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      • 最適化 技法에 의한 南江-安東댐의 洪水調節

        李成允,金勝權 외 1인 空軍士官學校 1988 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        The use of an Incremental Dynamic Programming(IDP) for real-time flood control operation is investigated. The optimization model has been applied for the Namgang and Andong hypothetical flood control system in the Nakdong river basin. The objective of the operation is defined to minimize the maximum flow at the confluense of downstreams from the two reservoirs. The results are compared to the direct summation of the flood routing results from individual flood control simulation run. It shows that peak flow at the confluence is reduced markedly by reducing peak outflows from individual reservoirs and by balancing the time of the peak release between the two reservoirs.

      • KCI등재

        <언어와 매체>에 대한 수용자의 인식 : 포커스 그룹을 중심으로

        이성윤,노병성 한국출판학회 2024 한국출판학연구 Vol.50 No.1

        본 연구는 <언어와 매체> 교과서의 수용자의 인식을 조사하여 보다 발전적인 <언어와 매체> 교과서를 만드는 데 필요한 기초자료를 수집하고자 하였다. 연구 결과 첫째, 내용이 지나치게 장황하고 수능 대비를 위한 지침서로는 다소 활용도가 떨어진다고 하였다. 둘째, <언어와 매체> 교과서에 필요한 요소에 대해 ‘사례’ 또는 ‘예시’를 제안하였으며, 수능과 직결되는 난이도를 형성하고 관련 문제들이 교과서에 많이 담기기를 희망하였다. 셋째, 언어 학습의 주요 개선점으로 문제 수의 증가, 활용도 향상을 위한 방안, 문법적인 내용의 가독성 증진 등을 꼽았고, 매체 학습의 개선점으로 매체 학습의 역할 증진, 시대의 변화에 따른 표현 방법의 개선 등을 제시하였다. 넷째, 언어와 매체를 분리하여 학습함에 있어서 대부분의 응답자들은 긍정적인 반응을 보였다. 다섯째, <언어와 매체>가 실생활에 도움이 되기 위해서는 언어적 학습보다 매체적 학습에 대한 내용이 우선시되어야 한다는 의견을 제시하였으며, 매체 윤리에 대한 공부가 더 빨리 시작되어야 한다고 주장하였다. This study investigated the perceptions of readers of the <Language and Media> textbook and attempted to collect basic data needed to create a more progressive <Language and Media> textbook. As a result of the study, first, it was said that the content was too verbose and that it was somewhat unusable as a guidebook for preparing for the college entrance exam. Second, ‘cases’ or ‘examples’ were proposed for the elements needed for the <Language and Media> textbook, and it was hoped that a difficulty level directly related to the CSAT would be created and that many related problems would be included in the textbook. Third, major improvements in language learning included an increase in the number of problems, measures to improve usability, and improved readability of grammatical content, and improvements in media learning included the enhancement of the role of media learning and improvements in expression methods according to changes in the times. presented. Fourth, most respondents responded positively to learning by separating language and media. Fifth, in order for <Language and Media> to be helpful in real life, it was suggested that the contents of media learning should be prioritized over linguistic learning, and it was argued that the study of media ethics should begin sooner.

      • Tsunami 스텐트를 이용한 경피적 관상동맥 중재술의 초기 및 6개월 관상동맥조영술 성적 : immediate and six-month angiographic results

        이성윤 白中央醫療院 2004 仁濟醫學 Vol.25 No.1

        The Tsunami stent is balloon expandable, stainless steel, tubular coronary stent whose design is based on a number of radial, diamond shaped cells joined by double connector. The aim of this prospective observational study was to examine the procedural, in-hospital, and long term clinical and angiographic outcomes of patients undergoing Tsunami stent. Thirty-nine consecutive unselected patients were treated by means of the implantation of forty-one Tsunami stents in forty-one coronary lesions. Most of the patients (89.8%) had unstable angina or acute myocardial infarction. The baseline lesion morphology was complex in 75.5% of cases, and the mean lesion length was 15.2 3.8 mm. The procedural success rate was 100%. Mean percentage diameter of the stenosis decreased after the intervention from 75.2 12.2% to 4.8 4.6%. The in-hospital major adverse cardiac event rate was 2.5% including one cardiac death. During the six-month follow-up, there was one more cardiac death and four subjects (8.1%) underwent target vessel revascularization. The six-month event-free survival rate was 87.1%. The angiographic restenosis rate was 11.8%: a focal or limited pattern (class Ⅰor Ⅱ) was found in 25% of cases, whereas the remaining 75% had a proliferative morphology (class Ⅲ or Ⅳ). In conclusion, this study indicates the good clinical and angiographic performance of the Tsunami stent system in consecutive unselected patients.

      • 경피적 관상동맥 중재시술에서 Cutting Balloon의 유용성

        이성윤 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.2

        The cutting balloon potentially useful in percutaneous coronary interventions to reduce vessel injury and restenosis. In de novo lesions, the largest randomized trial to date has not been improved efficacy over conventional balloons. At present, the most persuasive evidence exists in small vessels<3.0 mm, with favorable immediate and long-term results. The cutting balloon is currently used most often for the treatment of in-stent restenosis: however, its effectiveness versus other alternatives still under investigation. The stability of the cutting balloon at the treatment site makes the device an attractive pre-intervention modality for radiation therapy. Determining whether the cutting balloon has advantage over other modalities in combination with radiation therapy is the subjects of ongoing investigation.

      • KCI등재후보

        장비유지예산 진단 및 발전방향

        이성윤 한국국방연구원 2007 국방정책연구 Vol.23 No.2

        Appropriate maintenance budgeting and effective execution are the most important factors for the defense readiness but it has been reported that there are a lot of problems in our military maintenance system and each service faces serious lack of maintenance budget. In this study I diagnosed maintenance budgets for the previous ten years and suggested the development strategies to renovate the military maintenance system. The target of developing the maintenance system is to budget reasonably and to execute the maintenance budget effectively. So, I suggested the strategies to construct infra structure and to develop the maintenance policy for these purposes based on the results of diagnosis of the maintenance budget. 본고에서는 과거 10년간의 장비유지예산 집행 실적 분석에 기초하여 최근 제기되고 있는 우려에 대한 근본적인 문제점을 진단해 보고 향후 발전전략을 제시하였다. 장비유지사업에 대한 지난 10년간의 성과는 ‘부족한 재원으로 일정 수준의 전투준비태세를 유지해왔다’로 요약할 수 있으며, 핵심 문제점으로는 ‘초과자산과 재고고갈이 병존하며 예산부족 현상이 발생’하고 있는 것으로 진단하였다. 장비유지분야 발전목표는 적정 장비유지예산 편성 및 집행의 효율성 제고가 될 수 있으므로, 진단결과에 기초하여 장비유지예산 향후 투자 및 정책 방향을 적정 장비유지예산 편성을 위한 기반체계 구축과 장비유지 정책 개선으로 구분하여 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        종합군수지원(ILS) 실태진단 및 발전방안

        이성윤,홍석진 한국국방연구원 2006 국방정책연구 Vol.21 No.4

        우리 군은 그동안 종합군수지원(ILS)에 대한 관심 부족과 기반체계 미정립으로 ILS 소요제기의 구체화가 지연되거나 미흡하고, 적시에 적정 예산 편성이 이루어지지 못하여 다시 ILS의 부실로 이어지는 악순환이 반복되고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위해서는 (1) ILS 중장기 종합발전계획 수립 및 단계적 집행, (2) 관련부서간 명확한 책임한계 규명 및 사업별 책임관리체제 구현, (3) ILS 종합관리시스템 구축, (4) 무기체계 운영실적 자료의 체계적 수집, 분석 및 활용체계 구축, (5) 인력 전문화 등이 지속적으로 추진되어야 한다.

      • 관상동맥질환의 일차예방을 위한 아스피린의 사용

        이성윤 白中央醫療院 2004 仁濟醫學 Vol.25 No.1

        Aspirin use probably reduces the risk of myocardial infarction in men over the age of 50 years. For individual patients, the decision to initiate aspirin therapy should be based on a careful assessment of absolute risk. The absolute risk of major coronary events should be calculated as the Framingham risk score. This can easily be done in the physician's office with the use of an on-line or downloaded version of the scoring system (for example, that available at http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/atpiii/calculator.asp?usertype=prof ). A suggested algorithm for making decisions about the use of aspirin therapy on the basis of predictions of absolute risk is presented in Figure 2. Patients with an estimated risk of coronary events of 1.5 percent per year of higher are, barring contraindications, good candidates for aspirin therapy, whereas those with a risk of 0.6 percent per year or less are probably not. Among patients with an intermediate level of risk -that is, 0.7 to 1.4 percent per year- other factors should be considered, including the preferences of the patient; treatment should be considered more seriously if there is adequately treated hypertension with target-organ damage, diabetes mellitus, or poor physical fitness.

      • KCI등재

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