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        얀 체조의 발달과정

        이동,정진욱 한국체육사학회 2000 체육사학회지 Vol.5 No.-

        Jahn Gymnastics has been known as the ideological base of school physical education and sport for all in Korea, and the results of analyzing its developmental process are as follows; The purpose of this study was to clarify how Jahn's life and Gymnastics has proceeded to influence today's physical education and sports. Its development has begun when Jahn took youth outdoor took youth in spring and summer of 1810, and, since then, it spreaded quickly. Even though there was a ban on Gymnastics in1819 and arrest of Jahn's colleague, Eiselen. At the beginning Jahn's Gymnastics was consisted of such less expensive activities as walking and running, and later, it proceeded to gymnastics play and Gymnastics exercise for the purpose of national defense and unification. Jahn's Gymnastics spreaded not only to all areas in Germany but also to Europe, the United States and Korea. Over 150 years, ,Jahn's Gymnastics has proved its world-wide influences, and especially, has functioned as a key role in shaping German sport

      • 얀 體操의 體育思想史的 硏究

        이동,정삼현 東亞大學校附設스포츠科學硏究所 1998 스포츠科學硏究論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        Jahn is commonly regarded as the father of German physical education. Even though some scholars nowadays hold that he has ideolized the pure objective of physical education, the researchers at that time believed his objective was the best and the most appropriate one. In that sense, Jahn was a hero of his age or one of the greatest leaders of Germany. Modern phsical education developed this of emphasizing the importance of the body, getting out of the thought of ignoring the body in middle-age, through Renaissance and industrial revolution. It is thought that from Rocke to Jahn the influence of morden physical education thinkers is crucial. Above all, it is concidered that Jahn today has only had an inpact on the whole world for 150 years but also played an important role in forming "sports for all" in German. In conclusion, Jahn's gymnastics has spread and developed a lot in diverse areas of the world: Finland, Netherlands. Greece, Russia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria, Canada, Central and South America, Southwestern Africa, Southern Africa, and Asia. What's noteworthy is the fact that his physical education thought has played a momentous role for creating the sport for all in Germany.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 학교상담 법제화 방향 및 입법전략 연구

        이동(Lee, Dong Gab) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2014 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.14 No.9

        본 연구는 한국의 학교상담 법제화를 위한 방향 및 입법전략을 탐색하는 것이다. 한국에 학교상담이 도입된 지 60여년이 지났지만 아직도 종합적이고 안정적인 법적 지원체제를 갖추지 못하고 있어 학교상담체제의 안정성이 크게 위협 받고 있다. 학교 상담을 법제화를 위해서는 입법 과정에 대한 정확한 이해가 필요하다. 먼저 현재 국회에 계류 중인 「학교상담법(안)」의 내용을 분석하여 주요 쟁점이 되는 내용을중심으로 바람직한 방향을 제안하였다. 이를 외국의 사례와 비교하여 시사점을 제안하였으며, 관련 정책인 「진로상담법」과의 상충되는 부분을 살펴보고 분석하였다. 그 결과 「학교상담법」은 진흥법이나 지원에 관한 법률 등의 형태가 아니라 「학교상담법」의 단독 입법으로 하여야 한다. 또한 「진로교육법」과 별도로 상정되어 두 개의 법률이 되지 않고 병합ㆍ심사 되어야 한다. 이를 위해 행정부서(교육부)의 담당자와 국회 교육문화체육관광위원회(교문위) 소속 국회의원과 유기적으로 협력하여 법안을 상정하여야 한다. 아울러 관련 학회에서는 국회법의 전문가 지원 제도를 활용하여 T/F 팀을 구성하여 입법과정에 참여 하여야 한다. 이 시기를 놓치지 않고「학교상담법」과 「진로교육법」안이 병합ㆍ심사되어 입법 한다면 한국의 학교상담이 법제화의 토대 위에 굳건하게 서게 될 것으로 기대된다. This study aims to explore the direction and legislative strategies for legislation of school counseling in Korea. Even though it s been 60 years since school counseling was introduced to Korea, yet, there is a lack of comprehensive and stable legal support system, and the stability of the school counseling system is being highly threatened. For legislation of school counseling, a correct understanding of the legislation process is required. Thus, firstly, this study suggested a desirable direction, based on the major issues, by analyzing the contents of the 「School Counseling Act(Bill)」, which is pending in the National Assembly. currently. Then, this study offered an implication, by comparing this with overseas cases, and examined and analyzed the contrast with the 「Career Counseling Act」. As a result, it was found that the 「School Counseling Act」should be independently legalized, not in the form of the Promotion Act or Support Act. Moreover, there is a need to lay the bill separately from the 「Career Education Act」, and merge and examine this. To realize this, there should be an organic cooperation between the managers of the administrative department(the Department of Education) and members of the National Assembly belonging to the Education, Culture, Sports & Tourism Committee to lay the bill. Also, the relevant academic society needs to organize a T/F team using the expert support system of the National Assembly law to take part in the legislation process. It is anticipated that if at this point in time, the 「School Counseling Act」and the 「Career Education Act」are merged and examined for legislation, school counseling in Korea would be firmly established on the foundation of legislation.

      • KCI등재

        얀 (F . L . Jahn) 의 체육사상에 관한 연구

        이동 한국체육철학회 1999 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        The influence of Jahn`s spoils philosophy on the Korean sports including lots of play facilities in various levels of schools, perks, and training camps is really great. However, the research on it has been rare to our regret. This study, therefore, aims to reveal his influence on school and social sports of Korean and to critically develop his main ideas. following results: Jahn`s basic philosophy concerning physical education can be summed up in his unique ideas about the country, education, morality, and unification. He believed that a nation`s future rests on its youngsters. So he changed all foreign terms of gymnastics into German and boosted the so-called Turnen exercise as a way of helping German youths develop strong community sense and national Pride. He also believed in the necessity of whole-person education through harmonious training of the body and the mind. Morality based on the good will was another key point of his philosophy with a view to raising honest and courageous Germans. For the goal of reunification, he proposed the Turnen exercise to unite all thinking and language of the superb German race. A son of the minister, he thought higher of the body than the mind Through gymnastics, henceforth he wanted to make a German who is honest, ethical, healthy, and strong in mind and body, and willing to we one`s own life for the fatherland. In short, he had a good mind to exaggerate national power by way of the patriotic people`s unified consciousness. Jahn`s sports methods held both rigidity and freedom Gymnastics and mock war play helped youths develop balances physique. As a consequence, today`s school sports. social sports national defense sports, and elite sports have been greatly affected by his ideas. As f physical facilities, some general rules and conditions were specified In sum his Turnen exercise has had a global influence throughout the world (Asia, Africa, Central and South America, Canada. Australia and Europe, such as Finland Netherlands, Greece, Russia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Austria and Hungary) for about 150 years as a model for social sports. Espeially his sports philosophy has played a pivotal role for the formation of sport for all.

      • KCI우수등재

        체육철학 : Jahn의 국가주의(國家主義) 체육사상(體育思想) 연구(硏究)

        이동(LeeDong-Kab),하정호(HaTeoung-Ho),배정하,서승유(SeoSeung-Yoo),김규환(KimKyoo-Hwan) 한국체육학회 1998 한국체육학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        本硏究는 體操活動을 통하여 獨逸 靑少年에게 愛國心과 統一에 대한 의지를 심어주었던 야안의 國家主義 體育이 어떻게 실시되고 행하여져 왔는지를 그의 저서 「Die Deutsche Turnkunst」 中心으로 그의 思想을 살펴서 Turnen 修練方法을 究明하는 것이 本硏究의 목적이다.독일체조를 통하여 독일민족을 각성시켜 통일을 향한 정신질서의 確立과 독일민족해방 그리고 독일의 獨立을 위한 민족운동으로 具體化시켰던 것이다.야안의 Turnen運動은 獨逸民族敎育을 위한 수단으로써의 體操運動을 말하며, 오늘날 陸上, 體操, 레크레이션, 등반에 많은 影響을 미친 것으로 사료된다.身體修練을 받는 체조자들은 體操의 法規에 입각하여 수련자로써 體操學校, 修練時間, 修練服裝, 茶菓會 등을 통하여 엄격한 規則 가운데 自由스럽게 행해졌다. This paper aims to examine Jahn’s Turnen exercise training methods by revealing his main thought expressed in his book Die Deutsche Turnkunst. His specific exercise focused on gymnastics, helping German youths cultivate the will for reunification and patriotism, can be summed up as follows:1. The Turnen exercise was nothing but Jahn’s strong will to realize German independence, racial liberation, and spiritual reorganization through its extraordinary emphasis on the complete sense of community.2. Jahn’s Turnen exercise contained such a variety as walking, running, jumping, wooden horse play, balance, horizontal bars, parallel bars, mountain climbing, throwing, pulling, lifting, carrying, extension, fighting, rolling, and rope jumping. In short, his exercise was gymnastics as an important means of educating German people. As a natural result, it has had many effects on today’s track and field events, recreation, mountaineering and so on.3. Under strict rules of gymnastics, the participants in the Turnen exercise enjoyed themselves somewhat freely through the gymnastic school’s training methods and period as well as social gathering programs.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 포스트모더니즘 관점에서 본 올림피즘

        이동,정진욱 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.2

        Olympism(Olympic spirits) started to change with the changes of every period. Because of both conflicts between powerful countries and several ideologies in the early period. and the political interferences, the commercialization of The Olympic Games, and taking illegal drugs for a athlete's game ability in the contemporary period, amateur spirit of The 1st Athens Games has been changed and the naive Olympism has met a crisis. So the necessity of The Olympic Games' reform is being stressed all around the world. Especially, ex-chairmen of IOC, Coubertin, Baillet Latiur. Sigfrid Estrom, Brundage, Lord Killannin has emphasized The Olympic Games' reform should be needed. A lot of intellectual journalists has pointed out the necessity of a reform in IOC and The Olympic Games' system since 1896. But, to be more important is for these voices of reform not to be accepted. So, Jeffery said, "how long does it take athletes of young age around the world to understand that they has been exploited by persons and institutes loyal to the not-sublime aim and he added extremely." If IOC can't find out the fundamental sense and flexibility. The Games had better be abolished. It is natural that The Olympic Games should be changed in accordance with speedy changes in every part around the world. So the world wants to reform The Games keenly. To do it, new Olympic Charter should be made in accordance with both Coubertin's modern Olympic idealism and the 21 century's pragmatism and a result of it, IOC can be reborn as not a powerful one to deal with the Games exclusively but a service organization and The Olympic Games should continue to be held forever in the world.

      • 얀의 체육 사상에 관한 연구 : 교육론, 도덕론, 통일론을 중심으로 centered on education, morality and unification

        이동,배정하 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        It has been generally thought that Jahn's idea of physical education has something to do only with nationalism. But in fact, the idea also involves Jahn's theories of education, morality and unification as well as state. Jahn's idea of physical education can be briefly described as follows. First, Jahn's theory of education pointed out that the only way to save Germany was raising people with the balance of body and mind, suggesting the necessity of both moral and physical education of German people. The theory suggested that harmony between the two educations was required to etstablish the right image of Germans. Second, his theory of morality stressed that German young people should have the will to practice towards German unification. It sought to promote those people's firm good will and provoke their internal supreme delight. Finally, his theory of unification German young people emphasized the unification of language, morality and uniform since German young people should be identical in terms of disposition and idea towards the national unification. It also suggested student exercise and gymnastics as practical means of rasing patriotism and further realizing German unification.

      • 얀의 국가주의 체육사상에 관한 연구

        이동,정진욱 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.5

        A spirit of nationalism can be (Mined to be a idealistic emotion of sympathetic condition toward a nation, especially a idealism which emphasizes a sense of nationalism an a value of patriotism and royalty, within the human society, Therefore it can also be a symbol of the honor toward a nation's independence and union or the best representation of a national characteristic, for it means that all members of a group or a nation have a strong feeling of solidarity that we have a sense of identity in every walk of history, language, custom, family connection, and letter. The then German national spirit had been weaken by those days' national egoism So German people stressed their spiritual union as a national education to reconstruct their nation and also emphasized the education of mother tongue, the manifestation of national spirit, and the cultivation of a love for their country. To realize German union and their national solidarity, Yarn was strongly opposed to using even the foreign language and began to use all gym terminologies in German And because he thought that the future of his country would depend on adolescents, he tried to encourage the Turnen exercise as a tool to achieve it and build up the whole-built up personality through a harmonious training between soul and body. As a result, he tried to urge German boys and girls to learn the unchained pre-will and call up a inner ecstasy, enhance a love for their country and finally accomplish their country's union through physical training and student excises.

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