis following endotracheal anesthesia for abdominal surgery. Electromyographic examination of the intrinsic laryngeal muscle to study the nerve injury was not done but we have considered that the recurrent laryngeal nerve was injured following endotracheal anesthesia according to the post-operative laryngeal view and recovery progress. Some factors of nerve injury such as overrotation of the neck during the operation, pressure on the nerve by an overexapanded cuff, vulnerability and the anatomy of the nerve were all deemed to do possible causes, and we considered the interaction of this combination responsible for the nerve injury. The recovery were relatively good and healed within 80days after operation.

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