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        Zn - 65 를 이용한 아연비료(亞鉛肥料)의 유효도에 관한 연구

        유장걸 한국농화학회 1977 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.20 No.2

        Using tracer technique of Zn-65, a pot experiment has been carried out in order to evaluate the efficiency of zinc fertilization on two paddy soils; an acidic from Kimpo and an alkaline from Yeongweol. The sources of zinc were zinc sulfate, zinc carbonate, zinc chloride and zinc oxide. Two rates of zinc were applied to the soils and control treatment was also included for this study. The methods of zinc application were uniform mixing throughout the soil, applying to the soil surface and irrigation water, and root dipping with zinc oxide at transplanting. In general, Yeongweol soil had higher efficiency of zinc fertilizers than Kimpo soil. The results showed that zinc fertilizer application should be required to improve the rice growing conditions in Yeongweol soil especially at early stage of growth after transplanting. As to the application method of zinc fertilizers, mixing treatment appeared to be most superior to any other methods in both sois. In addition, it is found that root dipping in the zinc oxide suspension would be a rather effective method of zinc application. In aspect of fertilizer efficiency there was no superiority or inferiority among the zinc sources used in this experiment.

      • 同位元素를 利用한 濟州地域 水資源에 관한 硏究(Ⅴ)

        정창조,송성준,안종성,유장걸 濟州大學校 放射能利用硏究所 1990 연구보고 Vol.5 No.-

        表善, 南元地域의 地下水중 海拔 50m 이하의 地域에 設置된 管井地下水들의 電氣傳導度와 鹽分含量은 海拔 50m 以上 地域과, 濟州市 또는 西歸浦市 地域의 管井地下水 보다 2∼30배 정도 높았다. 또한, 地域別로는 南元보다 表善地域의 海岸에 位置한 管井 地下水들의 鹽分含量이 더 높은 傾向이었다. 특히, Cl含量이 150ppm 以上이 되는 P4, P6 地下水는 食水로 使用하기에는 不適當하다. 또한, 地下水 化學分析의 Cl/HCO₃比를 비교할 때 本 地域 海岸에 隣接한 地下水인 境遇 그 比가 3.00∼97.2를 보임으로써 매우 심하게 浸透 영향을 받고 있다고 判斷된다. 한편, Deuterium과 Oxygen-18含量은 海岸에 隣接한 地下水일수록 海水의 영향을 받아 그 含量이 높아지는 傾向을 보인다. 따라서 以上의 化學分析과 同位元素 측정 결과를 볼때 表善, 南元地域중 海岸에 隣接한 地下水들은 海水에 의하여 汚染됐다고 생각된다. 湧泉水는 海拔 50m 以上 地帶에 設置된 管井 地下水보다 4∼6배 높은 편이며, Cl/HCO₃비가 7.48∼9.81 節圍에 있고 環境同位元素 含量(H-2, O-18)이 標高가 높은 地域의 地下水보다 높은 것으로 보다 海水의 영향을 받고 있다고 생각되나, SAR값이 낮기 때문에 農業用水로서의 使用은 可能하다고 判斷된다. The salt contents and electrical conductivity of groundwater sampled below 50m altitude in the area of Pyoson and Namwon were 2-30 times higher than those of groundwater above 50m altitude and those of Cheju and Sogwipo cities. The groundwater in the Pyoson coastal area has higher salt contents than those in the Namwon coastal area. Especially, the chloride content of P4 and P5 samples of the Pyoson area were more than 150ppm, indicating unsuitable for drinking water. The groundwater in the coastal area has higher ratios(3.00-97.2) of chloride / bicarbonate and deuterium / oxygen-18 than those in the inland area, and it was classified as a Na-Cl type water. It is concluded that the groundwater in the coastal area is already contaminated by sea water. The salt content of the spring water(P8) was 4-6 times higher than those of groundwaters of the inland area and its chloride-bicarbonate ratio was 7.48-9.81. However, the P8 spring water can be used for agricultural purpose because the SAR of the water is relatively low.

      • 인광석의 인산비효증진에 관한 연구-토양중 mycorrhizae 포자밀도조사 및 인광석용해성사상균의 분리와 배양-

        유장걸,김형옥,이신찬 제주대학교 1985 논문집 Vol.20 No.-

        To make a survey on the distribution of V. A. mycorrhizae on Cheju-Island. 60 soil samples were taken from the cultivated and non-cultivated lands (27 volcanic soils and 33 non-volcanic soils). Spore densities (spore number/100g soil) were measured by the floating method Phosphate-solubilizing fungi were isolated from 18 soil samples and selected by the pure cultivation method on PDA-calcium phosphate media Adaptation cultivations of the selected fungi were conducted in the rock phosphate-liquid media succeesive- ly with the change of sugar to straw composition. 1. Low spore density below 100 was observed in 19 sampling sites and high density above 500 was shown in only five fields, rest of the locations being ordinary levels. It seemed that spore density was related to the locality but not to pH. water content, total nitrogen and phosphate percentage of the soil. 2. Phosphate solubilizing fungi were found on PDA-calcium phosphate media in 41 soil samples. 3. After 6-day pure cultivatin on PDA-media. fungi having 8-15mm of colony radii(R). 14-22mm of halo radii(H) and higher H/R ratio than 1.2. were obtained in 18 soil samples. 4. Five successive cultivations in the liquid media containing powdered rock phosphate were undertaken to adapt the selected fungi to the low sugar/straw condition (sugar 0.35%. straw 1.15%). At the end of 5 th cultivation, seven fungi (from soil No. 1. 8. 24, 26. 31, 43 and 45) remained and showed about 29 percentage of rock phosphate solubility making the liquid media neutral.

      • 강남콩과 귀리뿌리중의 APTase活性의 特性에 關한 硏究

        柳長杰 제주대학교 1982 논문집 Vol.14 No.-

        강남콩(Phaseolus vulgaris)과 귀리(Avena sativa)뿌리를 마쇄하고 0.25 M-sucrose완충용액으로 추출한다음 80.000g로 원심분리하여 microsomal 분획내에 존재하는 APTase의 용액을 조제해서 칼륨과 마그네슘 및 몇가지 요인에 의해 달라지는 ATPase활성의 특성을 조사했다. 강남콩과 귀리에서 모두 마그네슘 및 칼륨에 의해서 ATPase는 활성화 되었는데 마그네슘에 의한 활성화가 더욱 현저했다. 효소를 최고로 활성화 시키는 칼륨의 농도는 강남콩의 경우가 1.6몰인 반면 귀리에서는 0.4몰농도였다. ATPase의 반응을 위한 적정 PH값은 강남콩의 경우 7인 반면에 귀리에서는 9였다. 귀리뿌리중의 ATPase활성은 발아후 5일에서 7일 사이에 급격히 증가하였다. 효소반응에 의한 온도와 시간을 증가시키면 ATPase의 활성이 증가했으며 마그네슘과 칼륨에 의한 활성은 그대로 유지되었다. Soluble adenosine triphosphatase(ATPase) from plant roots was investigated in relation to the enzyme activation by Mg??K??, and the other reaction factors such as pH, temperature, and tome. The ATPase solution was prepared from the roots of bean(Phaseolus vulgaris) and oat(Avena sativa) by centrifuging at 80.000g after extraction of 0.25M-sucrose buffer solution. The ATPases in both bean and oat roots were activated by Mg??and K?? The ATPase from bean roots had and optimum pH of 7 for ATP hydrolysis reaction while ATPase form oat roots gave a pH 9. The maximum activation of ATPase was shown at 1.6M-KCL in bean roots and 0.4M-KCO in oat roots. The activity of ATPase in oat roots was increased rapidly from 5 days after germination. Higher temperature and longer reaction time raised ATPase activity but did not change the characteristics of Mg+K dependent ATPase activation.

      • 엽조직에서 나출된 원형질체의 재생 기능 세포 판별

        소인섭,유장걸 제주대학교 1993 논문집 Vol.37 No.-

        . This study carried out to examine the difference in the cell vitality between mesophyll protoplast(MO) and paraveinal mesophyll protoplast(PVMP) by using urea permeability technique, of Tobacco xanti, Petunia hybrida " Blue star" and Chrysanthemum morifolium "Baeckwang". In addition, the effect of various enzyme solutions and their digestion time the effect of NAA and Thidiazuron on plantlet regeneration from isolated protoplasts were investigated. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. For the three plants examined, the urea permeability on the tested tissue stripes was relatively higher in PVMP than in MP by about KS=2.0×10??cm/sec. 2. The enzyme mixture of 1.5% cellulase R-10, 1% Driselase, 0.5% Macerozyme R-10, and 0.5% Pectinase was effective in isolated of PVMP, and the digestion time took 2-4 hours. 3. The callus formation from the isolated protoplasts and the plant regeneration from isolated protoplasts gave the best results with NAA 2mg/1 and Thiadiazuron 0.01mg/1. Forthermore, the results demonstrated that cell devision and plantlet regeneration was better in the PVMP than in the-MP of the same leaf or plant. We, therefore, conclude that PVM is an excellent experimental material for the callus formation and regeneration from the isolated protolplasts.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        14C 추적자법(追跡子法)에 의한 감귤의 당과 유기산에 관한 연구 : C1- 과 SO 의 엽면처리효(葉面處理效果)과 Effects of Foliar Application of C1- and So

        유장걸,김형옥,강순선,유기중 한국농화학회 1983 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.26 No.3

        The effects of spraying Cl^- and SO₄^(2-) solutions on sugar, organic acid and amino acid levels in citrus(C. unshiu Marc.) fruit juice were examined using the ^(14)C-tracer method. Each ^(14)C-labelled compound under investigation was measured during the three weeks after ^(14)CO₂ assimilation. The total carbon compound, which was measured as the specific activity(cpm/㎖) of ^(14)C, was transported more into the fruit juice within one week after ^(14)CO₂ assimilation with the SO₄^(2-) treatment than with the Cl-treatment, The ^(14)C-specific activity changes of the sugar fraction were very similar in both Cl- and SO₄^(2-) treatments although the organic acid fraction was reduced more by SO₄^(2-). The specific activity ratio of the sugar fraction to organic acid was increased rapidly when treated with Cl-. This indicates that SO₄^(2-) plays a role in raising the ratio of sugar to organic acid. It was found that the ^(14)C-specific activity in the amino acid fraction was higher when Cl- was applied.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        인산시비적정화를 위한 인산영양진단법의 개발(Ⅱ)

        유장걸,송성준 한국농화학회 1992 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.35 No.4

        식물의 생리적인 양분요구도에 근거한 인산영양진단법(³²P-bioassay)을 감귤나무의 적정 인산시비량 설정에 이용하고져 본 연구를 수행하였다. 궁천조생 감귤 나무가 식재된 포장을 수령과 해발별로 선정한 뒤 인산 비료를 여섯 수준으로 달리 시비하여 인 흡수능(P-uptake), 엽 분석과 토양분석, 춘지생육, 과일의 당과산함량을 조사하였다. 인산시비 수준이 증가함에 따라 엽중 인 농도는 아무런 영향을 받지 않은 반면에 뿌리에 의한 인 흡수능은 유의적인 감소를 보였다. 이는 ³²P-bioassay 법이 엽분석보다 인산의 영양 상태를 더 예민하게 알아낼 수 있다는 것을 시사하는 것이다. 그리고, Bray No. 1법으로 측정된 토양 유효 인 함량이 100∼150ppm 이상일 때에는 인 흡수능이 증가하지 않는다는 사실을 발견했는데 이는 토양 유효 인 함량이 100∼150ppm 이상일 때에는 인산시비효과가 나타나지 못할 것이라는 예측을 가능케 한다. 또한 각 포장별 인 흡수능은 수령이나 해발보다도 감귤원의 비배관리에 의해 더 많은 영향을 받고 있었으며, 한편, 춘지생육, 과일의 당과 산함량 및 수량이 인산 무비구와 처리수준별로 큰 차이를 보이지 않았기 때문에 인흡수능 측정치를 참고로 하여 제주도 화산회토에서의 인산질 비료 시비여부를 검토해야할 것이다. 따라서 일년생작물 보다 영양심리작용이 복잡한 감귤나무의 경우 ³²P bioassay 법이 엽분석이나 토양분석보다 더 정확하게 인산 생리 영양 상태를 파악할 수 있다고 생각된다.

      • Effects of Sulfur Dioxide on Carbon and Sulfur Assimilation, and lon Uptake by Barley(Hordeum vulgare)and Corn(Zea mays)

        林善旭,柳長杰 제주대학교 방사능이용연구소 1985 연구보고 Vol.1 No.-

        아황산가스에 민감한 보리(향천과1호)와 저항성이 큰 것으로 알려진 옥수수(수원19호)를 사용해서 아황산가스의 식물체 지상부에 의한 흡수와 탄소동화작용 및 무기 이온들의 흡수와 전이에 미치는 영향을 광조건과 암조건에서 그리고 15℃의 저온과 25℃의 고온에서 관찰했다. 아황산가스 처리 수준은 0, 3, 10ppm이였고, 방사성동위원소를 이용한 추적자법으로 수행되었다. 시험결과를 요약하면, 1. 본 조건에서는 SO₂에 의한 가시피해가 두 가지 작물 모두에서 발견되지 않았고, 보리와 옥수수의 SO₂처리에 따른 엽록소 함량변화도 적었다. 2. 잎의 기공은 광 및 암조건 그리고 온도에 관계없이 SO₂처리에 의해서 닫혀졌고, 특히 보리는 옥수수보다 훨씬 더 많이 기공이 닫혔다. 3. 2일 간격으로 한 시간씩 SO₂를 처리하면서 3주간 생육시킨 보리 및 옥수수의 건물량과 초장은 모두 SO₂처리에 의해서 감소되었다. 이들의 무기물 조성을 보면 보리는 옥수수보다 인산, 망간, 아연의 함량이 많았고, 아황산가스 처리를 받은 보리 및 옥수수에서는 철(Fe) 함량이 현저히 증가되었다. 4. 3ppm의 SO₂로 처리했을 경우 보리는 옥수수 보다 많은 SO₂를 엽면 흡수했으나, 10ppm 농도에서는 오히려 옥수수가 보리보다 더 많은 SO₂를 흡수했었다. 고온(25℃)과 광의 조사는 SO₂흡수를 촉진시켰다. 지상부로부터 뿌리로의 유황전이는 3ppm의 SO₂처리가 10ppm에서 보다 컸다. 암조건은 광조건에 비해서 유황 전이율을 증가시켰다. 동화된 유황중에서 80% 알콜 추출분획은 15℃에서 보다는 25℃의 SO₂처리시에 더 많았고, 반대로 수용성분획은 15℃보다 25℃에서 적었다. 흡수된 SO₂의 아미노산으로의 전환율은 광조건 보다는 암조건에서 더욱 증가되었고 10ppm의 SO₂처리시에는 3ppm 경우보다 전환율이 낮아졌다. 5. 탄소동화작용 및 동화산물의 뿌리에의 이행은 SO₂처리에 의해서 현저하게 감소되었다. 옥수수는 보리보다 광합성능이 큰 것으로 관찰되었고 SO₂에 의한 광합성 저해 정도는 보리에서 더 크게 나타났다. 보리에서는 탄소의 glucose, sucrose 및 fructose로의 전환율이 3ppm 및 10ppm SO₂처리에 의해서 증가되었다. 아미노산을 주성분으로 하는 양이온 교환수지치환성 분획은 광조건에서 3ppm 및 10ppm SO₂처리에 의해서 보리나 옥수수의 지상 및 지하부에서 모두 증가되었다. 6. 뿌리를 통한 유황 ?? 의 흡수는 SO₂처리에 의해서 큰 영향을 받지 않았으나, 뿌리에서 지상부로의 전이는 광조건에서 많이 저하되었다. 80% 알콜 추출분획함량(%)은 SO₂처리에 따라 보리와 옥수수에서 모두 감소되었다. 보리뿌리중의 80% 알콜 추출분획은 옥수수 뿌리에서 보다 더 많았지만 수용성 분획은 그 반대의 경향이었다. 뿌리로 흡수된 유황의 아미노산 전환율은 3ppm 및 10ppm SO₂처리에 의해서 증가되었고, 보리보다는 옥수수에서 더욱 컸다. Cysteine은 모든 실험조건에서 methionine보다 더 많이 생성되었다. 7. 보리뿌리에 의한 Fe, K흡수는 3ppm 및 10ppm SO₂처리에 의해서 촉진된 반면에 H₂O, Cl, P, Cu, Zn의 흡수는 오히려 감소되었다. 보리에서 지상부로의 전이율은 Ca, Fe, K는 SO₂처리 농도가 높음에 따라 증가되었으나, H₂O, Cu, Mn, Cl, Zn, P는 감소되었다. 8. 옥수수뿌리에 의한 Fe, Cu, Ca, 흡수는 SO₂처리에 의해서 촉진된 반면에 H₂O, Zn, Mn, Cl, P는 감소되었다. 옥수수에서 지상부로의 전이율은 Ca, Fe의 경우 SO₂처리에 따라 증가되었으나, Zn, Cl, H₂O, K, Mn, S, Cu는 감소되었다. 9. 이상으로부터 보리는 광합성 능력이 옥수수보다 낮으며 SO₂에 의한 광합성 저해 정도가 더욱 심하였고 무기이온 흡수는 Cl, K를 제외한 다른 원소의 요구도가 옥수수보다 훨씬 컸으며 한편 SO₂에 의한 양분흡수 및 전이의 촉진(Fe, Ca) 또는 감소(H₂O, Cl등) 되는 정도 역시 옥수수보다 더 큼을 알 수 있었다. 이같은 특성이 보리의 SO₂민감성에 관계된다고 추리된다. 한편 80% ethanol 추출분획중의 유황성분 함량이 옥수수보다 더 큰 반면 함유황 아미노산으로의 전환율은 옥수수가 더 큰 현상이 SO₂에 대한 저항성과 어떠한 관련이 있는지에 대해서 본 실험결과로는 충분히 해석되지 않는다. The effects of sulfur dioxide (SO₂) on carbon and sulfur assimilation, and on absorption and translocation of various kinds of inorganic ions and water were studied introducing barley (Hordeum vulgare L., Hyangcheongua-1) susceptible to SO₂and corn (Zea mays L., Suwon-19) resistant species. Three levels (0, 3, and 10ppm v/v) of SO₂fumigation were carried out in light or dark condition, and at two different temperatures (15℃ and 25℃). Radioisotope techniques were employed to investigate the conversion percentage of inorganic sulfate, SO₂and CO₂into the organic compounds and to observe the degree of inhibition or acceleration of water and ion uptake by SO₂treatment.The results obtained are summarized as follows ; 1. Under the conditions of the present study no visible symptoms of the effect of SO₂on the plants were found. Little change of total chlorophyll content was observed from the barley and corn fumigated with SO₂. 2. Average stomatal opening was clearly influenced by fumigation of SO₂regardless of light and temperature conditions. Barley closed the stomata much more than corn. 3. Dry matter weight and plant height were measured for the barley and corn grown for three weeks fumigated with SO₂every day. Measurments showed that both barley and corn were affected by SO₂, losing their dry matter weight and plant height according to the fumigation dose. Concentrations of P, Mn and Zn in barley were higher than those of corn. Iron content increased with the fumigation dose of SO₂in barley and corn. 4. Barley absorbed much more SO₂than corn when fumigated with 3ppm SO₂but corn took up a higher amount of SO₂than barley at 10ppm SO₂High temperature and light condition accelerated SO₂absorption by plants. The translocation rate of sulful from shoot to root at 3ppm ofSO₂fumigation was much higher than that of 10ppm. Dark condition increased the translocation rate when compared with light condition. The percentages of ethanol soluble fraction at 25℃ of fumigation in the dark was found to be higher than that of 15℃ while the percentages of water soluble fraction of 25℃ fumigation was lower than that of 15℃. The conversion rates of the absorbed sulful dioxide to amino acids (methionine and cysteine) increased more in the dark than in the light. Fumigation of 10ppm SO₂reduced the conversion rate compared with 3ppm. 5. The fixation of carbon dioxide as well as the translocation of ?? C-compound from shoot to root was inhibited by SO₂fumigation. Corn had a higher capability of photosynthesis than barley which was severely affected by SO₂. Glucose formation as well as fructose plus sucrose in the barley was found to increase with SO₂fumigation. The fraction absorbed by cation exchange resin. composed mainly of amino acids, increased in the shoots and roots of barley and corn according to SO₂fumigation (3ppm and 10ppm) in the light. 6. Sulfate absorption by plant roots was not influenced by SO₂fumigation but the translocation of sulfate from root to shoot was reduced in the light. The 80% ethanol soluble fraction in the shoots of barley and corn decreased with SO₂fumigation in the light. The percentages of 80% ethanol soluble fraction in the barley roots were much higher than those in the corn roots while the water soluble fraction had the opposite tendency. The conversion rates of sulfate absorbed through the roots into methionine and cysteine increased with SO₂fumigation and were much higher in the corn plants than in the barley. There was always more cysteine produced than methionine. 7. Fe and K uptake by the roots of barley was accelerated but H₂O, Cl, P, Cu and Zn were reduced by SO₂fumigation. Translocation of Ca, Fe and K in the barley shoot was increased by SO₂while H₂O,Cu, Mn, Cl, Zn, and P were translocated less by SO₂fumigation. 8. Fe, Cu, and Ca uptake by the roots of corn was accelerated but H₂O, Zn, Mn, P and Cl were reduced by SO₂fumigation. Translocation of Ca and Fe in the corn shoot increased by SO₂fumigation while Cl, Zn, H₂O, K, Mn, S and Cu were translocated less by SO₂fumigation. 9. It can be concluded that SO₂sensitivity of barley resulted from its low photosynthesis which was much more inhibited by SO₂fumigation than that of corn. Barley absorbed more ions like ?? and ?? with the exception of ?? and ?? than corn while the degree of inhibition and stimulation in ion uptake by barley was more severe than that of corn. However the result can not correlate SO₂sensitivity of the plants with the fact that corn contained more sulfur in the 80% ethanol soluble fraction than barley while the rate of conversion into the sulfur containing amino acids was higher in corn than in barley.

      • 同位元素를 利用한 濟州地域 水資源에 관한 硏究(Ⅳ)

        안종성,정창조,송성준,유장걸 제주대학교 방사능이용연구소 1989 연구보고 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구는 濟州道中 湧泉水資源이 풍부한 濟州市 近郊(삼양, 외도) 및 涯月, 翰林地域의 地下水資源에 관한 理化學的 特性을 分析함으로써 海水에 의한 地下水와 湧泉水의 汚染을 조사하고 또한 장래에 발생할지도 모르는 地下水의 荒發化를 사전에 예방하기 위한 기초자료를 제공키 위해 海水 4점, 湧泉水 4점, 地下水 10점을 대상으로 시기별 채수하여 溫度, pH, 양이온, 음이온, 電氣傳導度 그리고 環境同位元素 Tritium, Deuterium과 Oxygen-18를 정량하였다. 제주시 근교(삼양, 외도) 및 애월, 한림지역의 대부분의 地下水와 湧泉水의 음, 양이온 함량과 전기전도도 값은 비교적 낮은 편으로 제주시 또는 서귀포시 지역의 값과 유사한 경향을 보였다. 한편 조사지역내의 地下水와 湧泉水의 環境同位元素(H-3, H-2, O-18) 存在比는 계절에 따라 차이를 보였으며, 하절기에 가장 낮은 함량을 나타낸 것은 7∼8월에 집중하여 제주지역에 내리는 降水에 의해 稀釋된다고 생각되며, 이러한 현상으로 미루어 보아 이 지역의 帶水層은 비교적 엷으며 또한 Mixing process가 극히 빠르다는 것을 시사한다. 또한 一般化學分析方法으로 계산된 C1/HCO₃비를 보면 조사 지역내의 대부분의 地下水와 湧泉水들은 海水에 의한 오염이 거의 일어나지 않았다고 판단되나, 애월 湧泉水의 경우 C1/HCO₃비가 비교적 높고(2.05-6.86), 특히 환경동위원소 O-18의 존재비가 海水에 의한 영향을 받는다고 생각되는 제주동부지역의 地下水와 비슷한 경항을 갖는 것으로 보아 음, 양이온 함량이나 전지전도값이 높은 이유는 海水에 의한 오염으로 판단된다. In order to provide effective countermeasure for the groundwater protection from sea water contamination, isotope-aided technique and chemical analysis were applied for the measurement of concerned parameters in the areas of Aewol and Halrim and outskirts of Cheju city to ascertain whether existing boreholes and spring are affected by sea water intrusion. Water samples were collected seasonally from the sea, the spring and the boreholes for measuring temperature, pH, mineral contents, electrical conductivity and environmental isotopes(H-2, H-3, O-18). The mineral contents and electrical conductivity of groundwater as well as spring water in the areas of Aewol and Halrim and outskirts of Cheju city were similar to those of Cheju city and Sogwipo city areas. Seasonal changes in the contents of environmental isotopes(H-2, H-3, O-18) in the water samples were observed. Considering that the amount of environmental isotopes in the groundwater was diluted by rainfall in summer to a great extent, the aquifer seemed to be small and the mixing process might occur rapidly. In most of groundwaters and spring waters, the ratio of C1 to HCO₂ was shown to be less than 1.0. However, that at the spring water(A4) of Aewol was rather hight, and the level of O-18 was close to that of spring and groundwater contaminated by sea water in the eastern Cheju area.

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