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        고려인삼의 부위간 화학성분 분포 및 상호관계

        이정명,박훈,이종화 한국농화학회 1980 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.23 No.1

        Crude fiber, ash and crude fat in various parts of root had highly significant correlation each other. In shoot, crude fiber showed highly significant negative correlation with crude fat or crude protein which were in highly significant positive correlation each other. In whole plant, crude fiber and ash, crude fat and crude protein, Mn and Cu, ash and Ca, and ash and B showed positive correlation respectively and negative between crude protein and crude fiber. Ash, crude fat and curde fiber showed highly significant positive correlation with all mineral nutrients in root while in shoot pairs having significant correlation were less and most of these were in negative correlation. Ash with Mg, K or Cu, crude fat with B, crude fiber with Cu, K, Mg in root and crude fat with Mn in shoot were specially high significant pairs. Ash with B and crude fat with Mn were significant in root, shoot and whole plant. Saponin contents in root showed highly significant positive correlation with crude fiber, crude fat, ash and with all other mineral nutrients except N, P, Mg while, in shoot, it showed, negative correlation with K and crude fiber, and positive with N, Mn, Cu, and crude fat. Saponin showed positive correlation with crude fat, Mn, Cu, in root, shoot and whole plant.

      • 除草劑의 種類와 施用量 및 플라스틱 필름 멀칭이 雜草發生과 고추의 收量 및 生育에 미치는 效果

        李政明,曺哉銑,崔根元 慶熙大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        Studies were conducted to investigate the effect of Lasso [Alachlor: 2-Chloro-2'6'-dimethyl-N-(methoxymethyl) acetanilied]on mulched and nonmulched hot pepper filed. Lasso treatment greatly inhibited weed growth and the granular formulation was more effective than emusifiable concentrate in controlling weed growth in both mulched and nonmulched plots. Lasso effect was not apparent about 50 days after treatment. The growth of pepper plant was greatly promoted by mulching and yield of green peppers was more than doubled by transparent polyethylene film mulching. There was no plant in the entire plot which showed apparent phytotoxicity by Lasso treatment.

      • 다이젠類 殺菌劑에 依한 采蔬作物에서의 藥害發生要因에 關한 硏究 : Ⅱ. 撒布溶液의 酸度, 撒布部位 및 時間等의 條件이 藥害發生에 미치는 影響 Ⅱ. Effect of Solution Acidity, Spraying Time and Area, and Other Factors on Phytotoxicity

        李政明,姜忠吉 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1982 硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        탄저 M-45에 依한 藥害는 農藥製造年度에 依해 影響을 받았으나 다이젠 M-45에서는 모두 藥害를 보이지 않았다. 撤布時 藥液酸度를 pH 8.0으로 調整한 處理에서 가장 藥害가 심하였으며 藥液調整後 長時間放置도 藥害를 增加시켰다. 午前處理 및 撒布前後의 灌水는 藥害를 顯著히 增加시켰으며 地接部位 被覆用土에서는 一般土壤被覆區에서 가장 심하였고 細砂, vermiculite, perlite, peatmoss 被覆區에서는 顯著히 藥害가 減少되었다. 탄저 M-45는 傷處날 本葉에 撒布되었을 때 本葉의 切斷部 및 他部位에 藥害를 誘發시켰으나 다이젠 M-45는 藥害를 보이지 않았다. Phytotoxicity caused by Tanzeo M-45 was influenced by the year the chemicals produced Dithane M-45 produced in 1980 and 1981, however, consistently showed little or no injury. Adjusting the colution acidity to pH 8.0 with 20% NaCH greatly increased phytotoxicity and sprays with aged solutions also increased phytotoxicity. Early morning spray and irrigation shortly before or after chemical spray significantly increased phytotoxicity. The soil media around the sterr base greatly influenced phytotoxicity. Severe injury was found in the seedlings of which the stem base was covered with field soil whereas slight or no injury was found in the seedlings covered with fine sand, vermiculite, perlite, or peatmess. Tanzeo M-45 sprays on injured leaves of muskmelon caused moderate injury on the leaf blade whereas no such injury was found in the seedlings sprayed with Dithane M-45.

      • 矮性강남콩 品種의 生育 및 뿌리혹 發生에 미치는 GA 및 SADH 效果

        李政明,金侊來,鄭承龍 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1978 硏究論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of GA and SADH on the growth and root nodule development of 5 bush-type snapbean cultivars Plants were grown in 24-cm plastic pots from April to August, 1980 GA treatment increased shoot fresh weight and root dry weight, but decreased nodule number per plant and per unit root dry weight SADH increased root dry weight and nodule number SADH 1,000 ppm was most effective in increasing nodule number. Among the cultivars tested, 'Heuksando' showed the highest nodule number and 'Jinzu' the lowest. The effect of growth regulators varied considerably depending upon the cultivars tested.

      • 各種 植物生長調節物質의 生檢法에 關한 硏究 : Ⅱ. 綠豆發根에 미치는 環境條件, 摘葉 및 核酸複合調味料 아이미의 效果 Ⅱ. Effects of Environmental Conditions, Leaf. Removal, and Aimi on the Rooting of Mungbean Cuttings

        李政明,沈相七,金武成 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1981 硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        Experiments were conducted to find out the effects of environmental conditions and some other factors influencing the rooting and growth of mungbean cuttings in 1980 and 1981. More roots were formed in the cuttings grown under high light intensity. However, the effect of auxin(indole butyric acid) was more apparent under led light intensity condition. Removal of the growing point significantly increased the root number, but the removal of 1/2∼1 leaf did not influence the root number. The food seasoning material, Aimi(99.5% sodium-L-glutamate and 0.5% sodium-5'-ribonucleotide), showed auxin-like activities.

      • 葯培養에 依한 十字花科 菜蔬에서의 半數體 育成選拔 및 育種的 利用

        李政明,兪一雄,李承雨,李洙聖,閔炳訓 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1989 硏究論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        十宇花科 菜蔬類에서의 葯培養과 葯由來個體를 利用한 新品種 育成의 實用性에 關힌 一連의 實驗에서 얻어진 結果는 다음과 같이 要約되어 진다. 1. 배추에서 葯內의 小胞子가 葯培養에 가장 適合한 1核期에 該當되는 時期와 가장 잘 一致하는 時期는 花蕃의 길이가 1 3∼1.6 ㎜ 그리고 花辨長/葯長의 比가 1/4에 該當하는 時期였는데 이중 花辨長/葯長의 比 核型의 變化와 더 密接한 相關을 보였다. 2. 무에서는 葯內 小胞子의 1核期에 該當되는 時期는 花蕃길이가 1.9∼2.0㎜, 花辨長/葯長比가 1/2인 時期로써 배추에서와 같이 後者가 核型의 變化와 더 密接한 相關을 보였다. 3. 배추의 葯培養 效率은 品種에 따라서 크게 影響을 받았는데 한가을, 전승, 삼인, 삼한, 탐나 조생가락等에서는 效率이 높았고 통일사계, 내병가락, 강력대형가락, 가락신 1號등에서는 낮았다 그러나 같은 品種이라도 時期나 그 밖의 影響을 크게 받았다. 4. 무의 葯培養을 爲해 sucrose 농도를 2.5∼20%, 培地의 種類도 B-5, MS 및 hyponex培地로 하고 使用되는 植物生長調節物質에서도 種類와 濃度를 각각 달리 하여서 實驗하였으나 效果的인 ??理를 찾을수 없었다. 5. 葯由來個體에서 花器가 작고 花粉도 出現하지 않으며 顯微鏡 檢??으로도 半????로 確認된 ??體數는 대체적으로 50%程度였으며 品種에 따른 差異는 ??定할 수 없었다. 6. 배추의 葯由來 半數體에 浸積處理와 綿絲利用 注入方法으로 colchicine을 處理하여 倍數化를 期하였으나 倍數體를 얻지 못하였다. 7. 半數體로 判明된 배추葯由來個體에서 開花時期中 一時的으로 花粉이 出現하면서 正常에 가까운 크기를 가진 꽃이 出現하였다. 이 花粉은 正常的인 受粉能力이 결여되어 他系統의 正常花粉으로 受粉하여도 種子가 생기지 않았다. 8. 배추 및 무의 下胚軸 및 子葉切片에서 shootlets은 어느 程度 分化되었으나 組織의 早期老化 現象 때문에 完全한 植物體로는 育成되지 않았다. 9. 葯由來個體들의 稔性은 大部分의 경우 自家受粉 및 他家受粉에서 모두 대단히 낮게 나타났는데 이러한 特性은 育成된 植物體의 草勢와는 關係가 없었다. 10. 葯由來個體들은 花粉이 出現하면 大部分 同質培養體로써 自殖에 依해 分離되지 않는 固定된 것이었으며 이러한 葯由來個體 또는 系統間, 또는 旣存 優秀育成系統間의 組合에서는 强한 雜種强勢現象을 나타내었다. 11. 가을배추의 園場性能檢査實驗에서 市販되는 旣存品種에 比해 生育이나 收量面에서 ??色이 없었던 組合은 SH-116×An 802(兩親葯由來), A-57×77-M(偏親葯由來: 77-M)등을 들수 있었으며 旣存品種과 收量에서 比等하였던 組合도 더러 發見되었다. 12. 葯由來個體를 利用한 F_(1)品種의 早速育種은 可能하나 旣存品種에 比하면 量的形質보다는 質的形質의 改善에 더 活用度가 높을 것으로 判斷된다. 13. 量的形質의 改善을 爲한 組合能力의 提高方法으로 F_(1)品種에서 直接 葯培養을 利用한 固定系統育成方法에 追加하여 F_(1)品種의 自殖에서 얻어진 F_(2)(또는 F_(3)) 分離個體에서 選拔된 우수한 個體를 迅速固定하는 方法을 提示할 수 있다. Experiments were conducted to investigate anther culture of cruciferous crops and utilization of anther-derived plants or lines for hybrid production. Major results can be summarized as follows. 1. In Chinese cabbages, the uninucleate stage of microspore was most frequently observed in flower buds of 1.3-1.6mm long or in buds having petal/anther length ratio of 0.25. The karyotype was more closely correlated with the petal/anther length ratio than the flower bud length. 2. In radish, the microspores having uninucleate stage were predominantly found in flower buds of 1.9-2.0mm long or petal/anther ratio of 0.5. Petal/anther ratio was more closely correlated with the karyotypes in microspores. 3. Anther culture of Chinese cabbage was markedly influenced by cultivars. Cultivars such as Jeonseung, Samjin, Samhan, etc., exhibited better response than others, though other factors did significantly influence the sensitivity even in the same cultivar. 4. Various treatments, such as sucrose concentrations (2.0-20%), tissue culture media, and kinds and concentrations of plant growth regulators, failed to produce anther-derived plants in radish. 5. The proportion of haploid plants was approximately 50% of the total anther derived plants and was not influenced by cultivars. The haploid plants were characterized by having small flowers, no pollens at anthesis and abnormal microspore division early at the cell division stage from pollen mother cell. 6. Efforts to obtain di-or polyploid plants from haploid plants by treatment of colchicine, either by soaking the inflorescence into colchicine solution or by injecting the solution into the flower stalk through wet cotton thread, were unsuccessful. 7. Normal sized flowers having viable pollens were formed in some flower stalks of haploid plants. It was found that the pollens possessed the function of normal pollen whereas the pods failed to produce seeds even when cross-pollinated. 8. Shootlets were generated from cotyledons or hypocotyl sections of Chinese cabbage and radish seedlings. However, these shootlets failed to reach mature plants due mostly to the tissue browning (or albino symptoms) and early senescence of tissues. 9. Anther-derived plants exhibited very low fertility when self-or cross-pollinated and it was found that this low fertility had no relationship with the vigor of the plants. 10. Most of the pollen producing plants produced identical progenies when self-pollinated. Strong heterosis could be observed among hybrid plants having anther-derived plants as at least one of the parent. 11. F₁ combinations of SH-116 X An 802 and A-57 X 77-M were found to be better than or at least equal to the wellknown hybrids in terms of marketable yield. 12. Rapid breeding of stable hybrid cultivars was possible by utilizing anther-derived plants directly or using their selfed homozygous progenies. However, it is judged that this method could be easily applicable for the modification of qualitative characteristics of Chinese cabbages. 13. In addition to the direct use of anther-derived plants or lines from wellknown hybrids for breeding, the anther culture method could be successfully used for early fixation of homozygous plants among segregating F₂ or F₃ plants from wellknown hybrid cultivars.

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