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        숫자로 통치한다

        이기홍 강원대학교 사회과학연구원 2017 사회과학연구 Vol.56 No.2

        In modern age, quantification has become a powerful way to access and understand the world. The state has played the most powerful and central role in production and use of numbers, and has increasingly relied on quantification and numbers in its governing. As revealed from the fact that the word ‘statistics’ refers to the ‘science of the state’, The modern nation-states are able to govern the population by the production and manipulation of large numerical data which reduced it’s complexity and liquidity to manageable and understandable facts and figures in a standardized way. The statistics fixed the ‘imaginary community nation’ as tangible in numbers. Numbers are regarded as having ‘mechanical objectivity’ in that their production and use should be followed certain rules, so they serve as an important standard in decision making. The use of numbers in governance has also been expanded by the need to acquire a wide range of information by number as a technology of distance, as well as the need to secure justification by mechanical objectivity. However, numbers that eliminate all the qualitative differences of objects through abstraction and simplify them to the difference of magnitude and size are accompanied by ‘ordering effects’ by it. Naturally, governing seeks directly aiming at this effects of quantification, such as ranking and performance measurement. Governing also have the effect of depoliticizing the political issues by letting ‘numbers talk’ about them. In governing of numbers, people not only become the objects of quantification but the subjects of quantification by subjectifying themselves as the ‘calculating selves’ measuring, counting and calculating themselves and others. These are be accompanied by disciplining themselves as the ‘quantified selves’ and the ‘managed selves.’ This is a more fundamental way of serving of numbers and quantifying to the governing. 근대에 수량화는 세계에 접근하고 이해하는 유력한 방식으로 자리잡았다. 국가는 숫자 생산과 사용에서 가장 강력하고 중심적인 역할을 맡아 왔으며, 통치에서 수량화와 숫자에 점점 더 의존해왔다. ‘통계 (statistics; Statistik)’라는 단어가 어원학적으로 ‘국가에 대한 과학’을 가리키는 것에서 알 수 있듯, 근대 국민국가들은 인구의 복잡성과 유동성을 관리가능하고 이해가능한 사실들과 수치들로 환원한 자료들을 표준화된 방식으로 생산하고 가공하여 통치에 활용했다. 통계는 ‘상상의 공동체인 국민’을 숫자 속에 실체적인 것으로 고정했다. 숫자는 그것의 생산과 사용에서 일정한 규칙에 따라야 한다는 점에서 ‘기계적 객관성’을 갖는 것으로 인정됨으로써 의사결정에서 중요한 표준으로 구실한다. 통치에서도 숫자의 사용은, 원격의 기술로서 숫자에 의한 광범한 정보의 획득의 요구와 동시에 기계적 객관성에 의한 정당화의 확보의 필요에 의해 확대되고 있다. 하지만 추상화를 통해 객체들의 모든 질적 차이를 소거하고 수량적 크고 작음의 차이로 단순화하는 숫자는 그것에 의해 ‘서열화 효과’를 동반한다. 당연히 통치는 이런 서열화 효과를 직접 겨냥하여 수량화를 추구하는데, 순위평가, 성과측정 등이 그 사례이다. 또한 통치는 정치적 쟁점들에 대해 ‘숫자가 말하게’ 함으로써 그것들을 탈정치화하는 효과를 얻는다. 더 근본적으로는 수량화는 그 대상인 사람들이 단순히 객체로 머물지 않고 스스로 수량화하는 ‘계산하는 자아’로 주체화하고, 그것에 의해 ‘수량화된 자아’, ‘관리된 자아’로 규율하는 효과를 동반함으로써 통치에 심층적으로 복무한다.

      • H.323과 SIP의 상호운용을 위한 게이트웨이의 설계 및 구현

        이기홍,성동수,이건배 경기대학교 산업기술종합연구소 2004 산업기술종합연구소 논문집 Vol.28 No.-

        In this paper, an IWF is designed and implemented for interworking between H.323 and SIP. H.323 is today the most widely deployed standard for VoIP, but many major vendors currently support or plan to support SIP. Therefore, interworking is necessary for interoperability between both protocols. There are two scenarios for interworking, such as dual stack terminal and IWF. Currently, the dual stack terminals are mainly used for interoperability. The interoperability between a dual stack terminal and H.323 terminal or SIP UA is possible, but the interworking between H.323 terminal and SIP UA is impossible. Therefore the interworking method using a dual stack terminal has some restriction. The IWF designed and implemented in this paper is possible for interworking between H.323 terminal and SIP UA without changing the existing terminals and systems.

      • 반응성 천공성 교원증 1예

        이기홍,이하린,명기범 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1992 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.15 No.2

        Reactive perforating collagenosis is a unique cutaneous disorder characterized clinically by recurrent, umbilicated, crusted papules arising in response to minor trauma. This disorder belongs to a group of dermatologic conditions that have been classified as "transepidermal elimination" syndrome. We report a patient with acquired reactive perforating collagenosis without any associated disease and family history.

      • 韓國 畜産業의 社會·經濟的 構造

        李氣鴻 건국대학교 1968 學術誌 Vol.9 No.1

        ① Industrialization of livestock business, which is considered pertinent to husbandry in our country, can not be achieved without increase of demand for livestock as a result of promotion of national living standard and low price of feedings. At present, the prospect of cattle business is gloomy due to the fact that the edges between food and feedings are blurred usually in the farmers economy in Korea. ② Considering the abundance in feeding resources in the northern part of Korea, solution to the shortage of feeding stuffs may only be found in reunification of Korea. ③ Accordingly, industrialization of cattle business in confined to subrubern areas of big cities, thus the contribution of it to national economy is to be little for the time bieng.

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