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        근대 중국 언론 자유 인식의 시작 -1903년 "蘇報案"의 전말과 그 의의

        이강 한국중국학회 2014 중국학보 Vol.69 No.-

        1903年 6月, 淸政府要求, 以鼓吹革命的罪名將『蘇報』主要撰稿人章太炎,『革命軍』作者鄒容等人拘捕, 幷査封了『蘇報』報館. 後來章,鄒分別被判處三年和二年監禁. 此내是素有"晩淸最後文字獄"之稱的上海蘇報案.1898年前後, 陳範將『蘇報』買下, 聘章士釗擔任『蘇報』主筆, 進行了大刀闊斧的改革. 當時在上海租界, 成立了中國敎育會和愛國學社, 鼓吹革命, 평擊淸政府內政外交. 『蘇報』又專設了"學界風潮"專欄,記述當時的東南學潮, 以期引起更多讀者的關註.1903年6月29日, 『蘇報』又刊척章太炎『駁康有爲論革命書』與介紹鄒容『革命軍』之文, 鄒容剛剛從日本回國. 其『革命軍』在上海척版後, 『蘇報』刊登了介紹『革命軍』的文章和章太炎爲『革命軍』寫的序言. 『蘇報』鼓吹革命之擧雖譽滿호上, 但也引起了官府的註意. 遂工部局逮捕章太炎和鄒容却接連入獄. 鄒容當時才18歲, 兩年後鄒容死於獄中, 年僅20歲.『蘇報』一案共審理了3次, 審訊地點在公共租界的會審公解. 淸政府對關押者旣無審判權, 也無執行權. 淸廷對蘇報案的態度흔明確, 一是"引渡"; 二是嚴懲. 但西方列强以中國政府草菅人命爲由拒絶交척蘇報案犯, 租界的治外法權是對中國司法主權的嚴重侵害, 但在客觀上又起到了革命家的作用, 這種歷史的錯位讓人頗感意味深長.對蘇報案犯的審判共擧行3次, 在律師的點撥下, 章太炎和鄒容都極力爲自己作無罪辯護. 最後租界當局與淸政府達成了妥協, 以"言語비謬"之罪判處"鄒容監禁二年, 章太炎監禁三年", 這起晩淸歷史上的驚天大案最終草草了結, 但其對辛亥革命之影響實爲鉅大, 功不可沒.

      • KCI등재


        이강 중국어문학연구회 2018 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.113

        Since “the dismissal of a Hundred Schools of thought and the sole respect for Confucianism(罢黜百家,独尊儒术)”, there has been much controversy over the version and writing of the classics due to the different inheritance of Confucianism. Although the "Shiqu Pavilion Conference(石渠阁议)" tried to unify, in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, the fierce debate between the Modern and Ancient Document(今古文) Confucian School is deepening day by day, due to different teachers, inheritance, & interpretation, chapters and sentences. Emperor GuangWu(光武帝) announces the prophecy(图谶) and further integrates Confucianism with the study of divination(谶纬). Emperor Zhang(章帝) summoned famous Modern and Ancient Document(今古文) Scholars to discuss the similarities and differences of the Five Confucian Classics. Emperor made Court decision in “the White Tiger Pavilion(白虎观)” Ban Gu(班固) has compiled the results of the discussion into "BaiHu Tongyi(白虎通义)", as a classic publication. The first of the three outlines is to make the feudal outline systematic and absolute. At the same time, divination(谶纬) superstition and Confucian classics are combined to make Confucianism further theological. “BaiHu Tongyi(白虎通义)” integrates Modern and Ancient Document(今古文) with divination(谶纬) superstition in an attempt to unify Confucian Classics and establish theological Confucian classics. Once Confucian classics develops into theology, its vitality will eventually be exhausted, leading to the decline and decline of Confucian classics.

      • KCI등재

        강호(江戶)시기 일본(日本)의 중국문학(中國文學) 번역과 만청(晩淸)시기 중국(中國)의 일본문학(日本文學) 번역 연구

        이강 ( Lee Kangbum ),권익호 ( Kwon Ikho ) 한국중국산문학회 2016 중국산문연구집간 Vol.6 No.-

        During the Edo(江戶) period, Japan began to carry out the translation of the novels of the Chinese chapter novels, and the translations of the novels were written by the transliterations, and the novels of “Zhiguai(志怪)” were similar to 『The story of the rainy moon(雨月物語)』 by Ueda Akinari(上田秋成) and 『The story of Nanzongli see eight dogs(南總里見八犬傳)』 by Kyokutei Baking(曲亭馬琴), those two books on behalf of the literary world, and obviously affected by the 『Water Margin(水滸傳)』 and 『the New Words of Cut Light(剪燈新話)』. Early last century, 『Du Zichun (杜子春)』 by Akutagawa Ryunosuke(芥川龍之介), To the legend of the Tang Dynasty, 『Du Zichun(杜子春)』 as the foundation, and then the writer`s life philosophy and teaching into the works into another feature. For the end of the Qing Dynasty a large number of Japanese novels into China, which also meet the needs of the Chinese gentry, But also the majority of translators, including Lin Shu(林?), although there are many flaws, the translation of a class and it`s contribution is also quite large, but there are any changes or distortion of the text, Liang Qichao(梁啓超) who are also responsible for.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『色│戒』로 본 張愛玲의 親日문제

        李康範(Lee, Kang-bum),黃瑄愛(Hwang, Sun-ae) 중국어문학연구회 2017 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.104

        In the 40s of the 20th century, in the Shanghai City occupied by Japan, the young Novelist Eileen Chang(张爱玲) actively engaged in his work, which was very different from other literary men who were at that time or devoted themselves to pure academic studies. She did not care about politics and thought that literary creation was irrelevant to the state. However to marry -a national traitor- Hu Lancheng(胡兰成) was the act of bringing in great personal unhappiness. After Japan surrendered, she was accused with a stigma of national traitor, but this seems to be an excessive punishment. In particular, she was intensely accused of being invited to the ’Greater East Asian Literary Conference(大东亚文学者大会)’ and attending the ’Tea party on Literary Discussion(納凉會)’, but this also seems to be an overstatement, since I have never written a single line of suspicion. 24 years after she left China, 『Lust, Caution(色|戒)』 was published, but it faced again with criticism, especially in relation to the Material problem of the novel. Later, Zhang Xiguo(张系国) challenged the national traitor issue again, she resisted but this debate signaled the end of her work.

      • KCI등재

        전현동(錢玄同)의 강유위(康有爲) 경학사상(經學思想) 계승과 문호(門戶)의 초월(超越)

        이강 중국어문학회 2016 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.57

        康有爲深感實踐改革之艱難. 救亡圖存, 必需維新, 是以作 《新學僞經考》, 以議時政倡改革. 是書一出, 晩淸政壇譁然騷動, 幷奏請嚴?處分. 但其`以孔子今學攻孔子古學`, 效果頗大, 倂導開改良·革命之路. 康有爲 《新學僞經考》之功臣崔適, 乃作 《史記探源》, 以彌補以康說未盡之處, 而進行益精緻又徹底之辨僞, 擴大其硏究範圍. 崔適比康有爲更徹底歸納爲`劉歆之僞造`. 崔氏弟子錢玄同頗折服其師, 篤信古文全爲劉歆僞造, 但其解經, 應該以`實事求是`爲鵠, 而絶對破除`師說``家法`等分門別戶, 與師頗異. 遂爲新文化運動之殿軍, 古史辨派之猛將. 終超然門戶而宣告經學之終焉, 錢氏貢獻不可磨滅. 其實 《史記探源》等不意味經學硏究擴大於史學領域, 而是正反映從經書中已無甚可發展之餘地, 轉而治史之結果. 甚至以爲象徵經學之告終. 不能否認頗有影響於民國時期新史學之興起, 後日顧?剛與錢玄同幾乎全般接受之, 又成爲顧氏古史辨運動與疑古思想之根據.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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